25 amazing facts about the Titanic
The history of "Titanic", the ship-legend, surrounded by many mysteries and myths, widely known and not so. Here are some amazing facts about this legendary ship.
25. The first film of the "Titanic" was filmed in less than a month after the disaster, and the main role in it played by an actress in a shipwreck survivor. B>
24. Kim Il Sung, North Korea's leader, was born on the day of the death of the liner. B>
23. On board the ship were 12 dogs, 3 of them survived. B>
22. The remains of the "Titanic" have been found only in '73 after the disaster. B>
21. Kate Winslet starred in the movie "Titanic" (1997), said that she did not like the song «My heart will go on». The actress even confessed that her cringe when she hears the music. B>
20. In fact, modern ships more chances to meet with an iceberg, what was the "Titanic». B>
19. Iceberg, which ran the ship began its journey about two thousand years ago. B>
18. None of the 30 engineers of the ship survived. They remained in the engine room and supports the work of steam engines for as long as possible, so that we can save the rest of the passengers. B>
17. The lifeboat liner could put more than half of the passengers, but almost a third of them actually managed to do it. B>
16. 13 pairs of newlyweds went to the "Titanic" honeymoon. B>
15. The most expensive rooms on the ship today would cost more than $ 100 000. B>
14. The only survivor of the disaster Japanese were ostracized and called a coward for what did not die along with the other passengers. B>
13. Although the ship could stay afloat in the sinking of the four compartments in a row, in a fateful night had been damaged six of them ...
12. In addition to "Titanic", none of the liner in history has never been sunk by an iceberg. B>
11, founder of the chocolate factory Hershey's Chocolate Milton Hershi canceled their reservations at the last minute due to urgent business meetings.
10 "Titanic" was so huge that sank as much as 2 hours and 40 minutes.
9 From the moment when vperёdsmotryaschie noticed the iceberg, to change the course of the team went 30 seconds. Had it not been for the delay, the collision could have been avoided. B>
8. There is a theory that the main cause of death of "Titanic" became a mirage effect of the ice, hiding from watching real shape of the iceberg, thereby not allowing time to prevent catastrophe. This is indirectly evidenced by the testimony vyzhivshi
6. The film "Titanic" in 1997 had a much larger budget than the construction of the ship. B>
5. Musicians played for several hours until the ship sank. All of them were killed. B>
4.Chetvertaya chimney "Titanic" was decorative and served as a fan.
3. Common in "White Star Line" boat Sunday exercise was canceled due to strong winds and high speed vessel. B>
2. The liner was so great that just to throw coal into the furnace furnace required 176. B>
1. In "Titanic" came out its own newspaper - "Antlantik Daily Bulletin

25. The first film of the "Titanic" was filmed in less than a month after the disaster, and the main role in it played by an actress in a shipwreck survivor. B>

24. Kim Il Sung, North Korea's leader, was born on the day of the death of the liner. B>

23. On board the ship were 12 dogs, 3 of them survived. B>

22. The remains of the "Titanic" have been found only in '73 after the disaster. B>

21. Kate Winslet starred in the movie "Titanic" (1997), said that she did not like the song «My heart will go on». The actress even confessed that her cringe when she hears the music. B>

20. In fact, modern ships more chances to meet with an iceberg, what was the "Titanic». B>

19. Iceberg, which ran the ship began its journey about two thousand years ago. B>

18. None of the 30 engineers of the ship survived. They remained in the engine room and supports the work of steam engines for as long as possible, so that we can save the rest of the passengers. B>

17. The lifeboat liner could put more than half of the passengers, but almost a third of them actually managed to do it. B>

16. 13 pairs of newlyweds went to the "Titanic" honeymoon. B>

15. The most expensive rooms on the ship today would cost more than $ 100 000. B>

14. The only survivor of the disaster Japanese were ostracized and called a coward for what did not die along with the other passengers. B>

13. Although the ship could stay afloat in the sinking of the four compartments in a row, in a fateful night had been damaged six of them ...

12. In addition to "Titanic", none of the liner in history has never been sunk by an iceberg. B>

11, founder of the chocolate factory Hershey's Chocolate Milton Hershi canceled their reservations at the last minute due to urgent business meetings.

10 "Titanic" was so huge that sank as much as 2 hours and 40 minutes.

9 From the moment when vperёdsmotryaschie noticed the iceberg, to change the course of the team went 30 seconds. Had it not been for the delay, the collision could have been avoided. B>

8. There is a theory that the main cause of death of "Titanic" became a mirage effect of the ice, hiding from watching real shape of the iceberg, thereby not allowing time to prevent catastrophe. This is indirectly evidenced by the testimony vyzhivshi

6. The film "Titanic" in 1997 had a much larger budget than the construction of the ship. B>

5. Musicians played for several hours until the ship sank. All of them were killed. B>

4.Chetvertaya chimney "Titanic" was decorative and served as a fan.

3. Common in "White Star Line" boat Sunday exercise was canceled due to strong winds and high speed vessel. B>

2. The liner was so great that just to throw coal into the furnace furnace required 176. B>

1. In "Titanic" came out its own newspaper - "Antlantik Daily Bulletin

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