Burn, "Jack!"
Comrades! YaPovtsy dear comrades! It sets out the subject of the figures on the aircraft - the USSR and Germany - in the Great Patriotic could not even think that it will be so vast.
30 photos and pictures
Pilots have always been elite, young and gambling. As Hussars, at the time when the "horses" have not been the iron. Gambling often brightened up leisure aviators. Ace - the highest card in the deck. Pilots put on his suit in a deadly game with the opponent and win, or die ... Ace in almost all European languages seem to pronounce - ac.
First dug on the aircraft of the Red Army: it was interesting - and our pilots were able to portray his credo on the body of the aircraft? After all, the strength of the ideological insanity official heraldry in the Air Force either before the war or after was not. Ideologists did not realize that the coat of arms of the regiment, division, squadron raises morale, it is a source of pride and so on.
However, during the war, appeared in parts of its symbolism. So, in the squadron of the 9th Guards, commanded by Alexei Alelyuhin all aircraft carrying the image on both sides of the leopard, tearing the heart - a clear allusion to the fact that the pilots of the 9th Giap had to meet from 9 Staffel JG 52. The aircraft differed from the rest Alelyuhina Squadron in red hood that pilots can easily calculate their commander in battle.
1 photo Alex Alelyuhin and Yak-1
The following pictures are taken from an interview with the military historian Alexander Sukhorukov with T.M.Punevym (in 1943 he served in the 36th Guards Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, Berlin bomber regiment)
Caption: "The photograph Engineer Squadron Monastyrev Nicholas.
The photo shows the emblem of a pilot - "cat & quot ;.
.FROM. As the regiment camouflaged planes, what are the dimensions of rooms, whether the logo?
ETC. Not camouflaged. We are satisfied with the factory painting. Kazan plant painted in the upper surface of the protective green and Irkutsk in white with green stripes. We have these machines "irkutyankami" called. With the Irkutsk aircraft plant, we went in the winter. Bottom and there, and there was blue. Camouflage we did not have, and I never in it and did not see the other regiments.
The rooms were large, blue, near the cabin radio operator. On keels stars. In the area of the cabin applied emblem on the left of the pilot, I had a "lion jump».
pictured himself T.M.Punev
... Who -medved.
in the photo - the 34th Guards Bomber Tikhvin Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Air Regiment, the regiment ball machine Kovalev.
Someone "Panther." Vaska Borisov was generally an interesting emblem - a bomb (is), her riding a bear drinking vodka from the bottle. The division commander will arrive like this: "Boris, well, you erase this stuff!" - Never erased. But in fact the logo is permitted. Posters art drawing, there were great masters. Guys about my Lion said that "as a living, is about to jump off." In girls, it was said to "swallow» ...
Malyutina Elena and her "swallow»
Pilot Captain Fedorov in the cockpit "Pawns» ...
After the war, I was transferred to the 2nd Regiment of our Guards Corps. There's cabins instead of the logo of the pilot, was the emblem of the regiment - Guards sign with the word slant - "Vislensky» ...
The group of pilots and T.M.Punev (second from left) 1949
In fact, for such "amateur" was supposed to disciplinary action. It was considered a violation of masking some reason. However, in some parts we looked the other way. So, on the aircraft squadron Amet-Khan Sultan were drawn attacking eagles.
pictured a squadron commander of the 9th Guards Red Banner Odessa Aviation Regiment (6 th Guards Fighter Division, 8th Air Army, the Southern Front) Guard Captain Sultan Amet-Khan 1943
There were "Eagles" and other parts.
pictured Fighter F-39 VF Sirotina. 17th IAP, in April 1945
During the war NA Kuznetsov flew about 500 sorties. And every time emerged victorious. On account of his 40 conducted air battles, shot down 17 enemy planes in person and 12 - a group with his friends.
An interesting pattern in the image on the fuselage like a wood grouse. (reconstruction)
A different perception of figures - and commanders and subordinates - it was in other parts of the belligerent powers.
