Leonid Filatov
1 People's Artist of Russia (1996)
Winner of the prize for the best male role in the film "Chicherin" 25 International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia, 1986)
Winner of the "Kinotavr" in the "grand prize" in competition "Cinema for All" (1991)
Winner of the "Taffy" Russian Television Academy for a series of author's programs "To Remember" (1996)
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of film and television for a series of author's programs "To Remember" (1996)
Laureate of the literary magazine "October" for the comedy "Lysistrata" (1998)
International Prize "Poetry" in the "Rus singing" (2000)
2 "I have a feeling, without coquetry that I would not like one of those people who are born artists. I was not born, I did. So I have all the time a feeling that next to my fate has yet to come true, do not know what ... I do not think that it was writing in its purest form, no. I do not think that it was directing, I have never done it! But I think that it is not acting ... "Leonid Filatov
3 Parents Leonid - Alexey Filatov and Claudia Filatov - met due to the fact that there were namesakes. At the factory where she worked Claudia, the girls were given lists of soldiers who had to write a letter to the front, and Claudia, seeing the name of Filatov, wrote him a letter, and then between the young people began corresponding. After the war, they were married in Penza, but due to the fact that the family moved frequently, their son Leonid was born in Kazan (24 December 1946). And soon Filatov and moved all in Ashgabat, an actor who later believed their homeland.
When Leonid was seven years old, his parents divorced and Claudia Filatov decided to go to Penza. But after a while after leaving the boy returned to Ashgabat, where, when he was 15 years old, was first published his fable - the newspaper "Komsomolets Turkmenistan." For her, the young author was even paid an honorarium that Filatov spent on movie tickets, and theater, presents, and gave the rest of her grandmother.
4 Ashgabat Filatov first showed serious interest in the movie. He watched all the movies in a row, asked to postpone kioskersh rarely appear in the sale of movie magazines and shaped in such a way their own understanding of cinema. Although it should be noted that Filatov childhood passion manifested itself not only in the movies, but also to the theater and literature, and all these passions were for him the same way.
After graduating from high school in Ashgabat, Leonid Filatov decided to enter the VGIK. But after it became clear that he was late for the exams and, in addition, for admission to the Faculty of direction are required layout and legend, which have not been Filatov Leonid on the advice of his classmate applied for the acting department Shchukin School, where after passing the exam in 1965 and was accepted - on the course and V.K.Lvovoy L.N.Shihmatova. In this course, with him also studied Kajdanovsky, Ruslanova and Dykhovichny. The history of his own admission Filatov said: "As a child, did not miss a single film, even a documentary. I like foreign films, especially French. They were so graceful. Honestly, when I went after school from Ashgabat to Moscow, it is very vaguely imagined himself in the movie, although at that time knew that my place in art. In short, I aimed at the VGIK. But I resisted Moscow in the early days. I was naive provincials. Thought will do the move. However, after Moscow Ashgabat I quickly pointed out the place. In short, VGIK I did. Go back was shameful, the money ran out, and I had no choice, as defined in the actors. That's how I got into the "Pike»
5 Neighbour Filatov on dorm room turned out to Vladimir Kachan, a couple with whom he composed songs become hits hostel. Filatov wrote poetry, Kachan - music. Thus was born the song "Orange Cat" and "Ride drunken gypsies." Once on the floor of the women's friends arranged rally: Contact door handles that were facing each other, and knocked on the doors. The girls made a loud scream, and the joke goes unpunished. Leonid Filatov about the case said: "We went to the women's floor, tied the door handles, facing each other, knock and running off, began to observe how the girls raised a squeal. Laughing, we cleared out to him, and in the morning appeared before the student council. Somehow, we have calculated. Or just sold one? Then it turned out that one of the rooms lived Bulgarian, and pregnant. We were kicked out of the dorm, and at one time we settled on Herzen Street, in the former stables. It was a house for three: Vova Kachan, Boris Galkin and me. "
Filatov was not a model student, a sense of humor and a sense of the transience of time did not allow him to live quietly and. He could be absent from classes at school, he seemed uninteresting, and loved going to the movies on informal views disguised as lectures or debates. Filatov often wrote lyrics for the actor shows, signing foreign pseudonyms Cesare Dzhavatini and La Biche. One day he issued the text of his play for the work of Arthur Miller in the presence of the rector of Boris Zahava, and when he praised Filatov for selecting high-quality literature, Boris Galkin cried out that the text is written by Filatov, then Zahava Leonid greatly offended.
