"Smerch": the engine - V12, 650 "horses"
Tell me, what the driver does not want to test the new car, or better yet, SUV neighbor? Of course, for a variety of tests to our MAZ, where special equipment is mounted multiple launch rocket systems "Smerch", did not come to us by representatives of the program Top Gear. Without them, everything is clear.
MAZ-79111 wheel drive 8x8, developed by the Belarusian automobile industry, feels good and on the highway and off-road conditions. Equipped with high-speed diesel motor V12 with the angle of the cylinder block 60 ° and a capacity of 650 "horses", he is able to reach speeds of around 80 km / h.
27 photos and text
Yes, military heavy equipment can not be compared with the plain, but really want to brag - about the same characteristics have the engines mounted in vehicles of the family Ferrari (MAZ and do not let them develop 330-350 km / h). However, unless the latter are able to overcome the snowpack Belarusian fields somewhere sprinkled ditches width of about three meters, or Astrakhan steppe Ashuluk range, sometimes with irregularities up to 35 ° up and down? And all this in terms of limiting temperature changes.
To travel on the "mud baths" MAZ is equipped with a tire pressure control - this is done to reduce the pressure on the ground. Thanks to wide-tire set to "cast" drives (conventional steel will not name) and an independent torsion bar suspension, for off-road feel like in the ship gently rocking on the crests of the waves.
What should be the driver for happiness? A comfortable lounge, stylish design and excellent climate control. No! For military vehicles such requirements do not, especially if it was designed in the '80s.
The minimum required set of options allows the driver to feel confident in the management and operation of the machine entrusted to him. To maintain a climate cabin is equipped with an efficient "air-conditioned" in the form of a heater and a simple fan, sun visor. There is a place for mounting the radio, but unfortunately, as standard it does not belong ...
And as the thought and the question of sound insulation! Housing cab MAZ made of polyester resin, which allows the driver to hear a uniform beating "heart" of his car. No extraneous noise! With such characteristics the driver "Smerch" felt the full owner of the road on the whole route.
At first, "Tornado" was created as a reserve weapon of the Supreme Commander of the USSR. His task - to engage only in the most dangerous moments. But as time goes on. Currently, "Smerch" is difficult to call multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). It has evolved into a completely new kind of weapon.
Prepare for battle MLRS "Smerch" after receipt of targeting only takes 3 minutes. But a harmonious settlement combat vehicle has time for this time to perform a number of important and responsible operations. The team at the start ... There just remember his first battle starts, when I myself held the seat in the cell control unit. Oh, those trembling moments after the hard work done by the start command, and to report on the destruction of the target! But the accuracy of the results is highly dependent on the human factor. But the interaction of the system "man - machine - shell" gives an excellent result - the goal amazed!
The moment of gathering shells from the pack guide MLRS "Smerch" is not similar to any of the scenery firings, especially if it's a salvo of four starting from the complex. Clear direction roar of jet engines work, the glow of the flame of rocket fuel, the cloud of exhaust propellant gases - all this makes clear the subordination of unexplored elements ...
It takes 38 seconds, and the goal sought by all 12 rockets weighing 800 kg each. When the flight range of 70 km, they cover an area of 40 hectares. Awesome, is not it? After a short time, somewhere 3-5 minutes, leaving the complex position that allows you to quickly get away from the possible impact of the opponent. Upon arrival in a specially designated area are trained to perform the following tasks. With the help of a special transport-charging machine after 20-25 minutes of "Smerch" is again ready to go on the firing line. With clear organization and execution of all operations of the complex becomes virtually invulnerable to the enemy.
In the early 80s there was a need to create an entirely new type of armament for artillery units. The most vulnerable point of multiple launch rocket systems, starting with the "Katyusha" were large variations both in direction and in range. By creating MLRS «MLRS», the Americans came to the conclusion that the effective range of 30-40 km is the limit for multiple launch rocket systems. Its further increase leads to too much dispersal shells.
Before Design Bureau Research and Production Enterprise "Fusion", which was charged with developing the system, had a difficult task. For the first time in the Soviet ordnance was used inertial flight control system. Previously it was used only in controlled ballistic missiles. As a result, unlike their predecessors ("Grad" and "Uragan"), the accuracy of the results "Smerch" raised twice (do not exceed a value of 0, 21% of the range volley, which is about 150 m, which brings it to hit a artillery shells), and accuracy of fire - three times. And all this at a distance of 70 km! As a result of the adoption in 1987 adopted a new long-range system "Smerch" has become the most formidable in the world view of a non-nuclear weapons.
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MAZ-79111 wheel drive 8x8, developed by the Belarusian automobile industry, feels good and on the highway and off-road conditions. Equipped with high-speed diesel motor V12 with the angle of the cylinder block 60 ° and a capacity of 650 "horses", he is able to reach speeds of around 80 km / h.
27 photos and text






