What happened on the Titanic?
Next year will be the 100th anniversary of one of the most striking and tragic events of the past two centuries - the sinking of the Titanic. When the ocean liner sank on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic in 1912, he took with him to the bottom of not only people, but also the goods.
Many are aware of the fairly well-known things on board the ship. And many found here.
Some of them have been featured in the movie "Titanic", including car Renault, which was sent in the United States owned by William Carter (he announced the insurance compensation of $ 5,000 for the loss of your car), and expensive paintings that Rose Daunson carried with them. While the film was used paintings of French impressionists, the originals Blondel drowned with the ship (insurance amount of $ 100,000).
We know about the composition of the manifesto of the Titanic, he was taken on board a ship Mauritania (Titanic sister ship-). This manifesto is preserved because it was sent by registered mail to the United States on board another vessel. The manifesto stated more lost things. Below is a list of 10 little-known subjects, along with sunken Titanic that fateful night in April 1912, as well as some interesting stories about the people connected with these things.
Rabbit hides
On board the Titanic were three chests with rabbit fur, which were sent to New Jersey in "The Broadway Trust Company of Camden". "Skins" - it was a term applied to rabbit skins, of which at the time made clothes and children's coats and dress shirts.
The Broadway Trust Company - it was the bank that ceased to exist some time after the beginning of the Great Depression, when many small banks closed their doors. The building itself is in the list of national historic sites.
There was another misfortune struck on The Broadway Trust Company. October 5, 1920 Courier Bank The Broadway Trust Company David S. Paul mysteriously disappeared with tens of thousands of dollars and securities. His body was found on October 16 near the Tabernacle, New Jersey. He was kidnapped, robbed and killed two of his friends, Frank and Raymond James Shakom who were arrested and charged with his murder. They were executed in the electric chair in New Jersey August 30, 1921.
On board the Titanic were four boxes of opium. Neither board was John Jacob Astor IV, who was the great-grandson of John Jacob Astor, who made his fortune in the opie, selling furs and construction. Neither the opium nor Astor did not reach New York. In just 7 years before the shipwreck, the US Congress banned opium, but it is still widely used for medical purposes and other purposes. A year later, the US Congress passed the act of "pure food and drugs", which required writing the content of the product on its packaging pharmaceutical companies. As a result, the availability of opium has fallen sharply.
Dog Chao Chao
Another first-class passengers was stockbroker from New York, Harry Anderson, who returned to the US after a trip to England. He was married and lived with his wife in New York, which is not accompanied him on a trip to Europe. Apparently, he was traveling with a dog. Anderson escaped death on the boat number 3. However, the dog went to the bottom of the Titanic along with the other eight of the 12 dogs that were on board. Later he got insurance for the loss of his dog in the amount of $ 50.
A signed picture of Garibaldi
Mr. Giuseppe Emilio Llario Portaluppi, who was one of the survivors, was a very interesting person. He was the second-class passengers and heading for Milford, New Hampshire after a visit to his homeland - Italy. As he spoke, he was awakened by the ship hitting an iceberg on, thinking it was the New York harbor. But Emilio quickly realized that something was wrong, put on a life jacket and went out on deck. He walked leisurely pace to the lifeboats, but fell during a jump into the water. Others say that he simply jumped into the water. In any case - he was in the water and it was one of the four lucky ones for whom the only boat returned after the Titanic sank. Portaluppi picked up boat number 14 under the command of an officer Lava. It is said that Portaluppi clung to a piece of ice floe and drifted until it was picked up.
After he was rescued, and Emilio returned to the United States, he received $ 3,000 for the loss of the painting of the Italian national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi, signed by Garibaldi and presented to his grandfather Portaluppi. This insurance looks as unusual as the fact that he escaped on a piece of ice floes in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but who knows.
Lectures college
Not much is known about young second-class passenger Sidney Clarence Stuart Collette. It turned out that he was a student of theology and went home to his parents in New York Port Byron from England.
It is believed that the young student took part in one of the most memorable events just before the crash. It is said that he assisted the Reverend Mr. Carter in the Sunday evening service on the Titanic. The event was held the evening of April 14, 1912 at the restaurant for the second class, which was attended by about 100 people. Reverend Carter and Collette were the first voices in the "Three for the green hill", "For those in peril on the sea" and "Lead us, the glorious light" under the piano.
At the end, Reverend Carter noted that the ship goes extremely smoothly and asked how present are his arrival in New York. He said: "This is the first time Sunday night on board the ship were singing, and we pray that it was not the last time."
After striking an iceberg on the vessel, all that is known about Collette - is that he helped two women get on the boat. When the women sat, he explained to the crew that they are sailing on a ship under its responsibility. He was allowed to sit in the boat number 9, and he was saved.
It is said that on arrival in the United States Collette met his brother and the first thing he did - it gave him a small Bible. Obviously, Brother Collett gave him the Bible before his trip to England, saying that he should return it to him when they meet again.
He's got insurance in the amount of $ 50 for the loss of his hand-written abstracts for 2 years of study.
On board he was also a farmer from Ireland, who sailed to New York, the third class. Mr. Eugene Patrick Delhi was 29-year-old man who boarded the Titanic at Queenstown, paying for a ticket 7 pounds and 15 shillings.
On board, he went with his bagpipe (the Irish national instrument) and played "Requiem for Erin" for his neighbor - a third-class passenger. Later, he claimed damages in the amount of $ 50 for a lost bagpipes. After ten years, from the bottom was raised bagpipes, possibly belonging to Delhi.
When the Titanic sank, Delhi was one of the lucky ones bulge of the earth the third class, who managed to climb from the bottom to the deck of the ship. At that time with him were two more women - Maggie and Bert Malvihil Delhi. He helped them get on a lifeboat number 15, while he was on the deck of a sinking ship.
Delhi told the story of what happened later - one of the most dramatic moments on board before the ship sank:
"... The officer pulled out a gun, pointed at the people and said that if any man will try to get on the boat, it immediately shot him. I saw an officer killed two people. This was followed by another shot, and I saw the officer lying on the deck. I was told that he had shot himself, but I did not see it. "
Delhi jumped into the water, while wearing only a jacket that was warm enough to survive in the icy water. Somehow Delhi managed to get to the inverted boat B, from where he was later rescued by the ship Carpathia. Later, Delhi said that he always took with him the same jacket, like a talisman.
Source: mindhobby.com
Many are aware of the fairly well-known things on board the ship. And many found here.

