The driver on the note
Small text, maybe someone will come in handy and useful)
Going by car to the way you need to be ready to stop the inspector, including psychologically. It is necessary to bring up a certain mood.
To do this, first determine your goal in this meeting. What do you expect from it? If you want to become a star Yutuba, shaking his rights and removing everything in the video, a line of conduct. If your goal is to quickly get from point A to point B, then the line is completely different. If for any violation you are ready to pay off, giving a bribe - the third.
To begin with, remember that the inspector - a person just like you. He also has a family, children, parents. He's just doing his job. Just like any other group of inspectors among most - normal normal people. But as in any other group will be people ready at any time quarreling.
Inspectors on the road trite boring. They experience great. So far, only the driver out of the car, the inspector from his behavior, gestures, gait, facial expression determines in advance who will poke a bribe, who will cry, who - to threaten. If you can look beyond the stereotype, and the conversation with the inspector go of your script, it is possible to obtain perfectly legal "remark." And you do science - continue not to break, and the inspector fewer problems - do not bother with the papers.
Continued under the cut ...
"Note" declared due to the minor nature. If the offense has not caused any effect, the inspector has the right under the Law "reprimanded" and let go of the world. Note not declared only for offenses related to the state of intoxication.
"Warning" - one of the penalties for which the decision shall be made in the same way as with a fine or deprivation of rights.
Inspectors them confused, and I use the confusion, taking it as a basis for a conversation with the inspector. A kind of "home-made" for violations. After all, no one is immune disorders.
When I stopped, and the offense is indeed the case, then I'm right and I ask:
- May restrict ourselves to the comment?
- Note for the offense is not provided.
- This warning is not provided. A remark, according to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court not only declared for offenses related to "booze».
- Who are you?
Since October 2006, when the algorithm was coined, I stopped for an offense five times. This question is always asked. Inspectors do not like to go to the courts. Inspectors can get scolding from his superiors if they successfully appealed the decision. Therefore, they are always wary when a citizen in front of them, versed in the law.
- I'm just a driver who most ridiculous way lopuhnulsya. I acknowledge and regret. A note - it is due to insignificance. Even the protocol is not drawn up.
The Inspectors were informed, and my goal is a legitimate way to let me go in peace. You can come up with a script before and after this dialogue. The main thing is that it is non-standard. Now you have to give him time to think and to talk to the end. For example:
- I'm not malicious. Last time I wrote out a fine in May 2010 exceeded the speed of 21 km / h - 300 rubles. He appealed to the Court of instrument error. The fine was reduced to 100 rubles.
In three out of five driving license was returned to me with the desire to continue not to violate that, in principle, and I try to do. In one case, the protocol was drawn up, but the consideration has not been sent. Thus, the algorithm worked with a probability of 80%.
When it came to the protocol, your task - to exactly and correctly to comply with the formalities.
First, until the inspector fills in a protocol, take yourself in hand, play the situation again and clearly, imagine that you want to record in the minutes in the column "Explanations».
Secondly, when you transmit the protocol to be signed, check whether you can just pick up a copy. If not, ask the inspector to finish whatever he sees fit. Explain that, if you will return it with a copy of the inspector after the signing, he may make to any additional notes that will eventually be certified by your signature. And it's not fair.
Third, do not you sign for an explanation of your rights. Inspector burknet that your rights are written on the back. "Read their rights on their own" and "clarify the law" - two completely different concepts. Answer that if you put a signature, then up to you to bring all your rights, including the sacred right - lie. And if you're not married, you do not know that you can not lie, and therefore spoke and wrote only the truth, and it is useful to you in the proceedings.
Fourth. Do not write anything under the dictation of the inspector. In principle, the question: "What is there to write about?" - Ask necessary. When he will guide you, he would take it that his tips and you write. That is, on its part attempts to wrest the protocol or you will not have to hurry. And you quietly write down your explanation.
