Clear sky.

In fact, I was looking for a collection of Stalker stories online, but I came across this thing. I like it.
In a moment, it became clear: forces are not equal.
Sergei intercepted the hands of a stranger, stretched to the shield of regulation of the regime
The stellar, then overcoming weak resistance, grabbed the man in
I grabbed it and pulled it aside. One more moment and he was in the chair.
Second dispatcher. Hanging over him, Sergey Ostrogko, responsible
Central duty officer, yelling:
- Are you sick of life? How did you get in here?
Getting into Central Shield Room at night is almost impossible. Three zones.
security guards, and guards that are here, that in all the countries where
Stellers don't let anyone through. Right up to the use of weapons. Too much.
The expensive and strict thing is the stellar. A few of the necessary -- or rather,
unnecessary inclusions, and it can go apart, and then it will not stand
protection, fly and the stellar itself, and the Installation, and a good part of the cargo
station. Only the village will remain - twelve kilometers to it.
During the years of Serge service, no one tried to enter here on Sarych.
In the control room, and especially in the Central. And why?
Sergey asked again, now quietly:
Do you know where you put your hands? We're all getting buried...
The bird man turned his head and said guiltyly:
- I'd warn you, Seryozha. So everyone can leave. And you, and
others. So they can. No need for blood. No, no.
Something strange seemed in the speech of a stranger, dressed - now Ostrogko
In the uniform of the support staff. But what was it?
Strange, Sergei didn't get it. I just asked, as well as going to "you":
- You know me?
- Sure, Seryozha. I specifically chose your shift and night to make it,
while you're alone. I know you take turns resting...
- Wait, - Sergey interrupted him, - what to do? And how do you know?
that we
“Yes,” said the man in his uniform, “I thought,
If I can't, you can help me. You just listen to me first.
Then you will definitely understand...
He spoke quickly and at the same time, as if overpowering himself, and
Each sentence was nodded as if it were a point. Not that much.
It was annoying, but it distracted attention from meaning. Not about any of your own.
The hypothetical obligations I was going to ask Ostrozhko, and why
This man sneaked into the Central and behind the back of the guard rushed to
shield. If it weren't for Sergey's hearing and reaction, he might have.
start off
- Be clear: who are you? What do you want? I'm calling security now...
“You, of course, are not alone,” the stranger hurriedly nodded, “again, according to the Instruction, there must be two of you here, but if only someone else were there.”
If you stopped, you'd go straight to the guards, and you'd listen first. A long time ago.
I noticed when you and your wife were here for an internship.
Here Ostrogko remembered clearly and immediately, and the next moment already
I was surprised that I did not immediately recognize Uncle Panas, the head of their farm.
Small-family dormitories where interns were housed. Except the uniform got knocked down, but
face Sergey's face should have been recognized right away. Then, six years ago,
They talked, chased tea, and then... No, they didn't talk later.
But when he was in the early days, he was in the early days.
figure Isn't it near Hannusin Garden?
- Chumak? Afanasy Mikhailovich? – asked Ostrogko, already with full
Definitely recognizing a person.
- Better old-fashioned, Uncle Panas. What's so great about me?
Panas was and will go away, but I will not abandon my patronymic, and I am not worth seeing myself.
once stopped...
No, the oddity was not in the voice, but in the eyes of Uncle Panas.
There was a mist floating in his eyes, and it appeared quite involuntarily.
The word "fool", half-forgotten, never before
It is used to determine the visavis, not yet firmly attached to Uncle Panas, but already approaching a certain threshold of consciousness.
Well, so be it, but you didn't say, What are you doing here? And
Where did you get that uniform?
Uncle Panas answered quickly, but he never heard the first question:
- And my jumpsuit, according to the service, but not so, yes, this one.
of my size...
- You work here? Clear Sky?
- Working, of course. Cleaner. You also need to clean up until the change.
Yes, and there are many people, it is impossible to explain: conscience begins with one.
When a man is in front of himself as in front of a mirror.
Sergey understood everything that Chumak said, but the further, the more definite.
I noticed: somewhere inside the phrases, sharp and with effort poured Uncle Panas,
There's a little logical substitution. It starts with one thing.
