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Bread which is killing us — about the dangers of thermophilic yeast

People have forgotten the taste of real bread. The more I do not remember that in the old days bread was always baked in sourdough. All components of the leaven of exclusively plant origin and cause the process of fermentation. Famous peasant leaven (leaven is the batter fermented with hops, raisins with addition of natural sugar or honey, red and white malt) was prepared from rye flour, barley, wheat. Such leaven enriched with vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and primarily saturated with oxygen. Due to this, the human body became vigorous, healthy, resistant to colds and other diseases.

Since the mid 40-ies after the war there was a substitution of hop sourdough for the yeast. Scientists determined that the main feature of yeast – fermentation. Yeast this property is transmitted through the bread (one cubic centimeter of a Mature test present 120 million yeast cells) in the blood, and she begins to wander. The resulting fusel gas flows primarily in the brain, disrupting its function. Sharply deteriorating memory, ability to think logically, creative work. Acting at the cellular level, the cause yeast in the body, benign and cancerous tumors. The impact on the cell, depriving her of the ability to share, that is, to produce healthy cells.

Not by chance at the second world Congress on herbal medicine in Prague in 1990, Professor Larbert anxiously spoke of the devastating health effects of refined white bread, cooked on the yeast. Prolonged eating of this bread (and we eat) has led to a number described by Larbert violations called googlies. This disease is manifested by headaches, drowsiness, irritability, digestive problems, slowed thinking, decreased sexual activity, increased blood viscosity.

Larbert believes that googlies more common and more dangerous than tuberculosis. The negative impact of the yeast on the body discovered by many scientists around the world. I wrote about this: Gianfranco Rosini ("the presence of the killing features of yeast"), G. Bassi and D. Sherman ("Killing factor – biochemistry, Biophysics", 1973, pp. 13-14), academicians F. Uglov, B. Iskakov, N. Dubinin (proceedings Mincha them. Plekhanov), a French Professor Etienne Wolff, and many others.

What should I do? To get back to baking bread to leaven, which was used in antiquity and in the recent past!

The bread that we kill
Our forefathers said: "Bread Is the Gift of God". But they baked it does not thermophilic yeast. This yeast appeared before the war. Scientists who studied this issue, met in the Lenin library on the sources of Nazi Germany, which said that, these yeasts were grown on human bones, that if Russia did not die in the war, she will die from yeast. Our professionals are not allowed to make links to the sources, to copy them. The documents were kept secret!
So, if thermophilic yeast have appeared recently, with the help of which leavened bread baked in ancient times and in the recent past? Famous peasant sourdough prepared from rye flour, straw, oats, barley, wheat. Still in remote villages preserved recipes making bread without yeast today. Such leaven enriched body organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, pectin substances, biostimulants.

Baking bread in a traditional kitchen was a kind of ritual. The secret of cooking passed down from generation to generation. Almost every family had its own recipe. Prepared bread about once a week on different starters: rye, oat. Although the bread was tough, but the use of untreated rye flour contributed to the preservation of all useful substances contained in cereals. And when baking in the Russian oven, the bread has acquired an unforgettable taste and aroma. This bread will not get stale and not moldy in a year.

But for several decades, the bread is baked differently. And do not use the natural yeast, and manmade thermophilic yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The technology of their preparation — a monstrous, antiprirodnaya. Production of Baker's yeast is based on their propagation in liquid media. Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified by sulfuric acid, etc. Strange methods, admittedly, are used to prepare a food product, moreover, if we consider that in nature there are natural yeast, hop, for example, malt, etc.

Have long sounded the alarm scientists around the world. Mechanisms of the negative impact of thermophilic yeast on the body. Let's see what the thermophilic yeast - Saccharomyces and what role they play in the deterioration of the health of those who consume food prepared with their application.

