Driver error when communicating with the inspector DPS
Do not pay attention to the presence of the inspector badge.
Breastplates is a mandatory attribute forms an inspector, and because in its absence, you can suspect an inspector in the initiative.
When referring to the inspector uses the expression "commander" or "Head»
As soon as you will take the position of "Head of the Citizen" or "commander" - will dictate terms to you, and to change the situation becomes difficult. The correct position - to talk to an inspector on an equal footing. It must be presented, and if you have not heard, there is nothing wrong to clarify in the future to address him by name. No rank, namely by name. Depending on your age and education, not hurt to add and patronymic.
Get out of your car when you are requested to do so, and even when you request it.
The SDA is no such obligation - "goes out of his car." And Interior Minister Order Administrative Regulation number 185 (DSP №186)
claim 70. The employee has the right to offer the road user: a) leave the vehicle in case of:
eliminating the need for a technical failure of the vehicle, or violations of the rules of carriage of goods;
that the driver signs of intoxication (section 3, paragraph 126 of the Administrative Regulations), and (or) a morbid condition;
for in the presence of the driver's (vehicle owner) rooms verification units and units of the vehicle with the records in the registration documents;
for personal inspection, examination or inspection of the vehicle and cargo;
when it requires the participation in legal proceedings, as well as assistance to other road users or the police;
when his conduct poses a threat to the personal safety of the employee; b) move the vehicle to another location specified employee if:
of the vehicle at the point of stopping any interference endangers other road users;
finding personnel in the roadway when referring to a driver in the vehicle, threatening the personal safety of employees;
c) take place in the patrol car or go to the office, when his participation is necessary for registration of legal documents.
(This is a document that guides the inspector) is a list of cases in which the inspector is allowed to ask the driver to get out of your car.
Conclusion: Inspector, not that demand, he even ask you about it is only entitled to the said Law. A "request" is not a "legitimate claim" and therefore, carry it you do not have to.
Do not pay attention to what, where and how should a company car inspector.
According to the instructions, the inspector should only use a company car, and it should be good fro road users. If the inspector hid it in the bushes, or construction, it is, thus, violating the requirements of instructions.
And if a company car is in violation of traffic rules (A.12 "Stopping and parking") and without the inclusion of beacons, the inspector at your desire (and not without the help of the prosecutor's office) may be responsible for this violation. Few drivers know that the traffic police on the official car without the inclusion of beacons are simple road users, and therefore - can be held accountable for violations of traffic rules.
Do not lock the door of his car.
Lock the doors and turn on the recorder. There are times when the driver "cad" (talking disrespectfully to the traffic police) pulled out of the car and "punished" for such behavior. And because of advice: talk to the police officers respect and always lock the door before this!
Fully release the door glass.
In that case, when the driver literate, and even taped wrongful acts Inspector - inspector may grab the recorder through the fully open window of the car. And then ... more events will develop only at the request of the inspector.
Do not use a tape recorder and video recorder.
Use a tape recorder and DVR you have the full legal right. Inspector DPS - a police officer (now the police). The notion of "private life" to him, in the performance, not the case. He is guided by the "Law on Police" whose activity is carried out in accordance with Article 8. The openness and publicity.
In addition, according to Art. 25. Administrative Regulations "Employee should not discourage the use of video and sound recording equipment of road users, if they are not prohibited by law. The existence of the ban employee must inform road users, the generating record ».
Manual traffic police has repeatedly stated that the driver, in order to prevent or avoid illegal actions traffic police - are permitted to use a video camera recorder.
Pokes recorder inspector in person.
Remember! Situations on the road are different. In one case - in the city center, in the middle of broad daylight, the recorder can be recalled the inspector of good manners when dealing with the driver. In another case - at night, on the road, your recorder can be regarded as an attempt to escape with all the consequences ...
And because the advice is not tychte recorder inspector's face. Just put it in his shirt pocket. While the inspector will be sent to your machine - on tape saying a date, time and place to stay. Remember that the recorder is not a shield from the inspector, and a small insurance for competent driver. Illiteracy driver, and even climber on the rampage - Inspector put in place, and no talk about what I read somewhere that I can use the recorder - such a driver will not help.
Not interested in the cause of the stop.
Investigate the cause of the stop !!!
Paragraph number 63 of the Administrative Regulations "is a complete list of reasons to stop your vehicle. The grounds for stopping the vehicle the employee are:
established visually or recorded using hardware features of violations of the requirements in the field of road safety;
the availability of data (orientation, information duty, other outfits, road users, visually recorded the circumstances), evidence of the involvement of occupants in the commission of a road traffic accident, a crime or misdemeanor;
the availability of data (orientation, information and ready reference investigative accounting, information on duty and other outfits, road users) on the use of the vehicle for illegal purposes or reason to believe that it is wanted;
the need to poll the driver or passengers of the circumstances of the commission of a road traffic accident, an administrative offense, crime, witnesses which they are or are;
the need to involve road users as a witness;
execution of administrative-adjustment operations; the need for a vehicle (Paragraph 5, paragraph 4, of the Administrative Regulations);
the need to bring the driver to help other road users or the police;