Yes, military heavy equipment can not be compared with the plain, but really want to brag - about the same characteristics have the engines mounted in vehicles of the family Ferrari (MAZ and do not let them develop 330-350 km / h). However, unless the latter are able to overcome the snowpack Belarusian fields somewhere sprinkled ditches width of about three meters, or Astrakhan steppe Ashuluk range, sometimes with irregularities up to 35 ° up and down? And all this in terms of limiting temperature changes.


To travel on the "mud baths" MAZ is equipped with a tire pressure control - this is done to reduce the pressure on the ground. Thanks to wide-tire set to "cast" drives (conventional steel will not name) and an independent torsion bar suspension, for off-road feel like in the ship gently rocking on the crests of the waves.


What should be the driver for happiness? A comfortable lounge, stylish design and excellent climate control. No! For military vehicles such requirements do not, especially if it was designed in the '80s.



The minimum required set of options allows the driver to feel confident in the management and operation of the machine entrusted to him. To maintain a climate cabin is equipped with an efficient "air-conditioned" in the form of a heater and a simple fan, sun visor. There is a place for mounting the radio, but unfortunately, as standard it does not belong ...

And as the thought and the question of sound insulation! Housing cab MAZ made of polyester resin, which allows the driver to hear a uniform beating "heart" of his car. No extraneous noise! With such characteristics the driver "Smerch" felt the full owner of the road on the whole route.




At first, "Tornado" was created as a reserve weapon of the Supreme Commander of the USSR. His task - to engage only in the most dangerous moments. But as time goes on. Currently, "Smerch" is difficult to call multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). It has evolved into a completely new kind of weapon.


Prepare for battle MLRS "Smerch" after receipt of targeting only takes 3 minutes. But a harmonious settlement combat vehicle has time for this time to perform a number of important and responsible operations. The team at the start ... There just remember his first battle starts, when I myself held the seat in the cell control unit. Oh, those trembling moments after the hard work done by the start command, and to report on the destruction of the target! But the accuracy of the results is highly dependent on the human factor. But the interaction of the system "man - machine - shell" gives an excellent result - the goal amazed!

The moment of gathering shells from the pack guide MLRS "Smerch" is not similar to any of the scenery firings, especially if it's a salvo of four starting from the complex. Clear direction roar of jet engines work, the glow of the flame of rocket fuel, the cloud of exhaust propellant gases - all this makes clear the subordination of unexplored elements ...


It takes 38 seconds, and the goal sought by all 12 rockets weighing 800 kg each. When the flight range of 70 km, they cover an area of 40 hectares. Awesome, is not it? After a short time, somewhere 3-5 minutes, leaving the complex position that allows you to quickly get away from the possible impact of the opponent. Upon arrival in a specially designated area are trained to perform the following tasks. With the help of a special transport-charging machine after 20-25 minutes of "Smerch" is again ready to go on the firing line. With clear organization and execution of all operations of the complex becomes virtually invulnerable to the enemy.

In the early 80s there was a need to create an entirely new type of armament for artillery units. The most vulnerable point of multiple launch rocket systems, starting with the "Katyusha" were large variations both in direction and in range. By creating MLRS «MLRS», the Americans came to the conclusion that the effective range of 30-40 km is the limit for multiple launch rocket systems. Its further increase leads to too much dispersal shells.
Before Design Bureau Research and Production Enterprise "Fusion", which was charged with developing the system, had a difficult task. For the first time in the Soviet ordnance was used inertial flight control system. Previously it was used only in controlled ballistic missiles. As a result, unlike their predecessors ("Grad" and "Uragan"), the accuracy of the results "Smerch" raised twice (do not exceed a value of 0, 21% of the range volley, which is about 150 m, which brings it to hit a artillery shells), and accuracy of fire - three times. And all this at a distance of 70 km! As a result of the adoption in 1987 adopted a new long-range system "Smerch" has become the most formidable in the world view of a non-nuclear weapons.


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