Use this natural remedy and You will forget about skin problems!
In cosmetics tea tree oil is used in pure form (mostly in the fight against pimples and acne) and for the enrichment of various cosmetic products for skin care of hands, face and body, nail care and hair (15-20 g cosmetic foundations (cream, base oil), as a rule, it is recommended to add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil).
Due to its pronounced bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action of tea tree oil has long been traditionally used in cosmetics in the fight against acne and breakouts.
Acne treatment using tea tree oil can be carried out according to the following scheme:
In the first 3 days need to process 3 times a day the localization of acne undiluted essential oil of tea tree (for small lesions – processing can be oiled with a cotton swab, with extensive acne pre-moistened leather wipe soaked in tea tree oil with a cotton swab). Starting from the 4th day of treatment, the need to conduct morning and evening hygiene procedures with the use of tea tree oil.
In the morning wipe the face with a water solution of this essential oil (8-10 drops of oil mixed in half Cup of warm water), and in the evening it is recommended to wipe the affected acne skin with a lotion which can be prepared by adding and stirred in 100 ml 44 drops of tea tree oil and 12 drops of pure ethyl alcohol). Before each use this lotion must be shaken and keep the best solution in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place.
Will also enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of acne and lotion on the basis of tea tree oil. To prepare the solution for these washes in 100 ml of 70% alcohol tincture of calendula add 3 drops of essential oils of tea tree, lavender and oregano, then one teaspoon of the mixture add 200 ml (1 Cup) of warm water and mix thoroughly. Folded in several layers of gauze impregnated with this solution and apply 1 time a day for 10 minutes during 22-24 days.
Significant benefits in the treatment of acne also bring steam ingalljatsii.
To carry out this procedure at home is quite simple – to do this in a pot of boiling water, add 6 drops of tea tree oil (or 4 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of lemon essential oil), cover your head with a towel (so the steam from the pots fell on the face) and inhale deeply the hot fumes (with eyes closed) for 5 to 6 minutes.
For the treatment of individual spots
Tea tree oil can be used in pure, undiluted form, greasing his acne with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day (for this procedure, contributing to the drying and disappearance of acne, eliminate itching and irritation of the skin and accelerates regeneration of damaged cells tea tree oil can also be used in combination with lavender essential oil, combined 3:1). It should be noted that handle dipped in tea tree oil cotton swab should be exactly the pimple and not the skin area around it – getting this undiluted essential oil on healthy skin it can cause dryness and peeling.
As a lotion for care of the affected pimples or acne skin, you can use the lotions prepared according to the following recipes:
1st recipe:
in 95 ml of water add 5 ml of essential tea tree oil
2nd recipe:
to 100 m l of water (0.5 cups), add 8-9 drops of essential tea tree oil and 4 tablespoons strong infusion of sage.
3rd recipe:
take 2 tbsp. spoon mixture of chopped sage leaves, and flowers of Hypericum and calendula, pour 1 Cup of boiling water and leave for 30 min When the infusion has cooled, strain it and add the strained infusion of 9 drops of essential oil of tea tree. For oily skin this lotion, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
These lotions need to handle the localization of acne and acne 2 times a day – morning and evening. Before applying the lotion is recommended to stir.
For acne and pimples
to care for the skin is useful to use a cosmetic cream, which added a few drops of tea tree oil (to cook such a rich cream (50 g cream — 5 drops of oil) immediately before use in connection with what is present in the composition of this cream essential oil tea tree evaporates quickly). Applied to the skin enriched with cream (both morning and night) is recommended immediately after the cleansing lotion prepared according to any of the above recipes.
For getting rid of acne on back and shoulders
it is recommended to regularly use a homemade scrub (crushed 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil), which need to massage the pre-steamed skin of the shoulders and back.
In the care of oily, acne affected skin, it is useful to apply the following mask:
Mask with tea tree oil for oily and combination skin, prone to vospaleniya 1 raw egg white, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and lavender. The mixture is mixed and applied on face for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with warm water. This mask is recommended to do 1 time a week.
Mask with tea tree oil for dry and sensitive skin, prone to inflammation
Whip 1 raw egg yolk, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The mixture is mixed and applied on face for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with warm water. This mask is recommended to do 1 time a week.
To eliminate the inflammation of the skin and soften the skin of the body will help the aromatic 20-minute warm bath with the addition of 15 drops of essential oil of tea tree (before you pour in bath tea tree oil to be dissolved in a small amount of milk, cream or shower gel). After a bath will disappear itching and irritation, the skin becomes soft and silky.
To soften and hydrate the skin you can add 10 drops of tea tree oil to your favorite day or night cream.
Tea tree oil as an antiseptic after shavingTo disinfect and also to soothe the skin after shaving tea tree oil is useful in combination with any cosmetic oil (ratio 1:4) or in combination with shower gel or shaving cream (ratio 1:5).
With shaving hair on the legs or in the bikini as an antiseptic, moisturizing and skin-soothing product it is recommended to use a mixture of 1 part essential oil of tea tree and 10 parts of olive oil.
