Saffron milk cap

There once was an old-old grandfather, and he had a farm consisting of four rabbits. And as old as himself grandfather, red cat. Grandmother was not - she died, and whiled away his allotted term deduzhko all alone. The cat was old, I can even say - the old, woolly down, ragged ears in the fighting, almost lost sense of smell and sight. Almost nothing to eat and slept a lot, and he goes out only to relieve himself.
As a young cat badly battered by his grandfather, then for unauthorized place for the toilet, then jumps on the table, then catches no mice. I do not know that the cat was thinking about teaching abilities grandfather, grandfather's education but went to the benefit of the cat. Despite the fact that after each execution grandmother pressed kotishku (as she called him sometimes) to the breast and comforted him stroking, with the intention to make amends for it until he lost consciousness. Grandfather did not approve of such a gentle gust grandmother, but said nothing.
Since so loved her, and she, in turn, loved furry red tomboy. Life improved, cat obeyed his grandfather, caught mice and rats sometimes, and his grandfather return does not apply to the cat repression.
Here and there were two veteran - grandfather, yes cat. Since my grandfather knew that the cat is already a pensioner, the special requirements for it did not show.
But to put it on his chest, so he warmed her. The cat with pleasure and did curled up. A grandfather in such moments left in the past, memories of his grandmother. After all, the cat was her darling.
Mice grandfather caught mousetrap. But one day, taking pity on the old cat, decided to indulge his freshly caught mouse. Took it out of the mousetrap, brought it into the house and put in front of a cat. Cat sniffed her long, slightly moved her paw, looked closely at his grandfather, reached out and quietly asked to myauknuv the street. Here's face flashed in my head the old man, I told him catch mice, and it disgusted face. But let the cat.
Cat has not been a day that was simply unprecedented case, since more than an hour the cat on the street is not delayed. Grandfather experienced. But the cat was like in the good old days with the mouse in the remaining teeth. Put it on the threshold, as he did in his youth cat, drank milk and went to bed.
Grandfather standing pillar, looking at what the cat, then they prinёsennuyu mouse.
Remembered yesterday offered him catch mousetrap mouse, and after some thought, said sleeping animal:
- Sandy, let's not what I meant ...