Lamour toujours
Movie - it's not just action, comedy, thrillers, horror and science fiction. Movie - it is also a romantic and sometimes dramatic history, filled with deep meaning. Usually in such films always have a place of love, so in love and colorful pair in the movie is not so rare, though, to tell the truth, "love to play" Not everyone succeeds. Sublime feelings reinforce interest in any film, because our whole life is one big love story, which is everywhere. Take a look at the brightest (in my humble opinion) a pair of world cinema history that is worth seeing with my own eyes.
"Titanic." Jack and Rose
This film is already a legend, like the characters, brilliantly played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Their love story is one of the most exciting and romantic, which have only been shown on the big screen. By the way, this beautiful harmonious pair of actors could not be, because the role of Jack claimed just three actors - Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale and Macaulay Culkin, and the role of Rose was seen Gwyneth Paltrow. It is not known what would happen in the end, if James Cameron had not approved it, Leo and Kate, and we can again and again to enjoy their game studio. Blue-eyed blonde haired Jack Dawson and Rose rebellious aristocrat-DeWitt Byukeyter - a couple of the sudden outbreak of love is, I want to fall in love and selflessly.
"The Notebook." Noah and Allie
Another love story rich in beauty and the poor guy who sinks into the soul. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have been able to move to the big screen the story of the eponymous novel by Nikolas Sparks, which in its first week of sales became a bestseller. One of the most touching love story might be a little different if, instead of Rachel McAdams on the role of approved Ashley Judd, and instead of Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, because they were one of the main candidates. But fate would have it, now about Gosling learned the whole world, and Rachel McAdams talked about as a really talented actress. Die in one day leave this world together, but leave behind an eternal love story - a fairy tale, which is almost every girl dreams of.
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Joel and Clementine
Let it virtually impossible story, but how much it sincere feelings and genuine emotion! This romantic story casts doubt on the veracity of the expression "in the same river can not enter twice", because everyone chooses the way that he thinks proper, and if love is strong, it will live forever, however much you may try to forget the person. Excellent cast the duo could not be so, because the company wanted to make Kate Winslet Nicolas Cage, but the choice fell on Jim Carrey, and I am very pleased.
"Meet Joe Black". Joe Black and Susan
Let this film is not promoted as the others, but a love story in it is very interesting, because not every woman is able to fall in love with Death itself, though in the guise of Brad Pitt's caliber late 90s it is a sin not to love. This melodrama with a terrific cast member should appeal to every girl who dreams of a big and pure love, even with not quite a happy ending. Love a man's not as easy as it seems. Brad Pitt and Susan Parrish, in my opinion would have been a lovely couple, sorry, that their offscreen romance ended so quickly.
"Gone With the Wind." Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler
This unforgettable love story has become a classic that captivated a generation of moviegoers. Until now, the girls dream to be like the actress Vivien Leigh, which played Scarlett, and men secretly want to be real Butler for their favorite ladies. Perhaps this love only happens in the movies, because everything in life is much more complicated ...
"Edward Scissorhands." Edward and Kim
Love pronesёnnaya through the years ... Edward and Kim - it is not a standard pair, it is - an outcast, she - in love with a girl. They were never meant to be together, but until old age they remember about each other and appreciate something beautiful that was once between them. The emotional rush that has woken up and is in the other. Love their wake, but go to sleep a perpetual sleep they had already separated from each other. This film by Tim Burton makes us think about how hard a person in this world who does not like the others, and no less difficult to him who truly loves. The story I liked, especially because emotions were genuine actors, as Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder at the time were engaged.
"Ghost". Sam and Molly
Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore - what a beautiful screen couple! Their feelings believe 100 percent, even though you know that all this anreal. Love the girl and the ghost is not a new trend in the film, but this film became the most favorite audience. The actors played their roles incredibly believable and the plot correspond to their magnificent transformation in a loving couple. By the way, the late Patrick Swayze, at the site could replace Bruce Willis, but he turned down the role, as the thought that film flopped at the box office. How did Bruce wrong ... masterpiece that story that will forever immortalize the name of Patrick Swayze, as a talented dramatic actor.
"Blue Lagoon". Richard and Emmeline; "Return to the Blue Lagoon." Richard and Lilly
Two of these movies can be watched a decent amount of time, with neither one nor the other will not bother. I have often wondered why this happens, but was never able to understand. Most likely, the fact that girls tend to look at on-screen romances, which are generated directly in front of them. This is what happens in the "Blue Lagoon" with Christopher Atkins and Brooke Shields in the lead roles, as well as in the "Return to the Blue Lagoon" with Brian Krause and Milla Jovovich. Movies almost twins, but watch and he and the other very nice.
"Avatar". Jake and Neytiri
The main movie of 2009 and the creation of the most cash to date - "Avatar" - a story from which I am delighted. Let many say that this is done on a computer and there are no human emotion, but the actors that play and play well. They are not to blame, that James Cameron came up with this smart idea of the film, based mainly on computer graphics. Somehow, I'm sure they give 100 percent. Watching "movie of the movie" I finally realized who was Neytiri. It was Zoe Saldana, who in life is not so beautiful, but in the movie she just feast for the eyes. Sam Worthington as always on top. Their romantic story captivated me, because not only are the feelings between people, but between being a distant planet and quite a reasonable person. Definitely wait for the sequels.
A few pairs, from which the majority of the spectators thrilled:
"Love Me If You Dare." Julien and Sophie
"500 Days of Summer." Tom and Summer
"Sweet November". Nelson and Sarah
"Requiem for a Dream." Harold and Marion
"Fight Club". Tyler Durden and Marla Singer
"Pretty Woman". Edward and Vivian
"A Walk to Remember." Landon and Jamie
"Cruel Intentions." Sebastian and Annette
"Dirty Dancing". Johnny and Baby
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Benjamin and Daisy
"Brokeback Mountain". Ennis and Jack
Forrest Gump. Forrest and Jenny
"Gia". Gia and Linda
"Twilight". Edward and Bella
"The Lord of the Rings." Aragorn and Arwen
"10 Things I Hate". Patrick and Kat
"Temptation". Luis and Julia
"Irreversible". Marcus and Alex
"Titanic." Jack and Rose
This film is already a legend, like the characters, brilliantly played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Their love story is one of the most exciting and romantic, which have only been shown on the big screen. By the way, this beautiful harmonious pair of actors could not be, because the role of Jack claimed just three actors - Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale and Macaulay Culkin, and the role of Rose was seen Gwyneth Paltrow. It is not known what would happen in the end, if James Cameron had not approved it, Leo and Kate, and we can again and again to enjoy their game studio. Blue-eyed blonde haired Jack Dawson and Rose rebellious aristocrat-DeWitt Byukeyter - a couple of the sudden outbreak of love is, I want to fall in love and selflessly.

