Vintage recipes are healthy and surprisingly tasty unleavened bread
I love to prepare homemade unleavened bread. I love to experiment with recipes, learn the intricacies of the case.
Looking for new recipes, chose the bread on rye sourdough. First, it is for me the most delicious, the best in time and attention. Secondly, on rye sourdough can be prepared in any bakery, third, rye sourdough skachivaem dough no sugar added – and this is important!
However, offer recipes from different cultures – choose to your taste!
Bread with sourdough from SPROUTED GRAINS
Option 1: so, first you need a starter. Sprout for 2 days wheat (depending on temperature) until you see white tails (1-2 cm). Grind grain (crushed). Add a handful of flour, sugar and water (all by eye), stir until the consistency of sour cream. Put a future starter in the heat and wait until the sour. Sourdough needs to rise slightly due to broggini (two times).
Preparation of the dough. Our stir starter with a glass of water (more, less, very roughly), 2 cups white flour, sifted through a sieve, 1.5 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar (the sugar can then be replaced with honey, if desired). Knead.
About a tablespoon or more put into a glass dish, without covering with a tight lid, put in a cool place (refrigerator) is the leaven for the next time, which can be sustained. It will need periodically to revive the sugars, flour and water.
The dough cover with a towel, put in a very warm place to rise — not less than 12 hours.
After the dough rises 2-3 times, add in another Cup of flour, make the dough more dense. Then put again in a warm place to rise for at least 4 hours. Bake for one hour in the oven.
Option 2: Here's another bread recipe: wheat wash and soak in warm water, put it so that her sunlight was shining (but not heated above 20-25 deg) to the birth of beneficial bacteria. A day will start to arise the shoots (but not more than 1 mm). Drain the water and, if necessary, rinse the wheat. Next, pass it through a meat grinder and the resulting mass knead the dough without salt. Mass roll out as for dumplings (can be thicker), the glass or squeeze the slices. Circles to lay out in the sun at lunch to turn. If the weather is not solnica, dry the slices in the oven (not more than 40 degrees). On bread it's not like, as we used to see in the store, but rather on the bread.
Bread with yeast from the HOPS
Preparation of the leaven (see paragraphs 2, 3 "Homemade yeast").
Preparation of dough:
Take 4 tablespoons ready-made sourdough, a glass of warm water. Knead with flour until a thick cream. Insulate the dough and put in a warm place for souring for about 6 hours. You can put the evening to the morning to knead the dough.
Preparation of the dough:
Coming up take the dough and add 800ml. of warm water, stir and add flour until thick cream and again heat for 4 hours, and more. The dough should rise twice. After standing and wskazania dough, put some flour and knead, adding 1-2 tablespoons of natural vegetable oil, knead until soft dough state. Put in a heat for 40-60 minutes to rise. After the dough is formed into the form, greased with vegetable oil. So that the dough does not stick to hands, moisten them with oil. And leave to rise, then put in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 60 minutes. Allow to cool.
Rye-wheat bread with POTATOES
For bread you will need: 280g of rye flour, another 225g of flour (wheat or whole grain, flour), 420мл warm water (sometimes 500ml out), 15g of salt, about 80g cooked and grated on a fine grater potato, about 60g of sour dough.
Rye flour with 2/3 water and sour dough mix. Then take little dough and put in a glass jar as sour dough for the next bread baking (store in refrigerator)
Then add other flour, salt, potatoes and the remaining water and put the bread dough in a greased bread form. Close with a wet towel and 8-9 hours leave to rise. Can happen so that the dough will stick to the handkerchief, then wet the handkerchief with water and carefully take it from the test.
Preheat to 200 degrees oven and coming up bread to deliver. Bake at 180 degrees for about 60 minutes. At the end of baking you can sprinkle a little bread from a pistol, then he will Shine. Readiness can be determined by tapped, the bread should sound as empty.
Sour dough is done in three steps.
1. 100g rye flour and 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp of yogurt. Mix well, place in a tall glass (ceramic, porcelain) form, cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours to stand.
2. Mix well and leave it again for 24 hours .
3. Add 300g of rye flour, 200 ml of water, stir and again for 24 hours.
After this the dough is ready. Can be stored 1 month in a covered jar in the refrigerator.
Rye bread sourdough YOGURT
All products stir and leave for 12 hours. Bake for 1-1.5 hours.