Heart was pierced by the arms 9 / JG 52, and applied to many of the squadron, at least since the beginning of 1942. At the heart was an inscription «Dicker Max», which Hartmann later replaced the «Ursel». By the way, an example was contagious, and many pilots of the squadron began to write the names of their loved ones. And the word "Karajan-1" was the ninth squadron commander callsign (usually command vehicle had tail number "1"). Before Hartmann they enjoyed all the other commanders such as Mr. Graf. Having become commander of the group, Hartmann could not use this call sign and amend the picture on the board: only the heart with the inscription «Ursel».
The photo Alfred Erich "Bubi" Hartmann on the Bf 109G
In the picture - the fighter Bf-109E-7 of 7. / JG-26 sergeant Charles Laub, before his death, December 4, 1944, he shot down seven enemy aircraft. On the engine hood emblem applied Staffel - a red heart on the board in front of the cab lantern - the emblem of the squadron "Schlageter" the letter «S» (from the name of a squadron «Schlageter»)
.istrebitel BF-109E-7 of 7. / JG-26
1Emblemu curved red cat is easily confused with a very similar black. This results in the identification of aircraft putannitsa 4. / JG-52 and 8. / JG-51 in black-and-white photographs
4. / JG-52
8. / JG-51
Green Heart & quot; - Coat of arms of Thuringia, the birthplace of Commodore Hannes Trautloft. For the first time this emblem appeared on the fighter Lieutenant Trautloft in Spain in 1937. Hannes Trautloft commanded a squadron of 54 "Green Heart" from 1940 to 1943 GG
.istrebitel Priller bearing the number 13 in black. At the Fw-190A-8 Priller flew during the first days of the battle of Normandy. Personal emblem Priller - ace of hearts card with the name of his wife «Jutta».
We are trying to distinguish themselves and allies of the Nazis on the block.
Slovaks in the picture (left) and Croats (right) also tried to leave the impression of being drawn heraldry
Italians - fans of the "shield and sword", although in his style - also did not lag behind: it is actually the emblem of the 21st Fighter Air Group Regia Avion (Italian Royal Air Force).
Photos in the pilot group - the Italians have Macchi C.202 Folgore 21 RAG
After 1943 part of the Soviet Air Force began pojavljatsja notable figures
Yak-9D Mikhail Avdeyev, 6th GvIAP, spring 1944.
Yak-9 Georgian Alexander Kiloberidze. 65 GIAP, Latvia, October 1944.
The plane with the dragon and arrow, and the inscription "For brother Shota." Sprockets for downed painted inside a rhombus with a dragon, is very unusual.
"MAIN" Hero of the Soviet Union Gal'chenko LA koshkka began playing with the mouse. During his combat activities, he made 410 successful sorties, conducted 90 air battles. His personal battle expense grew to 24 planes shot down, another 12 enemy aircraft he shot down in aerial combat group.
Leonid Gal'chenko from his aircraft 1942
5 Guard Fighter Wing 1 st Ukrainian Front, famous throughout the world.
It is the story of this "singing" Squadron and was the basis for the plot of the film "go to fight some old people».
pictured La-5F squadrons "Jolly Fellows", Alexander Masterkova 5 GvIAP,
Hero of the Soviet Union, GA Baevsky pilot 5th GvIAP 1943
Although the logo "filmmakers" borrowed from the stormtrooper ...
pictured on short rest - "Harp no - take a tambourine!»
And here's "singing" Squadron Guards. Captain Basil Emelianenko. "From the screw!»
pictured Emelianenko Basil (guitar) with friends from combat assault squadron
Guard Captain Filatov AP 25 downed enemies. Fighter Filatov was extremely rare for the Soviet Air Force pilot individual symbols: 3 playing cards - lady, seven, and the ace of spades. Drawing can be interpreted as love piloyuta gambling, and can be attributed to Filatov, an ardent admirer of "The Queen of Spades" Pushkin. Undoubtedly, the Commissioner was presented version of the love of classical literature ...
Guard Captain Filatov AP Fighter Filatov (reconstruction)
Asa Heroes Lobanov and Pavlov served in the same regiment 41 GvIAP. And this La-5FN discern tactical number 70 belongs to the same 41 GvIAP but specifically ACS Guard Captain AV Lobanov At Guard Lieutenant Colonel Pavlov up his battle deyatelsti 18 +16.
pictured Heroes of the Soviet Union - Lobanov and Paul, and the La-5FN - with red heart (reconstruction)
Posted in [mergetime] 1392569742 [/ mergetime]