Then there is another one that does not come from the message.
But how to evaluate this feature of speech, Ostrozhko did not know.
- Do they clean at night? Why did you come to the shield?
I want to explain everything, and you have become so impatient, as if you have
My throat is dry. You'd put water on it, but the janitors know that
You and a thermos and a siphon...
- Now.
Got up hard, pulled a plastic mug out of the closet, reached for
A siphon, and then the corner of his eye caught a rapid movement.
Sergey abruptly, so the circle flew to the side, turned and shouted:
He shouted, reached in a moment, piled all over his body, pinned Chumak.
To the remote control and, intercepting across the body, threw into the chair. I already know.
That it was too late, that it would not give anything, he broke Chumakov's hand and took it away.
microphone. Toki-woki microphone, communication negotiator with other premises,
including security. Owned, as they say, with meat - not immediately
- What are you? What have you done? - Sergey shouted at Chumak.
Afanasy Mikhailovich slowly passed fives in the face and straightened:
- That's all. Now you can pour some water. And myself.
There will be no more uncoordinated actions.
Sergei as a bewitched lifted a mug from the floor, poured water and served
Chumaku, and he embraced the nose of siphon with his lips and took a few sips,
Until my mouth was full of carbon dioxide.
In front of him was another man in the chair.
A chained, attentive and clear look. The voice is firm, confident, as if not
He speaks, he commands. The back was straightened, the movements became meager and accurate.
Sergey put down the siphon and sat down.
The whole situation just seemed different. Yes, an outsider in Central - in itself an emergency, but Uncle Panas looked so harmless that in his
The appearance of Sergei was not intended, but some kind of absurdity, something like
occasional wanderings or hangovers on buildings, deserted at night. Of course, serious - regime - instructions were violated, but no danger was foreseen in this violation; the operators and duty officers themselves violate almost nightly, arbitrarily dividing the shift into pickups, and so far nothing has happened. Except for a couple of optional scoldings, when the boss caught - and that's all.
Especially, Ostrozhko is stronger, and Chumak is unarmed, and the partner will appear.
In less than an hour.
Now Ostroko, shocked by the sudden change, perceived everything.
otherwise. In the parish of Chumak, intent became obvious, and Sergey could not help but think,
I thought I was in a difficult situation. Chumak clearly played, and so far it was his.
The game, and Sergey’s actions seemed to fit Chumakov’s tactics.
“But what was the intention?” he asked.
Now we must coordinate our actions, all with the same authority.
Afanasy Mikhailovich said in a tone, and do not rely too much on the fact that you
physically stronger. That's not all. Call for help or security guards.
You can't leave me behind. I don't want to get rid of it.
you. On the contrary. We need consensus, we need coordination.
What does all this mean? asked Sergey.
But Afanasiy Mikhailovich missed his question:
You have little reason to trust me yet. I have more, but more.
Not enough. Bye. You need total trust in other relationships with your conscience.
It doesn't happen, does it?
- Who are you? - Sergey asked.
- You recognized me. Chumak. Uncle Panas. Former dispatcher, former
stellar operator, former head farm, former father... - Chumak convulsively
Then he turned to his face and turned to his face.
distorted by pain and misunderstanding, the face of a half-fool.
He appeared, and he was not; again he was resolute and domineering. And
The eyes are not mud, but conviction. Almost excessive... - But Sergey isn't.
I managed to finish my thought because Afanasy Mikhailovich
He spoke again:
As you can see, I am neither a saboteur nor a terrorist. Otherwise, nothing with
You're on ceremony. I can make all the necessary switches myself. And
I would have done it long ago without your help. And you, so as not to disturb... It's not difficult.
No noise. But there won't be another chance. You're a safety net...
- What do you want? - Sergey asked.
No, he's still not afraid.
Chumak was not really acting like a saboteur or a terrorist. Terrorists
They started shooting and throwing bombs, and then they talked. Or given
evidence”. Danger? Yeah, but probably not personal.
Now Ostrogko firmly remembered: yes, they said that the head farm of Uncle Panas
He was not a manager before, but left the health operators. No, I was there.