Preparation starter:
In sour milk (after the peak of sourness, but not yogurt), added sugar (for fermentation), kneaded with rye flour until thick sour cream. Leave for a day or two. It is important to catch the moment, because if you wait, then you get mold and have to do it all over again. As soon as the first bubbles, holes or the like, remove all and put into the fridge, sourdough
From raisins. Take 100-200 grams of raisins, rinsed with warm water, placed in a bottle with a wide neck, pour warm water, add some sugar, tie the top with gauze in 4 layers and put in a warm place. For 4-5 days the fermentation will start, and you can put the dough.
Of dry hops. Pour hot water, hops (1:2) and boil in a saucepan. If the hop comes up, it drowned in the water with a spoon. When the water evaporates so that the broth will be half the original, decant it. Cooled in warm broth dissolve the sugar (1 tbsp to 1 Cup of broth), mix with flour (0.5 cups of flour to 1 Cup of broth). Then put the yeast in a warm place for two days for fermentation. Ready yeast is bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place. For cooking 2-3 kg of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast.
From fresh hops. In an enamel pan tightly lay fresh hops, fill it with hot water and cook about 1 hour, covered with a lid. Then the broth cool and pour a little salt, sugar and 2 incomplete cups whole wheat flour. Stir the mass until smooth, put in heat for 36 hours, then wipe with a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mixed with yeast and allowed to wander again in the warm day. Ready yeast is poured into bottles and tightly stoppered. Consumption of yeast — a quarter Cup per kilo of flour.
Malt. Malt — germinated in warmth and moisture grain corn, dried and coarsely milled. 1 Cup of flour and 0.5 cups of sugar diluted in 5 cups of water, add 3 cups of malt and brewed about 1 hour. Cooled, still warm solution is poured into bottles, cover tightly stoppered and put on a night in a warm place, and then the cold. Consumption of these yeast bread preparation is the same as the yeast from the dry hops.
Of wild berries.
You know, a smoky coating on the berries, such as blueberries, blueberries, plums... This is the wild yeast! He and forest berries!!! Only in the garden when the berries fertilized him. fertilizer it is better not to use.
To dry these berries, or the skins from the plums. Bread to start with mixing flour with water and the addition of wild berries. The taste and quality of bread will be different, however, is also natural and healthy.
The bread on RYE sourdough
If you cook a starter from the beginning, it will take two days. And by next time, Osipov a piece of the dough, the bread is baked throughout the day.
If you already have the starter (piece of dough) from the previous baking, then take this piece of dough, pour warm water and waiting for it to soften. Then add to the rye flour to the consistency of sour cream. You can also add sprouted and twisted grain rye. To make the dough, you can PM me, for example, it's more convenient (evening set, kneaded in the morning). Although, if your house is too hot, the time the dough needs to be shortened, otherwise all percinet. Put the dough in a warm place, covered with a towel. Sugar can not add, as she rye has the property to skachivat dough.
When the dough taposiris and increase in volume (from 4 to 8 hours, depending on room temperature), it's time to knead the loaf.
Before kneading, the dough is ready you need to add what you want (salt, spicy seeds: for example, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, sunflower seeds). If you bake rye bread, the rye flour is added only. If grey, then add part of flour can be twisted grain. You can knead the dough cool, then the bread will turn out dense, longer will not dry. Who like lighter bread, you can knead the dough the consistency of very thick cream (just too bad the batter will be baked).
At this stage Osipyan piece of dough (sourdough) for the next loaf. If you add wheat flour, put the starter to it.
Put loaf in greased with vegetable oil form on 1/3, put in a warm place, cover it with a towel. The bread should rise in 2 times, in the oven it will rise further.
Put the bread in a well-heated oven. Bake in the oven for about an hour (in an oven 30-40 minutes) the Exact time is not give because I was faced with different ovens and the baking process is the same. An exemplary temperature control 250 degrees for 15-20 min, 200 degrees 20-25 minutes, 150 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Bread of a light dough is baked less.
The readiness of the bread is determined by appearance, and the empty sound (you determine the time for baking). The finished loaf is ejected from the mold, wrap it up in a thick towel and leave to slowly cool. Hot rye bread with gluten, and in the process of slow cooling of the moisture evaporates and the bread becomes tastier. This is especially true bread from easy test.