6 After graduating from college in 1969, Filatov came to audition at the Taganka Theater, where read an excerpt from an actor play "The Lower Depths". Lyubimov, earlier celebrated acting talent Filatov, received him into the troupe, and later Leonid never regretted his choice of theater. He was an actor so-called second generation. Moreover, the completion of "Taganka" at the turn of 1960-70-ies neither in quantity nor the quality of names was not inferior team Lyubimov "First Five Year Plan." In the theater, except Filatov came Vitaly Shapovalov, Ivan Dykhovichny, Natalia Saiko, Boris and Alexander Galkin Porokhovshchikov - such a talented set, like the one that joined the troupe then, the theater was no more.
Already being in the company of the Taganka Theater, Filatov wrote a play, which was staged as a graduation performance rate Shchukin School, where he studied Konstantin Raikin. Look at his son came his father - the famous Arkady Raikin. The same evening Raikin Jr. gave Filatov invitation to visit his father. When Filatov came to visit them, sitting at the table Likhodeev, Kassil himself Raikin. Arkady Isaakovich Filatov proposed move to Leningrad and begin work in his theater. This proposal is annexed apartment and other social benefits. Filatov asked for time to think, and Raikin, surprised, gave him two days to think. The proposal was fantastic, but Ivan Dykhovichny clarified the situation: "Do you know who goes from him ?! Misha Zhvanetskiy, Roma Karcev and Victor Ilchenko. Do you want to replace all three of them? "The next day saw the Taganka Filatov roles to play" What? ", Where the main role - the role of the author - appointed him. And he stayed in Moscow. In working on this role Filatov unusually helped his natural charm and innate artistry. Later, on his first steps on stage Filatov recalled with great warmth and genuine self-irony: "I dreamed of becoming a world celebrity, to bring happiness to all mankind are forever grateful stay in the memory of his contemporaries. This did not work. Still, I'm happy ... "Taganka" was for me the happiest place in all of our unfortunate country. Here I saw and knew the people, even a passing acquaintance with whom one could only dream of. Yuri Lyubimov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Trifonov, Bella Ahmadulina, Fyodor Abramov, Sergei Parajanov, Alfred Schnittke, Okudzhava ... "Taganka" - a university. Here, near the saw remarkable examples of human courage, but at least close, and faced with the human cowardice. It was in this house that I have learned to pity and forgive ... Another thing is that at the time of my youth, I naively thought that the whole world around me just as normal and beautiful as "Taganka".
7 Despite the fact that we love respectful of young actors at the Taganka Theater Filatov played not so many roles. In addition to the author in the production of "What do I do?" He had played the role of Horatio in "Hamlet", Kulchytskyy in "Fallen and living" Federtsioni in "Life of Galileo" bit parts in "ten days", "Rush Hour" and central - in productions of "House on the Embankment", "Fasten your seat belts", "Pugachev", "Antiworlds", "Master and Margarita" and "Comrade, Believe." This initial creative biography might seem successful for ordinary actor. But Leonid Filatov was clearly capable of more. Drawing his roles from year to year became clearer perfected creative writing, and the actor was a model of intelligence, reciprocity, honesty and understanding. Filatov supported Yury Lyubimov during his ordeal and struggle with the officials, along with other leading actors of the theater - Vysotsky, Zolotukhin, Demidova, Khmelnitsky and Dykhovichny. In the company of friends and associates Filatov became a full member of the "Taganka brotherhood." Ability to penetrate deeply into the material plays, poetic thinking actor contributed to the fact that the list of names of the creators of the play "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty" appeared and last name Filatov.
