The best recipes of Unleavened BREAD
Before the beginning of recall:
- A combination of starch and protein - the most difficult time for digestion and health hazards, so mixing nuts and seeds with cereals can be very tasty, but the weights any recipe (as opposed to cake or grated vegetables, fiber always helps digestion, amplifies peristalsis, absorbs toxins and enriches any dish);
- Germinated cereals are always easier to digest than "dry", even after the heat treatment (though these will only grind in the "beef" and not to flour);
- Sweet (dried fruits) combined with starches poorly, so it is best to add them minimally
. Recipes home unleavened bread
1. The simplest - unleavened cakes
- 1 cup of water
- 2, 5 cups flour (better, of course, whole - or grind yourself, ideally)
- 1, 5 teaspoon salt (or taste).
- Vegetables - a little pepper, and carrot cake fit of juice, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs
. Preparation:
In the water, stir the salt. A thin stream gradually add flour in salt water.
Knead the dough. Then let stand the test (rest) for 20-30 minutes.
Red-hot frying pan.
Thin roll cake.
Dried cake a few seconds on the red-hot frying pan. Total turns 10-12 tortillas.
Ready-made cakes sprinkled with water is necessary (can be from a domestic sprayer), otherwise they will be crispy.
Store cakes better in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 days.
2. Very simple - a little yogurt and salt + rye flour, the mood, you can add caraway seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.
Milled wheat (in a coffee grinder mill type) carefully sift through a fine sieve to get 3 cups of flour (or take ready wholegrain flour - but it is worth remembering that it can not be stored for a long time, so that the purchase - with certain additives).
Then add a little salt (to taste), favorite spices (you can coriander, cumin, etc.), 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda, you can add milled seeds or nuts, and gradually pour in, stirring batter, whey from cottage cheese, wherein the glass-half and to obtain a thick dough.
Thoroughly mix, bake can be in the form of cakes.
The dough is spread on baking paper.
Oven hour in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.
Instead suitable liquid whey cheese and 2 eggs (yolks better ones). The taste is almost the same, good and kefir (much better than baker's yeast, although the yogurt - is also a product of yeast (fermentation product kefir fungus)
. 3. On the basis of
Irish soda bread
250g flour whole wheat
250g rye flour
250 grams of oatmeal
Article 1/2 chopped nuts
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
juice of 1 lemon
500-600 ml of water
Very hot oven, the baking grease and sprinkle with flour. Put the dough. In the process of baking to make cuts in the crust.
Lemon juice and water can be replaced with serum, yogurt etc, you can add raisins, fried or raw onions, paprika, cumin, carrot juice from the bagasse, etc.
4. Potato Cakes
300 ml (half cup) mashed potatoes (you can on the water)
1 tsp salt
300 ml flour
1 egg (you can try to use only the yolk - as a recipe as a whole will be more easy to digest and less harmful, respectively)
. Preparation:
Quickly knead the dough, divide into 10 pieces and arrange on baking paper in the form of 10 thin (about 5 mm) pellets. Each fork poke, or lozenges reared.
Bake at 250 C for about 13-15 minutes (should be lightly browned).
Cool, you can have a warm or ostyvshimi, very tasty with butter, sour cream and herbs.
5. Oat cakes
600 ml (3 cups) of oatmeal
250 ml flour (can be dark, whole, wall-paper mill)
1, 5
ch.l.soli 1 tsp soda
600 ml yogurt
50g melted butter (or olive)
Knead the dough, let stand for half an hour, then just as in the previous recipe, put umyat and round cakes and bake at 250 C for about 15 minutes (it should look to have started a little browning).
You can not give a round shape, and as it will flatten on baking paper, poke with a fork and cut conventionally after about 7 minutes, when will grasp the test. And then, taking out of the oven, dolman on a plate.
6. Rapid without yeast dough for pizza
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 eggs
- Article 1/2 of warm milk
- 1 tsp olive oil
1. Mix the flour with the salt.
2. Stir eggs in a bowl of warm milk and add the olive oil.
3. Small portions pour the mixture into the bowl with the flour, constantly mixing in. When all the liquid is absorbed into the flour, begin to knead the dough, from time to time to sprinkle your hands with flour. Knead for 10 minutes until the dough is elastic.
