Something about the Titanic
Personal Profile:
«Titanic» (RMS Titanic, SS Titanic) - British steamship company "White Star Line", one of three twin ships of the "Olympic". The largest passenger liner of the world at the time of its construction. During the first flight April 14, 1912 collided with an iceberg and 2 hours 40 minutes sank. On board were 1,316 passengers and 892 crew members, only 2208 people. Of these, 704 people survived, 1500. The disaster killed more than "Titanic" became legendary and was one of the largest in the history of shipwrecks. In her story filmed several feature films.
From 1911 to 1916, Frank Brown studied theology at the Dublin Institute of Milltown Park. During this period, his uncle Robert (Bishop of Cloyne) sent him an unusual gift: a ticket to a short trip on board the Titanic, bound for their first voyage from Southampton to Cherbourg and then Queenstown (Cobh), County Cork, Ireland.
Day of departure: Photostory
View Queenstown from the deck Tender before the Hagia Coleman (St Coleman's Cathedral) was established spire. Photographed uncle photographer Robert Brown - Bishop of Cloyne.
Queenstown. Marina «White Star». Passengers going ashore.
American women go ashore with the messenger ship "America".
In Kuinstaunskih merchants licensed to sell lace and other Irish gifts on board the transatlantic liners.
Dear merchant's wife, Mrs. Galvin (Mrs.Galvin) awaits the arrival of passengers at the pier Kuinstaunskoy.
Freight waiting for work on the transmission of correspondence.
We board the ship going illegal trade.
"In the post - cache!" We hope that the bags that were thrown into the hold, it was not the fragile things.
Passengers on board the company «White Star» watch the transfer of mail.
Members of the team will ship the mail and regulate illumination lights liner.
Mail bags and suitcases ready for loading, which will begin after the passengers on board will drop.
There is a loading-mail, which came from Cork on the mail train «American Mail Special»
Team members clean gangway.
On the pier bugler plays.
On a ship loaded mail.
Passengers spend the day, while the vessel is ready.
Team members come on board with the messenger ship "America".
A boy sells the last issue of the newspaper «The Cork Examiner».
The woman with the child to focus on.
Second-class passengers to board the ship with the messenger "Ireland".
Third-class passengers sit on the deck.
Loaders "corrected form" on the deck of the third class. At the top of the picture it is clear that next to no lifeboat "English" rafts.
American doctor holding eye exam. Passengers suffering from trachoma and other infectious diseases, were not allowed to swim.
Pilot Tender in the workplace
Tender "Ireland" and "America" approach the passengers to the Titanic.
One of the formalities is to check the port lifeboats and jackets, which did not have enough for all passengers of the Titanic.
Pictures Father Brown commented upon and, where necessary, doctored.
Although the captions said about the Titanic, in fact a photograph of the vessel Olympic, Titanic's twin, made during its construction at the shipyard Harland & Wolff Ltd, Belfast.
Unlike the previous, this card was purchased after the disaster, which occurred with the Titanic. It depicts the Titanic. It seems that the ship is ready for the test in swimming Tuesday, April 2, 1912.
This photograph was taken at Waterloo Station on Wednesday, at 9:45 am April 10, 1912. Photographer vividly depicted the first and last train that brought the passengers on the Titanic.
For many years it was believed that the gentleman on the left - this is John Jacob Astor, who died during the sinking of the Titanic. In fact - this is his cousin, William Ueldorf Astor, in 1980, he moved to England from the United States.
Right before you go on board the Titanic, Frank Brown took this picture looking down along the vessel. Far seen similar for second-class passengers, identical to those on which he stands.
Photographer leaned over the side of the vessel, to make pictures of tugboats, stand down. In the distance is the shore of the river and test some private yachts at anchor. To the left of the photographer - lifeboat number seven. When the ship starts to sink, the first boat into the water.
Moving along the deck of the ship, Frank Brown photographed the crowd consisting mainly of local residents, accompanied by the ship.
Now the photographer has moved to starboard A-deck, from where you can see the tug "Hector" and "Neptune" pushing prow. Far visible to feed the liner "New York", turn to the Titanic. On the nose the well deck, third-class passengers, and the watch also see what happens at the bottom.
The boy on the right - is Jack Odell, a family member, who is traveling with Frank Brown, and in the distance - Major Archibald Butt, military aide of President William Howard Taft.
The picture shows a lonely figure on the deck length of 187 yards - this is Captain Smith, although the album Frank Brown is not mentioned. In the distance you can see a Portuguese ship RNSP Tagus, which is going to pass on the West Canal Solent near Needles. Himself Titanic turn left, and the Eastern Channel pass by Cowes and Postmuta.
Newspapers describe the fall of the pilot in the water in Portsmouth, where he picked up the boat with the Isle of Wight. The photo shows a boat number 10. It is one of the few pictures of the Titanic lifeboats, sufficiently clear to be able to see the name of the vessel.
This, obviously, American novelist Jacques Fotrell standing on the deck near the sports hall of the Titanic. The author of popular detective "Thinking Machine» (Thinking Machine), he took on board many unpublished short stories that will be lost forever. Noting his 37 anniversary of the day before departure, he will die in the crash.
A gentleman in a white flannel suit - a T. McCauley, 34-year-old physical education teacher from Aberdeen. One of the passengers in a few years will remember McCauley as very strict in dealing with passenger rights. But with the children on board, he behaved softer.
The first sunrise of the Titanic. The picture was taken near Cape Land's End, Cornwall, while sailing between Cherbourg and Queenstown around 6:45 am April 1, 1912.
Made from the stern A-deck, in this photograph shows the rear part of the ship superstructure. On the upper deck of a group of second-class passengers are looking at the camera.