holding on the basis of administrative acts of the heads of the Interior, controls specific activities related to verification in accordance with the objectives of the relevant special occasions vehicles traveling in their persons and goods transported;
verification of documents for the use and operation of the vehicle, the documents of the vehicle and the cargo, as well as documents proving the identity of the driver and passengers (only at stationary posts DPS).
On special operations! the inspector should be an appropriate order on the paper, which you have every legal right to inspect.
Just to clarify the presence of special operations - you can call the helpline SAI (inspector shall you call it). Yet it should be remembered that a clear sign of "special operations" is the presence of the police stop you - body armor and machine guns.
No need to present official identification.
Inspector DPS - a policeman. He, as well as all other police officers, shall, upon request, to present their official identification. If the inspector refuses to you in this, you know that before you a werewolf in epaulets (disguised bandit). Immediately lock all doors, window lift, call "02" "112" and declares the person disguised as a traffic policeman, without a license.
No need to present a certificate on a gross basis.
Carefully read the certificate Inspector Traffic policeman is obliged not merely to show you the certificate, he must reveal it, so that you can understand with whom you are talking to (name the inspector, his special rank, unit). This information is useful when you still appeal against illegal actions of the inspector. Besides, you just need to know exactly who you are giving your documents (you never know, they then suddenly you were missing, everything happens on the road!).
No longer need to hold the license.
If the inspector to reveal to you their identity and held for 3 seconds, it is not considered that he showed it to you! The inspector is obliged to give you a chance to get acquainted with his identity, and copy all their data (at your desire).
Trying to take a license inspectors into their own hands. Under no circumstances should you try to do that. Just ask the inspector to hold in front of you your identity as much as you need it.
Give all your documents at once.
Do not do it !!! It is better to ask the inspector exactly what your documents it wants to see, and to give them one. Otherwise, if you give all your documents to the inspector immediately, it will not be difficult to say that there is something you do not Doda.
Tip: to show on the camera or on tape articulate what you give to the inspector.
Does not give their documents in the hands of the inspector.
Be sure to upload their documents in the hands of the inspector. He has to make sure of their authenticity.
Get out of the car when you are asked to open the hood for verification number to those documents.
You do not have to specify the inspector at the place where the chassis number stamped or wipe them with a cloth if it is not visible. It's inspectors care. You the same advice, just open the hood of the passenger compartment of the car, sit back and wait until the inspector has done his job.
Open the trunk, at the request of the inspector. Ask the Inspector: "You ask me, so I opened the trunk, or require?". Know that between these two words ("Please" and "demand") - there is a huge difference.
Perform "requests" You do not have inspectors and require "open the trunk" - the inspector shall have the right only after examination of the minutes in the presence of two witnesses (ask the protocol "inspection"). And so, often resorted to trick the inspector: "I asked, I was shown" - is that in the case of a complaint, not to be accused in the production of an illegal search.
Tip! Do not leave your car. Ask the inspector to come out and open the hood or trunk - it is usually just an excuse to pull you out of your car. Here there is a psychological trick "Playing in a foreign field." If you exit the vehicle then you will already be difficult to sort out where the inspector is right and which is not.
Hamite inspector or vice versa - an ingratiating smile. Do not be rude and do not suck! Inspector, this is the same person as you are, only now it is in uniform. It is not necessary to be afraid of. Rude and rude especially. Learn how to respond to the Inspector quietly! If you are confused by its shape - imagine that he wore it inside out. Then everything will fall into place!
You do not pay attention, if you had the inspector. A.20 Administrative Regulations reads:
"When referring to the road user should introduce the employee, describing his position, special rank and surname, followed by a brief report the reason and the purpose of treatment. In the case of treatment of citizens by following the same requirements shall listen carefully, within their competence to take action on their applications or to explain where to go to resolve the question posed.
In all cases, limit the rights and freedoms officer is obliged to explain to him the foundation and the reason of such a restriction, and arising in connection with this his rights and obligations in the instructions for a complete list of the duties of an inspector, for the failure of which it at your desire, can be held accountable. So "Imagine" - is one of his first duties.
Answer all the questions the inspector.
If the inspector asks you "Where are going?", "Where are going?", "What is the sign you recently traveled?" Or "Have you read the SDA, this point - that?" ... Ask the inspector counter question - "Inspector, I have to answer your questions? ". If the inspector answered "yes" - urging the inspector to refer to the law requires you to do so. Remember! According to the Constitution (Art. 51) You have the right not to answer questions of a police officer. - In the event of any ambiguity or illegal actions inspector, you do not call the service confidence GAI traffic police helpline number you can ask the Inspector, it is also displayed on their official car. Remember! Helpline traffic police immediately react to any violations of the law, and calls it receives clock.
Source: varezhka07.livejournal.com
Breastplates is a mandatory attribute forms an inspector, and because in its absence, you can suspect an inspector in the initiative.
When referring to the inspector uses the expression "commander" or "Head»
As soon as you will take the position of "Head of the Citizen" or "commander" - will dictate terms to you, and to change the situation becomes difficult. The correct position - to talk to an inspector on an equal footing. It must be presented, and if you have not heard, there is nothing wrong to clarify in the future to address him by name. No rank, namely by name. Depending on your age and education, not hurt to add and patronymic.