Yeast-Saccharomyces (thermophilic yeast), varieties of which are used in alcohol industry, brewing and bread baking, do not occur in nature. Saccharomyces, unfortunately, are more resistant than the tissue cells. They are not destroyed neither during the cooking process, no saliva in the human body. Yeast killer cells, killer cells kill sensitive, less protected cells by highlighting them poisonous substances of small molecular weight.
Thermophilic means heat-loving, not die in the furnace.
When baking, the fungus is not completely perish because it can withstand 500-degree load and, once in the body, they reproduce and attack the intestinal flora, killing her.
Toxic protein acts on the plasma membrane, increasing their permeability to pathogens and viruses. The yeast cells first enter the digestive tract, and then into the bloodstream. Thermophilic yeast multiply in the body exponentially and allow pathogenic microflora actively live and breed, inhibiting the normal microflora, which in the intestine can be produced with proper nutrition and vitamins, and essential amino acids. Grossly impaired activity of all organs of digestion: stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines.

Stomach inside is covered with a special mucous membrane, resistant to acid. However, if the person is abusing yeast foods and acid-forming food, the stomach can not long resist it. The burn will lead to the formation of ulcers, there will be pain and common symptom such as heartburn.

The use of foods, prepared on the basis of thermophilic yeast, promotes the formation of clots of sand, and then stones in gall bladder, liver, pancreas, the formation of constipation and tumors. The intestines are growing putrefaction develops pathogenic microflora, injured brush border. Slowing the evacuation of toxic mass of the body, formed gas pockets, where stagnate fecal stones. They gradually grow into the mucous and submucous layers of the intestine. The secret of the digestive system loses its protective function and reduces digestive. Insufficiently digested and synthesized vitamins are not absorbed adequately trace elements and the most important is calcium.

The doctors note with regret the critical decline in the level of calcium in the blood in children. Previously, he was 9-12 units (in norm), now it is less than 3! Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. Microbial, fungal, viral, parasitic flora easily introduced into the body. Violated the metabolic processes at the cellular level. Changes in the biochemical composition of the blood. In plasma appears Tina. It slows the movement of blood through the vessels formed microthrombuses. Wears the lymphatic system. Nervous tissue undergoes various degenerative changes.

Another serious disease — acidosis, impaired acid-base balance. Increasing fatigue, irritability, appear rapid physical and mental fatigue, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, a grey coating on the tongue, gastritis, black circles under eyes, sore muscles from excess acid, loss of elasticity of muscles. The body fights acidosis, spending a lot of energy to restore the acid-alkaline equilibrium by himself strenuously wasting the most important alkaline reserve: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium. Withdrawal of alkaline minerals from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility that is one of the main causes of osteoporosis at any age.

Finally, anatomical abnormalities. Normal heart and lungs and underlying organs — stomach and liver and pancreas have a powerful massaging energy stimulus from the diaphragm, which is the main respiratory muscle, flying up to the 4th and 5th intercostal space. When yeast fermentation aperture does not reach the desired volume of the oscillatory movements takes a forced position, the heart is horizontal, the lower lobes of the lungs squeezed, all the organs of digestion clamped extremely bloated gases, deformed intestines. Often the gallbladder leaves his bed, even changing shape. Normal aperture, performing oscillatory motion, helps to create suction pressure in the chest that draws blood from the lower and upper extremities and head for cleansing the lungs. By limiting its excursion process is not properly happening.

All this together contributes to the growth of stagnation in the lower extremities, the pelvis, the head and leads to varicose expansion of veins, thrombosis, trophic ulcers and to a further decrease in immunity.

Worthy of attention the experience of the French scientist Etienne wolf. He spent 37 months cultivated a malignant tumor in vitro with a solution, which housed the fermenting yeast extract. At the same time 16 months was cultivated under the same conditions is due to the living tissue, a tumor of the intestine. As a result of the experiment revealed that in this solution the size of the tumor doubles and triples in one week. But as soon as the solution was removed from the extract, the tumor dies. Hence, it was concluded that the yeast extract contains a substance that stimulates the growth of cancerous tumors (newspaper "Izvestiya").