8 But Commonwealth Taganka actors were not only creative. Actors often supported each other in real life. It Vysotsky helped Filatov in getting rid of severe illness - lymphadenitis. And more than once helped later when Filatov was required again to go to hospital: he found good doctors, supervised the whole process of treatment, came to the House and to Leonid interested in his state of health. Filatov said in an interview about his relationship with Vysotsky: "In the beginning was such a case. We have only just begun to play "Hamlet" ... Once Volodya comes from the scene, covered in sweat, and I said to him: "Volodya, still only the first act. You're so raskhoduesh yourself how are you going to play next? You can not so ... "He turned, looked - very hard, so tired, wet. And he said something like: "Do not be a fool," without explaining anything. I'm not very penetrating the merits of the case, immediately took offense, saying: "Well, okay." And, offended, went into his dressing room. It would seem that this - the puppy came with some familiarity tips that do not know how it is perceived. Do not care if he's the right answer - rather tartly, but correctly. During the intermission, he came into the dressing room, hanging around for a long time, did not know how to settle down. I sat reading something. Suddenly he sat so quietly and says: "Lenechka, do not be offended, okay? We were both wrong ... You too like a fool with his advice ... You see how difficult it is play, I'm ill ... "And it was so warmly and so beautiful that against this no one would have survived, but more so with Vovinam wonderful smile, a sudden ... In the early years we were not close, but I was just not interested in it, I think. Only then will know a man when he is doing something in the arts. When he was a little somehow manifests itself, then it becomes funny and interesting. In 1975 he first read my parody, and in the same year in Leningrad on tour was an evening of our theater in Leningrad WTO. He pulled me, threw on stage with these parodies. I say, "Yes, I can not, I'm not used yet ... I can so in a feast ... Suddenly it will not be funny ..." Vladimir took and just announced. And when I read and was a real success, and the applause was, he says, "Well, I realized that I tell you? Listen to me always, Volodya you never wish bad will. "
9 In the Taganka Theater Filatov also met with Lydia Savchenko, which in the early 70s became his first wife. But soon, here he became acquainted with actress Nina Shack, who was married to Valery Zolotukhin and at that time came from maternity leave after giving birth Zolotukhin son Dennis. Nina Shatskaya later told me that when he saw in the theater Filatov, she immediately identified it all out, "smart, easy, rapid, with tenacious piercing eyes." But two years into their relationship, nothing changed. Leonid and Nina lived in different families. Only once Filatov invited Nina in a cafe and read her poems, which declared his love. Shatskaya he replied: "I'm married," after which they talked for another year. But soon, as told Shack, she had a dream about Filatov and came to the theater, despite the fact that she had a day off. She recalled: "When I was in the theater and thought, what a fool I am, what came suddenly someone kissed my neck. Turned - saw Lenya, and our hands entwined ... So, like a bad movie, began our love affair. " On this regard, Filatov told himself: "We have quite a long time was a secret affair, flaunt our relationship was impossible, especially because our husbands and wives suffered moral damages, all kept secret, indecent even had to work together to not originated in their minds otgadka our puzzle. We had long resisted myself ... but in the end it turned out to be stronger than us, and we began to live together, what it cost us - a separate conversation. Our loved ones was bad enough when everything turned out. " Shatskaya divorced Zolotukhin, and after a while Filatov divorced his wife. Divorce was not easy, and ended with Filatov left the house, leaving the former wife of the apartment and everything in it was. In 1982, Filatov and Shatskaya married. Leonid has a son Shatskaia Denis, as a mother. Filatov wanted to have their children, but after surgery doctors banned Shatskaia give birth. Despite this, the marriage Shatsky Filatov, formalized in 1982, was unusually strong and touching.
10 In 1970, Filatov started playing in the movie. Over the next ten years, he starred in nearly a dozen pictures, but great and really interesting as a director he proposed. Everything changed after the release of the country's movie "Crew" Alexander Mitta. The director invited Filatov after the role in the film refused Oleg Dal. As a result, in this film played the role Filatov Igor Skvortsov not only glorified Leonid, but also made him one of the most filmed actors of the Soviet cinema.
