Effective natural remedy against viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi
It is likely that many of you are already familiar with castor oil as a multipurpose tool that lived in ancient times healers recommended for the treatment of many diseases: not only from constipation, colds and fever, but even for the treatment of parasitic diseases. They say that castor oil is one of the best medicines.
Castor oil is one of the most famous natural remedies, which is already long enough used for therapeutic purposes, and only this fact alone is the basis for his research; however, a little caution when using this tool at home will not hurt
Castor oil has been in use several centuries ago
Castor oil is produced by pressing seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis), is native to India; but now the castor is grown in Mediterranean countries such as Algeria, Egypt, and Greece. In France, the castor tree is cultivated for ornamental purposes as it has a lush and beautiful foliage.
Many ancient civilizations, including ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Persians, castor-oil plant valued for what it can be used for numerous purposes, for example, as fuel for lamps or component of the composition of balms and ointments.
In the Middle ages, castor tree, which is used for the treatment of skin diseases became popular in Europe. The Greek physician Dioscorides described the process of obtaining oil from this plant, but warned that the seeds are only suitable for external use as they are "extremely laxatives".
Castor oil is a mixture of triglycerides, consisting of fatty acids, of which 90% are ricinolein acid. Other seeds and oils such as soybean oil and cottonseed oil also contain this unique fatty acid, although at much lower concentrations.
Claim that ricinolein acid is the primary healing component of castor oil, but according to medical researcher, chiropractor and biochemist David Williams is:
"An effective means for prevention of growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi. It is successfully used as a topical treatment for ringworm, keratoses, skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal infections [of nails] and toenails, acne and chronic pruritis (itching)".
In his article, Williams also writes that in India the seeds of the castor tree is traditionally used to treat various diseases such as dysentery, asthma, constipation, inflammatory diseases of the bowel and bladder, vaginal infections.
14 ways to use castor oil at home Well, if you have a home already have a bottle of castor oil; if not, you need now to buy this tool, but it must be from a reliable manufacturer. Of course, you will be very surprised what you can use this versatile oil.
1. Safe and natural laxative. In the study, which was conducted in 2010, was described as compresses with castor oil helps to get rid of constipation among the elderly. Administration of the USA on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA) considers this oil is "generally safe and effective" for use as a stimulating laxative.
Oral administration of castor oil can "clean up" the intestinal tract within two to five hours. However, for this purpose it is necessary to remember about proper dosage. For adults is 1-2 tablespoons, for children from 2 to 12 years — only 1-2 teaspoons.
Children under 2 years are not recommended to take more than one teaspoon. Offering this tool kids, try mixing the oil with fresh juice, so it will be easier to swallow.
2. Relief muscle pain. After an intense workout, rubbing motion apply the oil on the muscles, it will improve blood circulation and ease the pain. For extra healing and calming effects, mix it with oil of peppermint or oil of Roman chamomile.
3. Pain relief in the joints. Ricinolein acid, part of castor oil, exerts a decongestant action on the lymphatic system, which is responsible for elimination from the tissues of organisms of waste products and their transport through the circulatory system for subsequent removal.
If the lymphatic system is not working properly (for example, people suffering from arthritis), it may cause joint pain.Applying castor oil massaged on the joints, you can relieve stiffness, and give your lymphatic system an extra boost.
Conducted in 2009 a study, the results of which were published in the journal of Phytotherapy Research (the Study of methods of herbal medicine) supports this method; also presented evidence that castor oil helps reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
4. Treatment of fungal diseases. It is alleged that castor oil is also an effective antifungal agent in the treatment of common infections, such as ringworm, athlete's foot groin (inguinal tinea) and athlete's foot.
Just heat the oil, apply on the affected area before bedtime and leave overnight. Repeat this procedure for a week or until complete disappearance of the infection.
5. Improving hair growth. Massage the scalp (and eyebrows) warm castor oil stimulates the follicles and promotes growth of new hair. Follow this procedure every night. The improvement will be noticeable after only two weeks. Castor oil may also be applied to areas with alopecia.