4. Form a ball of dough, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes.
1, 5 cups of flour,
1, 5 cups of rye flour,
about 1 cup of water,
a pinch of salt.
If you prefer a soft dough, then you will need kefir instead of water and a pinch of baking soda (soda is added to the first yogurt, brewed 5 minutes, then the mixture was poured into flour). Bake for 15 minutes and then another 15 with tomato paste and vegetables.
7. Rye bread on a traditional unleavened
The leaven is prepared on some acid-based (eg, brine). Warm brine, rye peeled flour, a little sugar for fermentation. Flour dash for the density of sour cream. In a warm place to ferment slowly rise. Some times it is necessary to precipitate. Each time, it will rise faster.
Once the starter is ready, put Opara: Warm water (right amount), yeast, salt, sugar (necessary for the leaven), Flour rye peeled. Density of sponge - as fritters. Raised in a warm place for 4-5 hours, can be once precipitate. If Opara rises faster, it needs to withstand upset and 4:00 - is the norm for rye bread.
The kneading dough add a little flour (~ 1/10 of the total), salt, sugar and knead the rye flour. The dough is "easy". After the dough rises, it does not obminaya, laid in the form of (1/2 volume of the mold).
Work with rye dough better wetting your hands in the water. Wet hand flatten it into a form in a warm place to approach.
Baked rye bread in a hot oven for 1 - 1, 5:00. After baking, the crust is moistened with water. Just cut the rye bread is impossible, it should cool down. Ready corn is checked by squeezing the lower and upper crust:, the bread is good if propeksya crumb between them quickly rectified.
The first baking may be unsuccessful, but each time the starter will continue to gain strength, and the dough will rise quickly. A little sponge or a piece of dough left for the next batch, stored in the refrigerator.
The day before, in the evening, you need to update the leaven: pour a little water (cold can) and mix in rye flour. Until the morning she rises (~ 9-12 hours), and you can put the brew (see. Above).
8. Bread on hop leaven
1. Preparation
leaven 1.1. Dry hops pour double (by volume) of water and boil to reduce by half the water.
1.2. Broth to insist 8 hours and drain the squeeze.
1.3. One glass of the resulting broth pour in half-liter jar, dissolve it in 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar, 0, 5 cups of flour (stir until the disappearance of lumps).
1.4. The resulting solution was put in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covered with a cloth for two days. Symptom yeast readiness: the amount of solution in the bank will increase by about half.
1.5. On two or three kilograms of bread must be 0, 5 cups of Yeast (2 tablespoons).
2. The number of components.
For baking, the bread must be 650-700:
water 1 cup (0, 2 liters);
for each cup of water required: flour 3 cups (400-450 gr.);
salt 1 tsp;
sugar 1 table. spoon;
butter or margarine 1 table. spoon;
wheat flakes 1-2 full table. spoons;
3. Preparation of sourdough.
3.1. The mixing tank is filled with a glass of boiling water, cooled to 30-35 degrees temperature, it is stirred in table 1. spoon of ferment and 1 cup flour.
3.2. The prepared solution is covered with a cloth and put in a warm place for 2 hours until a point bubbles. The presence of bubbles indicates that Opara is ready for kneading dough.
4. Knead the dough.
4.1. In a clean container (jar of no more than 0, 2 liters, with a tight-fitting lid) postpone the necessary amount (1-2 tbsp. Tablespoons) sponge, this Opara will leaven for the next batch of bread, it must be stored in the refrigerator.
4.2. The capacity to brew add 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour and other components in accordance with paragraph 2.1, that is, salt, sugar, butter, cereal (flakes - not mandatory)... Knead the dough until detachment from the laying of hands and in shape.
4.3. Form dough filled 0, 3-0, 5 of its volume at most. If the form is not coated with Teflon, it is necessary to grease with vegetable oil.
4.4. Form the dough put in a warm place for 4-6 hours. To keep the heat it is necessary to cover tightly. If after the specified time, the dough will increase in the amount of about twice, then it loosened up and ready to bake.
