All suspected.
The inspector, after the inspection of the premises, said:
- The corpse lying feet to the door. This may come across the answer to us on this mysterious murder. The body certainly dragged from the street. They joined hands and dragged.
Or, on the contrary, tried to pull out of the house. They took his feet and tried to pull it off. Inspector triumphantly looked around as if to say, "And ?! So what do you think?!".
- Inspector, it's unbearable. - Ached present - He is already in a coffin.
We ourselves have put it there. Kicking the door. So it should be. The funeral at us here.
- Yeah !!! - Triumphantly shouted Inspector - you recognize that they themselves put him in a coffin?
- Inspector, we've got a funeral. - I tried again to explain the owner of the house - no murder here. No!
- Inspector Scotland -Yarda there is a body there, and murder, so, no? - Sarcastically said Inspector - you still say that he has died.
- Sam. - Confirm the presence of sync.
- From age. - He added the doctor. - He was already 98.
- Well, what with the fact that 98? - Outraged Inspector - It's not a reason to die! How much do you pay these swindlers?
- How should - and many have paid! - Cried the doctor - And do you think I had to go away for free on call? And at night! And say death!
- Yeah !!! - Again triumphed Inspector - How do you know he's dead? You were driving at night - you might not know that he's dead!
- Rave! Yes, I have waited for six years when he dies! - The Doctor became hysterical - he was 98 years old! He smoked all his life! His health has been to hell! I was surprised that he was still alive! I am six years surprised !!! Do you think - it is easy to live 6 years, every day wondering ?! What do I have to think, when I call and say, "I think all!
Come slowly "?
- Yes, anything !!! - I shouted Inspector - "The pudding is ready, but it takes time, so he froze!" - That's what it could mean !!! And yet - "We have to make the tea, but it azeyrbaydzhansky!". But rather it is meant - "We ended up killing him - come and give a false death certificate." After all, is not it? Who do you cover? Shame on you?! And given the Hippocratic oath !!!
- Fuck you, asshole! - The doctor calmly replied, suddenly - I did not tell you! I got it?
And you yourself have never even open your umbrella! Vykusi!
The doctor took out of his bag gun and shot himself in the temple.
- He left vengeance !!! - Gritted his teeth Inspector.
- Damn fool! - He gritted his teeth landlord - I had to fill up the first Inspector!
- What a dirty trick on the part of the Doctor! - Gritted his teeth present - That there should be all of us as substitute!
- Thahaha! Got? - The doctor laughed off the floor and died.
- Teeeks. - The inspector handed - thread Last shot. Let's go the other way. Let us look for a motive. To the deceased bequeathed his fortune?
- No! He did not have the state! He procuration it 20 years ago! He spent all his savings on tobacco.
- Agaa! Who bought him cigarettes? Maybe he slipped a cigarette with poison?
- No one buys him anything! Who will it be spent? He smoked a blotter last 20 years.
- Agaaa! Blotter impregnated with poison? That is something I look - no cigarette butts all. Who threw away all butts promokashek?
Babahnul shot. This shot is another of those present.
- His blotter smoked late! - I pointed to the owner of the house svezhezastrelivshegosya - All questions to him!
- Another left from responsibility! - Inspector gritted his teeth and turned to the owner of the house - nothing will come of it !!! Do you hear? I will not throw off the blame on the deceased. I do not need a dead criminal! How to judge him? Judges are nervous when on the bench of the accused - dead! So you throw it to me! Confess immediately! Although there! Stand!!! Please hand over weapons.
- We do not have. The Doctor just had.
- And second?
- He shot himself with a pistol Doctors.
The inspector took the gun and snapped:
- Now confess! Who killed the 98-year-old man, full of strength and health?
- Where do I hang? - Sadly handed master of the house - It is impossible to tolerate this stupidity ... He died! Himself! Do you understand or not his mind the police ?!
- Yes Yes! And John Lennon shot himself. - Maliciously handed Inspector - Throw your evasions! Admit it - you killed him for what he's bothering you smoke promokashek? I once knew - there is something not clear. It is no accident, I went to call you. One shudders to think what it would be if I knocked on another house. The crime would have remained unsolved. But now you can not get away, the killer !!!