6. Giving the hair a richer shade. Castor oil locks moisture in the hair, giving it a richer appearance; in addition, the hair will appear more dense. To obtain this effect you need to warm a tablespoon of oil and with your fingertips apply it on each strand; therefore, you must handle all the curls, this will help to make the most of thick hair.
7. Natural mascara. Melt in a water bath tablespoon of beeswax, add 2 tablespoons of charcoal or cocoa powder (depending on hair color), then add the castor oil and mix the resulting composition to obtain the desired consistency.
Unlike other traditional cosmetic products, but this homemade mascara does not contain toxic chemical ingredients. Alternatively, you can apply castor oil on eyelashes every night to make them look more thick and voluminous.
8. Hydration of the skin. Included in the castor oil fatty acids nourish and moisturize dry skin. Due to its viscous structure of oil retained on the skin and easily penetrates into its tissue.
Remember that more is not better: just RUB a teaspoon of oil in your palms and apply it on the skin.
9. Eliminates blemishes and other skin problems.Thanks to castor oil you can say goodbye to unattractive and embarrassing skin lesions.
Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties the oil has a positive effect on the skin, helping to get rid of warts, acne and warts. In one study, the results of which were published in the international journal of toxicology (Journal of Toxicology International), it was discovered that castor oil may have positive effects in the treatment of occupational dermatitis.
10. Improving the quality of sleep. They say that the application of a small amount of castor oil on the eyelids can help to fall asleep much faster. Castor oil promotes deeper and longer sleep.
11. Treatment of colic in newborns. Cramps sometimes occur in the first few months of life, causing the child to cry for long periods of time. Why do colic is not exactly known, although the main reason I think leg. If you want to use castor oil to ease colic, just gently apply it on the entire abdomen of the child.
12. Safe healing Pets. If you are found on the skin of your dog or cat's minor cuts or wounds, apply a little castor oil; due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil will facilitate the healing process. Even if your pet starts to lick the wound (as most Pets), oil won't hurt him, but may cause loose stool.
13. Use as preservative for food products. To not only prevent spoilage of the dried grain products, but also to protect them from germs and pests, they can apply a layer of castor oil. However, it should be noted that for good health it is necessary to store only a minimum amount of grain products.
14. Universal lubricating agent. If your house has items that need to be lubricated, for example, squeaky hinges, scissors or grinder, castor oil will perfectly cope with this task. Due to its high viscosity castor oil does not freeze, so it is ideal for use at high or very low temperatures.
The local application does not need to mix the castor oil with the base oil; to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions just apply the oil on small patch of skin.
Not only can you RUB the oil directly into skin or apply with massage, you can make a compress with castor oil, which, in my opinion, is having a powerful impact in a holistic therapy. The late healer Edgar Cayce was the first who advocated the use for medical purposes compresses with castor oil. Similar application was then examined by Dr. William Macgreek in Phoenix, Arizona.
Mcgray, a primary care physician and a follower of the teachings of Casey, says that with proper use compresses with castor oil can give the immune system a significant help.
Castor oil can be used to rodoviaria — but it requires extreme caution
Another popular traditional use of castor oil is to use it to rodoviaria. After studies on mice, it was discovered that ricinolein acid causes to decrease the intestines and the uterus, which then may lead to rodoviario. The study demonstrated that among the 100 subjects, pregnant women have more than half the groups that received castor oil, and within 24 hours began uterine activity. However, because of potentially harmful side effects I suggest not to use oil in this way.
One study, conducted in 2001, showed that all pregnant women who took castor oil, had experienced nausea after taking it. In another study it was also demonstrated that castor oil caused reduction can lead to release of meconium (the first stool of the baby) in the womb, putting the baby at risk meconial aspiration, which can lead to respiratory failure in newborns. According to the authors of the study:
"Most of the side effects caused by taking castor oil is the fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, the use of castor oil affected the assessment of the newborn on Apgar was in the first minute... it is Very important that before any intake of castor oil women receive from midwives, or midwives the proper dosage".