A little ahead, and turn left, Frank Brown encountered a strange pair, for a morning walk. Upstairs, at the railing of the second class promenade deck, assembled benches.
Six-year old Robert Douglas Steedman of Tuxedo Park, New York, runs a top, and his father Frederick looks. During the loss of the vessel and the father and son were rescued, but the photos taken with the camera Frederick, hanging on his shoulder - no.
A photograph taken in the Adriatic Sea before swimming Frank Brown on the Titanic, shows two radio operator. The gentleman on the left - this is Jack Phillips, who remained at his post and called rescuers, unlike others who had left the ship in the lifeboats. This is one of the undisputed heroes of the disaster, in whose honor the monuments erected on both sides of the Atlantic.
Junior Titanic radio operator, Harold Bride, in his post. Since this is the only picture ever made in the radio ship, Frank Brown kept it, in spite of the double exposure.
In this picture shot Frank Brown, the ship drops anchor, but the wave astern says that the ship is still moving. It is only going to stop, but the door to the gangway at the front of the well deck is now open.
Giant rule becomes the anchor of the Titanic is raised for the last time. To anchor has reached the surface, it took a few minutes. On the liner used chain length of 6 anchor chains of wrought iron. Each of the chains have a length of 15 fathoms (fathoms).
The bridge on the Titanic. Better than nothing - it's the only picture of all the bridge of the Titanic.
Swimming pool on the Titanic.
April 10, 1912
12:00 - "Titanic" departs from the quay wall of the port of Southampton and barely avoided a collision with an American liner "New York».
19:00 - a stop in Cherbourg (France) to take on board passengers and mail.
21:00 - "Titanic" came out of Cherbourg and headed to Queenstown (Ireland).
April 11, 1912
12:30 - a stop in Queenstown for taking on passengers and mail; one team member to defect to the "Titanic».
14:00 - "Titanic" departs from Queenstown with 1316 passengers and 891 crew members on board.
April 14, 1912
09:00 - "Caronia" reports of ice in the area of 42 ° N, 49-51 ° W longitude.
13:42 - "Baltika" reports the presence of ice in the area 41 ° 51 'north latitude, 49 ° 52' west longitude.
13:45 - "America" reports on the ice in the area of 41 ° 27 'north latitude, 50 ° 8' west longitude.
19:00 - air temperature of 43 ° Fahrenheit (6 ° C).
19:30 - temperature 39 ° Fahrenheit (3, 9 ° C).
19:30 - "Californian" reports of ice in the area 3 ° 42 'north latitude, 49 ° 9' west longitude.
21:00 - temperature 33 ° Fahrenheit (0, 6 ° C).
21:30 - second mate Lightoller warns marine carpenter on watch in the engine room that is necessary to monitor the system of fresh water - the water in the pipes could freeze; He tells vperёdsmotryaschim observe the appearance of ice.
21:40 - "Mesabi" reports on the ice in the area of 42 ° -41 ° 25 'north latitude, 49 ° -50 ° 30' west longitude.
22:00 - air temperature of 32 ° Fahrenheit (0 ° C).
22:30 - seawater temperature dropped to 31 ° Fahrenheit (0, 56 ° C).
23:00 - "Californian" indicates the presence of ice, but the operator of "Titanic" breaks off the radio before the "Californian" manages to tell the coordinates of the area.
23:40 - At the point with coordinates 41 ° 46 'north latitude, 50 ° 14' west longitude (later found out that these coordinates were calculated incorrectly) at a distance of about 450 meters straight ahead was seen iceberg. Although the maneuver, in 39 seconds was a touch of the underwater part of the ship and the ship's hull has received numerous small holes in the length of about 100 meters. Of the 16 watertight compartments vessel 6 were cut (in the sixth run was extremely small).
April 15, 1912
00:05 - ordered to uncover the lifeboats and to convene the members of the crew and passengers to muster.
00:15 - with "Titanic" passed the first radiotelegraphic signal for help.
00:45 - The first flare, and launched the first lifeboat (№ 7).
1:15 - admitted on the deck passengers 3rd class.
1:40 - released last flare.
2:05 - lowered last lifeboat (collapsible boat D).
2:10 - passed last radiotelegraphic signals.
2:17 - electric light goes out.
2:18 - "Titanic" is broken into three parts (this became known in 1996 after the expedition Narzhole).
2:20 - "Titanic" sank.
3:30 - in lifeboats notice signal rockets fired from the "Carpathia».
4:10 - "Carpathia" picked up the first boat to the "Titanic" (boat number 2).
08:30 - "Carpathia" picked last (№ 12) boat with "Titanic».
8:50 - "Carpathia", taking on board the 704 people who escaped from the "Titanic", takes a course for New York. Collision
Recognizing in the light haze iceberg vperёdsmotryaschy Fleet warned "we face - the ice" and three times hit the bell that meant the barrier directly ahead, and then rushed to the phone connects "crow's nest" with the bridge. The bridge is the sixth assistant Moody replied almost instantly, and heard the cry of "ice directly on the nose» («ice right ahead»). Politely thanking, Moody turned to the watch officer and Murdoch repeated warning. He rushed to the telegraph, put the handle in the "stop" and shouted "starboard", while passing the order to the engine room, "full back". In the terminology of 1912 "starboard" meant turn stern to the right and the nose - to the left. Steering Robert Hitchens on nalёg Handles steering wheel and quickly turned it counter-clockwise until it stops, and then Murdoch reported "wheel to the right, sir." At that moment the bridge ran even watch the steering and Bokskholl Alfred Oliver, who was in the chart room, when the "crow's nest" rang bells. Murdoch pulled the lever, which included the closure of watertight doors in bulkheads engine room and boiler rooms, and immediately gave the order "Left wheel!».
Iceberg, which is believed to be bumped "Titanic»
«Titanic» (RMS Titanic, SS Titanic) - British steamship company "White Star Line", one of three twin ships of the "Olympic". The largest passenger liner of the world at the time of its construction. During the first flight April 14, 1912 collided with an iceberg and 2 hours 40 minutes sank. On board were 1,316 passengers and 892 crew members, only 2208 people. Of these, 704 people survived, 1500. The disaster killed more than "Titanic" became legendary and was one of the largest in the history of shipwrecks. In her story filmed several feature films.