Interesting story of 41 GvIAP: ... & quot; in our regiment arrived a group of artists from Kiev, drew our top fliers. My commander posed directly in front of his plane in the parking lot. Drawing and other pilots. And one of the pilots take it and ask the artist: "You are a lion I can draw on the board?" "Of course I can." And painted. Leo turned out just lovely sight. Then the other pilots with requests: "I am an eagle. I bear. " My commander and asks, "And I can draw the hell?" It turns out it is possible and hell. He portrayed his characteristic brown color, but this "this chertyaka." On the tail, horns, face and snide bottle in his paws.
So, our combat mission was the first after Lobanov this feature to paint. The projectile hit it in this hell! Only the horns so the tail, and the rest - a hole. And we went to the shelf is a belief that the devil is not joking, and drawings by plane is better not to be, they're kind of like shells attract. And the pilot all the pictures that were painted on the sides, painted over ... & quot;
Assault aircraft except "arrows" and slogans had its adherents peculiar creativity
pictured IL 2 Hero of the Soviet Union senior lieutenant Aleksuhina VT (reconstruction)
Commander 167 th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment DL Lomovtsev
against the backdrop of the aircraft Owl Hero Hero of the Soviet Union First Lieutenant VT Aleksuhina
December 15, 1943 when the next combat mission aircraft squadron deputy commander of the 167 th Attack Aviation Regiment of lieutenant VT Aleksuhina was hit. The brave pilot directed his attack in flames on the accumulation of enemy tanks and crew died.
pictured Lieutenant VT Aleksuhin and gunner - radio operator AD Gatayunov, 1943
Air defense pilots did not lag behind their front druzey.Narisovav fuselage Tiger pilot
Captain GN Urvachёv no idea how his work will treat the enemy.
Returning from German pilots flying -111 Do not spread the rumor that on the outskirts of Moscow, they were met by an armada supersamolёtov "Tiger" (it was 1941-42 and the tanks of the same name from the Nazis was not). But the fact that the Moscow District Air Defense pilots flew all the same MiG-3, high-altitude fighter, used as interceptors. "Worked" on the conscience! From July 1941 to April 1942 it was recorded 134 German air raid on Moscow, which was attended by about 9,000 aircraft. Of these, only 2, 6% penetrated to Moscow. 1076 enemy aircraft were shot down in aerial combat. As a result of air raids in Moscow in 1356 killed people, destroyed 2 167 homes and businesses - all destroyed and damaged by 0, 03% of the city buildings. After April 1942 the German High Command refused to raids on Moscow.
The German historian Karl Reinhardt writes that & quot; ... the air defense of Moscow was so strong and well organized, the German pilots thought raids on the Russian capital more dangerous and risky than raids on London & quot ;.
pictured Captain GN Urvachёv (left) at the fighter La-5 near equipment. 1943
The topic is vast and almost boundless - and if you dig the Americans and the British - and the infinite ...
for aircrafts of the Red Army and the Soviet Army reibert.info/threads/%
for aircrafts German www.historymania.info/view_post.php?id=132
30 photos and pictures
Pilots have always been elite, young and gambling. As Hussars, at the time when the "horses" have not been the iron. Gambling often brightened up leisure aviators. Ace - the highest card in the deck. Pilots put on his suit in a deadly game with the opponent and win, or die ... Ace in almost all European languages seem to pronounce - ac.
First dug on the aircraft of the Red Army: it was interesting - and our pilots were able to portray his credo on the body of the aircraft? After all, the strength of the ideological insanity official heraldry in the Air Force either before the war or after was not. Ideologists did not realize that the coat of arms of the regiment, division, squadron raises morale, it is a source of pride and so on.
However, during the war, appeared in parts of its symbolism. So, in the squadron of the 9th Guards, commanded by Alexei Alelyuhin all aircraft carrying the image on both sides of the leopard, tearing the heart - a clear allusion to the fact that the pilots of the 9th Giap had to meet from 9 Staffel JG 52. The aircraft differed from the rest Alelyuhina Squadron in red hood that pilots can easily calculate their commander in battle.
1 photo Alex Alelyuhin and Yak-1

