The most massive protest on wheels in Chita. 04.06.2011

One of the causes of action were the high price of gasoline in the Trans-Baikal Territory.
To date, the price of gasoline in Chita following:
AI80 - 29, 50p.
AI92 - 32, 00r.
AI95 - 32, 90r.
AI98 - 34, 00r.
DT - 28, 50 p.
The truth is in the news for some reason talking about a price of 26-27 rubles for gasoline AI92.
In general, the action should be seen as a protest against the existing government.
Plan the following actions: car hoods ajar to go on a par with the speed of 1-3km / h through the city. Parted hoods symbolize open "mouth" of the car, who wants to eat. And nothing to eat, because the price of gasoline horse.
One of the objectives of the action has been stopping traffic in the city center. It contributed to this valiant traffic police, who tried to fine parted for hoods and other little things, such as the lack of mudguards.
Since Before the rally have decided that the traffic police if someone brake, stop everything and go help talk to the police / police officers. Of course the staff were not ready for such pressure, so the actual penalty was 2-3 for all the action, and those for unfastened seat belt or off-dazzle. Despite the machinations of the traffic police we are well aware of employees who themselves admit that they act as "infantry" and obey superiors who strongly resented.
There was a funny situation, one of my many calls for this action with the inspector DPS, in his radio-hysterical voice commanding someone shouted - "Yes, the penalty for the hood open all in a row! And that they are now more then ever open. " I immediately asked the inspector - And you say, ask the man from the radio, click the SDA that we break the hood ajar, and accordingly the article of the Administrative Code, which punishes for it? The inspector explained that he would not be fined, but only recommends closing the hood, so it is not fully opened and broke the windshield. Usually, these words all the talk ended with the inspectors.
In the action involved more than 120 cars, that our city is still a huge scale. Such a large number of cars in the city earlier in the shares had not participated. In addition to the car, was also attended by local bikers and cyclists. Comrades on bicycles, are well aware that from gasoline depends not only on the cost of travel, but also the value of all goods and services.
Well, now the photos in chronological order.
01. Cars - protesters are gathering.


03. Valorous bdyat traffic police to avoid violations in the collection of the participants.
Inspector DPS right, later in the conversation with me, acknowledged that the soul they are with us and support our actions in every possible way.
Very pleasant and polite the staff member.

04. There were some participants.

05. Participants begin to open the hood.