Missed full cast potential Filatov appeared on stage in demand in the cinema. In its active soon appeared the main role in the movie "My Favorites" where Filatov this time starred Alexander Kaidanovsky, which does not leave the country, since the picture was shot abroad. Leonid Filatov said: "The main role in the" Favorites ", as well as a role in" Crew ", too, was not meant to me - Kaidanovskaya. It was approved, the crew headed by Solovyov flew to Colombia, but suddenly Sergei ordered within three days to find a replacement. Kaidanovsky not let the KGB. According to Sergei, the three days he spent in delirium. Fingered in the memory of artists of all kinds. It can be understood. On the one hand, the actor had to please him, and on the other - Andropov. And then he remembered me. It's strange. We hardly knew him. Sometimes, in the foyer of the Taganka on the move greeted yes exchanging a few words. But as he later admitted to me, I immediately rushed into his eyes its not Taganka suit. Tagansko were all rubles if not scrap, the ax. In short, he gave a coded telegram to Moscow, and I am on the same day ordered to be ready to go abroad. I read the script on the plane. Three days later I flew to Colombia and I Solovyov drove straight from the airport to the shooting. "What scenes were shot?" - I asked to show that its role is already familiar. "Bed, - said Solovyov. - With star Amparo Grisales. " I have something inside skipped a beat. Again got out all my provincial complexes. Solovyov said, "Are you ready for bed scene?" I replied: "Always ready. I need to take only 150 grams ... "We took on the 250. And my complexes extinguished."
12 soon followed by roles in the films "Rooks", "A Forgotten Tune for the Flute", "City Zero" and "Chicherin" .a role in the film "Success", directed by Konstantin Khudyakov, Filatov considered his most successful kinorabotoy.Takzhe they were played role in the film "The Captain's Daughter", "Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov," "Yaroslav the Wise", "From the Life of the Chief of the Criminal Investigation", "Step", "The Contender", "Paddock", "European History", "Confessions of his wife "" Women are joking seriously "and" Partners ".
13 did not stop all this time and his work in the theater. But in the early 80s gave Yuri Lyubimov abroad careless interview, and he was not allowed back in the USSR, deprived of citizenship, and the Taganka Theatre led by Efros, who retired from Malaya Bronnaya due to the split of the troupe.
Where there!
Time? From whom? How Come?
Winner of the prize for the best male role in the film "Chicherin" 25 International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia, 1986)
Winner of the "Kinotavr" in the "grand prize" in competition "Cinema for All" (1991)
Winner of the "Taffy" Russian Television Academy for a series of author's programs "To Remember" (1996)
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of film and television for a series of author's programs "To Remember" (1996)
Laureate of the literary magazine "October" for the comedy "Lysistrata" (1998)
International Prize "Poetry" in the "Rus singing" (2000)

2 "I have a feeling, without coquetry that I would not like one of those people who are born artists. I was not born, I did. So I have all the time a feeling that next to my fate has yet to come true, do not know what ... I do not think that it was writing in its purest form, no. I do not think that it was directing, I have never done it! But I think that it is not acting ... "Leonid Filatov

3 Parents Leonid - Alexey Filatov and Claudia Filatov - met due to the fact that there were namesakes. At the factory where she worked Claudia, the girls were given lists of soldiers who had to write a letter to the front, and Claudia, seeing the name of Filatov, wrote him a letter, and then between the young people began corresponding. After the war, they were married in Penza, but due to the fact that the family moved frequently, their son Leonid was born in Kazan (24 December 1946). And soon Filatov and moved all in Ashgabat, an actor who later believed their homeland.
When Leonid was seven years old, his parents divorced and Claudia Filatov decided to go to Penza. But after a while after leaving the boy returned to Ashgabat, where, when he was 15 years old, was first published his fable - the newspaper "Komsomolets Turkmenistan." For her, the young author was even paid an honorarium that Filatov spent on movie tickets, and theater, presents, and gave the rest of her grandmother.

4 Ashgabat Filatov first showed serious interest in the movie. He watched all the movies in a row, asked to postpone kioskersh rarely appear in the sale of movie magazines and shaped in such a way their own understanding of cinema. Although it should be noted that Filatov childhood passion manifested itself not only in the movies, but also to the theater and literature, and all these passions were for him the same way.