Did you know that castor seeds contain a deadly tree components?
Despite the potentially healing properties, you must know thatcastor tree also contains a potent poison calledricin. It was discovered in raw fruit and castor bean "mixture", obtained after processing of castor oil; when ingested through the nose and mouth, as well as through intravenous transfusion, ricin prevents protein synthesis and kills cells.
Ricin is so powerful a substance that ingestion or inhalation of only 1 milligram can lead to a fatal outcome, that is the ingestion of four to eight seeds of the castor bean can cause death. There's no antidote, so the ricin even used chemical weapons.
However, because ricin is removed from the seed during the production process of castor oil, you don't need to worry about that you can be poisoned. The final report of the journal The International Journal of Toxicology in relation to castor oil confirms the lack of danger of poisoning, because ricin does not "included" in castor oil, so it can be added in cosmetic products.
Use castor oil, but be aware of possible side effects
As in the case of the use of any vegetable oil, I recommend cautious use of castor oil due to the potential negative side effects. People with sensitive skin may experience allergic reactions local application of oil, so before use I suggest to conduct a patch test; this oil liberally cover large areas of skin.
If you are going to take the oil inside, remember that ricinoleic acid irritates the mucous membrane of the intestines, relieves constipation. However, oil can also lead to gastrointestinal disorders and discomfort as well as cause dizziness and nausea. Therefore, if you suffer from any digestive issues (irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, cramps, diverticulitis, colitis, or haemorrhoids) I suggest to refrain from the use of this oil. Those who have recently undergone surgery, should also refrain from using castor oil.
Magic points: the Code of youth and beautyHow to get rid of warts
Finally, make sure you buy organic castor oil from a reputable manufacturer. Most commercial castor oil sold in stores is derived from the beans of the castor plant, which may have sprayed lots of pesticides and / or treated with solvents and other chemical pollutants that adversely affect its beneficial components and can even contaminate the oil itself. published
Author: Joseph Mercola
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/01/12/%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B

Castor oil is one of the most famous natural remedies, which is already long enough used for therapeutic purposes, and only this fact alone is the basis for his research; however, a little caution when using this tool at home will not hurt
Castor oil has been in use several centuries ago
Castor oil is produced by pressing seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis), is native to India; but now the castor is grown in Mediterranean countries such as Algeria, Egypt, and Greece. In France, the castor tree is cultivated for ornamental purposes as it has a lush and beautiful foliage.
Many ancient civilizations, including ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Persians, castor-oil plant valued for what it can be used for numerous purposes, for example, as fuel for lamps or component of the composition of balms and ointments.
In the Middle ages, castor tree, which is used for the treatment of skin diseases became popular in Europe. The Greek physician Dioscorides described the process of obtaining oil from this plant, but warned that the seeds are only suitable for external use as they are "extremely laxatives".
Castor oil is a mixture of triglycerides, consisting of fatty acids, of which 90% are ricinolein acid. Other seeds and oils such as soybean oil and cottonseed oil also contain this unique fatty acid, although at much lower concentrations.
Claim that ricinolein acid is the primary healing component of castor oil, but according to medical researcher, chiropractor and biochemist David Williams is:
"An effective means for prevention of growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungi. It is successfully used as a topical treatment for ringworm, keratoses, skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal infections [of nails] and toenails, acne and chronic pruritis (itching)".
In his article, Williams also writes that in India the seeds of the castor tree is traditionally used to treat various diseases such as dysentery, asthma, constipation, inflammatory diseases of the bowel and bladder, vaginal infections.
14 ways to use castor oil at home Well, if you have a home already have a bottle of castor oil; if not, you need now to buy this tool, but it must be from a reliable manufacturer. Of course, you will be very surprised what you can use this versatile oil.