Some kind of family history or something... And if you were an operator...
Qualification doesn't just disappear. And the equipment hasn't changed.
So much so that I can't figure it out myself. So you really need Sergey.
for something else...
- What am I trying to achieve? - asked Chumak and squinted a little, - now
I will say Matters of substance. But first I will answer the previous one: who am I?
Sergey nodded affirmatively, again amazed at the change in the unsolicited
- I'm your judge.
- Judge? We barely know each other. And what grounds...
Chumak interrupted sharply, almost shouted, leaning over to Sergei:
- You killed my daughter!
A moment of ringing silence - and uninvited, convulsive as a sob
A short laugh came from Sergey. He immediately clasped his mouth with his palm, a few
He shook his head as if trying to break the dream and answered, clearly.
Looking in the eye:
- What are you, Afanasy Mikhailovich? I have a daughter myself! What a joke...
But Chumak didn't seem to be joking. If the expression on his face is anything but
The game meant he was stern and sad. He shook his head and said:
- You killed her. She died at dawn, the same hour, the week before.
in his nineties...
“Has he lost his mind?” asked Ostrozhko, and suddenly he began.
see And words and behavior, all these unexpected changes in Chumak
They fit into a pattern, a picture of mental illness. In what I could.
Sergey is not a doctor, and in general a person quite far from
What this guess changed in the situation, Ostrogko did not yet know, and said
You are crazy, Afanasy Mikhailovich.
- Are you crazy? - Chumak interrupted him with liveliness. - That would be the way out.
The best way out. Fall out of the hourly consciousness, the hourly torment, when not
You can even afford to leave your life...
Such anguish and pain distorted the features of Afanasy Mikhailovich that Sergei
He was ashamed of his assumption, and at the same time he moved away.
A premonition of danger. And not as unjustly accused, not as an official
a person who is forced to seriously violate instructions because of the fact
Chumak's stay on the Central, but simply human Ostrozhko said:
Of course, a great misfortune; but perhaps in time all
settle down
“Over time, we will all settle down,” replied Uncle Panas instantly, “my wife could not stand a month, she put her hands on herself, and here is my seventh.”
And then Sergey, as in epiphany, remembered with indisputable clarity that this was
was for history. The girl died on the eve of her nineth birthday.
The mother soon committed suicide, and it was the family of one of the operators.
stellar. The noise was enough seven years ago.
The child had one of the first cases in our country.
hemosolvia. If not the first one. At the origins of the pandemic... But could you?
Then he, an intern-graduate of the Polytechnic University, for the first time in his life.
After six months after all these sad events,
Will there ever be a charge of infanticide?
“... I got another one,” continued Afanasy Mikhailovich, pushing hard.
Look at Sergei, and I can’t leave without stopping evil.
Whether he had a special force, or Sergei finally convinced,
That before him a sick person, distorted representing reality and capable of any action, but the tension came terrible.
It was cold and slippery between the shoulder blades, and the legs, on the contrary, were full of cotton.
And then melodiously and clearly rang the timer signal to the next fixation.
Sergei raised his head.
That's it. The girl's name was Oksana. Oksana Chumak. One of the first
diseases of hemosolvia. The girl died in hospital. Not even the most.
Sergey has no indirect guilt and cannot be: hemosolvia cannot be
Get infected. Until now, no one knows why it arises and how
This childhood disease is spreading. A deadly disease, but it can.
So, for the most part, the squirrel itself was a much more unwitting reason.
Sergei in the press the assumption that the disease is somehow associated with
- Afanasy Mikhailovich, - firmly and calmly, as in his opinion
I should have talked to the sick man, said Ostrogko, and got up.
Make a checklist; please sit still. And then,
If you want, we'll talk again. I just want to warn you, I'm going to the kids.
I have never had any illness at all. Or maybe even.
On the contrary, I work for the “Clear Sky”.
“I’ll sit,” Chumak nodded, sort of permitting, and grinned as if from
pain, and probably really from pain, because I caught it from the packaging
A pill and swallowed it quickly.
A few seconds later, he said again:
- As for "calm" - tell yourself. You confessed...
