7 cities of Russia, from which it is better to leave immediately
Life outside of Russia Moscow - it is different. Somewhere better, somewhere worse. And somewhere - very badly. A selection of just such cities, according to the edition of BOC, Site publishes below.1. Novokuznetsk Founded: in 1618
Population:. 550 213 человек.
As a cultural and economic center of Siberia, Novokuznetsk and could not become a city of dreams not only in the Russian but also within their own region.
It is difficult to reconcile the title of a powerful metallurgical and coal-mining center of Russia and paradise for environmentalists. Not asleep, and violators of the law: in the last year committed 11,971 crimes (for comparison: in Grozny, which is ranked 1st overall safety life - all in 1117). Basically small robberies and theft, but even for a medium-sized city that still obstanovochka.
It can boast of Novokuznetsk and rates of natural increase: the number of emigrants from Novokuznetsk roughly equal to the number of people who come back and feed the hope to build a bright future in this city
. Oddly enough, the townspeople very pleased with the actions of the executive branch and consider them to be effective. Maybe Pushkin's golden rule applies here? The smaller the population we love, the more he likes us. Or is it some kind of masochists town
Opinion citizens Anonymous:.
«Leave those who think about health, rather than those who are afraid of work. With the environment in full Forge seams. Children go to school already with scoliosis, because the air a composition of chemical elements, which leaches calcium from the body. I think the authorities should strictly control to wastewater treatment plants were working as it should and not how I want the administration of hazardous industries. We are in the top three most polluted cities in the country. ! Shame »
« Properly done, who left: fully support them, and she would like in the near future to leave. Novokuznetsk dirty, hopeless, only the direction of metallurgy and coal. High crime, deteriorating higher education, bribery. Conclusion: The problem is not yet in the decades »
2.. Lipetsk Founded:. in 1703
Population: 509 719 человек.
It would seem, why Lipetsk? City, created by Peter I, with a favorable climate and not least to the extent of such cultural base was doomed to become a haven for anyone who is in a hurry and appreciate the tranquility. But no. Ecological situation is complicated by OJSC "NLMK". Often marked emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as if the wind changes direction, the inhabitants of sleeping areas can enjoy the scent of hydrogen sulphide. According to Rosstat, the level of crime Lipetsk takes 46 place in Russia. Natural increase - also not the strongest side of the city, and in general to give birth there somehow is not a trend, apparently, the first thing - self-actualization. Nevertheless, in its region - Lipetsk city possibilities for permanent residence comes to almost 2,000 more than goes out
Opinion citizens Alex Andreyeff:
"He came here a month ago, the first time in 2 years, nothing has changed: Gopnik crowd, people dressed alike in leather jacket and" gandonku "on his shaved head, queues in shops for a beer" Buddy "in plastic baklashkah, almost universal poverty, fumed NLMK dirty air (to breathe much harder than in the center of Moscow). The power, which does not change - the same "elect": Korolev, Gulevsky, Sinyuts. Mass propaganda of "United Russia" in the Lipetsk TV channels, the approval authority that Lipetsk almost Eden - a garden city and all in this spirit. Night life? Shit. Clubs slop compared with its capital. Is that the club "Fairy Tale", which will open soon, can compete with the capital. Education? I do not want to remember a hell vypendrezhnuyu 44th school teaching quality is very mediocre, and boast many: "It's high school! Smenka where? On the street does not produce! Why does not fit? And we have but there is a TV lyceum "But this is the best school in Lipetsk»
Eugene Mukushev:!!
«Lipetsk pipe Baishev get a pancake or a purse for 2 rubles killed)))) I think right now, better to be 90 passed after all, arrived recently as they are current Lipetsk came ...... The rest of the course I Lipetsk great city and I love him very much and nonnegotiable attention to what I wrote above, it is a fly in the ointment, chtop not relax) »
3. Magnitogorsk Founded:. 1929
Population: 417 057 человек.
To understand how the famous Magnitogorsk, once is enough to look at his minimalistic flag. Black Triangle could become an ornament to the Tretyakov Gallery, but he is only the symbol of the steel industry.
