The last journey of the Italian Titanic

This ship Costa Concordia in the best of times at the port of Civitavecchia, Italy, March 27, 2009.

How it was. Confirming the infamous Friday the 13th, a huge cruise liner Costa Concordia (Costa Concordia), which was carrying more than 4 200 people crashed in the January 13, 2012 near the island of Giglio off the coast of Tuscany in Italy.

According to the captain, cruise ship hit a rock that were not listed on the navigation map. 32 people died, two are missing.

Later the ship almost completely plunged into the Mediterranean Sea. The diver inspects the body of a sunken cruise ship Costa Concordia six days later on 19 January 2012.

Visible damage and traces of plaque on the reef.

Under the water, inside the ship chaos, 24 January 2012.

Italian "Titanic" - the sunken Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia - trouble pursued ever since its launching in 2005, when the ancient maritime tradition on board the ship had to break the bottle. But the bottle did not break. In 2008, the cruise liner Costa Concordia cost of 450 million euros hit a pier near the coast of Naples, Italy.

Year 2013. At the crash site of the cruise liner Costa Concordia are works on installation of equipment to bring the vessel upright. This operation is truly unique. Previously, the engineers never had to work with such large vessels.

The purpose of this operation was to remove the vessel from the rocks, pick and place vertically using underwater platforms and cranes. Containers on the sides (in the photo below) allow the whole structure to remain on the surface, 15 September 2013.

The largest and most expensive sea rescue operation in history worth about 250 million euros, and the damage to the owners amounted to 1.5 billion euros. Unique operation to raise the sunken ship off the coast of the Italian island of Giglio took less than a day - 19 hours. The vessel was successfully put on the keel, 17 September 2013.

The next phase of the operation began in July 2014. Wednesday liner Costa Concordia began their last journey - the ship sailed into the port of Genoa, where he was dismantled on 22 July 2014.

Interesting fact: "Titanic" sank in the night from 13 to 14 April 1912, and Costa Concordia - on the night from 13 to 14 January 2012, ie, between the crashes almost exactly 100 years apart.
It is interesting to compare the "Titanic" and "Costa Concordia" in the specs:
1. Displacement: 52,310 tons | 51 387 tonnes
2. Length: 269.1 m | 290.2 m
3. Width: 28.2 m | 35.5 m
4. Speed: 24 knots | 19.6 knots
5. Capacity: 2556 passengers + crew of 908 | 3700 1100 passengers + crew.

On the Costa Concordia was 1,500 cabins, the world's biggest wellness center at sea, four swimming pools, five spas, five restaurants, 13 bars, a cinema, a disco and an Internet cafe.

Among maritime disasters in peacetime, according to the number of victims of "Titanic" in third place - 1 513 people. Leadership remains with the ferry "Dona Paz" confronted in 1987 with an oil tanker. Then, in the collision and subsequent fire killed him more than 4 000 people.
Inside the Costa Concordia, 27 February 2014.

Inside the ship time has stopped. Someone suitcases.

According to passengers, when the ship has got a hole, the crew, wearing lifejackets, he urged passengers to return to the cabin, saying that nothing terrible happens.

Five days Costa Concordia will have to overcome in tow about 370 kilometers, the ship will move at a speed of 2 knots per hour

Go preparatory work before the last voyage of the liner Costa Concordia, 14 July 2014.

So it looked from the air, July 19, 2014.

Damage to 22 July 2014.

Towing begins in Genoa on July 23, 2014.

This last journey liner Costa Concordia. In Genoa will host a complex operation to dismantle, it is divided into four phases, it will last 22 months.

Source: loveopium.ru