After graduating from high school in Ashgabat, Leonid Filatov decided to enter the VGIK. But after it became clear that he was late for the exams and, in addition, for admission to the Faculty of direction are required layout and legend, which have not been Filatov Leonid on the advice of his classmate applied for the acting department Shchukin School, where after passing the exam in 1965 and was accepted - on the course and V.K.Lvovoy L.N.Shihmatova. In this course, with him also studied Kajdanovsky, Ruslanova and Dykhovichny. The history of his own admission Filatov said: "As a child, did not miss a single film, even a documentary. I like foreign films, especially French. They were so graceful. Honestly, when I went after school from Ashgabat to Moscow, it is very vaguely imagined himself in the movie, although at that time knew that my place in art. In short, I aimed at the VGIK. But I resisted Moscow in the early days. I was naive provincials. Thought will do the move. However, after Moscow Ashgabat I quickly pointed out the place. In short, VGIK I did. Go back was shameful, the money ran out, and I had no choice, as defined in the actors. That's how I got into the "Pike»

5 Neighbour Filatov on dorm room turned out to Vladimir Kachan, a couple with whom he composed songs become hits hostel. Filatov wrote poetry, Kachan - music. Thus was born the song "Orange Cat" and "Ride drunken gypsies." Once on the floor of the women's friends arranged rally: Contact door handles that were facing each other, and knocked on the doors. The girls made a loud scream, and the joke goes unpunished. Leonid Filatov about the case said: "We went to the women's floor, tied the door handles, facing each other, knock and running off, began to observe how the girls raised a squeal. Laughing, we cleared out to him, and in the morning appeared before the student council. Somehow, we have calculated. Or just sold one? Then it turned out that one of the rooms lived Bulgarian, and pregnant. We were kicked out of the dorm, and at one time we settled on Herzen Street, in the former stables. It was a house for three: Vova Kachan, Boris Galkin and me. "
Filatov was not a model student, a sense of humor and a sense of the transience of time did not allow him to live quietly and. He could be absent from classes at school, he seemed uninteresting, and loved going to the movies on informal views disguised as lectures or debates. Filatov often wrote lyrics for the actor shows, signing foreign pseudonyms Cesare Dzhavatini and La Biche. One day he issued the text of his play for the work of Arthur Miller in the presence of the rector of Boris Zahava, and when he praised Filatov for selecting high-quality literature, Boris Galkin cried out that the text is written by Filatov, then Zahava Leonid greatly offended.

6 After graduating from college in 1969, Filatov came to audition at the Taganka Theater, where read an excerpt from an actor play "The Lower Depths". Lyubimov, earlier celebrated acting talent Filatov, received him into the troupe, and later Leonid never regretted his choice of theater. He was an actor so-called second generation. Moreover, the completion of "Taganka" at the turn of 1960-70-ies neither in quantity nor the quality of names was not inferior team Lyubimov "First Five Year Plan." In the theater, except Filatov came Vitaly Shapovalov, Ivan Dykhovichny, Natalia Saiko, Boris and Alexander Galkin Porokhovshchikov - such a talented set, like the one that joined the troupe then, the theater was no more.
Already being in the company of the Taganka Theater, Filatov wrote a play, which was staged as a graduation performance rate Shchukin School, where he studied Konstantin Raikin. Look at his son came his father - the famous Arkady Raikin. The same evening Raikin Jr. gave Filatov invitation to visit his father. When Filatov came to visit them, sitting at the table Likhodeev, Kassil himself Raikin. Arkady Isaakovich Filatov proposed move to Leningrad and begin work in his theater. This proposal is annexed apartment and other social benefits. Filatov asked for time to think, and Raikin, surprised, gave him two days to think. The proposal was fantastic, but Ivan Dykhovichny clarified the situation: "Do you know who goes from him ?! Misha Zhvanetskiy, Roma Karcev and Victor Ilchenko. Do you want to replace all three of them? "The next day saw the Taganka Filatov roles to play" What? ", Where the main role - the role of the author - appointed him. And he stayed in Moscow. In working on this role Filatov unusually helped his natural charm and innate artistry. Later, on his first steps on stage Filatov recalled with great warmth and genuine self-irony: "I dreamed of becoming a world celebrity, to bring happiness to all mankind are forever grateful stay in the memory of his contemporaries. This did not work. Still, I'm happy ... "Taganka" was for me the happiest place in all of our unfortunate country. Here I saw and knew the people, even a passing acquaintance with whom one could only dream of. Yuri Lyubimov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Trifonov, Bella Ahmadulina, Fyodor Abramov, Sergei Parajanov, Alfred Schnittke, Okudzhava ... "Taganka" - a university. Here, near the saw remarkable examples of human courage, but at least close, and faced with the human cowardice. It was in this house that I have learned to pity and forgive ... Another thing is that at the time of my youth, I naively thought that the whole world around me just as normal and beautiful as "Taganka".

