Fairy tale about a small creature
In the kingdom of Far Far Away, tridesyatom state, somewhere on the periphery there lived a wicked robber. All were afraid of him, and the people and animals, and even trees withered in his garden - he was so angry. Nobody liked Angry robber, no people, no animals, and when he walked down the street - children cried and hid in the hut, the mother closed the shutters, and the fathers were getting sharp axes and pitchforks - just in case.
Lived Evil Robber all alone lived does not grieved, but wound up in his garden a strange animal. He became a rustling at night, dry branches and thin voice singing strange songs. A day climbed to the highest dead tree, chattering feet and looked at the terrible black box Evil Robber.
Evil Robber terribly angry.
- What's this? - He asked a little strange animal. - Who are you?
- I - the little creature, - said animal.
- What are you doing on my private property? - I asked the robber.
The animal did not answer, but continued to look out the window and chat legs.
- But you sobyu stone - Angry robber threatened.
The animal screwed up his eyes at the sun, and shrugged his shoulders.
- Go, - said the evil robber.
- Do not go, - said animal in a thin voice. - I'm good here.
Angry robber did not say anything. He went into the house and waited for when night falls and animal peel off from his tree to catch it and put in a cage. Still, he was very lonely, and even angry.
And so he did.
Catch the little creature it was very simple - run fast she could not, even if scratched by sharp claws. And he made a cell of dry oak branches and hung from the ceiling.
- Here you will know, - said the evil robber and went to sleep.
A little creature did not say anything. She was very sad and looked out the window at their favorite tree.
It took many days. First, a small creature asks for the will and even tried to cut thick oak branches. Angry robber got angry, got her out of the cell by the collar and hit the muzzle sad. And if she bit his finger - punished even worse.
Then he calmed down a little thing, and sometimes even sang their strange subtle songs. Songs liked Razboyniku- for them it was very pleasant to sleep. And the cell he now dragged everywhere with him - he was so fun.
One robber mistakenly forgot to lock the door and went to sleep. And when I woke up, a little creature sitting on his bed and looked attentive eyes.
- Why did not you run away - surprised robber. And then he took it back in the cage.
- You would be sad, - said the little creature, and licked his hand in the Rogue.
- You're just a little thing - he was angry, and even hit her. - Why would I be sad because of such nonsense?
The little creature said nothing. She sat in her cage and was crying - after all it was a small thing, and it was very painful.
However, shortly thereafter, Rogue began casually forget to lock the door. And beat the little creature is not so common and not so much. And everywhere she ran after him, holding foot pant leg, and fell asleep in his lap. The house has become warmer.
- Why on the street snow, wind, and we've got a warm and pleasant? - Angry robber surprised.
- Because I have a warm heart, - answered the little creature, and again was packed into his lap.
- You stupid animal, - said Evil Rogue - like a little frail heart is so big and warm cold house?
But the little creature was sleeping soundly.
Evil Robber changed. He was no longer so angry, learned to wash and trimmed black beard terrible. People are no longer afraid of him, though not immediately, but no longer hide in huts and do not have enough for the ax, as he walked down the street. Because on his shoulder he sat a little thing and looked around proudly. People decided that if he was not afraid of a little weak animal, not that he dreaded.
Once Angry robber came home not one, but with a beautiful woman.
She was marble white skin and golden hair, and ears sparkled colored stones.
- What a strange animal - she said she saw the cage. - It bites?
- Not at all, - said Evil Robber. - You can pet him.
But as soon as the beautiful woman reached out to pat the little creature, she snorted and painfully bitten her finger.
- Oh shit - angry Angry robber and he threw the little creature so viciously that broke her muzzle.
- Get him out of here, - cried Beautiful Woman. - What a vile evil animal, I do not want him in this house.
And Angry robber took the cage away in the attic.
Beautiful woman settled in his house. They ate at the same table and slept in the same bed. Evil Rogue liked to touch her long golden hair and look at her beautiful white face. He did not remember about the little critters.
A small creature froze. First, she lost the use of tabs. Then she lost her thin voice. Then your eyes ceased to see the light. Then it began to cool a little, but very warm heart. As if stuck in it a thousand icy needles. She lay motionless on the bottom of the cage, until completely ceased to breathe. Tiny tears froze on her eyelashes young transparent icicles. She was dying.
One morning Beautiful Woman awakened by the cold in the house. She woke up and asked Evil Robber Kindle fireplace.
- Strange, - said the evil robber. - This house has always been so warm. Especially now - the middle of summer.
He dressed and went outside to collect dry branches. And I saw that all the trees in his garden covered with frost. Flowers turned to ice carved patterns. A very cold stream.
