Ukraine has declared its readiness to help Georgia

Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Konstantin Yeliseyev said that Kiev is ready to render Georgia humanitarian and political assistance.
Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Konstantin Yeliseyev said that Kiev is ready to render Georgia humanitarian and political assistance, the agency "Interfax". He made this statement at a briefing ninth of August in Gori.
Yeliseyev said that while Ukraine has no plans to provide military assistance to Georgia, but added that Kiev "Let's see how events will develop».
According to him, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko each hour to receive detailed reports of the situation in Georgia.
Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which the responsibility for the actions of Georgia in South Ossetia partially pinned on Ukraine supplied weapons to Georgia. At the same time the Russian government stressed that Ukraine is not eligible for his role in the conflict.

Saakashvili offers to stop military actions in the Tskhinvali region - 09.08.08 16:52
However, Russian peacekeepers state that any proposals for a ceasefire have been reported.
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili offers to immediately stop military actions in the Tskhinvali region and begin the process of demilitarization.
"We propose to immediately stop the fire and begin the withdrawal of troops from leanin ground" - he said Saturday at a news briefing, "Interfax».
Russian peacekeepers, meanwhile, noted that no such proposals from the Georgian side did not receive; Georgian artillery shelling Russian positions in Tskhinvali continues.

George W. Bush called on Russia to stop bombing Georgian - 09.08.08 16:29
In a telephone conversation, Bush expressed support for Saakashvili.
US President George W. Bush at a press conference in Beijing, said that Russia should stop bombing in the conflict zone in South Ossetia, reports Lenta.ru.
According to the American president, both sides must immediately cease hostilities and resort to international mediation.
The agency "News-Georgia" reports that in the afternoon George W. Bush talked on the phone with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who briefed him on the situation in South Ossetia. It is also reported that in the conversation, Bush expressed support for Saakashvili.
Earlier, on the events in South Ossetia, spoke Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. All of them said that military action should be discontinued, and the situation should be resolved through negotiations under the mediation of other countries.

Georgia introduces martial law - 09.08.08 13:56
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili on Saturday at a meeting of the National Security Council announced the decision to introduce martial law in Georgia.
"I signed a decree on the introduction of martial law and give it to parliament for approval, as Georgia is in a state of military aggression from Russia", - Saakashvili said. According to him, this aggression is carried out not only in regard to the Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia. "It is carried out not only by the Russian Air Force, but its ground troops" - quoted Saakashvili "Interfax". According to him, what is happening in the Tskhinvali region is a "well-planned military operation of Russia».
"The main goal of this aggression, particularly air strikes - to create panic in the Georgian multi-ethnic society," - Saakashvili said. He asked that all public facilities were working in emergency mode.
"The authors of the aggression like to see in Georgia panic, but they will not wait, because the whole society is mobilized against the aggressors, and the Georgian government acts in an organized and clear", - Saakashvili said.

Russia cut air links with Georgia - 09.08.08 14:13
At midnight, Russia suspended direct air links with Georgia.
Domestic airlines announced the cancellation of all flights and the willingness to return money for previously purchased tickets.
Russian carriers in Georgia are "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" and S7 Airlines (former "Siberia»).
As reported by RIA Novosti company spokesman Irina Dannenberg, "Aeroflot" canceled flights to Georgia, scheduled for August 9 1.00 MSK. "Aeroflot" fully compensate for the cost of tickets to Georgia to all passengers.
Note S7 Airlines is unable to obtain, according to RIA "Novosti-Georgia».
In the Georgian airline "Ayrzena" refrain from commenting on the decision of the Russian Ministry of Transport on the termination of air traffic with Georgia.
"I have no official information about what decision to
Air traffic between the two countries in recent history is stopped for the second time. For the first time the decision to cancel the flight was made in Tbilisi in October 2006. To move through the air from Russia to Georgia was impossible for almost two years.
Then the cause was called the largest debts of the Georgian side for air navigation services. How long will the current moratorium is still unknown, reports NTV.