When kneading you nibble a piece of dough, you need to decide how this piece of (yeast) to keep until the next time. If you plan to use the yeast for 2-3 weeks, enough to put it in a jar and cover with a cloth (principle — not to block access to the air, but not to leave open). A jar put in a cool place: in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in the basement. Starter suitable until it had a mold, but if mold slightly has just appeared, its a bit cut off and the remaining piece to urgently make the dough.
If you do not imagine — when you come next time, I advise you to turn the piece of dough in dry pellet or powder. For this, add as much rye flour, as the dough can take. Roll out a thin pellet or crumble the dough and dry it all in a warm oven, well, somewhere in the dry heat. When all the moisture has evaporated, the dry leaven is ready, now it can be stored indefinitely. The only dry yeast need a little longer to "recover", but it's still faster than cooking it from scratch.
If you for the following bread has postponed a liquid starter culture, keep in mind that it stored for long. Due to the fact that it has a lot of water, it molds faster. In this case, you either add the rye flour (turning into a dense piece of dough), or use it within 7-10 days. If you want a long time to keep a liquid starter culture (I don't know why), then it must periodically "feed": To do this, add a little water and rye flour and wait until it naprositsya, then again in a cool place. And so every 10-12 days while not using it on purpose)
How to cook the very first rye sourdough.
Well here we come to the point: how to cook a starter from the beginning. If any of your friends, acquaintances already preparing the bread to be sourdough — it is better to take they have a piece of dough, and start immediately with phase 1.
If not, then here is the recipe:
In the evening, in a glass of water to dissolve 1 tsp of honey, add the rye flour to the consistency of sour cream, put in a warm place. In the morning add another Cup of water and the same amount of flour and again in a warm place. Evening cook the dough (the gate). To do this, add another Cup of water and flour to the consistency of thick cream, again in the warm (but from experience, without excessive heat, otherwise the ferment will be too sour). Early in the morning knead the dough. Further, all as described above.
If you want to bake buns or cakes made of wheat flour, you can also use a rye sourdough.
For this, starting with phase 1, add only whole wheat flour. The dough is cooked faster, tons of wheat flour easier. During kneading, you can add any other ingredients: butter, eggs, sugar, etc.
Once you have mastered one recipe of bread made of natural yeast, you can easily master any other starter.
Stay healthy! published
Author: Natalia Dyachenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ladaga.ru/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0/%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D
Looking for new recipes, chose the bread on rye sourdough. First, it is for me the most delicious, the best in time and attention. Secondly, on rye sourdough can be prepared in any bakery, third, rye sourdough skachivaem dough no sugar added – and this is important!
However, offer recipes from different cultures – choose to your taste!
Bread with sourdough from SPROUTED GRAINS
Option 1: so, first you need a starter. Sprout for 2 days wheat (depending on temperature) until you see white tails (1-2 cm). Grind grain (crushed). Add a handful of flour, sugar and water (all by eye), stir until the consistency of sour cream. Put a future starter in the heat and wait until the sour. Sourdough needs to rise slightly due to broggini (two times).
Preparation of the dough. Our stir starter with a glass of water (more, less, very roughly), 2 cups white flour, sifted through a sieve, 1.5 teaspoons salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar (the sugar can then be replaced with honey, if desired). Knead.
About a tablespoon or more put into a glass dish, without covering with a tight lid, put in a cool place (refrigerator) is the leaven for the next time, which can be sustained. It will need periodically to revive the sugars, flour and water.
The dough cover with a towel, put in a very warm place to rise — not less than 12 hours.
After the dough rises 2-3 times, add in another Cup of flour, make the dough more dense. Then put again in a warm place to rise for at least 4 hours. Bake for one hour in the oven.

Option 2: Here's another bread recipe: wheat wash and soak in warm water, put it so that her sunlight was shining (but not heated above 20-25 deg) to the birth of beneficial bacteria. A day will start to arise the shoots (but not more than 1 mm). Drain the water and, if necessary, rinse the wheat. Next, pass it through a meat grinder and the resulting mass knead the dough without salt. Mass roll out as for dumplings (can be thicker), the glass or squeeze the slices. Circles to lay out in the sun at lunch to turn. If the weather is not solnica, dry the slices in the oven (not more than 40 degrees). On bread it's not like, as we used to see in the store, but rather on the bread.
Bread with yeast from the HOPS
Preparation of the leaven (see paragraphs 2, 3 "Homemade yeast").
Preparation of dough:
Take 4 tablespoons ready-made sourdough, a glass of warm water. Knead with flour until a thick cream. Insulate the dough and put in a warm place for souring for about 6 hours. You can put the evening to the morning to knead the dough.