Get out of your car when you are requested to do so, and even when you request it.
The SDA is no such obligation - "goes out of his car." And Interior Minister Order Administrative Regulation number 185 (DSP №186)
claim 70. The employee has the right to offer the road user: a) leave the vehicle in case of:
eliminating the need for a technical failure of the vehicle, or violations of the rules of carriage of goods;
that the driver signs of intoxication (section 3, paragraph 126 of the Administrative Regulations), and (or) a morbid condition;
for in the presence of the driver's (vehicle owner) rooms verification units and units of the vehicle with the records in the registration documents;
for personal inspection, examination or inspection of the vehicle and cargo;
when it requires the participation in legal proceedings, as well as assistance to other road users or the police;
when his conduct poses a threat to the personal safety of the employee; b) move the vehicle to another location specified employee if:
of the vehicle at the point of stopping any interference endangers other road users;
finding personnel in the roadway when referring to a driver in the vehicle, threatening the personal safety of employees;
c) take place in the patrol car or go to the office, when his participation is necessary for registration of legal documents.
(This is a document that guides the inspector) is a list of cases in which the inspector is allowed to ask the driver to get out of your car.
Conclusion: Inspector, not that demand, he even ask you about it is only entitled to the said Law. A "request" is not a "legitimate claim" and therefore, carry it you do not have to.