The fact that Magnitogorsk constantly on the priority list of the Russian Federation, the cities with the highest levels of air pollution, eliminates further questions about the environment. Magnitogorsk suffered all the same tragic fate of the city, where the main enterprise became an industrial giant. Criminal situation leaves much to be desired: 9678 crimes a year. Despite the 28th place in the number of abortions and low birth rate in the city by some miracle, the increase is still observed. To leave the capital the steel industry people are not in a hurry, perhaps already resigned to the blows of fate
Opinion citizens Paul:.
«Those who call Chelyabinsk" severe "city probably never been in Magnitogorsk. I do not like this city, although he lived there for about 30 years. And, in truth, I did not meet the people who really love to Magnitogorsk. At best it suffer, get used to it. Single-industry towns, the legacy of socialism. The population is almost not growing, who can, goes from there. The development of the city slightly noticeable, more so on the contrary, some signs of decline. Evident even in small things. Municipal buses almost can not see, some taxis. Previously, even in the '90s there were the normal buses. The train Magnitogorsk-Chelyabinsk canceled - for me at all wildness. However, while the plant is alive, working in the city is, but it concerns mainly working specialties »
« Magnitogorsk I quite like. About the fact that the city is gray - not true. It was so, but now transformed. Here, well-developed culture. There its excellent theaters. Administration holds various events. With regard to environmental ... MMK constantly modernize production, so that emissions are reduced. Generally, the feeling that talking about the terrible ecology - is a kind of myth. Rather, there is, of course, the place where you can not live. But this is not the whole city. City abundantly being built, with the expense of domestic production price of housing is much cheaper than in other cities with a similar average salary. In general, if there is no panic in front of the combine - you can safely move. The city is quite comfortable and interesting. There is where to relax and spend time
4. ". Artyom Founded: in 1924
Population:. 102 405 человек.
Once there was a city of miners, and now almost the sleeping area of Vladivostok. Among the iconic enterprises can distinguish international airport "Vladivostok" and Artemovsk thermal power station. In 2000, the last mine closed Artem, had a positive impact on the environmental component of the city, but the shattered economy. And I must say, the air of Research, has become slightly clearer.
Artem in fifth place in Russia in the number of thefts committed during the year (1279). Popular and crimes related to drug trafficking. People want to escape from the harsh reality. Gloomy prospects are obvious to everyone, people are not satisfied with the fact that the power of a little forgotten about its existence, so slowly migrates to Vladivostok - to him only 50 km
Opinion citizens GARRY6490: <. br>
«As far as I help the logic of knowledge and description - Artem still sitting on the coal-fired boilers. This is not a fountain. The climate is really worthless. Also in the army I know how boys suffered »
« There is a train station and near the airport ... only money is not very much to travel and fly. The water we drink through the cleaner, do not drink, and all my friends, too, from the tap no drinking. But here, too, in Primorye are now all sorts of harmful enterprises want to build, even nuclear power plants are going somewhere far away. Once we've got nuclear submarines are, the background radiation is not very ... »
5. Norilsk
Founded:. in 1935
Population: 176 559 people
. Norilsk - city of miners and metallurgists, scene disreputable Russian reality film "Combine" Hope "". The severe subarctic climate - one of the Norilsk troubles. But the harsh climatic conditions exacerbated by the environmental. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Norilsk remains one of the most polluted cities in the world, and in 2010 he was recognized by Rosstat, the dirtiest city in Russia. The air is saturated with harmful substances, and residents regularly complain of shortness of breath. The paradox, but the region still come to live in the hope that the high salary will block all the darkness of Norilsk. All seemed to be happy
Opinion citizens Alexander:
«Creepy climate ... in some cities complain of wind, in some of the frost - Norilsk. this "two in one" and the bonus is only snow in July ... in fairness I should note that if you want to tan body - then you in Norilsk, may tan is not washed off any peeling, and will last at least until August. The almost complete absence of ozone layer has its "pros". Norilsk is the city to work in shifts, it is not designed for human life, but only for existence. Do not come here in any case, and it will stay like most before retirement and after retirement on the continent you live 5 years at best. Salaries compared to other cities can and above, except that the prices of all the above, too, at least 4 times, and what remains of the big salaries? Nichrome. »
6. Irkutsk Founded: in 1661
Population:. 612 973 человек.
