What are the instructions
Do you know what a "set of font characters to describe the sequence of operations on the sale of products of civilization"? This - the instruction.
10th place: Obsolete. The first instruction for flight attendants required "to kill all the flies and clean shoes to everyone," and the instructions from 1922, to regulate the traffic in Russian, reads: & quot; First tram passed, but there is a tram passed fire wagons and parties arrested & quot ;.
9th place: Some trade instructions as if specially written for the category "Purposely not think", not reasonable people. Remember even the instructions in the peanuts, which can be obtained on board American Airlines: "Eat the contents after opening the package." And recently the Briton Mark Davis acquired for his kitchen telephone weighing 340 g, produced by the company "Telcom CD Gondola." Guide to the unit said: "Before you hang up the device, make sure that the wall can withstand the weight of the phone».
8th place: Impossible. When you run the BT-2 tanks, equipped with American engines "Liberty", the latter often lit up, but because the engine was supposed to run only in the presence of a fire extinguisher. Imagine like in combat? The fourth member of the crew of the tank - fire ...
7th place: Deadlock. "The most effective way to save battery power - not to use it" - and this is not a joke, and a quote from the manual to your computer «Aquarius» «Lightline SX».
6th place: Useless. Lichtenberg instruction firefighting reads: "When the lights house, it is necessary, first and foremost, to protect the right of the fire wall of the house, standing to the left of the burning house, and left the house wall, standing to the right of him." Such ts.u. the author was not enough, the author of an opus called "Elimination of the combustion process items currently not intended to».
5th place: Result incidents. Think, for example, the instruction that clothes iron is not recommended when it is worn on the body. Here's another instruction of the same type: "Before you fold the stroller, remove the child ...».
4th place: bureaucratic. It is a different story, in these works you can find such gems, followed by a phrase such as "in the case of non-response to produce subscriber-hook" does not seem a masterpiece.
3rd place: "Instructions on all occasions." Incredibly, there are any. Because, that's translated from the Greek "Encyclopedia».
2nd place: Owners, the value of which you are unlikely to vote because they are made for doubtful events. For example, in cases of alien encounters there the following statement: "1). Always carry your sunglasses. 2). Do not take the dog for a meeting. 3). Do not rush immediately to photograph. 4). Before you join the conversation, to run for the police ».
1st place: "... Stand back lady. Start doing it, whispering instructions in my ear, for convenience, take her hand, the other hand can be inadvertently omitted on the waist. If you're doing it right, the lady will understand that this art requires more than one lesson, and much more. " And it's not what you think. It - Instructions for training gallant ladies eating with chopsticks, which is issued in some European restaurants ...

10th place: Obsolete. The first instruction for flight attendants required "to kill all the flies and clean shoes to everyone," and the instructions from 1922, to regulate the traffic in Russian, reads: & quot; First tram passed, but there is a tram passed fire wagons and parties arrested & quot ;.
9th place: Some trade instructions as if specially written for the category "Purposely not think", not reasonable people. Remember even the instructions in the peanuts, which can be obtained on board American Airlines: "Eat the contents after opening the package." And recently the Briton Mark Davis acquired for his kitchen telephone weighing 340 g, produced by the company "Telcom CD Gondola." Guide to the unit said: "Before you hang up the device, make sure that the wall can withstand the weight of the phone».
8th place: Impossible. When you run the BT-2 tanks, equipped with American engines "Liberty", the latter often lit up, but because the engine was supposed to run only in the presence of a fire extinguisher. Imagine like in combat? The fourth member of the crew of the tank - fire ...
7th place: Deadlock. "The most effective way to save battery power - not to use it" - and this is not a joke, and a quote from the manual to your computer «Aquarius» «Lightline SX».
6th place: Useless. Lichtenberg instruction firefighting reads: "When the lights house, it is necessary, first and foremost, to protect the right of the fire wall of the house, standing to the left of the burning house, and left the house wall, standing to the right of him." Such ts.u. the author was not enough, the author of an opus called "Elimination of the combustion process items currently not intended to».
5th place: Result incidents. Think, for example, the instruction that clothes iron is not recommended when it is worn on the body. Here's another instruction of the same type: "Before you fold the stroller, remove the child ...».
4th place: bureaucratic. It is a different story, in these works you can find such gems, followed by a phrase such as "in the case of non-response to produce subscriber-hook" does not seem a masterpiece.
3rd place: "Instructions on all occasions." Incredibly, there are any. Because, that's translated from the Greek "Encyclopedia».
2nd place: Owners, the value of which you are unlikely to vote because they are made for doubtful events. For example, in cases of alien encounters there the following statement: "1). Always carry your sunglasses. 2). Do not take the dog for a meeting. 3). Do not rush immediately to photograph. 4). Before you join the conversation, to run for the police ».
1st place: "... Stand back lady. Start doing it, whispering instructions in my ear, for convenience, take her hand, the other hand can be inadvertently omitted on the waist. If you're doing it right, the lady will understand that this art requires more than one lesson, and much more. " And it's not what you think. It - Instructions for training gallant ladies eating with chopsticks, which is issued in some European restaurants ...