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7 Reasons Not To Give Children Bread

We all grew up on bread, using it every day for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bread is simple, convenient and cheap food. Bread is the staff of life, as told by our grandmothers. And my mother scolded me, if I eat soup without bread, literally, we were forced to eat bread and soup, and porridge, and even pasta! Many of us heard in childhood that it is impossible to throw out bread. For the older generation bread has a certain over-value the status of something almost sacred. Therefore, the very idea about the dangers of bread seems almost blasphemous.


One day my friend came to me and said: “Tonya, I understand, you can talk about the dangers of meat, eggs and milk, but how can you encroach on the bread?!” I think this is such a famous topic in the world of healthy eating that everyone knows, why not give the children the bread, however, the practice shows the opposite. People live with their problems, and often simply do not think about what they eat and feed their children. So I decided to once more go through this thread, and I hope the parents will give a pastry to their children at least rarely.


Fifty nine million seven hundred seventy thousand five hundred eighty two


7 Reasons Not To Give Children Bread

The bread is a head or head all diseases. Why our ancestors ate the loaves and were healthy? Black bread was the base of the Siberian health, what has changed? And so much has changed! Our ancestors ate a very different bread from other grains entirely and done by other technologies. So, let's very briefly examine 7 reasons why it is better not to give the children bread, drawing a parallel comparison between the old times and the present day.


1. The cultivation and storage of grain

What did the bread our ancestors? It was the grain grown on organic land which is not fertilized with chemical fertilizers. In the old days the collected the sheaves were dried before threshing in the barn or Riga (pit stove without a pipe), then thrashed and blew in the wind, dried in the sun for storage. Now these products are called Organic!

Nowadays wheat is grown in large quantities on the land fertilize chemical fertilizers, plants are covered with pesticides. Storage of grain is dried it now chemicals. Grain must be protected from fungi, bacteria and rodents who love to taste the wheat, to do this, use chemicals.

A lot of talk about the benefits of wheat, its extraordinary nutritional value. Check who is writing about what grain is it, on what ground the grain was virasena is organic or refined flour? The grain is GMO or is it rare varieties of wheat of our ancestors? For example,the composition of nutrients of the grain grown in the land of Ukraine is very different from grain grown in Japan. Japanese soil and water very scarce in its content of minerals. In each country the composition of any grain, vegetable or fruit will differ in several times. Treat all information sources with care, check and learn on their own.


2. Refining flour

Our ancestors the usual baked bread at home from flour. This flour, which does sieving or sifting through a small sieve. That took the wheat, ground – and coarse grinding. I remember as a child my grandmother in the village grind the grain into flour by stone mills. This files most often baked bread, from rye flour, this bread was called "sour black bread."

Today the flour refining. The process of refining flour represents the removal of grains, the so-called “ballast substances”, which, actually, are the most useful components of the beans. For starters, whole grains removed grain germ are biologically active part of the plant. Thendalauda bran – floral sheath, the former is always the main source of fiber in human nutrition, as well as containing vitamins and minerals. In our time, when the land is exhausted, we have to fight for every milligram of nutrients, and the person removes almost all the nutrients from the beans! Refined flour poor, I call a meal“empty food” from which our body any good.

3. Bleaching flour

White flour at all times was appreciated for its beauty and whiteness. It is the fine grinding, which is obtained by sifting the flour through a very fine sieve, so got white flour. Our ancestors could afford to use this flour very rarely for special dishes and occasions.

In our time, the flour of the highest varieties do is white, but its output is 10 kg per tonne of grain. It is obvious that in mass the bread baking to use it is simply not profitable, and as the buyer like white bread, the flour is bleached artificially. Today we bleach the flour, treating it with chlorine, chlorine dioxide and potassium bromate. Instead of trying to recreate the original vitamin and mineral composition of raw flour, we add a very modest amount of additives, including synthetic folic acid, never found in any natural link in the food chain. Synthetic folic acid is a harmful additive, which increases the risk of cancer. In the US, Canada and most recently Chile, the incidence rate of colorectal cancer increased after the introduction of mandatory fortification of flour with this item. Some countries have already forbidden to add folic acid to flour, for example in Norway.Unlike synthetic folic acid, folate from natural food sources especially green vegetables protects against cancer and prostate cancer.


4, Yeast

A simple peasant bread baked on homemade sourdough, every family had their own original recipes. Leaven is the batter fermented with fruit, hops, milk and other ways. Such leaven enriched with vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and saturated with oxygen.

Modern plain bread in the store is baked in the thermophilic yeast. About these yeast you can watch a documentary in YouTube. This yeast is a relatively new product, it is engaged in the creation of German biologists during the Second world war. Tested the bread in such leaps and bounds in the concentration camps. They can be very fast to bake bread, and the side effects of such bread could not be found immediately, but now scientists have begun to sound the alarm, after so many years! Thermophilic yeast have become popular worldwide, industrial bread gained steam, it was very important after the war, when there was not enough food. For the production of yeast used 36 kinds of main and 20 auxiliary raw materials, the vast majority of which can not be called food. Yeast saturated with heavy metals (copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium, etc.) and other not always useful to us, chemical elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc.). What is all this there is added, difficult to understand, explanations I have found.