Tea tree oil to care for your handsTo soften and moisturize the skin, eliminating irritation and flaking of the skin, it is useful to use a mixture of any cosmetic base oil (1 teaspoon) and the essential tea tree oil (4-5 drops). As the base oil it is possible to take the jojoba, olive, peach, almond or grape seed oil.
Tea tree oil in hair careFor improving hair condition , it is recommended to RUB it before washing your hair in the scalp, the composition consisting of 1 part of essential tea tree oil and 3 parts jojoba, olive, almond or sunflower oils.
Also to maintain the beauty and health of hair it is beneficial to wash your hair with the use of a mixture of shampoo and tea tree oil (100 ml shampoo – 10-12 drops of this essential oil).
For cases of dandruff, pediculosis (head lice) and for the prevention of baldness
recommended shampoo for washing hair, add tea tree oil (250 ml shampoo 10 drops of oil).
To eliminate the excessive oiliness of the scalp will help rubbing into the skin and the hair roots massaged undiluted essential oil of tea tree.
For dandruff and seborrhea it is useful to add in the hair rinse tea tree oil (200 ml rinse 1 drop of tea tree oil).
For healing dry and brittle hair useful to make the following mask: whip 1 raw egg yolk, add to 2 drops of essential oil of tea tree and 5 drops of jojoba oil, mix and apply on hair before shampooing for 0.5 hours, wrapped hair in plastic wrap and top – towel. Then wash hair as usual. This procedure is recommended 2 times a week.
Tea tree oil for beauty nailsTo improve condition of the nails is recommended to RUB pure, undiluted tea tree oil into the nail plate and the cuticle area.
Tea tree oil as a natural deodorantWhen increased perspiration is useful for treatment of the skin in the area of sweat glands apply the composition, which can be prepared by mixing 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 drop of rosemary essential oil and 2 drops of oil of sage.
When excessive sweating feet it is recommended that treatment of the skin of the soles of the feet with water solution of tea tree oil (100 ml water 5 drops of oil) or an oil mixture with adding it (for its preparation, mix 1 part tea tree oil and 5 parts olive or sunflower oils).
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: gabris.ru/gabris/health/tea-tree/oil/reciepts-cosmetics.php
Due to its pronounced bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action of tea tree oil has long been traditionally used in cosmetics in the fight against acne and breakouts.

Acne treatment using tea tree oil can be carried out according to the following scheme:
In the first 3 days need to process 3 times a day the localization of acne undiluted essential oil of tea tree (for small lesions – processing can be oiled with a cotton swab, with extensive acne pre-moistened leather wipe soaked in tea tree oil with a cotton swab). Starting from the 4th day of treatment, the need to conduct morning and evening hygiene procedures with the use of tea tree oil.
In the morning wipe the face with a water solution of this essential oil (8-10 drops of oil mixed in half Cup of warm water), and in the evening it is recommended to wipe the affected acne skin with a lotion which can be prepared by adding and stirred in 100 ml 44 drops of tea tree oil and 12 drops of pure ethyl alcohol). Before each use this lotion must be shaken and keep the best solution in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place.
Will also enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of acne and lotion on the basis of tea tree oil. To prepare the solution for these washes in 100 ml of 70% alcohol tincture of calendula add 3 drops of essential oils of tea tree, lavender and oregano, then one teaspoon of the mixture add 200 ml (1 Cup) of warm water and mix thoroughly. Folded in several layers of gauze impregnated with this solution and apply 1 time a day for 10 minutes during 22-24 days.
Significant benefits in the treatment of acne also bring steam ingalljatsii.
To carry out this procedure at home is quite simple – to do this in a pot of boiling water, add 6 drops of tea tree oil (or 4 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of lemon essential oil), cover your head with a towel (so the steam from the pots fell on the face) and inhale deeply the hot fumes (with eyes closed) for 5 to 6 minutes.
For the treatment of individual spots
Tea tree oil can be used in pure, undiluted form, greasing his acne with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day (for this procedure, contributing to the drying and disappearance of acne, eliminate itching and irritation of the skin and accelerates regeneration of damaged cells tea tree oil can also be used in combination with lavender essential oil, combined 3:1). It should be noted that handle dipped in tea tree oil cotton swab should be exactly the pimple and not the skin area around it – getting this undiluted essential oil on healthy skin it can cause dryness and peeling.
As a lotion for care of the affected pimples or acne skin, you can use the lotions prepared according to the following recipes:
1st recipe:
in 95 ml of water add 5 ml of essential tea tree oil
2nd recipe:
to 100 m l of water (0.5 cups), add 8-9 drops of essential tea tree oil and 4 tablespoons strong infusion of sage.
3rd recipe:
take 2 tbsp. spoon mixture of chopped sage leaves, and flowers of Hypericum and calendula, pour 1 Cup of boiling water and leave for 30 min When the infusion has cooled, strain it and add the strained infusion of 9 drops of essential oil of tea tree. For oily skin this lotion, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
These lotions need to handle the localization of acne and acne 2 times a day – morning and evening. Before applying the lotion is recommended to stir.