Mechanically still Sergey was walking along a number of devices and it seemed that something
I wrote it in the journal and only after a good half a minute.
- Confess? What?
- Murder. You killed my daughter. You killed one hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred.
Afanasy Mikhailovich quickly looked at his watch and recovered:
Thirteen thousand three hundred children. And you kill a thousand every week,
unless you're stopped.
Chumak was silent for a few seconds. He seemed to be struggling with something.
severe pain. Then he spoke quietly and quietly:
That's it. Now you know. Now nothing will change my death: you are nothing.
You can't forget. You can't kill conscience.
- Uncle Panas! Sergei, unable to stand it, jumped to Chumak and grabbed him.
For the breasts, come to your senses! Find the guilty man! Hemosolvia is the same thing.
A disease, yes, terrible, yes, incurable, yes, children die from it.
One hundred and thirty thousand have indeed died.
What about me?
“Clear sky,” Chumak threw, and compressed Sergeyev with an unexpected force.
I cut him off from his wrists. And I looked at it in a way that seemed sharp:
Everything is possible, and who knows what the partner will find when he enters here through
half an hour.
As if lulling, distracting, trying to defuse tension, Sergey
He said:
This is a program to save humanity. You're older than me.
We must remember what happened two decades ago:
rains, smog, monstrous domes, factories, mountains of slag, quarries, mines,
Mines -- and now? All raw materials produce dialysis plants. It's an age-old dream.
Receive all raw materials from the ocean. And the stellars finally
provided energy. The last CHP is closed, and so many problems have been solved:
Hunger won... "Clear skies" is...
When Saturn begins to devour its children, Saturn should
To destroy, said Afanasy Mikhailovich separately.
What makes you think that “Clear Sky” has something to do with it?
Hemosolvia? asked Sergey, looking Chumaka in the face. - It's
painfully strange idea...
- Say it, - Chumak threw, ill-fated. - That's a crazy idea.
This is crazy. I also once thought... It seemed that the whole world
He's crazy if he doesn't want to see the obvious. But the whole world can't come down.
crazy. But not to notice - because you can't see it, because
Unprofitable, inadmissible, deprives of pleasant hope on "maybe carry" - maybe. And I didn’t want to understand myself, I thought that all this was a payment for it.
last century... And this is us, the magicians of the twenty-first century. . . ?
Chumak laughed dryly and evil as he barked. And then, having stopped laughing,
In Sergey burning eyes:
- What do you know about hemosolvia?
Sergius, like all cultural people after counting the victims
went thousands, did not miss articles in periodicals, and without much
He said it was a blood disease, a kind of liquefaction.
Hence the name hemosolvia. Hematopoietic organs fail and do not
Neither tissue transplantation nor transfusions help. And that only children get sick,
The causes of the disease have not been established.
“There is no cure,” Chumak confirmed, “the children are leaving.” Leaving.
future. It's your fault. You, with your Clear Sky. And you know that,
You have to know, but you don’t even want to listen.
No one knows, I can’t know because...
“Because,” Afanasy Mikhailovich sharply raised his voice, “to know.”
Scary. Not knowing is convenient. Because you are not an altruistic savior, you
Make the heavens pure for yourself, so that you may enjoy it.
It's nice, because they immediately realized that hemosolvia will not touch you. After you.
Well, at least the flood - you need to have a clear sky, cozy
planet. You buy comfort at the cost of children’s lives, and that’s why you don’t buy comfort.
Look at the formula of seawater and the formula of blood.
Only for this reason you do not want to compare the dynamics of hemosolvia and growth
dialyzer capacity! You don't want to know that the more you thin
The more transparent the blood of children becomes. You don't want to know you're murderers. You don't even want to listen until you're forced to.
Don't put your hand on the fusion synthesizer, on the stellar!
No, Chumak didn't try to stand up, didn't do anything that looked like it.
Attempt to take active action. He only spoke with conviction, with pressure,
And in every word, it seemed to put all my soul.
But nevertheless, it was already the language of logic, facts and assumptions.
It could and should have been used in terms of intelligence. Not a wild accusation.