About the dangers of yeast can be very long to write, in short you need to know that thermophilic yeast, also called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, used in bread baking, in brewing and alcohol production, Saccharomyces cerevisiae are very resistant and are not destroyed under the action of high temperatures or in the process of digestion of the product of the gastrointestinal tract of man. In turn, yeast cells produce poisonous substances which, because of their small size and molecular weight, are distributed throughout the body, poisoning and killing it.

Yeasts exist in nature and get into our body in small quantities of air of different products, and with such a small amount our body copes. However, in one cubic centimeter of a Mature dough in the thermophilic yeast present 120 million yeast cells! It's too a large army of enemies getting in our gut multiplies very quickly, the yeast disrupt intestinal flora, which contributes to the rotting process, and prevents normal digestion. Beneficial bacteria are displaced by the yeast fungi and harmful (putrefactive) bacteria, as a result of deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Any fungi (including yeasts) capable of producing, in the course of their life, in addition to other toxic substances, and even antibiotics. Thus, we create the ideal acidic atmosphere for all kinds of harmful processes, including the breeding of parasites. Remember, no healthy flora – no system, no health!


5. New Wheat Genetic Engineering

The sharp increase in population on the planet was demanding more food, more bread. For acceleration and high yields was established mutant karlikovost wheat in the 60-ies of the last century has led to disastrous consequences in the form of an epidemic of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. New varieties of wheat are grown throughout the world, now it is hard to find those old grains that our ancestors ate! Dr. William Davis, cardiologist-prevention from Wisconsin and author of "Grain belly: getting rid of the wheat, get rid of excess weight, and gain health", says: "Wheat at a certain moment in the history of their evolution — perhaps 5 thousand years ago, but most likely 50 years ago — has undergone a fundamental change". Over thirty years, we know that wheat increases blood glucose level more than sugar, but for some reason continue to think that this is impossible. Nevertheless it is a fact, only a few foods cause such an increase in blood sugar such as wheat. Increased levels of glucose and insulin in turn triggers acne, hair loss and the formation of end products of enhanced glycosylation — substances that accelerate the aging process. The exclusion of wheat from the diet scientist believes the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, colon cancer, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, stroke and cataracts.

New hybrids of wheat contains 95% of the proteins of the two parent varieties, but the remaining 5% of proteins are unique and cannot be found in the parent cultures! The 5% of proteins new to us, what to expect from them, we can only guess. It is these 5% of the protein structure of the grains that cause a person high dependence of modern wheat.

Everyone knows that sugar and alcohol creates a feeling of well-being and tempting to go back and repeat. But what about foods containing gluten, such as whole-wheat bread and instant oatmeal? The idea that gluten can cause fun and addictive, it seems strange and scary. We need to re-evaluate such products and their place in our diet.


6. The Dangers Of Gluten

First of all, the word gluten means glue (from the English., glue), is a gluten, sticky protein that is found in most grains. Modern food production, including genetic engineering, has allowed us to grow grains containing above 40 times more gluten than cultivated only a few desyatiletij ago.Our ancestors ate grain, which was two times less gluten!

To understand how harmful gluten, you need to get acquainted with the structure of the intestine. Its inner walls are covered with villi, which help to digest food and absorb vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

The stickiness of the gluten prevents absorb nutrients, the villi flatten and poorly digested food turns into a pasty substance, which irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine. In the end you get abdominal pain, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, pallor, fatigue, migraines, irritability and other symptoms. In addition, the high content in wheat of sulfur-containing amino acid triggers the production of sulfuric acid, which becomes cause leaching of minerals from bone tissue.


Many believe that only those who suffer from celiac disease, have to worry about this topic. Alas it is not! There exist few studies in the area of the brain associated with gluten. For example, David Perlmutter, MD, a practicing neurologist, wrote the book "Food and the brain", which tells the theory and your personal experience in the treatment of patients a gluten-free diet. He claims that gluten sensitivity, with celiac disease or no, increases production of inflammatory cytokines, which are the main factors in the development of neurodegenerative conditions.

Destructive immunological reaction, has a negative effect on the brain, causing epilepsy, senile dementia and irreversible brain damage. No body has a greater sensitivity to the harmful effects of inflammation than the brain. The doctor talks about how seriously ill patients were cured by change in diet and the transition to a gluten-free diet. The experience of practitioners is a valuable experience, and we need to listen to their insights and results.