1. Safe and natural laxative. In the study, which was conducted in 2010, was described as compresses with castor oil helps to get rid of constipation among the elderly. Administration of the USA on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA) considers this oil is "generally safe and effective" for use as a stimulating laxative.
Oral administration of castor oil can "clean up" the intestinal tract within two to five hours. However, for this purpose it is necessary to remember about proper dosage. For adults is 1-2 tablespoons, for children from 2 to 12 years — only 1-2 teaspoons.
Children under 2 years are not recommended to take more than one teaspoon. Offering this tool kids, try mixing the oil with fresh juice, so it will be easier to swallow.
2. Relief muscle pain. After an intense workout, rubbing motion apply the oil on the muscles, it will improve blood circulation and ease the pain. For extra healing and calming effects, mix it with oil of peppermint or oil of Roman chamomile.
3. Pain relief in the joints. Ricinolein acid, part of castor oil, exerts a decongestant action on the lymphatic system, which is responsible for elimination from the tissues of organisms of waste products and their transport through the circulatory system for subsequent removal.
If the lymphatic system is not working properly (for example, people suffering from arthritis), it may cause joint pain.Applying castor oil massaged on the joints, you can relieve stiffness, and give your lymphatic system an extra boost.
Conducted in 2009 a study, the results of which were published in the journal of Phytotherapy Research (the Study of methods of herbal medicine) supports this method; also presented evidence that castor oil helps reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
4. Treatment of fungal diseases. It is alleged that castor oil is also an effective antifungal agent in the treatment of common infections, such as ringworm, athlete's foot groin (inguinal tinea) and athlete's foot.
Just heat the oil, apply on the affected area before bedtime and leave overnight. Repeat this procedure for a week or until complete disappearance of the infection.
5. Improving hair growth. Massage the scalp (and eyebrows) warm castor oil stimulates the follicles and promotes growth of new hair. Follow this procedure every night. The improvement will be noticeable after only two weeks. Castor oil may also be applied to areas with alopecia.
6. Giving the hair a richer shade. Castor oil locks moisture in the hair, giving it a richer appearance; in addition, the hair will appear more dense. To obtain this effect you need to warm a tablespoon of oil and with your fingertips apply it on each strand; therefore, you must handle all the curls, this will help to make the most of thick hair.
7. Natural mascara. Melt in a water bath tablespoon of beeswax, add 2 tablespoons of charcoal or cocoa powder (depending on hair color), then add the castor oil and mix the resulting composition to obtain the desired consistency.
Unlike other traditional cosmetic products, but this homemade mascara does not contain toxic chemical ingredients. Alternatively, you can apply castor oil on eyelashes every night to make them look more thick and voluminous.
8. Hydration of the skin. Included in the castor oil fatty acids nourish and moisturize dry skin. Due to its viscous structure of oil retained on the skin and easily penetrates into its tissue.
Remember that more is not better: just RUB a teaspoon of oil in your palms and apply it on the skin.
9. Eliminates blemishes and other skin problems.Thanks to castor oil you can say goodbye to unattractive and embarrassing skin lesions.
Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties the oil has a positive effect on the skin, helping to get rid of warts, acne and warts. In one study, the results of which were published in the international journal of toxicology (Journal of Toxicology International), it was discovered that castor oil may have positive effects in the treatment of occupational dermatitis.
10. Improving the quality of sleep. They say that the application of a small amount of castor oil on the eyelids can help to fall asleep much faster. Castor oil promotes deeper and longer sleep.
11. Treatment of colic in newborns. Cramps sometimes occur in the first few months of life, causing the child to cry for long periods of time. Why do colic is not exactly known, although the main reason I think leg. If you want to use castor oil to ease colic, just gently apply it on the entire abdomen of the child.
12. Safe healing Pets. If you are found on the skin of your dog or cat's minor cuts or wounds, apply a little castor oil; due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil will facilitate the healing process. Even if your pet starts to lick the wound (as most Pets), oil won't hurt him, but may cause loose stool.