Sergey personally, and the accusation of the system of actions, everything that was included in the
Clear Skies. That which, according to his conviction, was
millions of earthlings, the way out of the ecological impasse. Exit without affecting
Achievements and conquests of technical civilization.
And although Sergey understood how unstable balance in consciousness can be.
A man who was obsessed, and noted that Chumak talked about his
“To take by the throat, to put his hand on the stellar,” he said.
- Let's get this straight, okay? How can you do that?
Emotions, screaming? You say that the formula of blood and the formula of the sea coincide.
water. More precisely, the waters of the ancient ocean. That's right. Life originated in the ocean. What?
What about blood? Every schoolboy knows that. But so what? Connection.
Billions of years ago, God knows what billions! And many
Those poor children, neither the sea nor the ocean, were seen in the eyes.
“Yes, Sergey, everything is so,” said Afanasy Mikhailovich evenly,
In a "normal" tone, and in his eyes a recent feverish light faded, many children on the sea and the ocean did not see. Like many adults. But
The connection exists. It doesn't stop, it goes on. You know that the daily allowance
Does the rhythm of human activity coincide with the rhythms of tides?
- Yes, - confirmed Ostrogko, - so what? Naturally, the human being is a part.
- We just forget about it all the time. Acting like...
“Is it not possible within its framework,” interrupted Sergey, “to act?” And if
As it turns out, we in the Clean Air program do not even violate the global economy.
Everything that is taken from the ocean will return there sooner or later.
The screen came alive: a neurocomputer checked the functioning of support systems
regime. Sergey, staring at Afanasy Mikhailovich, followed the
The numbers on the screen, and again turned to the interlocutor.
How long has it been? Five minutes, no more. And Chumak's face sharpened, and
When he spoke, he felt how hard he was.
- If I knew for sure... Even then, I would have had to force
listen to yourself But I don't think it's just those thousands of tons.
A solid residue that is extracted from the water. Changes in concentration
By themselves, probably not all... We take water from the sea, and
Bringing back the dead.
- Did you remember the story? - He asked gently.
- No, not a fairy tale. You may not know... Ions in seawater are not
It's just an admixture, but nodes of spatial structures. And the ocean itself is the first foundation not only because life came out of it; it is a pledge, a storehouse.
matrices of everything, holographic matrices of the formation of DNA molecules And
genes In the dialyzer, all the matrices are destroyed.
Yes, yes, I have heard of these theories.
A conversation that began to seem too difficult for Chumak.
- Theory? There are many. And while we argue and check, children are dying. How
Always. By zones, by territories, the incidence is higher the more
installations and the stronger their impact on the composition of water. Here in the Black Sea region,
Especially bad - the sea is stagnant... We always have environmental concerns.
"The worst disaster ever."
“Maybe,” Sergey interrupted him, worrying more the calmer he was.
It became Chumak, - really there is such a correlation: the more
The power of dialyzers, the more diseases. Maybe, though I'm nowhere.
I have not seen such publications... But why is evil necessary in our
installations? Why is there such an almost mystical connection? Why?
What if high-tech dialysers are dangerous?
Installations "Clear sky" - a sample of environmental excellence!
Metals and salts - from water, with minimal heat pollution, bezo
All kinds of waste: water after the dialyzer can be drunk, it is cleaner than tap water!
“And you thought,” cried Sergey almost joyfully, turning to
the usual way of reasoning, that the actual correlation
It does not happen with the power of dialyzers, but with the general level.
Industrial development? The higher the development of the country, the more they
Are they building dialyzers? Why does that have to be a connection? And who in
Will she?
He shouted hard, and approached the motionless Athanasius Mikhailovich, and
I think he was ready to jump on him just to stop him.
Let the truth come into consciousness, so as not to hear what is nearer, all
It is inevitable that it will break out, necessarily escape out...
- I was in kindergarten today ... - Chumak quietly said - Oksana is not
return How similar are they? Your Gannusi has eyebrows, just like her. I
I know all the kids. Everyone in our village...
“Why?” asked Sergey, “why can’t I believe?”
Why did I just get hurt and scared for a moment? Just for a moment.