For acne and pimples
to care for the skin is useful to use a cosmetic cream, which added a few drops of tea tree oil (to cook such a rich cream (50 g cream — 5 drops of oil) immediately before use in connection with what is present in the composition of this cream essential oil tea tree evaporates quickly). Applied to the skin enriched with cream (both morning and night) is recommended immediately after the cleansing lotion prepared according to any of the above recipes.
For getting rid of acne on back and shoulders
it is recommended to regularly use a homemade scrub (crushed 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil), which need to massage the pre-steamed skin of the shoulders and back.
In the care of oily, acne affected skin, it is useful to apply the following mask:
- 1 raw egg protein add 1 drop of tea tree oil, chamomile oil and lavender oil. The mixture is stir and apply for 15 minutes on face, then rinse with cool water. This mask is recommended 2-3 times a week.
- Mix 20 ml of warm water, 20 l of ethanol, 80 g of honey and add 2 drops of essential oils of tea tree and grapefruit. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed and steamed skin with a cotton swab for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
- Beat raw egg white, add 1 tablespoon of crushed oat flakes and 20 drops of tea tree oil, mix well. Apply the mixture on face for 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with cool water.
- Half a tablespoon of powder blue clay mixed with 2 teaspoons of low fat sour cream and add 3 drops of essential tea tree oil, mix everything carefully. Apply the mixture on face for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with cool water.
- Half a tablespoon of clay cosmetic powder, 3 tbsp yogurt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 4 drops of tea tree oil mix apply on face. After 12-15 minutes, remove the mask from the face with moist cotton pad.
- Make a mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon of milk Thistle oil, 1 tbsp grape seed oil, 1 teaspoon of black seed oil, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and a little wheat flour, all mix thoroughly to obtain a paste-like mass. Apply a mask on face for 25-30 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and rinse with cool water.
Mask with tea tree oil for oily and combination skin, prone to vospaleniya 1 raw egg white, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and lavender. The mixture is mixed and applied on face for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with warm water. This mask is recommended to do 1 time a week.
Mask with tea tree oil for dry and sensitive skin, prone to inflammation
Whip 1 raw egg yolk, add 3 drops of tea tree oil and 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The mixture is mixed and applied on face for 15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with warm water. This mask is recommended to do 1 time a week.
To eliminate the inflammation of the skin and soften the skin of the body will help the aromatic 20-minute warm bath with the addition of 15 drops of essential oil of tea tree (before you pour in bath tea tree oil to be dissolved in a small amount of milk, cream or shower gel). After a bath will disappear itching and irritation, the skin becomes soft and silky.
To soften and hydrate the skin you can add 10 drops of tea tree oil to your favorite day or night cream.
Tea tree oil as an antiseptic after shavingTo disinfect and also to soothe the skin after shaving tea tree oil is useful in combination with any cosmetic oil (ratio 1:4) or in combination with shower gel or shaving cream (ratio 1:5).
With shaving hair on the legs or in the bikini as an antiseptic, moisturizing and skin-soothing product it is recommended to use a mixture of 1 part essential oil of tea tree and 10 parts of olive oil.
Tea tree oil to care for your handsTo soften and moisturize the skin, eliminating irritation and flaking of the skin, it is useful to use a mixture of any cosmetic base oil (1 teaspoon) and the essential tea tree oil (4-5 drops). As the base oil it is possible to take the jojoba, olive, peach, almond or grape seed oil.
Tea tree oil in hair careFor improving hair condition , it is recommended to RUB it before washing your hair in the scalp, the composition consisting of 1 part of essential tea tree oil and 3 parts jojoba, olive, almond or sunflower oils.
Also to maintain the beauty and health of hair it is beneficial to wash your hair with the use of a mixture of shampoo and tea tree oil (100 ml shampoo – 10-12 drops of this essential oil).
For cases of dandruff, pediculosis (head lice) and for the prevention of baldness
recommended shampoo for washing hair, add tea tree oil (250 ml shampoo 10 drops of oil).
To eliminate the excessive oiliness of the scalp will help rubbing into the skin and the hair roots massaged undiluted essential oil of tea tree.
For dandruff and seborrhea it is useful to add in the hair rinse tea tree oil (200 ml rinse 1 drop of tea tree oil).
For healing dry and brittle hair useful to make the following mask: whip 1 raw egg yolk, add to 2 drops of essential oil of tea tree and 5 drops of jojoba oil, mix and apply on hair before shampooing for 0.5 hours, wrapped hair in plastic wrap and top – towel. Then wash hair as usual. This procedure is recommended 2 times a week.
Tea tree oil for beauty nailsTo improve condition of the nails is recommended to RUB pure, undiluted tea tree oil into the nail plate and the cuticle area.
Tea tree oil as a natural deodorantWhen increased perspiration is useful for treatment of the skin in the area of sweat glands apply the composition, which can be prepared by mixing 5 drops of tea tree oil, 1 drop of rosemary essential oil and 2 drops of oil of sage.
When excessive sweating feet it is recommended that treatment of the skin of the soles of the feet with water solution of tea tree oil (100 ml water 5 drops of oil) or an oil mixture with adding it (for its preparation, mix 1 part tea tree oil and 5 parts olive or sunflower oils).
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: gabris.ru/gabris/health/tea-tree/oil/reciepts-cosmetics.php