From 1911 to 1916, Frank Brown studied theology at the Dublin Institute of Milltown Park. During this period, his uncle Robert (Bishop of Cloyne) sent him an unusual gift: a ticket to a short trip on board the Titanic, bound for their first voyage from Southampton to Cherbourg and then Queenstown (Cobh), County Cork, Ireland.
Day of departure: Photostory

View Queenstown from the deck Tender before the Hagia Coleman (St Coleman's Cathedral) was established spire. Photographed uncle photographer Robert Brown - Bishop of Cloyne.

Queenstown. Marina «White Star». Passengers going ashore.

American women go ashore with the messenger ship "America".

In Kuinstaunskih merchants licensed to sell lace and other Irish gifts on board the transatlantic liners.

Dear merchant's wife, Mrs. Galvin (Mrs.Galvin) awaits the arrival of passengers at the pier Kuinstaunskoy.

Freight waiting for work on the transmission of correspondence.

We board the ship going illegal trade.

"In the post - cache!" We hope that the bags that were thrown into the hold, it was not the fragile things.

Passengers on board the company «White Star» watch the transfer of mail.

Members of the team will ship the mail and regulate illumination lights liner.

Mail bags and suitcases ready for loading, which will begin after the passengers on board will drop.

There is a loading-mail, which came from Cork on the mail train «American Mail Special»

Team members clean gangway.

On the pier bugler plays.

On a ship loaded mail.

Passengers spend the day, while the vessel is ready.

Team members come on board with the messenger ship "America".

A boy sells the last issue of the newspaper «The Cork Examiner».

The woman with the child to focus on.

Second-class passengers to board the ship with the messenger "Ireland".

Third-class passengers sit on the deck.

Loaders "corrected form" on the deck of the third class. At the top of the picture it is clear that next to no lifeboat "English" rafts.