"The cultural capital of Eastern Siberia" was a favorite place for links, because life in Irkutsk was considered intolerable and is suitable as a reasonable punishment for unwanted citizens' power. The proximity of the famous Lake Baikal gave the city not only the periodic influx of tourists, but also the threat of seismic activity. Bad ecology and are a sore subject, but the citizens are not used to complain, telling myself that as long Baikal - the cleanest place on the planet, the city does not threaten any environmental disaster. But what really is a matter of debate, as is security. In the year 19 727 committed illegal acts. The high crime rate is explained by the fact that around a lot of prisons. Fortune favors the bold, so not too few people moved to Irkutsk. Perhaps these new residents come from places not so remote, and probably will not abandon their "hobbies", but the fact is, people are going to Irkutsk
Opinion citizens Dmitry:. < br>
«City specific crime. Partly because we have around a lot of "zones." Freed crime often goes here in a staging post, not yet decide where to go next. Often stay here. For those who want a quiet peaceful life, who are not used to any kind of clashes this city probably it seems very sad. Here was born and lived for more than 30 years, I know whereof I speak. Enough people living by the rules, a lot of people dashing shorter))) »
« Irkutsk - beautiful and cute town, but ... They are not engaged in one! Local officials at him deeply pofik! The quality of roads terrible, the city is dirty, garbage everywhere. There is no single development plan - the terrible wreck interspersed with modern skyscrapers. It has long been burned homes can stand up to the demolition of a few years, and it is in the center of Irkutsk! Many firms pay sn in black, and in the good company of "Irkutskenergo" can only fall off through connections. I do not want to offend anyone, and offend, wrote his vision of a man who lived here for 30 years. I would like to stay and live here, but do not have any prospects. And friends of almost 90% went to other cities and countries. I am grateful to the city for their education, it is we really at! And for good people in my life! »
7. Chita Founded:. in 1653
Population: 335 760 человек.
Known for criminal chronicle 90 as "Chitago", the city, despite the abundance of natural resources, according to the citizens' lives and survives. " But the main thing that has not died creative locals, depicting the emblem of the city of bull, very much resembling a talisman Chicago Bulls. Chita is located in a valley at the foot of the hills, which results in large amounts of dust in the air in the summer. In winter, people suffer from harmful chemicals. Sharply continental climate and is doing its job, complicating the already savory life chitintsev. Crime and Chita - almost synonyms. In 1000 it accounted for 39 crimes, almost the highest rate in Russia. Besides Chita - the first in Russia in terms of taking bribes and the second in the number of rapes. Nothing merry
Opinion citizens Vasin:.
«After Chita any city seems surprising great place. In Chita live badly? No! You can say here everyone can find themselves. There is a special flavor of Chita, it is all over. In conversation, the life on the concepts, in patsanchik leather cap with a rosary in her hands. Who are you in life? The more you breathe? The answers to these "basic" questions chitinets (ka) need to know earlier than learn to speak. And you know what Himka and how to cook it you will learn in school, college, you'll also need to know what and how to ship bulbulyator dibs suckers. This knowledge is very useful, because without them you will ship »
« Chita - a cloaca, which still need to search !!! Not only that, the standard of living is extremely low, the climate is simply awful - continental with huge differences of daytime and nighttime temperatures !!! In the summer heat reaches 50 degrees, and wild cold up to -40 winter !!! In Chita, not just low, and very low atmospheric pressure - an average of 690 mm Hg, the recent abnormally becomes even lower, which is why in the morning consistently headache and the elderly, and young people! The city is located on the hills in the pit, thanks to this geographical location chitintsy summer breathe dust and the stench of garbage dumps and in the rest of the year with an eerie smog pesticides !!! Town is very dirty, a little snow in the winter and he is black, as the road after the bombing !!! Artwork is not in remote areas still ruled the 90s, crime flourishes !!! People are angry and sullen, apparently from living in Chita! »
via w-o-s.ru/article/13324
Population:. 550 213 человек.