- How lovely, - said Beautiful Woman. - Snow in the middle of July? It's a miracle.
- Yes, - I agreed Angry robber. -Miracle.
He stood staring at the frozen trees and smiling.
He loved beautiful women.
He was happy.
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Lived Evil Robber all alone lived does not grieved, but wound up in his garden a strange animal. He became a rustling at night, dry branches and thin voice singing strange songs. A day climbed to the highest dead tree, chattering feet and looked at the terrible black box Evil Robber.
Evil Robber terribly angry.
- What's this? - He asked a little strange animal. - Who are you?
- I - the little creature, - said animal.
- What are you doing on my private property? - I asked the robber.
The animal did not answer, but continued to look out the window and chat legs.
- But you sobyu stone - Angry robber threatened.
The animal screwed up his eyes at the sun, and shrugged his shoulders.
- Go, - said the evil robber.
- Do not go, - said animal in a thin voice. - I'm good here.
Angry robber did not say anything. He went into the house and waited for when night falls and animal peel off from his tree to catch it and put in a cage. Still, he was very lonely, and even angry.
And so he did.
Catch the little creature it was very simple - run fast she could not, even if scratched by sharp claws. And he made a cell of dry oak branches and hung from the ceiling.
- Here you will know, - said the evil robber and went to sleep.
A little creature did not say anything. She was very sad and looked out the window at their favorite tree.
It took many days. First, a small creature asks for the will and even tried to cut thick oak branches. Angry robber got angry, got her out of the cell by the collar and hit the muzzle sad. And if she bit his finger - punished even worse.
Then he calmed down a little thing, and sometimes even sang their strange subtle songs. Songs liked Razboyniku- for them it was very pleasant to sleep. And the cell he now dragged everywhere with him - he was so fun.
One robber mistakenly forgot to lock the door and went to sleep. And when I woke up, a little creature sitting on his bed and looked attentive eyes.
- Why did not you run away - surprised robber. And then he took it back in the cage.
- You would be sad, - said the little creature, and licked his hand in the Rogue.
- You're just a little thing - he was angry, and even hit her. - Why would I be sad because of such nonsense?
The little creature said nothing. She sat in her cage and was crying - after all it was a small thing, and it was very painful.
However, shortly thereafter, Rogue began casually forget to lock the door. And beat the little creature is not so common and not so much. And everywhere she ran after him, holding foot pant leg, and fell asleep in his lap. The house has become warmer.
- Why on the street snow, wind, and we've got a warm and pleasant? - Angry robber surprised.
- Because I have a warm heart, - answered the little creature, and again was packed into his lap.
- You stupid animal, - said Evil Rogue - like a little frail heart is so big and warm cold house?
But the little creature was sleeping soundly.
Evil Robber changed. He was no longer so angry, learned to wash and trimmed black beard terrible. People are no longer afraid of him, though not immediately, but no longer hide in huts and do not have enough for the ax, as he walked down the street. Because on his shoulder he sat a little thing and looked around proudly. People decided that if he was not afraid of a little weak animal, not that he dreaded.
Once Angry robber came home not one, but with a beautiful woman.
She was marble white skin and golden hair, and ears sparkled colored stones.
- What a strange animal - she said she saw the cage. - It bites?
- Not at all, - said Evil Robber. - You can pet him.
But as soon as the beautiful woman reached out to pat the little creature, she snorted and painfully bitten her finger.
- Oh shit - angry Angry robber and he threw the little creature so viciously that broke her muzzle.
- Get him out of here, - cried Beautiful Woman. - What a vile evil animal, I do not want him in this house.
And Angry robber took the cage away in the attic.
Beautiful woman settled in his house. They ate at the same table and slept in the same bed. Evil Rogue liked to touch her long golden hair and look at her beautiful white face. He did not remember about the little critters.
A small creature froze. First, she lost the use of tabs. Then she lost her thin voice. Then your eyes ceased to see the light. Then it began to cool a little, but very warm heart. As if stuck in it a thousand icy needles. She lay motionless on the bottom of the cage, until completely ceased to breathe. Tiny tears froze on her eyelashes young transparent icicles. She was dying.
One morning Beautiful Woman awakened by the cold in the house. She woke up and asked Evil Robber Kindle fireplace.
- Strange, - said the evil robber. - This house has always been so warm. Especially now - the middle of summer.
He dressed and went outside to collect dry branches. And I saw that all the trees in his garden covered with frost. Flowers turned to ice carved patterns. A very cold stream.
- How lovely, - said Beautiful Woman. - Snow in the middle of July? It's a miracle.
- Yes, - I agreed Angry robber. -Miracle.
He stood staring at the frozen trees and smiling.
He loved beautiful women.
He was happy.
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