American doctor holding eye exam. Passengers suffering from trachoma and other infectious diseases, were not allowed to swim.

Pilot Tender in the workplace

Tender "Ireland" and "America" approach the passengers to the Titanic.

One of the formalities is to check the port lifeboats and jackets, which did not have enough for all passengers of the Titanic.

Pictures Father Brown commented upon and, where necessary, doctored.
Although the captions said about the Titanic, in fact a photograph of the vessel Olympic, Titanic's twin, made during its construction at the shipyard Harland & Wolff Ltd, Belfast.

Unlike the previous, this card was purchased after the disaster, which occurred with the Titanic. It depicts the Titanic. It seems that the ship is ready for the test in swimming Tuesday, April 2, 1912.

This photograph was taken at Waterloo Station on Wednesday, at 9:45 am April 10, 1912. Photographer vividly depicted the first and last train that brought the passengers on the Titanic.

For many years it was believed that the gentleman on the left - this is John Jacob Astor, who died during the sinking of the Titanic. In fact - this is his cousin, William Ueldorf Astor, in 1980, he moved to England from the United States.

Right before you go on board the Titanic, Frank Brown took this picture looking down along the vessel. Far seen similar for second-class passengers, identical to those on which he stands.

Photographer leaned over the side of the vessel, to make pictures of tugboats, stand down. In the distance is the shore of the river and test some private yachts at anchor. To the left of the photographer - lifeboat number seven. When the ship starts to sink, the first boat into the water.

Moving along the deck of the ship, Frank Brown photographed the crowd consisting mainly of local residents, accompanied by the ship.

Now the photographer has moved to starboard A-deck, from where you can see the tug "Hector" and "Neptune" pushing prow. Far visible to feed the liner "New York", turn to the Titanic. On the nose the well deck, third-class passengers, and the watch also see what happens at the bottom.

The boy on the right - is Jack Odell, a family member, who is traveling with Frank Brown, and in the distance - Major Archibald Butt, military aide of President William Howard Taft.

The picture shows a lonely figure on the deck length of 187 yards - this is Captain Smith, although the album Frank Brown is not mentioned. In the distance you can see a Portuguese ship RNSP Tagus, which is going to pass on the West Canal Solent near Needles. Himself Titanic turn left, and the Eastern Channel pass by Cowes and Postmuta.

Newspapers describe the fall of the pilot in the water in Portsmouth, where he picked up the boat with the Isle of Wight. The photo shows a boat number 10. It is one of the few pictures of the Titanic lifeboats, sufficiently clear to be able to see the name of the vessel.

This, obviously, American novelist Jacques Fotrell standing on the deck near the sports hall of the Titanic. The author of popular detective "Thinking Machine» (Thinking Machine), he took on board many unpublished short stories that will be lost forever. Noting his 37 anniversary of the day before departure, he will die in the crash.

A gentleman in a white flannel suit - a T. McCauley, 34-year-old physical education teacher from Aberdeen. One of the passengers in a few years will remember McCauley as very strict in dealing with passenger rights. But with the children on board, he behaved softer.

The first sunrise of the Titanic. The picture was taken near Cape Land's End, Cornwall, while sailing between Cherbourg and Queenstown around 6:45 am April 1, 1912.

Made from the stern A-deck, in this photograph shows the rear part of the ship superstructure. On the upper deck of a group of second-class passengers are looking at the camera.

A little ahead, and turn left, Frank Brown encountered a strange pair, for a morning walk. Upstairs, at the railing of the second class promenade deck, assembled benches.

Six-year old Robert Douglas Steedman of Tuxedo Park, New York, runs a top, and his father Frederick looks. During the loss of the vessel and the father and son were rescued, but the photos taken with the camera Frederick, hanging on his shoulder - no.

A photograph taken in the Adriatic Sea before swimming Frank Brown on the Titanic, shows two radio operator. The gentleman on the left - this is Jack Phillips, who remained at his post and called rescuers, unlike others who had left the ship in the lifeboats. This is one of the undisputed heroes of the disaster, in whose honor the monuments erected on both sides of the Atlantic.

Junior Titanic radio operator, Harold Bride, in his post. Since this is the only picture ever made in the radio ship, Frank Brown kept it, in spite of the double exposure.

In this picture shot Frank Brown, the ship drops anchor, but the wave astern says that the ship is still moving. It is only going to stop, but the door to the gangway at the front of the well deck is now open.

Giant rule becomes the anchor of the Titanic is raised for the last time. To anchor has reached the surface, it took a few minutes. On the liner used chain length of 6 anchor chains of wrought iron. Each of the chains have a length of 15 fathoms (fathoms).