Preparation of the dough:
Coming up take the dough and add 800ml. of warm water, stir and add flour until thick cream and again heat for 4 hours, and more. The dough should rise twice. After standing and wskazania dough, put some flour and knead, adding 1-2 tablespoons of natural vegetable oil, knead until soft dough state. Put in a heat for 40-60 minutes to rise. After the dough is formed into the form, greased with vegetable oil. So that the dough does not stick to hands, moisten them with oil. And leave to rise, then put in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 60 minutes. Allow to cool.
Rye-wheat bread with POTATOES
For bread you will need: 280g of rye flour, another 225g of flour (wheat or whole grain, flour), 420мл warm water (sometimes 500ml out), 15g of salt, about 80g cooked and grated on a fine grater potato, about 60g of sour dough.
Rye flour with 2/3 water and sour dough mix. Then take little dough and put in a glass jar as sour dough for the next bread baking (store in refrigerator)
Then add other flour, salt, potatoes and the remaining water and put the bread dough in a greased bread form. Close with a wet towel and 8-9 hours leave to rise. Can happen so that the dough will stick to the handkerchief, then wet the handkerchief with water and carefully take it from the test.
Preheat to 200 degrees oven and coming up bread to deliver. Bake at 180 degrees for about 60 minutes. At the end of baking you can sprinkle a little bread from a pistol, then he will Shine. Readiness can be determined by tapped, the bread should sound as empty.

Sour dough is done in three steps.
1. 100g rye flour and 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp of yogurt. Mix well, place in a tall glass (ceramic, porcelain) form, cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours to stand.
2. Mix well and leave it again for 24 hours .
3. Add 300g of rye flour, 200 ml of water, stir and again for 24 hours.
After this the dough is ready. Can be stored 1 month in a covered jar in the refrigerator.
Rye bread sourdough YOGURT
- 6 cups rye flour, preferably with bran;
- 1 Cup white flour;
- 3 cups of water;
- 1 tbsp the leaven;
- 3 tsp salt;
- 1-3 tbsp of sugar.
All products stir and leave for 12 hours. Bake for 1-1.5 hours.
Preparation starter:
In sour milk (after the peak of sourness, but not yogurt), added sugar (for fermentation), kneaded with rye flour until thick sour cream. Leave for a day or two. It is important to catch the moment, because if you wait, then you get mold and have to do it all over again. As soon as the first bubbles, holes or the like, remove all and put into the fridge, sourdough
From raisins. Take 100-200 grams of raisins, rinsed with warm water, placed in a bottle with a wide neck, pour warm water, add some sugar, tie the top with gauze in 4 layers and put in a warm place. For 4-5 days the fermentation will start, and you can put the dough.
Of dry hops. Pour hot water, hops (1:2) and boil in a saucepan. If the hop comes up, it drowned in the water with a spoon. When the water evaporates so that the broth will be half the original, decant it. Cooled in warm broth dissolve the sugar (1 tbsp to 1 Cup of broth), mix with flour (0.5 cups of flour to 1 Cup of broth). Then put the yeast in a warm place for two days for fermentation. Ready yeast is bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place. For cooking 2-3 kg of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast.
From fresh hops. In an enamel pan tightly lay fresh hops, fill it with hot water and cook about 1 hour, covered with a lid. Then the broth cool and pour a little salt, sugar and 2 incomplete cups whole wheat flour. Stir the mass until smooth, put in heat for 36 hours, then wipe with a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mixed with yeast and allowed to wander again in the warm day. Ready yeast is poured into bottles and tightly stoppered. Consumption of yeast — a quarter Cup per kilo of flour.
Malt. Malt — germinated in warmth and moisture grain corn, dried and coarsely milled. 1 Cup of flour and 0.5 cups of sugar diluted in 5 cups of water, add 3 cups of malt and brewed about 1 hour. Cooled, still warm solution is poured into bottles, cover tightly stoppered and put on a night in a warm place, and then the cold. Consumption of these yeast bread preparation is the same as the yeast from the dry hops.
Of wild berries.
You know, a smoky coating on the berries, such as blueberries, blueberries, plums... This is the wild yeast! He and forest berries!!! Only in the garden when the berries fertilized him. fertilizer it is better not to use.
To dry these berries, or the skins from the plums. Bread to start with mixing flour with water and the addition of wild berries. The taste and quality of bread will be different, however, is also natural and healthy.