It is impossible to ignore and a question. Where did the whole grain flour from which the bread was baked by our ancestors? Only whole grain flour contains b vitamins, micro - and macronutrients and the fetus, which has fantastic healing properties.Refined flour is devoid of embryo and shell. Instead of these, nature has created, healthful parts of the grain into flour add all sorts of nutritional supplements, chemically created substitutes who will never be able to do what nature created.

Refined flour slime becomes a product, which is a lump falls to the bottom of the stomach and zashlakovyvaet our body. Refining — an expensive process, cost, and the killing manpower grain. And need it only for as long as possible to keep the flour from spoiling. Flour whole can not be kept long, but this is not required. Let the stored grain, and from it as needed can be prepared flour.

To restore the health of the nation, need to get back to baking bread using yeast existing in the nature, in hops, malt. The bread on hop leaven contains all the essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins Bl, B7, PP; minerals: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and trace minerals: gold, cobalt, copper, which are involved in the formation of unique respiratory enzymes.

It seems no coincidence that the Golden grain ears called. The bread on hop leaven gives the maximum sokogonnym effect, i.e. actively extracts from the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and other enzymes needed for proper digestion of substances that improve intestinal motility. People who consume this bread, filled with energy, stops hurting catarrhal diseases, he was corrected posture, reduced immunity.

Information about the dangers of eating bread from the Baker's yeast slowly but surely enters the minds of people. A bake your own bread. Start to open a mini - bakery. This niedrogiego bread is expensive, but disappears instantly. The requirements to outstrip supply.

Bread and porridge — our food is not only. Based on the food pyramid, "built" by the world health organization is the bakery. This is the basis of nutrition, and thus, our health and strength. Especially if she's also and treats, and cripples.

Alexey Evdokimov, the eagle, the newspaper "Ancestral Land", 22.09.2006 G.
Many varieties of yeast cultures which are used in the production of beer and bread baking gene-modified. The study of such GM yeast have found that they accumulate the mutagenic and toxic methylglyoxal. This dangerous byproduct of life GM of yeast appears, therefore, in bread and beer.

The return of the millstones over thousands of years the grinding of grain carried out between the stone graters, millstones. In this method grinding has not occurred loss high-quality of substances – all the valuable vitamins, aromatic substances and enzymes preserved.

In the mid-nineteenth century (1862) was invented grinding between metal (rotating at different speeds) cylinders, and the whole complicated process of grinding of wheat into modern high-quality mill seeks to best separate the endosperm (of him now and get flour) from the germ, scutellum, aleurone (enzyme) layer, the shell (bran). That is most valuable and play vital role in human nutrition components of a grain is withdrawn and sent to waste for animal feed.

The protein composition of the embryo are 18 of them, including 10 – essential (lysine, leucine, Promin, arginine and others). For example, the content of biologically active substances Tocopherols (vitamin E) 30 times in the Bud more than in grain.

Deficiency in vitamin E causes serious metabolic disorders and infertility. All children are born with a low content of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, deficiency of vitamin E in mothers is the main cause of premature birth. When the expectant mother is not taking vitamin E, the effects of oxygen on a newborn may cause destruction of red blood cells and the appearance of jaundice.

Shell (bran), and this tissue, is removed the organic impurities – excess gastric enzymes, bile acids, bilirubin, cholesterol. Bran help to normalize intestinal flora – adsorb pathogenic microorganisms, leaving alone E. coli, normalize peristalsis. Besides bran – this is a polysaccharides, best food for our bifidobacteria in 1 cm3 of gastric juice is about 10 million bifidobacteria. It is therefore quite natural that, when we unknowingly deprive bifidobacteria that produce, for example, vitamin B12, nutrition, triggers of diabetes.

Recipes for yeast-free breadis it Possible to prepare unleavened bread – but that he has risen?

One of the recipes this bread is based on the addition in the dough of soda water ("Borzhomi" or "Essentuki").
On a pint of this water will need
3-4 cups flour with bran,
1/4 Cup olive oil
2 tsp of powdered milk and
spicy seeds (like coriander) to taste.

