Saakashvili was preparing terrorist acts in Russia

In preparation for an attack on South Ossetia, Georgia conducted active intelligence activities in the breakaway republic and neighboring regions of Russia. FSB arrested ten people suspected of planning terrorist attacks.
As reported on Monday, the director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, "detained nine Georgian intelligence agents who conducted reconnaissance of military facilities and preparing terrorist attacks, including in Russia." Currently, agents give confession. In addition, managed to detain a resident of the Georgian special services, which was illegal in Russia and managed agents.
Alexander Bortnikov ordered to strengthen the protection of the state border in the Southern Federal District, taking into account the current situation in the North Caucasus. Similar instructions are given by the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, and the Federal Emergency Headquarters. President Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Director of the Federal Security Service to keep these issues under the personal supervision and report to him about everything.
According to Bortnikov, from May to August FSB neutralized the activity of about 50 bandits and ringleaders bandpodrazdeleny, eliminated about 180 caches of weapons seized and destroyed more than 150 kilograms of explosives. He also said that in Dagestan from the territory next 12 countries were deployed foreign mercenaries. "We are working on this group, together with partners from the CIS countries", - added the head of the FSB.
Meanwhile, the fighting on the Georgian side involving several thousand mercenaries, which are run by American instructors. According to RIA "Novosti", their number ranges from 2,500 to 3,000.
It is known that among the mercenaries - came from the Ukraine, the Baltic states and some regions of the Caucasus, and supervise them about thousands of US military trainers. To date, Russian special forces killed several groups of mercenaries for some of their number captured.