Most of us are not even aware that they suffer from sensitivity to gluten! One of the notable signs harmful effects of gluten on the body are headaches, anxiety, depression, cramps, sugar cravings, bone pain, constant illness, growth retardation and speech in children, poor memory, autism, infertility, gas, bloating, constipation, spasms etc. If you or your child has at least one of the symptoms, most likely you also suffer from this disease. The best way to test this is to exclude all gljuteinovye from your diet to see the results and to make tests in the laboratory.

From personal experience I can add that from a young age I suffered from depression, migraines and constant ailments. Several times I have had thoughts about suicide. All these symptoms suddenly disappeared from my life after switching to a gluten-free diet. As a teen, I ate mostly bread, cookies, scones with sweet tea. Now I understand why my life seemed to me a solid black stripe!


7. Additives

All my life in Ukraine, I bought bread in the bread Department, where not indicated, the composition of the ingredients. Importantly, the bread was delicious and fresh, that's what's always bothered me. Only after moving to Japan, when I bought my first Japanese bread, I was horrified by its softness, NewConnect and durability. On the packaging of bread is the composition of all ingredients, from which baked bread. What is there in the squad? Still can't understand why put so many different components, because our ancestors used only the flour, water and yeast!

The standard Japanese white bread from the supermarket always included: refined flour (小麦粉), yeast (パン酵母, イースト) margarine (マーガリン), shortening (ショートニング), salt and eggs. Often add V. C.(vitamin C), almost always add sodium Acetate (酸Na) – known as a food additive E262 and is used as a preservative. There is always the emulsifier (乳化剤), what not to write, but it's probably soy lecithin, E322 additive. And of course, the flavors, well, where do without them (香料). This is a standard set, although there are worse ways to go, when to add different dyes, syrups, fruit, and roasted nuts.

For those who may not know margarine was the first product based on the technology, transmittance of hydrogen (hydrogenation), thereby the liquid vegetable oil becomes solid. Such a process increases the shelf life and the oil and products based on it.

Unfortunately, in the process of such treatment in oil chemical reactions occur, and formed the so-called TRANS fats. According to recent scientific data, consumption of TRANS fats leads to disruption of metabolism, leading to obesity, the development of coronary heart disease, and also causes other deadly diseases. The harder the margarine, the more TRANS fats and Vice versa. The history of the invention of margarine is very fascinating, you can read in Wikipedia.

Shortening – this is a terrible additive, in my opinion. It is a confectionery or culinary oil, which is used for imparting softness and friability flour products. That is why Japanese bread is so soft as wool. This fat is made currently of the cheapest and most unhealthy palm oil and soybean oil. This fat, like margarine refers to the harmful TRANS-fats. Experiments on rats showed that shortening, causing cancer. This is a very dangerous additive, which is present in almost all confections, candy, and glazes and tile chocolate in Japan (in other countries don't know to check)!

Seventy nine million two hundred forty thousand one hundred seventy eight


I hope you have already understood that our ancestors ate a very different bread, similar to modern. To recreate the same old bread, we need to find clean soil to grow wheat, those untouched varieties without chemical additives, without pesticides, then dry in a natural way and stored without the use of chemical treatment.

Next, we need to make homemade yeast, add water and a little salt. Can master is not an easy thing? I was looking for organic flour and even found a very expensive and rare. You can find the grain of the very old varieties that have not been touched by genetic engineering, they are not popular and, of course, very expensive. If you have no desire to recreate the ancient bread of our ancestors, and there is no way to do this, then I sincerely advise you to give up modern bread the whole family, give this bread to his children!

I know that it is very difficult to give up bread. I loved the bread, for a long time “he jumped off”! Think about the health of their children and try to get rid of this harmful product. If you can not completely eliminate the bread in your family, try to buy it as little as possible on holidays. Everything is relative, so it's safe to say that homemade bread better than store-bought whole wheat bread better than white, sourdough is better than yeast, gluten-free (rice flour, nuts, coconut flour, corn and other) is much better than wheat bread.

Today there are a lot of recipes gluten free sourdough bread, it is very easy to do yourself at home, especially if you have a bread maker. Can replace bread for corn tortillas, rice crackers, Flaxseed crackers, quinoa pasta, mix for gluten free pancakes, rice, spaghetti and other useful products.

Another important point, our ancestors always started baking bread with a prayer. Try thanking your food before eating, teach their children from an early age to do this.

  • Learn to read labels!
  • Watch what you buy your children!
  • Choose foods in which the minimum content of ingredients.
  • The lower the shelf life, the better.
  • Learn to prepare everything for their children themselves!
  • Do not buy sweets and bread, which include margarine and shortening.
  • Looking for a healthy alternative, replace harmful products for useful and delicious!
  • Always remember that the modern food industry, pharmaceutical industry healthy people do not need!
I wish good health to you and your children! published 


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: tonyaogino.com/7-prichin-ne-davat-detyam-hleb/#more-3230