The landlord sobbed, removed his belt and began to lather ...
- The corpse lying feet to the door. This may come across the answer to us on this mysterious murder. The body certainly dragged from the street. They joined hands and dragged.
Or, on the contrary, tried to pull out of the house. They took his feet and tried to pull it off. Inspector triumphantly looked around as if to say, "And ?! So what do you think?!".
- Inspector, it's unbearable. - Ached present - He is already in a coffin.
We ourselves have put it there. Kicking the door. So it should be. The funeral at us here.
- Yeah !!! - Triumphantly shouted Inspector - you recognize that they themselves put him in a coffin?
- Inspector, we've got a funeral. - I tried again to explain the owner of the house - no murder here. No!
- Inspector Scotland -Yarda there is a body there, and murder, so, no? - Sarcastically said Inspector - you still say that he has died.
- Sam. - Confirm the presence of sync.
- From age. - He added the doctor. - He was already 98.
- Well, what with the fact that 98? - Outraged Inspector - It's not a reason to die! How much do you pay these swindlers?
- How should - and many have paid! - Cried the doctor - And do you think I had to go away for free on call? And at night! And say death!
- Yeah !!! - Again triumphed Inspector - How do you know he's dead? You were driving at night - you might not know that he's dead!
- Rave! Yes, I have waited for six years when he dies! - The Doctor became hysterical - he was 98 years old! He smoked all his life! His health has been to hell! I was surprised that he was still alive! I am six years surprised !!! Do you think - it is easy to live 6 years, every day wondering ?! What do I have to think, when I call and say, "I think all!
Come slowly "?
- Yes, anything !!! - I shouted Inspector - "The pudding is ready, but it takes time, so he froze!" - That's what it could mean !!! And yet - "We have to make the tea, but it azeyrbaydzhansky!". But rather it is meant - "We ended up killing him - come and give a false death certificate." After all, is not it? Who do you cover? Shame on you?! And given the Hippocratic oath !!!
- Fuck you, asshole! - The doctor calmly replied, suddenly - I did not tell you! I got it?
And you yourself have never even open your umbrella! Vykusi!
The doctor took out of his bag gun and shot himself in the temple.
- He left vengeance !!! - Gritted his teeth Inspector.
- Damn fool! - He gritted his teeth landlord - I had to fill up the first Inspector!
- What a dirty trick on the part of the Doctor! - Gritted his teeth present - That there should be all of us as substitute!
- Thahaha! Got? - The doctor laughed off the floor and died.
- Teeeks. - The inspector handed - thread Last shot. Let's go the other way. Let us look for a motive. To the deceased bequeathed his fortune?
- No! He did not have the state! He procuration it 20 years ago! He spent all his savings on tobacco.
- Agaa! Who bought him cigarettes? Maybe he slipped a cigarette with poison?
- No one buys him anything! Who will it be spent? He smoked a blotter last 20 years.
- Agaaa! Blotter impregnated with poison? That is something I look - no cigarette butts all. Who threw away all butts promokashek?
Babahnul shot. This shot is another of those present.
- His blotter smoked late! - I pointed to the owner of the house svezhezastrelivshegosya - All questions to him!
- Another left from responsibility! - Inspector gritted his teeth and turned to the owner of the house - nothing will come of it !!! Do you hear? I will not throw off the blame on the deceased. I do not need a dead criminal! How to judge him? Judges are nervous when on the bench of the accused - dead! So you throw it to me! Confess immediately! Although there! Stand!!! Please hand over weapons.
- We do not have. The Doctor just had.
- And second?
- He shot himself with a pistol Doctors.
The inspector took the gun and snapped:
- Now confess! Who killed the 98-year-old man, full of strength and health?
- Where do I hang? - Sadly handed master of the house - It is impossible to tolerate this stupidity ... He died! Himself! Do you understand or not his mind the police ?!
- Yes Yes! And John Lennon shot himself. - Maliciously handed Inspector - Throw your evasions! Admit it - you killed him for what he's bothering you smoke promokashek? I once knew - there is something not clear. It is no accident, I went to call you. One shudders to think what it would be if I knocked on another house. The crime would have remained unsolved. But now you can not get away, the killer !!!
The landlord sobbed, removed his belt and began to lather ...