The flour is first calcined in a dry frying pan, sieved and mixed with dry ingredients. Then gradually pour in the very cold soda, stirring gently. Vegetable oil is added at the end.
Then the dough is put into a mold and leave it for half an hour to rise. During this time, you need to heat the oven. Bread will be baked in about 25 minutes, then you should put the oven on low mode and leave the bread there for another half hour.
After removing from the mold, bread covered with a napkin and cover with plastic wrap. An hour and a half it is.

How to prepare fresh tortillas (pita bread) at home.

Ingredients: 1 Cup water, 2.5 cups flour, 1,5 teaspoon salt (or to taste).
In water mix salt. A thin stream gradually pour the flour in salt water. Knead the dough. Then the dough to stand (rest) for 20-30 minutes. To heat the pan. Thin roll cake. Dried cake a few seconds in a hot pan. A total of 10-12 cakes. The finished pellets need to be sprinkled with water (you can from home nebulizer), otherwise they will be crispy. Store cakes better in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Bread made from sprouted wheat grains.
The wet, sprouted grains of wheat pressed into cakes, then dried in the sun, on a hot stone.
Fresh cakes and scones mineral water. This is the most economical way, it is simple and accessible to everyone. Carbonated water can be prepared in the siphon or buy any alkaline mineral water. Sift the flour burnt. Be diluted with mineral water. Form cakes or buns. Place them in a preheated oven.

Homemade yeast.
Take 100-200 grams of raisins, rinsed with warm water, placed in a bottle with a wide neck, pour warm water, add some sugar, tie the top with gauze in 4 layers and put in a warm place. For 4-5 days the fermentation will start, and you can put the dough. It should be sweet and sour.

The yeast from the dry hops.
Pour hot water, hops (1:2) and boil in a saucepan. If the hop comes up, it drowned in the water with a spoon. When the water evaporates so that the broth will be half the original, decant it. Cooled in warm broth dissolve the sugar (1 tbsp to 1 Cup of broth), mix with flour (0.5 cups of flour to 1 Cup of broth). Then put the yeast in a warm place in two days for fermentation. Ready yeast is bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place. For cooking 2-3 kg of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast.

Yeast from fresh hops.
In an enamel pan tightly lay fresh hops, fill it with hot water and cook about 1 hour, covered with a lid. Then the broth a bit cool and add salt, sugar and 2 incomplete cups whole wheat flour. Stir the mass until smooth, put in heat for 36 hours, then wipe with a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mixed with yeast and allowed to wander again in the warm day. Ready yeast is poured into bottles and tightly stoppered. Consumption of yeast — a quarter Cup per kilo of flour.

Malt yeast.
Not be amiss to recall that malt — germinated in warmth and moisture grain corn, dried and coarsely milled.
1 Cup of flour and 0.5 cups of sugar sand plant in 5 cups of water, add 3 cups of malt and brewed about 1 hour. Then cooled and the still warm solution is poured into bottles, cover tightly stoppered and put on a night in a warm place, and then the cold. Consumption of these yeast bread preparation is the same as the yeast from the dry hops.

yeast from potatoes
Two potatoes grate on fine grater. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Stir, leave for half a day and the yeast will be ready to use. The bread on kefir sourdough

Take 0.5 liters of yogurt(not cold), a spoon of sugar and knead the dough, not thick. Put in a warm place overnight and in the morning on the knead sourdough bread. Add to white flour (better 1 varieties) rye flour, salt, spices to taste, a little ghee and knead steep, well-mixed dough. The dough is put in greased with sunflower oil form and put in a warm place. Leave a little dough and place in a jar, cover with water and refrigerate. It will be the leaven for the next bread. When the dough has doubled, place in preheated oven on a high heat for five minutes, and then subtract the gas to a minimum, bake two hours. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: poselenie.ucoz.ru/publ/4-1-0-56