Rusty the cat is the smallest wild cat in the world
And now today's main character. This cat-small – close relatives of Bengal – has several names. Most popular – spotty-red cat (lat. Prionailurus rubiginosus), and yet it is called rusty or rusty-spotted. All these names do not quite correctly reflect the true color of the animal. Really spotty-red cat has grey, sometimes brownish short hair only on the feet, back and sides covered with indistinct reddish spots.
It is the smallest wild cat in the world. Its length is only from fifty to eighty centimeters with a tail and it weighs no more than two pounds. Unfortunately, these cats know too little. Their species belongs to endangered due to the conversion of most areas of their habitat to agricultural land.
Let's learn about it more ...
It is believed that rusty the cat, called on Latin Prionailurus and Felis rubiginosa rubiginosa, according to its external data is a little bit like a Bengal cat. Living with wildlife has made her body very slim. The animal has a very long tail and short legs. Head shape round, eyes like bulging, ears small in size. Cat fur is short and soft. Meow reminds of the voice of house cats.
The chest and abdomen of the cats have a lighter color. The muzzle of the beast marked with the stripes: the white line located near the nose and around the eyes, and black adorn the frontal part. Color rusty the cat is very similar to its Bengali cousin, only more faded version. The eyes of these cats – shades of gray or color of honey is a disproportionately huge and attached to the muzzle of the beast, an unusual expression.
Legs are speckled red cat short, the head rounded, the ears small. The size of the animals so small that they are one of the leaders for the title of the smallest species among all wild cats. Judge for yourself: body length rusty cat is 35 to 48 cm, tail length from 15 to 30 cm, weight rarely exceeds 1,5 kg. Even the domestic counterparts and are often much larger, and much heavier.
The little beast is hard in this world full of dangers, where necessary and most food to get, and the larger predators on the eyes not to fall. Spotted red cats live alone, hunt at night – so reliable, while walking, trying to stay close to the trees at the first sign of danger with lightning speed to fly up the trunk.
By the way, among the branches of the trees, too, can get a lot of food – insects, lizards and birds. The diet of the robbers are small rodents, and occasionally domestic chickens, which the cat happens to attack, and during rainy periods they willingly eat the frogs.
Among many landscapes of spotty-red cat once and for all chose the mountainous and tropical forests of Sri Lanka and open dry areas or dense thickets of shrubs of southern India. The presence of a nearby reservoir – a significant plus when choosing habitats. Live cats at the individual territories 15-18 sq km, the boundaries of which are carefully marked.
The presence of outsiders in their territory spotted red cats suffer only in the breeding season, and then only if the trespassers were females. The period of courtship is emotionally and violently, and very reminiscent of the lovesick pet cats and cats. First, the female does not too loyal to the partner, clinging to her with tenderness, but soon change the temper justice with mercy and allow "the body".
After repeated pairings of pregnancy, which lasts from 2 to 2.5 months and ends with the birth to 1-3 tiny cubs. To this point caring cat prepares a convenient lair. Newborns even less true to their name, than adults: their color almost completely missing red tones.
And only to six-month age, when the kittens become independent, their appearance is becoming typical of this species of cat traits. Calico cats are often kept in the house – they are easy to tame and show respect to the owners friendliness and affection.
The smallest representative of the felines. Found only in India and Sri Lanka. The species is under threat of extinction, as it has less than 10 000 adults from permanent decline due to changes in the environment natural habitats.
The main enemies of rusty cats are large predators and stray dogs that can tear animal and its offspring, if they will not have the time to climb up the trees. People, embittered the peasants or farmers who have specimens are stealing chickens or ducklings, is also capable of destruction of members of this population. Deforestation carries the same danger. Animals emerge from their longstanding habitat. Members of the family red cat in India and red spotted cat living in the mountain jungle in Sri Lanka, listed in the International Red book. Hunting of this species is prohibited, and violators are strictly punished by the law of both States. In the wild they have about 10K. individuals. Most connoisseurs of rare animals there, of course, the opportunity to meet rusty cat in the wild. The animal is quite cautious and in search of food goes solely under cover of night. But it can be seen in some zoos in the world and even bought from special breeders. Due to their smaller size, cats of this breed can be dangerous for people like lynxes or tigers, for example. Representatives of this breed are perfectly adapted at home and delight their owners with flexible disposition, cheerfulness and affection. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: masterok.livejournal.com/2376610.html
It is the smallest wild cat in the world. Its length is only from fifty to eighty centimeters with a tail and it weighs no more than two pounds. Unfortunately, these cats know too little. Their species belongs to endangered due to the conversion of most areas of their habitat to agricultural land.
Let's learn about it more ...