Some of them have been featured in the movie "Titanic", including car Renault, which was sent in the United States owned by William Carter (he announced the insurance compensation of $ 5,000 for the loss of your car), and expensive paintings that Rose Daunson carried with them. While the film was used paintings of French impressionists, the originals Blondel drowned with the ship (insurance amount of $ 100,000).
We know about the composition of the manifesto of the Titanic, he was taken on board a ship Mauritania (Titanic sister ship-). This manifesto is preserved because it was sent by registered mail to the United States on board another vessel. The manifesto stated more lost things. Below is a list of 10 little-known subjects, along with sunken Titanic that fateful night in April 1912, as well as some interesting stories about the people connected with these things.
Rabbit hides

On board the Titanic were three chests with rabbit fur, which were sent to New Jersey in "The Broadway Trust Company of Camden". "Skins" - it was a term applied to rabbit skins, of which at the time made clothes and children's coats and dress shirts.
The Broadway Trust Company - it was the bank that ceased to exist some time after the beginning of the Great Depression, when many small banks closed their doors. The building itself is in the list of national historic sites.
There was another misfortune struck on The Broadway Trust Company. October 5, 1920 Courier Bank The Broadway Trust Company David S. Paul mysteriously disappeared with tens of thousands of dollars and securities. His body was found on October 16 near the Tabernacle, New Jersey. He was kidnapped, robbed and killed two of his friends, Frank and Raymond James Shakom who were arrested and charged with his murder. They were executed in the electric chair in New Jersey August 30, 1921.