Do not pay attention to what, where and how should a company car inspector.
According to the instructions, the inspector should only use a company car, and it should be good fro road users. If the inspector hid it in the bushes, or construction, it is, thus, violating the requirements of instructions.
And if a company car is in violation of traffic rules (A.12 "Stopping and parking") and without the inclusion of beacons, the inspector at your desire (and not without the help of the prosecutor's office) may be responsible for this violation. Few drivers know that the traffic police on the official car without the inclusion of beacons are simple road users, and therefore - can be held accountable for violations of traffic rules.
Do not lock the door of his car.
Lock the doors and turn on the recorder. There are times when the driver "cad" (talking disrespectfully to the traffic police) pulled out of the car and "punished" for such behavior. And because of advice: talk to the police officers respect and always lock the door before this!

Fully release the door glass.
In that case, when the driver literate, and even taped wrongful acts Inspector - inspector may grab the recorder through the fully open window of the car. And then ... more events will develop only at the request of the inspector.
Do not use a tape recorder and video recorder.
Use a tape recorder and DVR you have the full legal right. Inspector DPS - a police officer (now the police). The notion of "private life" to him, in the performance, not the case. He is guided by the "Law on Police" whose activity is carried out in accordance with Article 8. The openness and publicity.
In addition, according to Art. 25. Administrative Regulations "Employee should not discourage the use of video and sound recording equipment of road users, if they are not prohibited by law. The existence of the ban employee must inform road users, the generating record ».
Manual traffic police has repeatedly stated that the driver, in order to prevent or avoid illegal actions traffic police - are permitted to use a video camera recorder.

Pokes recorder inspector in person.
Remember! Situations on the road are different. In one case - in the city center, in the middle of broad daylight, the recorder can be recalled the inspector of good manners when dealing with the driver. In another case - at night, on the road, your recorder can be regarded as an attempt to escape with all the consequences ...
And because the advice is not tychte recorder inspector's face. Just put it in his shirt pocket. While the inspector will be sent to your machine - on tape saying a date, time and place to stay. Remember that the recorder is not a shield from the inspector, and a small insurance for competent driver. Illiteracy driver, and even climber on the rampage - Inspector put in place, and no talk about what I read somewhere that I can use the recorder - such a driver will not help.

Not interested in the cause of the stop.
Investigate the cause of the stop !!!
Paragraph number 63 of the Administrative Regulations "is a complete list of reasons to stop your vehicle. The grounds for stopping the vehicle the employee are:
established visually or recorded using hardware features of violations of the requirements in the field of road safety;
the availability of data (orientation, information duty, other outfits, road users, visually recorded the circumstances), evidence of the involvement of occupants in the commission of a road traffic accident, a crime or misdemeanor;
the availability of data (orientation, information and ready reference investigative accounting, information on duty and other outfits, road users) on the use of the vehicle for illegal purposes or reason to believe that it is wanted;
the need to poll the driver or passengers of the circumstances of the commission of a road traffic accident, an administrative offense, crime, witnesses which they are or are;
the need to involve road users as a witness;
execution of administrative-adjustment operations; the need for a vehicle (Paragraph 5, paragraph 4, of the Administrative Regulations);
the need to bring the driver to help other road users or the police;
holding on the basis of administrative acts of the heads of the Interior, controls specific activities related to verification in accordance with the objectives of the relevant special occasions vehicles traveling in their persons and goods transported;
verification of documents for the use and operation of the vehicle, the documents of the vehicle and the cargo, as well as documents proving the identity of the driver and passengers (only at stationary posts DPS).
On special operations! the inspector should be an appropriate order on the paper, which you have every legal right to inspect.
Just to clarify the presence of special operations - you can call the helpline SAI (inspector shall you call it). Yet it should be remembered that a clear sign of "special operations" is the presence of the police stop you - body armor and machine guns.