It is believed that rusty the cat, called on Latin Prionailurus and Felis rubiginosa rubiginosa, according to its external data is a little bit like a Bengal cat. Living with wildlife has made her body very slim. The animal has a very long tail and short legs. Head shape round, eyes like bulging, ears small in size. Cat fur is short and soft. Meow reminds of the voice of house cats.
The chest and abdomen of the cats have a lighter color. The muzzle of the beast marked with the stripes: the white line located near the nose and around the eyes, and black adorn the frontal part. Color rusty the cat is very similar to its Bengali cousin, only more faded version. The eyes of these cats – shades of gray or color of honey is a disproportionately huge and attached to the muzzle of the beast, an unusual expression.

Legs are speckled red cat short, the head rounded, the ears small. The size of the animals so small that they are one of the leaders for the title of the smallest species among all wild cats. Judge for yourself: body length rusty cat is 35 to 48 cm, tail length from 15 to 30 cm, weight rarely exceeds 1,5 kg. Even the domestic counterparts and are often much larger, and much heavier.

The little beast is hard in this world full of dangers, where necessary and most food to get, and the larger predators on the eyes not to fall. Spotted red cats live alone, hunt at night – so reliable, while walking, trying to stay close to the trees at the first sign of danger with lightning speed to fly up the trunk.

By the way, among the branches of the trees, too, can get a lot of food – insects, lizards and birds. The diet of the robbers are small rodents, and occasionally domestic chickens, which the cat happens to attack, and during rainy periods they willingly eat the frogs.

Among many landscapes of spotty-red cat once and for all chose the mountainous and tropical forests of Sri Lanka and open dry areas or dense thickets of shrubs of southern India. The presence of a nearby reservoir – a significant plus when choosing habitats. Live cats at the individual territories 15-18 sq km, the boundaries of which are carefully marked.

The presence of outsiders in their territory spotted red cats suffer only in the breeding season, and then only if the trespassers were females. The period of courtship is emotionally and violently, and very reminiscent of the lovesick pet cats and cats. First, the female does not too loyal to the partner, clinging to her with tenderness, but soon change the temper justice with mercy and allow "the body".

After repeated pairings of pregnancy, which lasts from 2 to 2.5 months and ends with the birth to 1-3 tiny cubs. To this point caring cat prepares a convenient lair. Newborns even less true to their name, than adults: their color almost completely missing red tones.
And only to six-month age, when the kittens become independent, their appearance is becoming typical of this species of cat traits. Calico cats are often kept in the house – they are easy to tame and show respect to the owners friendliness and affection.

The smallest representative of the felines. Found only in India and Sri Lanka. The species is under threat of extinction, as it has less than 10 000 adults from permanent decline due to changes in the environment natural habitats.

The main enemies of rusty cats are large predators and stray dogs that can tear animal and its offspring, if they will not have the time to climb up the trees. People, embittered the peasants or farmers who have specimens are stealing chickens or ducklings, is also capable of destruction of members of this population. Deforestation carries the same danger. Animals emerge from their longstanding habitat. Members of the family red cat in India and red spotted cat living in the mountain jungle in Sri Lanka, listed in the International Red book. Hunting of this species is prohibited, and violators are strictly punished by the law of both States. In the wild they have about 10K. individuals. Most connoisseurs of rare animals there, of course, the opportunity to meet rusty cat in the wild. The animal is quite cautious and in search of food goes solely under cover of night. But it can be seen in some zoos in the world and even bought from special breeders. Due to their smaller size, cats of this breed can be dangerous for people like lynxes or tigers, for example. Representatives of this breed are perfectly adapted at home and delight their owners with flexible disposition, cheerfulness and affection. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: masterok.livejournal.com/2376610.html
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