On board the Titanic were four boxes of opium. Neither board was John Jacob Astor IV, who was the great-grandson of John Jacob Astor, who made his fortune in the opie, selling furs and construction. Neither the opium nor Astor did not reach New York. In just 7 years before the shipwreck, the US Congress banned opium, but it is still widely used for medical purposes and other purposes. A year later, the US Congress passed the act of "pure food and drugs", which required writing the content of the product on its packaging pharmaceutical companies. As a result, the availability of opium has fallen sharply.
Dog Chao Chao

Another first-class passengers was stockbroker from New York, Harry Anderson, who returned to the US after a trip to England. He was married and lived with his wife in New York, which is not accompanied him on a trip to Europe. Apparently, he was traveling with a dog. Anderson escaped death on the boat number 3. However, the dog went to the bottom of the Titanic along with the other eight of the 12 dogs that were on board. Later he got insurance for the loss of his dog in the amount of $ 50.
A signed picture of Garibaldi

Mr. Giuseppe Emilio Llario Portaluppi, who was one of the survivors, was a very interesting person. He was the second-class passengers and heading for Milford, New Hampshire after a visit to his homeland - Italy. As he spoke, he was awakened by the ship hitting an iceberg on, thinking it was the New York harbor. But Emilio quickly realized that something was wrong, put on a life jacket and went out on deck. He walked leisurely pace to the lifeboats, but fell during a jump into the water. Others say that he simply jumped into the water. In any case - he was in the water and it was one of the four lucky ones for whom the only boat returned after the Titanic sank. Portaluppi picked up boat number 14 under the command of an officer Lava. It is said that Portaluppi clung to a piece of ice floe and drifted until it was picked up.
After he was rescued, and Emilio returned to the United States, he received $ 3,000 for the loss of the painting of the Italian national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi, signed by Garibaldi and presented to his grandfather Portaluppi. This insurance looks as unusual as the fact that he escaped on a piece of ice floes in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but who knows.
Lectures college

Not much is known about young second-class passenger Sidney Clarence Stuart Collette. It turned out that he was a student of theology and went home to his parents in New York Port Byron from England.
It is believed that the young student took part in one of the most memorable events just before the crash. It is said that he assisted the Reverend Mr. Carter in the Sunday evening service on the Titanic. The event was held the evening of April 14, 1912 at the restaurant for the second class, which was attended by about 100 people. Reverend Carter and Collette were the first voices in the "Three for the green hill", "For those in peril on the sea" and "Lead us, the glorious light" under the piano.
At the end, Reverend Carter noted that the ship goes extremely smoothly and asked how present are his arrival in New York. He said: "This is the first time Sunday night on board the ship were singing, and we pray that it was not the last time."
After striking an iceberg on the vessel, all that is known about Collette - is that he helped two women get on the boat. When the women sat, he explained to the crew that they are sailing on a ship under its responsibility. He was allowed to sit in the boat number 9, and he was saved.
It is said that on arrival in the United States Collette met his brother and the first thing he did - it gave him a small Bible. Obviously, Brother Collett gave him the Bible before his trip to England, saying that he should return it to him when they meet again.
He's got insurance in the amount of $ 50 for the loss of his hand-written abstracts for 2 years of study.

On board he was also a farmer from Ireland, who sailed to New York, the third class. Mr. Eugene Patrick Delhi was 29-year-old man who boarded the Titanic at Queenstown, paying for a ticket 7 pounds and 15 shillings.
On board, he went with his bagpipe (the Irish national instrument) and played "Requiem for Erin" for his neighbor - a third-class passenger. Later, he claimed damages in the amount of $ 50 for a lost bagpipes. After ten years, from the bottom was raised bagpipes, possibly belonging to Delhi.
When the Titanic sank, Delhi was one of the lucky ones bulge of the earth the third class, who managed to climb from the bottom to the deck of the ship. At that time with him were two more women - Maggie and Bert Malvihil Delhi. He helped them get on a lifeboat number 15, while he was on the deck of a sinking ship.
Delhi told the story of what happened later - one of the most dramatic moments on board before the ship sank:
"... The officer pulled out a gun, pointed at the people and said that if any man will try to get on the boat, it immediately shot him. I saw an officer killed two people. This was followed by another shot, and I saw the officer lying on the deck. I was told that he had shot himself, but I did not see it. "
Delhi jumped into the water, while wearing only a jacket that was warm enough to survive in the icy water. Somehow Delhi managed to get to the inverted boat B, from where he was later rescued by the ship Carpathia. Later, Delhi said that he always took with him the same jacket, like a talisman.
Source: mindhobby.com