13. Use as preservative for food products. To not only prevent spoilage of the dried grain products, but also to protect them from germs and pests, they can apply a layer of castor oil. However, it should be noted that for good health it is necessary to store only a minimum amount of grain products.
14. Universal lubricating agent. If your house has items that need to be lubricated, for example, squeaky hinges, scissors or grinder, castor oil will perfectly cope with this task. Due to its high viscosity castor oil does not freeze, so it is ideal for use at high or very low temperatures.

The local application does not need to mix the castor oil with the base oil; to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions just apply the oil on small patch of skin.
Not only can you RUB the oil directly into skin or apply with massage, you can make a compress with castor oil, which, in my opinion, is having a powerful impact in a holistic therapy. The late healer Edgar Cayce was the first who advocated the use for medical purposes compresses with castor oil. Similar application was then examined by Dr. William Macgreek in Phoenix, Arizona.
Mcgray, a primary care physician and a follower of the teachings of Casey, says that with proper use compresses with castor oil can give the immune system a significant help.
Castor oil can be used to rodoviaria — but it requires extreme caution
Another popular traditional use of castor oil is to use it to rodoviaria. After studies on mice, it was discovered that ricinolein acid causes to decrease the intestines and the uterus, which then may lead to rodoviario. The study demonstrated that among the 100 subjects, pregnant women have more than half the groups that received castor oil, and within 24 hours began uterine activity. However, because of potentially harmful side effects I suggest not to use oil in this way.
One study, conducted in 2001, showed that all pregnant women who took castor oil, had experienced nausea after taking it. In another study it was also demonstrated that castor oil caused reduction can lead to release of meconium (the first stool of the baby) in the womb, putting the baby at risk meconial aspiration, which can lead to respiratory failure in newborns. According to the authors of the study:
"Most of the side effects caused by taking castor oil is the fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, the use of castor oil affected the assessment of the newborn on Apgar was in the first minute... it is Very important that before any intake of castor oil women receive from midwives, or midwives the proper dosage".

Did you know that castor seeds contain a deadly tree components?
Despite the potentially healing properties, you must know thatcastor tree also contains a potent poison calledricin. It was discovered in raw fruit and castor bean "mixture", obtained after processing of castor oil; when ingested through the nose and mouth, as well as through intravenous transfusion, ricin prevents protein synthesis and kills cells.
Ricin is so powerful a substance that ingestion or inhalation of only 1 milligram can lead to a fatal outcome, that is the ingestion of four to eight seeds of the castor bean can cause death. There's no antidote, so the ricin even used chemical weapons.
However, because ricin is removed from the seed during the production process of castor oil, you don't need to worry about that you can be poisoned. The final report of the journal The International Journal of Toxicology in relation to castor oil confirms the lack of danger of poisoning, because ricin does not "included" in castor oil, so it can be added in cosmetic products.
Use castor oil, but be aware of possible side effects
As in the case of the use of any vegetable oil, I recommend cautious use of castor oil due to the potential negative side effects. People with sensitive skin may experience allergic reactions local application of oil, so before use I suggest to conduct a patch test; this oil liberally cover large areas of skin.
If you are going to take the oil inside, remember that ricinoleic acid irritates the mucous membrane of the intestines, relieves constipation. However, oil can also lead to gastrointestinal disorders and discomfort as well as cause dizziness and nausea. Therefore, if you suffer from any digestive issues (irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, cramps, diverticulitis, colitis, or haemorrhoids) I suggest to refrain from the use of this oil. Those who have recently undergone surgery, should also refrain from using castor oil.
Magic points: the Code of youth and beautyHow to get rid of warts
Finally, make sure you buy organic castor oil from a reputable manufacturer. Most commercial castor oil sold in stores is derived from the beans of the castor plant, which may have sprayed lots of pesticides and / or treated with solvents and other chemical pollutants that adversely affect its beneficial components and can even contaminate the oil itself. published
Author: Joseph Mercola
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/01/12/%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B
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