It became unbearable at the thought that I faithfully carried out all the instructions,
Do I condemn my daughter and others to death? Why the next moment?
He told himself that nothing would happen to Hannus.
Is it just an unfortunate incident during the night shift? And what if
Will there be at least one - the percentage of people who are not ill - Hannusia will be among them?
And then I asked myself:
Why did the executives act according to the instructions, why did they develop
those who once tired all countries of monstrous nuclear power plants, who
Who ordered the pouring of deadly poisons into the fields, who built factories that poisoned all living things for thousands of miles around? Did you not know what radiation, herbicides, acid rain are? They knew, and they did not think they would pay.
To pay?
A wave of chills went through the body. Sergey swung in the chair and immediately
He stood up, staring at Afanasy Mikhailovich.
He sat relaxed with his hands, and looked with anguish and anguish. Sergey
I quickly intercepted the dry wrist - there is a pulse. Uneven, weak - but there is.
- Can you hear me, Uncle Panas?
“You are silent,” Chumak said quietly, “you are all silent.” And you do.
- We should call a doctor. You don't move...
- Do you want to get rid of cheap? - Chumak's eyes were still half closed.
For centuries, but now it was cold. Maybe anger. But anyway.
Sergey felt sorry for this man, it is difficult, perhaps fatal.
sick. Obsessed... Of course, Panas Mikhailovich fell terrible:
Lose your only daughter and wife. Is it any wonder he lost?
mind? Is it any wonder the need to stop him?
trouble And the trouble in his burning mind was connected with the Installation.
Is it Sergei himself, suddenly something like this...
"No!" the protest rose from the depths of consciousness. - Not like that! What?
Shame, judgment, punishment, but only with me, not with them. Only for their well-being, so that they understand and forgive. . . ?
- Panas Mikhailovich, do not think that I really want to help you. You.
seriously ill...
Afanasy Mikhailovich nodded, but immediately, apparently, gathering his strength,
He straightened up and struck:
- Your daughter's not sick yet. Maybe we'll have time... The situation must
be still reversible. Got it?
“Yes, yes, I understand,” Sergey nodded, calming Chumak, “but I owe you one.”
“Help yourself,” Afanasy Mikhailovich threw and released himself abruptly, “to himself and his daughter.” Get ready to look her in the eye when it starts.
Nope! No one can know that! cried Sergey.
“I know,” said Afanasy Mikhailovich with prophetic conviction,
It's like it's coming from inside. - I predicted six. All six in ours.
“But in the village there were seven cases of hemosolvia!” – Sergey wanted to shout.
- and remembered: the first was Oksana, the daughter of Panas Mikhailovich.
For a few seconds they were silent, staring at each other. And
with wide windows of light, and it was already possible to distinguish a rocky cape,
The white lambs of the sea are always beating at the shore. Soon.
You will see lazy whirlpools above the water intake, far to the left, and elastic.
water bump far to the right, where it escapes from an invisible vent
Waste water.
“Sooner or later everything will return to the Ocean,” Chumak told the reasonable.
Only between “early” and “late” is death.
“That’s not the point,” said Sergey, and his own words appeared.
We may not even know why, for what action
You have to pay.
- Those six... I warned them, Chumak said, they believed.
What could you do? And Kovalev - he could, he's on the Installation
He's working, but he didn't. It wasn’t too late, I didn’t want to believe it. And
There's no way back.
Chumak’s eyes suddenly dimmed; he interrupted himself in mid-sentence and clogged.
Deep in the chair, as if trying to move away from some danger.
A pause reigned, and her own thoughts - perhaps unexpected, or maybe,
They sounded as if they were sounding like:
"Why am I even nervous?"
Sergey has cooled down internally, and all thoughts have become different: calm, clear,
“Can you take a madman at his word? Similarity of blood formulas
Ocean water patients? But the similarity was before the inclusion
dialyzers. And the resemblance is no coincidence. We need to check. Match.
Correlation of the spread of hemosolvia with the capacities of the Installations? But
It doesn't prove anything by itself. There are few processes that fit
The same schedule. And it is not excluded that in fact correlations
No, it exists only in Chumak's disturbed mind.