7 Despite the fact that we love respectful of young actors at the Taganka Theater Filatov played not so many roles. In addition to the author in the production of "What do I do?" He had played the role of Horatio in "Hamlet", Kulchytskyy in "Fallen and living" Federtsioni in "Life of Galileo" bit parts in "ten days", "Rush Hour" and central - in productions of "House on the Embankment", "Fasten your seat belts", "Pugachev", "Antiworlds", "Master and Margarita" and "Comrade, Believe." This initial creative biography might seem successful for ordinary actor. But Leonid Filatov was clearly capable of more. Drawing his roles from year to year became clearer perfected creative writing, and the actor was a model of intelligence, reciprocity, honesty and understanding. Filatov supported Yury Lyubimov during his ordeal and struggle with the officials, along with other leading actors of the theater - Vysotsky, Zolotukhin, Demidova, Khmelnitsky and Dykhovichny. In the company of friends and associates Filatov became a full member of the "Taganka brotherhood." Ability to penetrate deeply into the material plays, poetic thinking actor contributed to the fact that the list of names of the creators of the play "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty" appeared and last name Filatov.

8 But Commonwealth Taganka actors were not only creative. Actors often supported each other in real life. It Vysotsky helped Filatov in getting rid of severe illness - lymphadenitis. And more than once helped later when Filatov was required again to go to hospital: he found good doctors, supervised the whole process of treatment, came to the House and to Leonid interested in his state of health. Filatov said in an interview about his relationship with Vysotsky: "In the beginning was such a case. We have only just begun to play "Hamlet" ... Once Volodya comes from the scene, covered in sweat, and I said to him: "Volodya, still only the first act. You're so raskhoduesh yourself how are you going to play next? You can not so ... "He turned, looked - very hard, so tired, wet. And he said something like: "Do not be a fool," without explaining anything. I'm not very penetrating the merits of the case, immediately took offense, saying: "Well, okay." And, offended, went into his dressing room. It would seem that this - the puppy came with some familiarity tips that do not know how it is perceived. Do not care if he's the right answer - rather tartly, but correctly. During the intermission, he came into the dressing room, hanging around for a long time, did not know how to settle down. I sat reading something. Suddenly he sat so quietly and says: "Lenechka, do not be offended, okay? We were both wrong ... You too like a fool with his advice ... You see how difficult it is play, I'm ill ... "And it was so warmly and so beautiful that against this no one would have survived, but more so with Vovinam wonderful smile, a sudden ... In the early years we were not close, but I was just not interested in it, I think. Only then will know a man when he is doing something in the arts. When he was a little somehow manifests itself, then it becomes funny and interesting. In 1975 he first read my parody, and in the same year in Leningrad on tour was an evening of our theater in Leningrad WTO. He pulled me, threw on stage with these parodies. I say, "Yes, I can not, I'm not used yet ... I can so in a feast ... Suddenly it will not be funny ..." Vladimir took and just announced. And when I read and was a real success, and the applause was, he says, "Well, I realized that I tell you? Listen to me always, Volodya you never wish bad will. "

9 In the Taganka Theater Filatov also met with Lydia Savchenko, which in the early 70s became his first wife. But soon, here he became acquainted with actress Nina Shack, who was married to Valery Zolotukhin and at that time came from maternity leave after giving birth Zolotukhin son Dennis. Nina Shatskaya later told me that when he saw in the theater Filatov, she immediately identified it all out, "smart, easy, rapid, with tenacious piercing eyes." But two years into their relationship, nothing changed. Leonid and Nina lived in different families. Only once Filatov invited Nina in a cafe and read her poems, which declared his love. Shatskaya he replied: "I'm married," after which they talked for another year. But