Saffron milk cap
I heard this story as a child, but in order to know or remember what it was time enough to imagine that the birth I wanted to name Nikita. But as the pope called Sergei, all my close relatives of villagers, lined Khrushchev taxes on apple trees, fruit bushes, and all cattle, from small - to cattle, strongly opposed this. And my grandmother named Vitali. Dyuzhe swore that Popovski name. Then accustomed.
Summer 1944 Belarus. Through scorched village, on the heels of the advancing army was the battery MSA. The battery is a serious and well-deserved. 37-mm anti-aircraft guns * then holding the most dangerous height range -2, 0 - 3, 0 km and securely covered crossings, railway stations and airports on the Fokker-190 to Yunkesov-88. Messer, especially Laptezhnikov, the year is almost gone.
A short halt in the ruins of the village. Thank God - well intact. Time - just dial the flask and rewind foot bindings. The only living soul squinted in the sun on the remains of the burnt log.
And that soul was red kitten. People long ago or died, or left in Polesie, from harm's way.
An elderly foreman, dokurivaya cigarette, took a long look at the kitten, and then took him and put him on obluchek. The remainder fed lunch, called the cat Ryzhikov and announced its seventh fighter calculation. With a hint of future glory destroyer of mice and other filthy at the locations, and especially - in the dugouts.
Youth only be mildly pozuboskalit, beardless lieutenant, too, did not mind, because Ginger and caught on the battery. By the winter grew up in a healthy ginger tomcat with a modest, flexible and fair Belarusian character, and this endeared himself all the fighters.
During raids by enemy aircraft Ginger disappeared, and no one knows where to be born only when sheathed gun. Then the cat was marked particularly valuable feature of misunderstanding and that got in the face signalman Regiment, tried to kick the heel of the animal to be confused at his feet.
A feature that we noticed the foreman - for half a minute before the raid (and before you slip away) Ginger muffled growling in the direction from which the enemy planes appear. All appeared that his house was mistakenly or purposefully bombed by German aircraft. And the sound that carries the death, he remembered forever.
This rumor has estimated the entire battery. Productivity rebound thinning enemy attacks increased by an order, exactly how and reputation Ryzhik. During the war, no one came into his head to send to the acting of the Inspector podvorotnichkov purity and greenness of grass, for this reason, Ginger and lived up to April 45, before his hour of triumph.
In late April, the battery is resting. It is Toli in East Prussia or Germany, I do not remember, but that is not important. The war has died down, and came to an end. For the latest Fritz in the air was a real hunt, so, the MSA air defense battery simply enjoying the spring sunshine and Ginger openly pressed the mass in the open air, except legal mealtimes.
But, Ain seconds and Ginger wakes up, gives the hair stand on end, requires attention and growls ominously due east. Incredible situation in the East after Moscow and other rear, but the people serviceman and trust instinct of self-preservation. 37 graph paper can be brought into the firing position from marching for 25-30 seconds. And in this case, static - for 5-6 seconds.
Silence, trunks, in any case imposed on the east. We are waiting.
With smoky plume appears our hawk. Behind him hangs on the minimum distance - FW-190. Battery wedged a double queue and Focker, without much fuss stuck in the ground for 500 -700 meters from our position.
Hawk on the turn swung from wing to wing and left landing, good, everything is close to the base - 10-15 km.
The next day we met comrades. Came the car full of guests and brought a pilot - chest with medals, confused look and a suitcase with gifts. Written on his face - someone say thank you? He says - you guessed it (freaking PVOshniki) that I needed help, so much so quickly? Yes, that so right on target. I here you, in gratitude, brought the cigarette case, lard and gifts.
We put the blame on Ryzhik - tell him thank you! Pilot perplexed, he thinks his play. And the foreman tells the long version of the story, you have read it.
To his credit, the next day the pilot returned with two kg of fresh liver for Ryzhik. And it was not joking, treating the cat, I believed and thanked. Fate
piece thin.
Demobilized, the foreman took Ryzhik with him. This means that in Belarus and now run multicolored descendants VHF radars. It
was the birthplace of elders.
In truth, I do not believe that the pilot had brought only 2 kg of beef liver. My grandfather, Maxim V., fought arrows on IL-2. He said that in addition to the liver should lead liters of alcohol at least three or four, and cigarettes.
* (GRAU index - 52-P-167) - Soviet anti-aircraft gun during the Great Patriotic War. It developed on the basis of the Swedish 40-mm gun Bofors. Chief Designer - MN Loginov. Is the first Soviet anti-aircraft automatic gun running in volume production. On the basis of 61-K was created by the family of naval anti-aircraft guns, this gun was mounted on the first Soviet serial self-propelled anti-aircraft guns crawler ZSU-37. 37-mm anti-aircraft gun 61-K actively used throughout World War II, for a long time operated by the Soviet army. In addition to the combat attack aircraft, fighter-bombers and dive bombers, 61-K in 1941 and used as an anti-tank guns. After the war, many weapons were delivered abroad and in the composition of foreign armies participated in various post-war conflicts. In the armies of many countries 61-K are to this day.