Did you predict six? Did you really predict it? Or maybe just.
He assured himself that he thought so, that he had a premonition that he knew in advance, and
Is it really just a feeling? That's how it works often.
Healthy consciousness and damaged...
If there is nothing but hot delirium, and he, Ostrozhko, will become
The laughing stock of the world?
But if...
Stop. We can check. Check out one of the claims right now.
Chumaka may be the most important thing. . . ?
Sergey went to the remote and picked up the phone of the city. I ran.
by keys, typing a request in the reference, and then reading the answer with
Mini-screen, dialed the number. From the edge of his eye, he followed Chumak.
Afanasy Mikhailovich sat motionless, as if unconscious. In the tube.
There were long horns. It's not time for a phone call, but Igor.
Kovalev, an institute friend, will forgive. And if he says now that he's not
No uncle Panas came to him, and his son was healthy, and he was not.
- Zhenya? - Sergey said in the phone, - I'm sorry that this is not the time. But I have to.
To urgently talk with Igor, this is Sergey Ostrozhko.
... Probably five minutes Ostyko sat still, clutching the tube into
Wet palm.
The world was crumbling, splitting, and debris fell on Igor Kovalev's grave.
committed suicide three hours ago, and to their future grave
Tarasika. Six-year-old Tarasik, who was finalized yesterday
diagnosis. Sentence. Hemosolvia.
“All the actors knew in their hearts that only others would have to pay if they had to. They will only be rewarded, and all will be rewarded.
trouble to others, far away. And you can not think at all, observe
Instructions, do not think whether you are right and will call to account those who
Who invented these instructions, who pointed this way? Be
To be a man to the end, to stop his mind before
unnecessary, unprofitable thoughts and conjectures.”
“Death, death,” Chumak murmured, pale, “to the family.”
human destruction... You have to... You will be listened to... We only have one.
chance Maybe they will.
And shut up.
“They will not forgive,” he said, “they will forgive.” He got up and
Looking around, he went to the main control panel of the stellar.
Experienced operator, one of the best here in Sarych, he prepared
the circuit in just ten minutes.
Critical regime. One more switch and the process will become
irreversible. I am happy that everyone will be able to evacuate:
power increases irresistibly, but gradually, until finally man-made
The sun will burst from under the earth...
Standing at the remote, Sergey promised:
- I'll make myself listen. To save the stellar, I'll be given a straight line.
air. I'll make you listen, I'll make you turn off the dialyzers, and if
Hemosolvia will retreat - no one dares...
Afanasy Mikhailovich sat completely motionless, and from the remote, where
It was difficult to see if it was just empty or not.
And in the next empty room, the partner's slow steps were already heard.
He needs to be stopped at the door.
Stop and demand urgently (necessarily urgently - so that they do not have time).
to get to the control cables in the lower floors - to give live broadcast. And
then tell the whole world that all the Installations must be removed immediately,
Because all life on Earth is interconnected, and the attack on the ocean
It turns into a tragedy...
Listen? Performed? Maybe. Probably. And maybe all,
what Chumak said - insight, conjecture, and the spread of hemosolvia
It really will pause...
And if not?
And if he, personally, Sergey Ostrogko, brings loss to mankind - and
Any connection coming up?
If everything is interconnected more complex, much more difficult than we used to think.
At this time?
And even more likely, all this is so, except that humanity does not have enough patience.
And the installations will be activated before any noticeable
result. Epidemic decline.
And even if everything is confirmed, if everything is fair.
Foresight -- what then? Again factories, quarries, mines, blast furnaces, again
Acid rain and deadly smoke over cities, suffocating again
Old people, sick mothers, mutant children?
Once again, energy and raw materials will be lacking, and hunger, poverty will return.
sickness? And perhaps more people will die, many more than die from
... Steps were already heard at the door.
“What if Hannusia gets sick?
The only one, and I'll know it's my fault? Guilty of not being
Did you believe you didn't do what you had to do, take a chance?
... The door handle turned...
© Yuri Ivanichenko
Sorry for the formatting, something does not work out namano, hands are crooked
Source: http://