No need to present official identification.
Inspector DPS - a policeman. He, as well as all other police officers, shall, upon request, to present their official identification. If the inspector refuses to you in this, you know that before you a werewolf in epaulets (disguised bandit). Immediately lock all doors, window lift, call "02" "112" and declares the person disguised as a traffic policeman, without a license.
No need to present a certificate on a gross basis.
Carefully read the certificate Inspector Traffic policeman is obliged not merely to show you the certificate, he must reveal it, so that you can understand with whom you are talking to (name the inspector, his special rank, unit). This information is useful when you still appeal against illegal actions of the inspector. Besides, you just need to know exactly who you are giving your documents (you never know, they then suddenly you were missing, everything happens on the road!).
No longer need to hold the license.
If the inspector to reveal to you their identity and held for 3 seconds, it is not considered that he showed it to you! The inspector is obliged to give you a chance to get acquainted with his identity, and copy all their data (at your desire).
Trying to take a license inspectors into their own hands. Under no circumstances should you try to do that. Just ask the inspector to hold in front of you your identity as much as you need it.

Give all your documents at once.
Do not do it !!! It is better to ask the inspector exactly what your documents it wants to see, and to give them one. Otherwise, if you give all your documents to the inspector immediately, it will not be difficult to say that there is something you do not Doda.
Tip: to show on the camera or on tape articulate what you give to the inspector.
Does not give their documents in the hands of the inspector.
Be sure to upload their documents in the hands of the inspector. He has to make sure of their authenticity.
Get out of the car when you are asked to open the hood for verification number to those documents.
You do not have to specify the inspector at the place where the chassis number stamped or wipe them with a cloth if it is not visible. It's inspectors care. You the same advice, just open the hood of the passenger compartment of the car, sit back and wait until the inspector has done his job.

Open the trunk, at the request of the inspector. Ask the Inspector: "You ask me, so I opened the trunk, or require?". Know that between these two words ("Please" and "demand") - there is a huge difference.
Perform "requests" You do not have inspectors and require "open the trunk" - the inspector shall have the right only after examination of the minutes in the presence of two witnesses (ask the protocol "inspection"). And so, often resorted to trick the inspector: "I asked, I was shown" - is that in the case of a complaint, not to be accused in the production of an illegal search.
Tip! Do not leave your car. Ask the inspector to come out and open the hood or trunk - it is usually just an excuse to pull you out of your car. Here there is a psychological trick "Playing in a foreign field." If you exit the vehicle then you will already be difficult to sort out where the inspector is right and which is not.
Hamite inspector or vice versa - an ingratiating smile. Do not be rude and do not suck! Inspector, this is the same person as you are, only now it is in uniform. It is not necessary to be afraid of. Rude and rude especially. Learn how to respond to the Inspector quietly! If you are confused by its shape - imagine that he wore it inside out. Then everything will fall into place!
You do not pay attention, if you had the inspector. A.20 Administrative Regulations reads:
"When referring to the road user should introduce the employee, describing his position, special rank and surname, followed by a brief report the reason and the purpose of treatment. In the case of treatment of citizens by following the same requirements shall listen carefully, within their competence to take action on their applications or to explain where to go to resolve the question posed.
In all cases, limit the rights and freedoms officer is obliged to explain to him the foundation and the reason of such a restriction, and arising in connection with this his rights and obligations in the instructions for a complete list of the duties of an inspector, for the failure of which it at your desire, can be held accountable. So "Imagine" - is one of his first duties.
Answer all the questions the inspector.
If the inspector asks you "Where are going?", "Where are going?", "What is the sign you recently traveled?" Or "Have you read the SDA, this point - that?" ... Ask the inspector counter question - "Inspector, I have to answer your questions? ". If the inspector answered "yes" - urging the inspector to refer to the law requires you to do so. Remember! According to the Constitution (Art. 51) You have the right not to answer questions of a police officer. - In the event of any ambiguity or illegal actions inspector, you do not call the service confidence GAI traffic police helpline number you can ask the Inspector, it is also displayed on their official car. Remember! Helpline traffic police immediately react to any violations of the law, and calls it receives clock.

Source: varezhka07.livejournal.com