soon, as told Shack, she had a dream about Filatov and came to the theater, despite the fact that she had a day off. She recalled: "When I was in the theater and thought, what a fool I am, what came suddenly someone kissed my neck. Turned - saw Lenya, and our hands entwined ... So, like a bad movie, began our love affair. " On this regard, Filatov told himself: "We have quite a long time was a secret affair, flaunt our relationship was impossible, especially because our husbands and wives suffered moral damages, all kept secret, indecent even had to work together to not originated in their minds otgadka our puzzle. We had long resisted myself ... but in the end it turned out to be stronger than us, and we began to live together, what it cost us - a separate conversation. Our loved ones was bad enough when everything turned out. " Shatskaya divorced Zolotukhin, and after a while Filatov divorced his wife. Divorce was not easy, and ended with Filatov left the house, leaving the former wife of the apartment and everything in it was. In 1982, Filatov and Shatskaya married. Leonid has a son Shatskaia Denis, as a mother. Filatov wanted to have their children, but after surgery doctors banned Shatskaia give birth. Despite this, the marriage Shatsky Filatov, formalized in 1982, was unusually strong and touching.

10 In 1970, Filatov started playing in the movie. Over the next ten years, he starred in nearly a dozen pictures, but great and really interesting as a director he proposed. Everything changed after the release of the country's movie "Crew" Alexander Mitta. The director invited Filatov after the role in the film refused Oleg Dal. As a result, in this film played the role Filatov Igor Skvortsov not only glorified Leonid, but also made him one of the most filmed actors of the Soviet cinema.

Missed full cast potential Filatov appeared on stage in demand in the cinema. In its active soon appeared the main role in the movie "My Favorites" where Filatov this time starred Alexander Kaidanovsky, which does not leave the country, since the picture was shot abroad. Leonid Filatov said: "The main role in the" Favorites ", as well as a role in" Crew ", too, was not meant to me - Kaidanovskaya. It was approved, the crew headed by Solovyov flew to Colombia, but suddenly Sergei ordered within three days to find a replacement. Kaidanovsky not let the KGB. According to Sergei, the three days he spent in delirium. Fingered in the memory of artists of all kinds. It can be understood. On the one hand, the actor had to please him, and on the other - Andropov. And then he remembered me. It's strange. We hardly knew him. Sometimes, in the foyer of the Taganka on the move greeted yes exchanging a few words. But as he later admitted to me, I immediately rushed into his eyes its not Taganka suit. Tagansko were all rubles if not scrap, the ax. In short, he gave a coded telegram to Moscow, and I am on the same day ordered to be ready to go abroad. I read the script on the plane. Three days later I flew to Colombia and I Solovyov drove straight from the airport to the shooting. "What scenes were shot?" - I asked to show that its role is already familiar. "Bed, - said Solovyov. - With star Amparo Grisales. " I have something inside skipped a beat. Again got out all my provincial complexes. Solovyov said, "Are you ready for bed scene?" I replied: "Always ready. I need to take only 150 grams ... "We took on the 250. And my complexes extinguished."

12 soon followed by roles in the films "Rooks", "A Forgotten Tune for the Flute", "City Zero" and "Chicherin" .a role in the film "Success", directed by Konstantin Khudyakov, Filatov considered his most successful kinorabotoy.Takzhe they were played role in the film "The Captain's Daughter", "Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov," "Yaroslav the Wise", "From the Life of the Chief of the Criminal Investigation", "Step", "The Contender", "Paddock", "European History", "Confessions of his wife "" Women are joking seriously "and" Partners ".

13 did not stop all this time and his work in the theater. But in the early 80s gave Yuri Lyubimov abroad careless interview, and he was not allowed back in the USSR, deprived of citizenship, and the Taganka Theatre led by Efros, who retired from Malaya Bronnaya due to the split of the troupe.
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