As a cultural and economic center of Siberia, Novokuznetsk and could not become a city of dreams not only in the Russian but also within their own region.
It is difficult to reconcile the title of a powerful metallurgical and coal-mining center of Russia and paradise for environmentalists. Not asleep, and violators of the law: in the last year committed 11,971 crimes (for comparison: in Grozny, which is ranked 1st overall safety life - all in 1117). Basically small robberies and theft, but even for a medium-sized city that still obstanovochka.
It can boast of Novokuznetsk and rates of natural increase: the number of emigrants from Novokuznetsk roughly equal to the number of people who come back and feed the hope to build a bright future in this city
. Oddly enough, the townspeople very pleased with the actions of the executive branch and consider them to be effective. Maybe Pushkin's golden rule applies here? The smaller the population we love, the more he likes us. Or is it some kind of masochists town
Opinion citizens Anonymous:.
«Leave those who think about health, rather than those who are afraid of work. With the environment in full Forge seams. Children go to school already with scoliosis, because the air a composition of chemical elements, which leaches calcium from the body. I think the authorities should strictly control to wastewater treatment plants were working as it should and not how I want the administration of hazardous industries. We are in the top three most polluted cities in the country. ! Shame »
« Properly done, who left: fully support them, and she would like in the near future to leave. Novokuznetsk dirty, hopeless, only the direction of metallurgy and coal. High crime, deteriorating higher education, bribery. Conclusion: The problem is not yet in the decades »
2.. Lipetsk Founded:. in 1703
Population: 509 719 человек.
It would seem, why Lipetsk? City, created by Peter I, with a favorable climate and not least to the extent of such cultural base was doomed to become a haven for anyone who is in a hurry and appreciate the tranquility. But no. Ecological situation is complicated by OJSC "NLMK". Often marked emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as if the wind changes direction, the inhabitants of sleeping areas can enjoy the scent of hydrogen sulphide. According to Rosstat, the level of crime Lipetsk takes 46 place in Russia. Natural increase - also not the strongest side of the city, and in general to give birth there somehow is not a trend, apparently, the first thing - self-actualization. Nevertheless, in its region - Lipetsk city possibilities for permanent residence comes to almost 2,000 more than goes out
Opinion citizens Alex Andreyeff:
"He came here a month ago, the first time in 2 years, nothing has changed: Gopnik crowd, people dressed alike in leather jacket and" gandonku "on his shaved head, queues in shops for a beer" Buddy "in plastic baklashkah, almost universal poverty, fumed NLMK dirty air (to breathe much harder than in the center of Moscow). The power, which does not change - the same "elect": Korolev, Gulevsky, Sinyuts. Mass propaganda of "United Russia" in the Lipetsk TV channels, the approval authority that Lipetsk almost Eden - a garden city and all in this spirit. Night life? Shit. Clubs slop compared with its capital. Is that the club "Fairy Tale", which will open soon, can compete with the capital. Education? I do not want to remember a hell vypendrezhnuyu 44th school teaching quality is very mediocre, and boast many: "It's high school! Smenka where? On the street does not produce! Why does not fit? And we have but there is a TV lyceum "But this is the best school in Lipetsk»
Eugene Mukushev:!!
«Lipetsk pipe Baishev get a pancake or a purse for 2 rubles killed)))) I think right now, better to be 90 passed after all, arrived recently as they are current Lipetsk came ...... The rest of the course I Lipetsk great city and I love him very much and nonnegotiable attention to what I wrote above, it is a fly in the ointment, chtop not relax) »
3. Magnitogorsk Founded:. 1929
Population: 417 057 человек.
To understand how the famous Magnitogorsk, once is enough to look at his minimalistic flag. Black Triangle could become an ornament to the Tretyakov Gallery, but he is only the symbol of the steel industry.