The following pictures are taken from an interview with the military historian Alexander Sukhorukov with T.M.Punevym (in 1943 he served in the 36th Guards Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, Berlin bomber regiment)
Caption: "The photograph Engineer Squadron Monastyrev Nicholas.
The photo shows the emblem of a pilot - "cat & quot ;.

.FROM. As the regiment camouflaged planes, what are the dimensions of rooms, whether the logo?
ETC. Not camouflaged. We are satisfied with the factory painting. Kazan plant painted in the upper surface of the protective green and Irkutsk in white with green stripes. We have these machines "irkutyankami" called. With the Irkutsk aircraft plant, we went in the winter. Bottom and there, and there was blue. Camouflage we did not have, and I never in it and did not see the other regiments.

The rooms were large, blue, near the cabin radio operator. On keels stars. In the area of the cabin applied emblem on the left of the pilot, I had a "lion jump».
pictured himself T.M.Punev

... Who -medved.
in the photo - the 34th Guards Bomber Tikhvin Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Air Regiment, the regiment ball machine Kovalev.

Someone "Panther." Vaska Borisov was generally an interesting emblem - a bomb (is), her riding a bear drinking vodka from the bottle. The division commander will arrive like this: "Boris, well, you erase this stuff!" - Never erased. But in fact the logo is permitted. Posters art drawing, there were great masters. Guys about my Lion said that "as a living, is about to jump off." In girls, it was said to "swallow» ...
Malyutina Elena and her "swallow»

Pilot Captain Fedorov in the cockpit "Pawns» ...

After the war, I was transferred to the 2nd Regiment of our Guards Corps. There's cabins instead of the logo of the pilot, was the emblem of the regiment - Guards sign with the word slant - "Vislensky» ...
The group of pilots and T.M.Punev (second from left) 1949

In fact, for such "amateur" was supposed to disciplinary action. It was considered a violation of masking some reason. However, in some parts we looked the other way. So, on the aircraft squadron Amet-Khan Sultan were drawn attacking eagles.
pictured a squadron commander of the 9th Guards Red Banner Odessa Aviation Regiment (6 th Guards Fighter Division, 8th Air Army, the Southern Front) Guard Captain Sultan Amet-Khan 1943

There were "Eagles" and other parts.
pictured Fighter F-39 VF Sirotina. 17th IAP, in April 1945

During the war NA Kuznetsov flew about 500 sorties. And every time emerged victorious. On account of his 40 conducted air battles, shot down 17 enemy planes in person and 12 - a group with his friends.
An interesting pattern in the image on the fuselage like a wood grouse. (reconstruction)

A different perception of figures - and commanders and subordinates - it was in other parts of the belligerent powers.
Heart was pierced by the arms 9 / JG 52, and applied to many of the squadron, at least since the beginning of 1942. At the heart was an inscription «Dicker Max», which Hartmann later replaced the «Ursel». By the way, an example was contagious, and many pilots of the squadron began to write the names of their loved ones. And the word "Karajan-1" was the ninth squadron commander callsign (usually command vehicle had tail number "1"). Before Hartmann they enjoyed all the other commanders such as Mr. Graf. Having become commander of the group, Hartmann could not use this call sign and amend the picture on the board: only the heart with the inscription «Ursel».
The photo Alfred Erich "Bubi" Hartmann on the Bf 109G

In the picture - the fighter Bf-109E-7 of 7. / JG-26 sergeant Charles Laub, before his death, December 4, 1944, he shot down seven enemy aircraft. On the engine hood emblem applied Staffel - a red heart on the board in front of the cab lantern - the emblem of the squadron "Schlageter" the letter «S» (from the name of a squadron «Schlageter»)
.istrebitel BF-109E-7 of 7. / JG-26

1Emblemu curved red cat is easily confused with a very similar black. This results in the identification of aircraft putannitsa 4. / JG-52 and 8. / JG-51 in black-and-white photographs
4. / JG-52

8. / JG-51

Green Heart & quot; - Coat of arms of Thuringia, the birthplace of Commodore Hannes Trautloft. For the first time this emblem appeared on the fighter Lieutenant Trautloft in Spain in 1937. Hannes Trautloft commanded a squadron of 54 "Green Heart" from 1940 to 1943 GG

.istrebitel Priller bearing the number 13 in black. At the Fw-190A-8 Priller flew during the first days of the battle of Normandy. Personal emblem Priller - ace of hearts card with the name of his wife «Jutta».

We are trying to distinguish themselves and allies of the Nazis on the block.
Slovaks in the picture (left) and Croats (right) also tried to leave the impression of being drawn heraldry

Italians - fans of the "shield and sword", although in his style - also did not lag behind: it is actually the emblem of the 21st Fighter Air Group Regia Avion (Italian Royal Air Force).
Photos in the pilot group - the Italians have Macchi C.202 Folgore 21 RAG

After 1943 part of the Soviet Air Force began pojavljatsja notable figures
Yak-9D Mikhail Avdeyev, 6th GvIAP, spring 1944.

Yak-9 Georgian Alexander Kiloberidze. 65 GIAP, Latvia, October 1944.
The plane with the dragon and arrow, and the inscription "For brother Shota." Sprockets for downed painted inside a rhombus with a dragon, is very unusual.

"MAIN" Hero of the Soviet Union Gal'chenko LA koshkka began playing with the mouse. During his combat activities, he made 410 successful sorties, conducted 90 air battles. His personal battle expense grew to 24 planes shot down, another 12 enemy aircraft he shot down in aerial combat group.
Leonid Gal'chenko from his aircraft 1942

5 Guard Fighter Wing 1 st Ukrainian Front, famous throughout the world.
It is the story of this "singing" Squadron and was the basis for the plot of the film "go to fight some old people».
pictured La-5F squadrons "Jolly Fellows", Alexander Masterkova 5 GvIAP,
Hero of the Soviet Union, GA Baevsky pilot 5th GvIAP 1943

Although the logo "filmmakers" borrowed from the stormtrooper ...
pictured on short rest - "Harp no - take a tambourine!»