5. Baking mode.
5.1. The form should be placed in the middle of the oven on the grill.
5.2. Baking temperature of 180-200 degrees. Baking time 50 minutes.
- A combination of starch and protein - the most difficult time for digestion and health hazards, so mixing nuts and seeds with cereals can be very tasty, but the weights any recipe (as opposed to cake or grated vegetables, fiber always helps digestion, amplifies peristalsis, absorbs toxins and enriches any dish);
- Germinated cereals are always easier to digest than "dry", even after the heat treatment (though these will only grind in the "beef" and not to flour);
- Sweet (dried fruits) combined with starches poorly, so it is best to add them minimally
. Recipes home unleavened bread

1. The simplest - unleavened cakes
- 1 cup of water
- 2, 5 cups flour (better, of course, whole - or grind yourself, ideally)
- 1, 5 teaspoon salt (or taste).
- Vegetables - a little pepper, and carrot cake fit of juice, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs
. Preparation:
In the water, stir the salt. A thin stream gradually add flour in salt water.
Knead the dough. Then let stand the test (rest) for 20-30 minutes.
Red-hot frying pan.
Thin roll cake.
Dried cake a few seconds on the red-hot frying pan. Total turns 10-12 tortillas.
Ready-made cakes sprinkled with water is necessary (can be from a domestic sprayer), otherwise they will be crispy.
Store cakes better in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 days.
2. Very simple - a little yogurt and salt + rye flour, the mood, you can add caraway seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.
Milled wheat (in a coffee grinder mill type) carefully sift through a fine sieve to get 3 cups of flour (or take ready wholegrain flour - but it is worth remembering that it can not be stored for a long time, so that the purchase - with certain additives).
Then add a little salt (to taste), favorite spices (you can coriander, cumin, etc.), 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda, you can add milled seeds or nuts, and gradually pour in, stirring batter, whey from cottage cheese, wherein the glass-half and to obtain a thick dough.
Thoroughly mix, bake can be in the form of cakes.
The dough is spread on baking paper.
Oven hour in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.
Instead suitable liquid whey cheese and 2 eggs (yolks better ones). The taste is almost the same, good and kefir (much better than baker's yeast, although the yogurt - is also a product of yeast (fermentation product kefir fungus)
. 3. On the basis of
Irish soda bread

250g flour whole wheat
250g rye flour
250 grams of oatmeal
Article 1/2 chopped nuts
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
juice of 1 lemon
500-600 ml of water
Very hot oven, the baking grease and sprinkle with flour. Put the dough. In the process of baking to make cuts in the crust.
Lemon juice and water can be replaced with serum, yogurt etc, you can add raisins, fried or raw onions, paprika, cumin, carrot juice from the bagasse, etc.
4. Potato Cakes
300 ml (half cup) mashed potatoes (you can on the water)
1 tsp salt
300 ml flour
1 egg (you can try to use only the yolk - as a recipe as a whole will be more easy to digest and less harmful, respectively)
. Preparation:
Quickly knead the dough, divide into 10 pieces and arrange on baking paper in the form of 10 thin (about 5 mm) pellets. Each fork poke, or lozenges reared.
Bake at 250 C for about 13-15 minutes (should be lightly browned).
Cool, you can have a warm or ostyvshimi, very tasty with butter, sour cream and herbs.
5. Oat cakes
600 ml (3 cups) of oatmeal
250 ml flour (can be dark, whole, wall-paper mill)
1, 5
ch.l.soli 1 tsp soda
600 ml yogurt
50g melted butter (or olive)
Knead the dough, let stand for half an hour, then just as in the previous recipe, put umyat and round cakes and bake at 250 C for about 15 minutes (it should look to have started a little browning).
You can not give a round shape, and as it will flatten on baking paper, poke with a fork and cut conventionally after about 7 minutes, when will grasp the test. And then, taking out of the oven, dolman on a plate.
6. Rapid without yeast dough for pizza

- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 eggs
- Article 1/2 of warm milk
- 1 tsp olive oil
1. Mix the flour with the salt.
2. Stir eggs in a bowl of warm milk and add the olive oil.
3. Small portions pour the mixture into the bowl with the flour, constantly mixing in. When all the liquid is absorbed into the flour, begin to knead the dough, from time to time to sprinkle your hands with flour. Knead for 10 minutes until the dough is elastic.