The bridge on the Titanic. Better than nothing - it's the only picture of all the bridge of the Titanic.

Swimming pool on the Titanic.

April 10, 1912
12:00 - "Titanic" departs from the quay wall of the port of Southampton and barely avoided a collision with an American liner "New York».
19:00 - a stop in Cherbourg (France) to take on board passengers and mail.
21:00 - "Titanic" came out of Cherbourg and headed to Queenstown (Ireland).
April 11, 1912
12:30 - a stop in Queenstown for taking on passengers and mail; one team member to defect to the "Titanic».
14:00 - "Titanic" departs from Queenstown with 1316 passengers and 891 crew members on board.
April 14, 1912
09:00 - "Caronia" reports of ice in the area of 42 ° N, 49-51 ° W longitude.
13:42 - "Baltika" reports the presence of ice in the area 41 ° 51 'north latitude, 49 ° 52' west longitude.
13:45 - "America" reports on the ice in the area of 41 ° 27 'north latitude, 50 ° 8' west longitude.
19:00 - air temperature of 43 ° Fahrenheit (6 ° C).
19:30 - temperature 39 ° Fahrenheit (3, 9 ° C).
19:30 - "Californian" reports of ice in the area 3 ° 42 'north latitude, 49 ° 9' west longitude.
21:00 - temperature 33 ° Fahrenheit (0, 6 ° C).
21:30 - second mate Lightoller warns marine carpenter on watch in the engine room that is necessary to monitor the system of fresh water - the water in the pipes could freeze; He tells vperёdsmotryaschim observe the appearance of ice.
21:40 - "Mesabi" reports on the ice in the area of 42 ° -41 ° 25 'north latitude, 49 ° -50 ° 30' west longitude.
22:00 - air temperature of 32 ° Fahrenheit (0 ° C).
22:30 - seawater temperature dropped to 31 ° Fahrenheit (0, 56 ° C).
23:00 - "Californian" indicates the presence of ice, but the operator of "Titanic" breaks off the radio before the "Californian" manages to tell the coordinates of the area.
23:40 - At the point with coordinates 41 ° 46 'north latitude, 50 ° 14' west longitude (later found out that these coordinates were calculated incorrectly) at a distance of about 450 meters straight ahead was seen iceberg. Although the maneuver, in 39 seconds was a touch of the underwater part of the ship and the ship's hull has received numerous small holes in the length of about 100 meters. Of the 16 watertight compartments vessel 6 were cut (in the sixth run was extremely small).
April 15, 1912
00:05 - ordered to uncover the lifeboats and to convene the members of the crew and passengers to muster.
00:15 - with "Titanic" passed the first radiotelegraphic signal for help.
00:45 - The first flare, and launched the first lifeboat (№ 7).
1:15 - admitted on the deck passengers 3rd class.
1:40 - released last flare.
2:05 - lowered last lifeboat (collapsible boat D).
2:10 - passed last radiotelegraphic signals.
2:17 - electric light goes out.
2:18 - "Titanic" is broken into three parts (this became known in 1996 after the expedition Narzhole).
2:20 - "Titanic" sank.
3:30 - in lifeboats notice signal rockets fired from the "Carpathia».
4:10 - "Carpathia" picked up the first boat to the "Titanic" (boat number 2).
08:30 - "Carpathia" picked last (№ 12) boat with "Titanic».
8:50 - "Carpathia", taking on board the 704 people who escaped from the "Titanic", takes a course for New York. Collision
Recognizing in the light haze iceberg vperёdsmotryaschy Fleet warned "we face - the ice" and three times hit the bell that meant the barrier directly ahead, and then rushed to the phone connects "crow's nest" with the bridge. The bridge is the sixth assistant Moody replied almost instantly, and heard the cry of "ice directly on the nose» («ice right ahead»). Politely thanking, Moody turned to the watch officer and Murdoch repeated warning. He rushed to the telegraph, put the handle in the "stop" and shouted "starboard", while passing the order to the engine room, "full back". In the terminology of 1912 "starboard" meant turn stern to the right and the nose - to the left. Steering Robert Hitchens on nalёg Handles steering wheel and quickly turned it counter-clockwise until it stops, and then Murdoch reported "wheel to the right, sir." At that moment the bridge ran even watch the steering and Bokskholl Alfred Oliver, who was in the chart room, when the "crow's nest" rang bells. Murdoch pulled the lever, which included the closure of watertight doors in bulkheads engine room and boiler rooms, and immediately gave the order "Left wheel!».
Iceberg, which is believed to be bumped "Titanic»
