Seven kids and Little Red Riding Hood. Instructions for children with an interesting genealogy

Anyone familiar with this tale, knows that Little Red Riding Hood had a grandmother and mother. However, as it turned out, only their relatives "cap" is not limited.
Durham University anthropologist Jamie Tegrani by phylogenetic analysis showed that the tale of Little Red Riding Hood and widely known in Europe and Central Asia tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" have the same ancestor.
This type of analysis is something like drawing of a tree that reflects the evolutionary relationships between different species or other phenomena that have a common ancestor.
Folk tales are an excellent material for phylogenetic analysis. Compared with the author's tales, folk undergo over time significant changes: a tale acquires new items, while some details are lost, passed from mouth to mouth with generations.
The analysis was performed on 72 points. Here are some of them: the nature of the protagonist and villain tricks used by the villain to trick the victim, the victim was, in the end, eaten or she managed to escape. According to the results Tegrani made the table on which it was possible to see how the change over time fairy tale, what points have been lost, and what and when added as a fairy tale gained content, which we now know it, and so on.
We all remember the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids." Mama goat, leaving the house, strictly forbade the children to open the door to anyone but her. But in the end three visits at the door, the villain Wolf, imitated the voice of Mom-goats, and still managed to fool the kids. It ended badly. All goats were eaten. "This story is not that other, as, has undergone numerous changes, Aesop's Fables, first recorded in written sources about 400 BC" - writes in his study Tegrani.
As regards, Red Riding Hood, its parent - the poem of the 11th century, written in Latin, the priest in Liege (city in Belgium)
Surprisingly, both tales, from the analysis of a young anthropologist, it appears, have arisen from a single source. And then later evolved into many versions and adaptations in different countries around the world.
For example, the Chinese have crossed both tales in total received a hybrid, which, in turn, was first recorded by the Chinese writer Juan-jin. By the way, this was a contemporary of Huang Jin Charles Perrault, who in the 17th century, as we know, wrote and published the popular Little Red Riding Hood in his name.
Analysis of fairy tales, like a child as it may sound, tells us that certain subjects remain popular for many centuries. It is said the scientist: a fairy tale - a way to transmit the basic information to a new generation.
He notes that Little Red Riding Hood and all its related tales have some common features: the existence of talking animals, a source of danger - a predator, both literally and metaphorically, as well as how important it is - to listen to the parents!
In other words, these tales - of a kind spectacular instruction for children all over the world.