Remember: "frank confession - a direct path to jail" - O.Grinberg. If the inspector says: "Please, hurry to the train" - it is a direct admission of guilt. Missing the train (the plane to his mother on pancakes and so on. D.) - Not an excuse to violate traffic rules.
Your explanations recorded in the minutes, have great weight in the proceedings.
Fifth, make a note of what you need legal counsel. If the driver faces a fine, but the driver does not agree with the violation, the inspector shall draw up a report. Inspectors are instructed to order the fines immediately after the preparation of such a protocol. Technically, such a decision meets the requirements of the law, but the head is exempt from participation in the examination. If you have not been granted legal aid, and the order is granted, then the probability of cancellation is close to 100%.
If analysis of a question: "Where's your lawyer?" - Can answer that the legal assistance you have received and invited to the lawyer for you - a luxury.
And sixth, sign the protocol in two places. At one point, as the person against whom administrative proceedings in the other - to receive a copy of the protocol. Tear off a copy of the minutes and put it in his pocket.
Since old times there is a perception that in case of disagreement with the protocol does not need to sign it. This is misleading. Do not put a signature, the driver in the first place shows their ignorance.
If you're unlucky and you ran into Inspector-brawler in the event of a conflict, he is obliged to call the place of his boss.
If a conflict is brewing, and the Chief Inspector of cause and does not think, do not expect to call the telephone number on the police car, or on the phone 02 and complain about the inspector. On the first call corny do not take the phone. At best, you will hear a monologue answering machine. Eighteen months ago, after a traffic accident victims, the witness which I happened to be on three cell phones trying to get through for 12 minutes on the phone 02. Busy! Phone duty of the city and the area shall be to you somewhere written.
Optimal algorithm conversation with the duty proposed GV Badin (Bratislava). At the beginning of the conversation briefly but accurately describe the conflict situation, and then say: "His right to appeal against the violation of my constitutional rights, I will use, but now I demand the implementation of the Administrative Code st.1.6 and I ask you to intervene and stop the illegal actions known to your staff that clearly violate my civil rights and freedoms, which falls under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the disposition of the abuse of power ».
Taken here
Going by car to the way you need to be ready to stop the inspector, including psychologically. It is necessary to bring up a certain mood.
To do this, first determine your goal in this meeting. What do you expect from it? If you want to become a star Yutuba, shaking his rights and removing everything in the video, a line of conduct. If your goal is to quickly get from point A to point B, then the line is completely different. If for any violation you are ready to pay off, giving a bribe - the third.
To begin with, remember that the inspector - a person just like you. He also has a family, children, parents. He's just doing his job. Just like any other group of inspectors among most - normal normal people. But as in any other group will be people ready at any time quarreling.
Inspectors on the road trite boring. They experience great. So far, only the driver out of the car, the inspector from his behavior, gestures, gait, facial expression determines in advance who will poke a bribe, who will cry, who - to threaten. If you can look beyond the stereotype, and the conversation with the inspector go of your script, it is possible to obtain perfectly legal "remark." And you do science - continue not to break, and the inspector fewer problems - do not bother with the papers.
Continued under the cut ...

"Note" declared due to the minor nature. If the offense has not caused any effect, the inspector has the right under the Law "reprimanded" and let go of the world. Note not declared only for offenses related to the state of intoxication.
"Warning" - one of the penalties for which the decision shall be made in the same way as with a fine or deprivation of rights.
Inspectors them confused, and I use the confusion, taking it as a basis for a conversation with the inspector. A kind of "home-made" for violations. After all, no one is immune disorders.
When I stopped, and the offense is indeed the case, then I'm right and I ask:
- May restrict ourselves to the comment?
- Note for the offense is not provided.
- This warning is not provided. A remark, according to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court not only declared for offenses related to "booze».
- Who are you?
Since October 2006, when the algorithm was coined, I stopped for an offense five times. This question is always asked. Inspectors do not like to go to the courts. Inspectors can get scolding from his superiors if they successfully appealed the decision. Therefore, they are always wary when a citizen in front of them, versed in the law.