And here's "singing" Squadron Guards. Captain Basil Emelianenko. "From the screw!»
pictured Emelianenko Basil (guitar) with friends from combat assault squadron

Guard Captain Filatov AP 25 downed enemies. Fighter Filatov was extremely rare for the Soviet Air Force pilot individual symbols: 3 playing cards - lady, seven, and the ace of spades. Drawing can be interpreted as love piloyuta gambling, and can be attributed to Filatov, an ardent admirer of "The Queen of Spades" Pushkin. Undoubtedly, the Commissioner was presented version of the love of classical literature ...
Guard Captain Filatov AP Fighter Filatov (reconstruction)

Asa Heroes Lobanov and Pavlov served in the same regiment 41 GvIAP. And this La-5FN discern tactical number 70 belongs to the same 41 GvIAP but specifically ACS Guard Captain AV Lobanov At Guard Lieutenant Colonel Pavlov up his battle deyatelsti 18 +16.
pictured Heroes of the Soviet Union - Lobanov and Paul, and the La-5FN - with red heart (reconstruction)
Posted in [mergetime] 1392569742 [/ mergetime]
Interesting story of 41 GvIAP: ... & quot; in our regiment arrived a group of artists from Kiev, drew our top fliers. My commander posed directly in front of his plane in the parking lot. Drawing and other pilots. And one of the pilots take it and ask the artist: "You are a lion I can draw on the board?" "Of course I can." And painted. Leo turned out just lovely sight. Then the other pilots with requests: "I am an eagle. I bear. " My commander and asks, "And I can draw the hell?" It turns out it is possible and hell. He portrayed his characteristic brown color, but this "this chertyaka." On the tail, horns, face and snide bottle in his paws.
So, our combat mission was the first after Lobanov this feature to paint. The projectile hit it in this hell! Only the horns so the tail, and the rest - a hole. And we went to the shelf is a belief that the devil is not joking, and drawings by plane is better not to be, they're kind of like shells attract. And the pilot all the pictures that were painted on the sides, painted over ... & quot;

Assault aircraft except "arrows" and slogans had its adherents peculiar creativity
pictured IL 2 Hero of the Soviet Union senior lieutenant Aleksuhina VT (reconstruction)
Commander 167 th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment DL Lomovtsev
against the backdrop of the aircraft Owl Hero Hero of the Soviet Union First Lieutenant VT Aleksuhina

December 15, 1943 when the next combat mission aircraft squadron deputy commander of the 167 th Attack Aviation Regiment of lieutenant VT Aleksuhina was hit. The brave pilot directed his attack in flames on the accumulation of enemy tanks and crew died.
pictured Lieutenant VT Aleksuhin and gunner - radio operator AD Gatayunov, 1943

Air defense pilots did not lag behind their front druzey.Narisovav fuselage Tiger pilot
Captain GN Urvachёv no idea how his work will treat the enemy.
Returning from German pilots flying -111 Do not spread the rumor that on the outskirts of Moscow, they were met by an armada supersamolёtov "Tiger" (it was 1941-42 and the tanks of the same name from the Nazis was not). But the fact that the Moscow District Air Defense pilots flew all the same MiG-3, high-altitude fighter, used as interceptors. "Worked" on the conscience! From July 1941 to April 1942 it was recorded 134 German air raid on Moscow, which was attended by about 9,000 aircraft. Of these, only 2, 6% penetrated to Moscow. 1076 enemy aircraft were shot down in aerial combat. As a result of air raids in Moscow in 1356 killed people, destroyed 2 167 homes and businesses - all destroyed and damaged by 0, 03% of the city buildings. After April 1942 the German High Command refused to raids on Moscow.
The German historian Karl Reinhardt writes that & quot; ... the air defense of Moscow was so strong and well organized, the German pilots thought raids on the Russian capital more dangerous and risky than raids on London & quot ;.
pictured Captain GN Urvachёv (left) at the fighter La-5 near equipment. 1943
The topic is vast and almost boundless - and if you dig the Americans and the British - and the infinite ...
for aircrafts of the Red Army and the Soviet Army reibert.info/threads/%
for aircrafts German www.historymania.info/view_post.php?id=132