The fact that Magnitogorsk constantly on the priority list of the Russian Federation, the cities with the highest levels of air pollution, eliminates further questions about the environment. Magnitogorsk suffered all the same tragic fate of the city, where the main enterprise became an industrial giant. Criminal situation leaves much to be desired: 9678 crimes a year. Despite the 28th place in the number of abortions and low birth rate in the city by some miracle, the increase is still observed. To leave the capital the steel industry people are not in a hurry, perhaps already resigned to the blows of fate
Opinion citizens Paul:.
«Those who call Chelyabinsk" severe "city probably never been in Magnitogorsk. I do not like this city, although he lived there for about 30 years. And, in truth, I did not meet the people who really love to Magnitogorsk. At best it suffer, get used to it. Single-industry towns, the legacy of socialism. The population is almost not growing, who can, goes from there. The development of the city slightly noticeable, more so on the contrary, some signs of decline. Evident even in small things. Municipal buses almost can not see, some taxis. Previously, even in the '90s there were the normal buses. The train Magnitogorsk-Chelyabinsk canceled - for me at all wildness. However, while the plant is alive, working in the city is, but it concerns mainly working specialties »
« Magnitogorsk I quite like. About the fact that the city is gray - not true. It was so, but now transformed. Here, well-developed culture. There its excellent theaters. Administration holds various events. With regard to environmental ... MMK constantly modernize production, so that emissions are reduced. Generally, the feeling that talking about the terrible ecology - is a kind of myth. Rather, there is, of course, the place where you can not live. But this is not the whole city. City abundantly being built, with the expense of domestic production price of housing is much cheaper than in other cities with a similar average salary. In general, if there is no panic in front of the combine - you can safely move. The city is quite comfortable and interesting. There is where to relax and spend time
4. ". Artyom Founded: in 1924
Population:. 102 405 человек.
Once there was a city of miners, and now almost the sleeping area of Vladivostok. Among the iconic enterprises can distinguish international airport "Vladivostok" and Artemovsk thermal power station. In 2000, the last mine closed Artem, had a positive impact on the environmental component of the city, but the shattered economy. And I must say, the air of Research, has become slightly clearer.
Artem in fifth place in Russia in the number of thefts committed during the year (1279). Popular and crimes related to drug trafficking. People want to escape from the harsh reality. Gloomy prospects are obvious to everyone, people are not satisfied with the fact that the power of a little forgotten about its existence, so slowly migrates to Vladivostok - to him only 50 km
Opinion citizens GARRY6490: <. br>
«As far as I help the logic of knowledge and description - Artem still sitting on the coal-fired boilers. This is not a fountain. The climate is really worthless. Also in the army I know how boys suffered »
« There is a train station and near the airport ... only money is not very much to travel and fly. The water we drink through the cleaner, do not drink, and all my friends, too, from the tap no drinking. But here, too, in Primorye are now all sorts of harmful enterprises want to build, even nuclear power plants are going somewhere far away. Once we've got nuclear submarines are, the background radiation is not very ... »
5. Norilsk

Founded:. in 1935
Population: 176 559 people
. Norilsk - city of miners and metallurgists, scene disreputable Russian reality film "Combine" Hope "". The severe subarctic climate - one of the Norilsk troubles. But the harsh climatic conditions exacerbated by the environmental. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Norilsk remains one of the most polluted cities in the world, and in 2010 he was recognized by Rosstat, the dirtiest city in Russia. The air is saturated with harmful substances, and residents regularly complain of shortness of breath. The paradox, but the region still come to live in the hope that the high salary will block all the darkness of Norilsk. All seemed to be happy
Opinion citizens Alexander:
«Creepy climate ... in some cities complain of wind, in some of the frost - Norilsk. this "two in one" and the bonus is only snow in July ... in fairness I should note that if you want to tan body - then you in Norilsk, may tan is not washed off any peeling, and will last at least until August. The almost complete absence of ozone layer has its "pros". Norilsk is the city to work in shifts, it is not designed for human life, but only for existence. Do not come here in any case, and it will stay like most before retirement and after retirement on the continent you live 5 years at best. Salaries compared to other cities can and above, except that the prices of all the above, too, at least 4 times, and what remains of the big salaries? Nichrome. »
6. Irkutsk Founded: in 1661
Population:. 612 973 человек.