© Vitaly.
Summer 1944 Belarus. Through scorched village, on the heels of the advancing army was the battery MSA. The battery is a serious and well-deserved. 37-mm anti-aircraft guns * then holding the most dangerous height range -2, 0 - 3, 0 km and securely covered crossings, railway stations and airports on the Fokker-190 to Yunkesov-88. Messer, especially Laptezhnikov, the year is almost gone.
A short halt in the ruins of the village. Thank God - well intact. Time - just dial the flask and rewind foot bindings. The only living soul squinted in the sun on the remains of the burnt log.
And that soul was red kitten. People long ago or died, or left in Polesie, from harm's way.
An elderly foreman, dokurivaya cigarette, took a long look at the kitten, and then took him and put him on obluchek. The remainder fed lunch, called the cat Ryzhikov and announced its seventh fighter calculation. With a hint of future glory destroyer of mice and other filthy at the locations, and especially - in the dugouts.
Youth only be mildly pozuboskalit, beardless lieutenant, too, did not mind, because Ginger and caught on the battery. By the winter grew up in a healthy ginger tomcat with a modest, flexible and fair Belarusian character, and this endeared himself all the fighters.
During raids by enemy aircraft Ginger disappeared, and no one knows where to be born only when sheathed gun. Then the cat was marked particularly valuable feature of misunderstanding and that got in the face signalman Regiment, tried to kick the heel of the animal to be confused at his feet.
A feature that we noticed the foreman - for half a minute before the raid (and before you slip away) Ginger muffled growling in the direction from which the enemy planes appear. All appeared that his house was mistakenly or purposefully bombed by German aircraft. And the sound that carries the death, he remembered forever.
This rumor has estimated the entire battery. Productivity rebound thinning enemy attacks increased by an order, exactly how and reputation Ryzhik. During the war, no one came into his head to send to the acting of the Inspector podvorotnichkov purity and greenness of grass, for this reason, Ginger and lived up to April 45, before his hour of triumph.
In late April, the battery is resting. It is Toli in East Prussia or Germany, I do not remember, but that is not important. The war has died down, and came to an end. For the latest Fritz in the air was a real hunt, so, the MSA air defense battery simply enjoying the spring sunshine and Ginger openly pressed the mass in the open air, except legal mealtimes.
But, Ain seconds and Ginger wakes up, gives the hair stand on end, requires attention and growls ominously due east. Incredible situation in the East after Moscow and other rear, but the people serviceman and trust instinct of self-preservation. 37 graph paper can be brought into the firing position from marching for 25-30 seconds. And in this case, static - for 5-6 seconds.
Silence, trunks, in any case imposed on the east. We are waiting.
With smoky plume appears our hawk. Behind him hangs on the minimum distance - FW-190. Battery wedged a double queue and Focker, without much fuss stuck in the ground for 500 -700 meters from our position.
Hawk on the turn swung from wing to wing and left landing, good, everything is close to the base - 10-15 km.
The next day we met comrades. Came the car full of guests and brought a pilot - chest with medals, confused look and a suitcase with gifts. Written on his face - someone say thank you? He says - you guessed it (freaking PVOshniki) that I needed help, so much so quickly? Yes, that so right on target. I here you, in gratitude, brought the cigarette case, lard and gifts.
We put the blame on Ryzhik - tell him thank you! Pilot perplexed, he thinks his play. And the foreman tells the long version of the story, you have read it.
To his credit, the next day the pilot returned with two kg of fresh liver for Ryzhik. And it was not joking, treating the cat, I believed and thanked. Fate
piece thin.
Demobilized, the foreman took Ryzhik with him. This means that in Belarus and now run multicolored descendants VHF radars. It
was the birthplace of elders.
In truth, I do not believe that the pilot had brought only 2 kg of beef liver. My grandfather, Maxim V., fought arrows on IL-2. He said that in addition to the liver should lead liters of alcohol at least three or four, and cigarettes.
* (GRAU index - 52-P-167) - Soviet anti-aircraft gun during the Great Patriotic War. It developed on the basis of the Swedish 40-mm gun Bofors. Chief Designer - MN Loginov. Is the first Soviet anti-aircraft automatic gun running in volume production. On the basis of 61-K was created by the family of naval anti-aircraft guns, this gun was mounted on the first Soviet serial self-propelled anti-aircraft guns crawler ZSU-37. 37-mm anti-aircraft gun 61-K actively used throughout World War II, for a long time operated by the Soviet army. In addition to the combat attack aircraft, fighter-bombers and dive bombers, 61-K in 1941 and used as an anti-tank guns. After the war, many weapons were delivered abroad and in the composition of foreign armies participated in various post-war conflicts. In the armies of many countries 61-K are to this day.
© Vitaly.