The bread on RYE sourdough
If you cook a starter from the beginning, it will take two days. And by next time, Osipov a piece of the dough, the bread is baked throughout the day.
If you already have the starter (piece of dough) from the previous baking, then take this piece of dough, pour warm water and waiting for it to soften. Then add to the rye flour to the consistency of sour cream. You can also add sprouted and twisted grain rye. To make the dough, you can PM me, for example, it's more convenient (evening set, kneaded in the morning). Although, if your house is too hot, the time the dough needs to be shortened, otherwise all percinet. Put the dough in a warm place, covered with a towel. Sugar can not add, as she rye has the property to skachivat dough.
When the dough taposiris and increase in volume (from 4 to 8 hours, depending on room temperature), it's time to knead the loaf.
Before kneading, the dough is ready you need to add what you want (salt, spicy seeds: for example, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, sunflower seeds). If you bake rye bread, the rye flour is added only. If grey, then add part of flour can be twisted grain. You can knead the dough cool, then the bread will turn out dense, longer will not dry. Who like lighter bread, you can knead the dough the consistency of very thick cream (just too bad the batter will be baked).
At this stage Osipyan piece of dough (sourdough) for the next loaf. If you add wheat flour, put the starter to it.
Put loaf in greased with vegetable oil form on 1/3, put in a warm place, cover it with a towel. The bread should rise in 2 times, in the oven it will rise further.
Put the bread in a well-heated oven. Bake in the oven for about an hour (in an oven 30-40 minutes) the Exact time is not give because I was faced with different ovens and the baking process is the same. An exemplary temperature control 250 degrees for 15-20 min, 200 degrees 20-25 minutes, 150 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Bread of a light dough is baked less.
The readiness of the bread is determined by appearance, and the empty sound (you determine the time for baking). The finished loaf is ejected from the mold, wrap it up in a thick towel and leave to slowly cool. Hot rye bread with gluten, and in the process of slow cooling of the moisture evaporates and the bread becomes tastier. This is especially true bread from easy test.
When kneading you nibble a piece of dough, you need to decide how this piece of (yeast) to keep until the next time. If you plan to use the yeast for 2-3 weeks, enough to put it in a jar and cover with a cloth (principle — not to block access to the air, but not to leave open). A jar put in a cool place: in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in the basement. Starter suitable until it had a mold, but if mold slightly has just appeared, its a bit cut off and the remaining piece to urgently make the dough.
If you do not imagine — when you come next time, I advise you to turn the piece of dough in dry pellet or powder. For this, add as much rye flour, as the dough can take. Roll out a thin pellet or crumble the dough and dry it all in a warm oven, well, somewhere in the dry heat. When all the moisture has evaporated, the dry leaven is ready, now it can be stored indefinitely. The only dry yeast need a little longer to "recover", but it's still faster than cooking it from scratch.
If you for the following bread has postponed a liquid starter culture, keep in mind that it stored for long. Due to the fact that it has a lot of water, it molds faster. In this case, you either add the rye flour (turning into a dense piece of dough), or use it within 7-10 days. If you want a long time to keep a liquid starter culture (I don't know why), then it must periodically "feed": To do this, add a little water and rye flour and wait until it naprositsya, then again in a cool place. And so every 10-12 days while not using it on purpose)
How to cook the very first rye sourdough.
Well here we come to the point: how to cook a starter from the beginning. If any of your friends, acquaintances already preparing the bread to be sourdough — it is better to take they have a piece of dough, and start immediately with phase 1.
If not, then here is the recipe:
In the evening, in a glass of water to dissolve 1 tsp of honey, add the rye flour to the consistency of sour cream, put in a warm place. In the morning add another Cup of water and the same amount of flour and again in a warm place. Evening cook the dough (the gate). To do this, add another Cup of water and flour to the consistency of thick cream, again in the warm (but from experience, without excessive heat, otherwise the ferment will be too sour). Early in the morning knead the dough. Further, all as described above.
If you want to bake buns or cakes made of wheat flour, you can also use a rye sourdough.
For this, starting with phase 1, add only whole wheat flour. The dough is cooked faster, tons of wheat flour easier. During kneading, you can add any other ingredients: butter, eggs, sugar, etc.
Once you have mastered one recipe of bread made of natural yeast, you can easily master any other starter.
Stay healthy! published
Author: Natalia Dyachenko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ladaga.ru/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0/%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D