- I'm just a driver who most ridiculous way lopuhnulsya. I acknowledge and regret. A note - it is due to insignificance. Even the protocol is not drawn up.
The Inspectors were informed, and my goal is a legitimate way to let me go in peace. You can come up with a script before and after this dialogue. The main thing is that it is non-standard. Now you have to give him time to think and to talk to the end. For example:
- I'm not malicious. Last time I wrote out a fine in May 2010 exceeded the speed of 21 km / h - 300 rubles. He appealed to the Court of instrument error. The fine was reduced to 100 rubles.
In three out of five driving license was returned to me with the desire to continue not to violate that, in principle, and I try to do. In one case, the protocol was drawn up, but the consideration has not been sent. Thus, the algorithm worked with a probability of 80%.
When it came to the protocol, your task - to exactly and correctly to comply with the formalities.
First, until the inspector fills in a protocol, take yourself in hand, play the situation again and clearly, imagine that you want to record in the minutes in the column "Explanations».
Secondly, when you transmit the protocol to be signed, check whether you can just pick up a copy. If not, ask the inspector to finish whatever he sees fit. Explain that, if you will return it with a copy of the inspector after the signing, he may make to any additional notes that will eventually be certified by your signature. And it's not fair.
Third, do not you sign for an explanation of your rights. Inspector burknet that your rights are written on the back. "Read their rights on their own" and "clarify the law" - two completely different concepts. Answer that if you put a signature, then up to you to bring all your rights, including the sacred right - lie. And if you're not married, you do not know that you can not lie, and therefore spoke and wrote only the truth, and it is useful to you in the proceedings.
Fourth. Do not write anything under the dictation of the inspector. In principle, the question: "What is there to write about?" - Ask necessary. When he will guide you, he would take it that his tips and you write. That is, on its part attempts to wrest the protocol or you will not have to hurry. And you quietly write down your explanation.
Remember: "frank confession - a direct path to jail" - O.Grinberg. If the inspector says: "Please, hurry to the train" - it is a direct admission of guilt. Missing the train (the plane to his mother on pancakes and so on. D.) - Not an excuse to violate traffic rules.
Your explanations recorded in the minutes, have great weight in the proceedings.
Fifth, make a note of what you need legal counsel. If the driver faces a fine, but the driver does not agree with the violation, the inspector shall draw up a report. Inspectors are instructed to order the fines immediately after the preparation of such a protocol. Technically, such a decision meets the requirements of the law, but the head is exempt from participation in the examination. If you have not been granted legal aid, and the order is granted, then the probability of cancellation is close to 100%.
If analysis of a question: "Where's your lawyer?" - Can answer that the legal assistance you have received and invited to the lawyer for you - a luxury.
And sixth, sign the protocol in two places. At one point, as the person against whom administrative proceedings in the other - to receive a copy of the protocol. Tear off a copy of the minutes and put it in his pocket.
Since old times there is a perception that in case of disagreement with the protocol does not need to sign it. This is misleading. Do not put a signature, the driver in the first place shows their ignorance.
If you're unlucky and you ran into Inspector-brawler in the event of a conflict, he is obliged to call the place of his boss.
If a conflict is brewing, and the Chief Inspector of cause and does not think, do not expect to call the telephone number on the police car, or on the phone 02 and complain about the inspector. On the first call corny do not take the phone. At best, you will hear a monologue answering machine. Eighteen months ago, after a traffic accident victims, the witness which I happened to be on three cell phones trying to get through for 12 minutes on the phone 02. Busy! Phone duty of the city and the area shall be to you somewhere written.
Optimal algorithm conversation with the duty proposed GV Badin (Bratislava). At the beginning of the conversation briefly but accurately describe the conflict situation, and then say: "His right to appeal against the violation of my constitutional rights, I will use, but now I demand the implementation of the Administrative Code st.1.6 and I ask you to intervene and stop the illegal actions known to your staff that clearly violate my civil rights and freedoms, which falls under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the disposition of the abuse of power ».
Taken here