4. Form a ball of dough, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes.
1, 5 cups of flour,
1, 5 cups of rye flour,
about 1 cup of water,
a pinch of salt.
If you prefer a soft dough, then you will need kefir instead of water and a pinch of baking soda (soda is added to the first yogurt, brewed 5 minutes, then the mixture was poured into flour). Bake for 15 minutes and then another 15 with tomato paste and vegetables.
7. Rye bread on a traditional unleavened

The leaven is prepared on some acid-based (eg, brine). Warm brine, rye peeled flour, a little sugar for fermentation. Flour dash for the density of sour cream. In a warm place to ferment slowly rise. Some times it is necessary to precipitate. Each time, it will rise faster.
Once the starter is ready, put Opara: Warm water (right amount), yeast, salt, sugar (necessary for the leaven), Flour rye peeled. Density of sponge - as fritters. Raised in a warm place for 4-5 hours, can be once precipitate. If Opara rises faster, it needs to withstand upset and 4:00 - is the norm for rye bread.
The kneading dough add a little flour (~ 1/10 of the total), salt, sugar and knead the rye flour. The dough is "easy". After the dough rises, it does not obminaya, laid in the form of (1/2 volume of the mold).
Work with rye dough better wetting your hands in the water. Wet hand flatten it into a form in a warm place to approach.
Baked rye bread in a hot oven for 1 - 1, 5:00. After baking, the crust is moistened with water. Just cut the rye bread is impossible, it should cool down. Ready corn is checked by squeezing the lower and upper crust:, the bread is good if propeksya crumb between them quickly rectified.
The first baking may be unsuccessful, but each time the starter will continue to gain strength, and the dough will rise quickly. A little sponge or a piece of dough left for the next batch, stored in the refrigerator.
The day before, in the evening, you need to update the leaven: pour a little water (cold can) and mix in rye flour. Until the morning she rises (~ 9-12 hours), and you can put the brew (see. Above).
8. Bread on hop leaven
1. Preparation
leaven 1.1. Dry hops pour double (by volume) of water and boil to reduce by half the water.
1.2. Broth to insist 8 hours and drain the squeeze.
1.3. One glass of the resulting broth pour in half-liter jar, dissolve it in 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar, 0, 5 cups of flour (stir until the disappearance of lumps).
1.4. The resulting solution was put in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covered with a cloth for two days. Symptom yeast readiness: the amount of solution in the bank will increase by about half.
1.5. On two or three kilograms of bread must be 0, 5 cups of Yeast (2 tablespoons).
2. The number of components.
For baking, the bread must be 650-700:
water 1 cup (0, 2 liters);
for each cup of water required: flour 3 cups (400-450 gr.);
salt 1 tsp;
sugar 1 table. spoon;
butter or margarine 1 table. spoon;
wheat flakes 1-2 full table. spoons;
3. Preparation of sourdough.
3.1. The mixing tank is filled with a glass of boiling water, cooled to 30-35 degrees temperature, it is stirred in table 1. spoon of ferment and 1 cup flour.
3.2. The prepared solution is covered with a cloth and put in a warm place for 2 hours until a point bubbles. The presence of bubbles indicates that Opara is ready for kneading dough.
4. Knead the dough.
4.1. In a clean container (jar of no more than 0, 2 liters, with a tight-fitting lid) postpone the necessary amount (1-2 tbsp. Tablespoons) sponge, this Opara will leaven for the next batch of bread, it must be stored in the refrigerator.
4.2. The capacity to brew add 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour and other components in accordance with paragraph 2.1, that is, salt, sugar, butter, cereal (flakes - not mandatory)... Knead the dough until detachment from the laying of hands and in shape.
4.3. Form dough filled 0, 3-0, 5 of its volume at most. If the form is not coated with Teflon, it is necessary to grease with vegetable oil.
4.4. Form the dough put in a warm place for 4-6 hours. To keep the heat it is necessary to cover tightly. If after the specified time, the dough will increase in the amount of about twice, then it loosened up and ready to bake.
5. Baking mode.
5.1. The form should be placed in the middle of the oven on the grill.
5.2. Baking temperature of 180-200 degrees. Baking time 50 minutes.