"The cultural capital of Eastern Siberia" was a favorite place for links, because life in Irkutsk was considered intolerable and is suitable as a reasonable punishment for unwanted citizens' power. The proximity of the famous Lake Baikal gave the city not only the periodic influx of tourists, but also the threat of seismic activity. Bad ecology and are a sore subject, but the citizens are not used to complain, telling myself that as long Baikal - the cleanest place on the planet, the city does not threaten any environmental disaster. But what really is a matter of debate, as is security. In the year 19 727 committed illegal acts. The high crime rate is explained by the fact that around a lot of prisons. Fortune favors the bold, so not too few people moved to Irkutsk. Perhaps these new residents come from places not so remote, and probably will not abandon their "hobbies", but the fact is, people are going to Irkutsk
Opinion citizens Dmitry:. < br>
«City specific crime. Partly because we have around a lot of "zones." Freed crime often goes here in a staging post, not yet decide where to go next. Often stay here. For those who want a quiet peaceful life, who are not used to any kind of clashes this city probably it seems very sad. Here was born and lived for more than 30 years, I know whereof I speak. Enough people living by the rules, a lot of people dashing shorter))) »
« Irkutsk - beautiful and cute town, but ... They are not engaged in one! Local officials at him deeply pofik! The quality of roads terrible, the city is dirty, garbage everywhere. There is no single development plan - the terrible wreck interspersed with modern skyscrapers. It has long been burned homes can stand up to the demolition of a few years, and it is in the center of Irkutsk! Many firms pay sn in black, and in the good company of "Irkutskenergo" can only fall off through connections. I do not want to offend anyone, and offend, wrote his vision of a man who lived here for 30 years. I would like to stay and live here, but do not have any prospects. And friends of almost 90% went to other cities and countries. I am grateful to the city for their education, it is we really at! And for good people in my life! »
7. Chita Founded:. in 1653
Population: 335 760 человек.
Known for criminal chronicle 90 as "Chitago", the city, despite the abundance of natural resources, according to the citizens' lives and survives. " But the main thing that has not died creative locals, depicting the emblem of the city of bull, very much resembling a talisman Chicago Bulls. Chita is located in a valley at the foot of the hills, which results in large amounts of dust in the air in the summer. In winter, people suffer from harmful chemicals. Sharply continental climate and is doing its job, complicating the already savory life chitintsev. Crime and Chita - almost synonyms. In 1000 it accounted for 39 crimes, almost the highest rate in Russia. Besides Chita - the first in Russia in terms of taking bribes and the second in the number of rapes. Nothing merry
Opinion citizens Vasin:.
«After Chita any city seems surprising great place. In Chita live badly? No! You can say here everyone can find themselves. There is a special flavor of Chita, it is all over. In conversation, the life on the concepts, in patsanchik leather cap with a rosary in her hands. Who are you in life? The more you breathe? The answers to these "basic" questions chitinets (ka) need to know earlier than learn to speak. And you know what Himka and how to cook it you will learn in school, college, you'll also need to know what and how to ship bulbulyator dibs suckers. This knowledge is very useful, because without them you will ship »
« Chita - a cloaca, which still need to search !!! Not only that, the standard of living is extremely low, the climate is simply awful - continental with huge differences of daytime and nighttime temperatures !!! In the summer heat reaches 50 degrees, and wild cold up to -40 winter !!! In Chita, not just low, and very low atmospheric pressure - an average of 690 mm Hg, the recent abnormally becomes even lower, which is why in the morning consistently headache and the elderly, and young people! The city is located on the hills in the pit, thanks to this geographical location chitintsy summer breathe dust and the stench of garbage dumps and in the rest of the year with an eerie smog pesticides !!! Town is very dirty, a little snow in the winter and he is black, as the road after the bombing !!! Artwork is not in remote areas still ruled the 90s, crime flourishes !!! People are angry and sullen, apparently from living in Chita! »
via w-o-s.ru/article/13324
Why do women of the tribe Mursi plates inserted in her lower lip and how they manage to have
9, the main rules of the winner. That's what people do not know that all the time lose