"The Notebook." Noah and Allie
Another love story rich in beauty and the poor guy who sinks into the soul. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have been able to move to the big screen the story of the eponymous novel by Nikolas Sparks, which in its first week of sales became a bestseller. One of the most touching love story might be a little different if, instead of Rachel McAdams on the role of approved Ashley Judd, and instead of Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, because they were one of the main candidates. But fate would have it, now about Gosling learned the whole world, and Rachel McAdams talked about as a really talented actress. Die in one day leave this world together, but leave behind an eternal love story - a fairy tale, which is almost every girl dreams of.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Joel and Clementine
Let it virtually impossible story, but how much it sincere feelings and genuine emotion! This romantic story casts doubt on the veracity of the expression "in the same river can not enter twice", because everyone chooses the way that he thinks proper, and if love is strong, it will live forever, however much you may try to forget the person. Excellent cast the duo could not be so, because the company wanted to make Kate Winslet Nicolas Cage, but the choice fell on Jim Carrey, and I am very pleased.

"Meet Joe Black". Joe Black and Susan
Let this film is not promoted as the others, but a love story in it is very interesting, because not every woman is able to fall in love with Death itself, though in the guise of Brad Pitt's caliber late 90s it is a sin not to love. This melodrama with a terrific cast member should appeal to every girl who dreams of a big and pure love, even with not quite a happy ending. Love a man's not as easy as it seems. Brad Pitt and Susan Parrish, in my opinion would have been a lovely couple, sorry, that their offscreen romance ended so quickly.
"Gone With the Wind." Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler
This unforgettable love story has become a classic that captivated a generation of moviegoers. Until now, the girls dream to be like the actress Vivien Leigh, which played Scarlett, and men secretly want to be real Butler for their favorite ladies. Perhaps this love only happens in the movies, because everything in life is much more complicated ...

"Edward Scissorhands." Edward and Kim
Love pronesёnnaya through the years ... Edward and Kim - it is not a standard pair, it is - an outcast, she - in love with a girl. They were never meant to be together, but until old age they remember about each other and appreciate something beautiful that was once between them. The emotional rush that has woken up and is in the other. Love their wake, but go to sleep a perpetual sleep they had already separated from each other. This film by Tim Burton makes us think about how hard a person in this world who does not like the others, and no less difficult to him who truly loves. The story I liked, especially because emotions were genuine actors, as Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder at the time were engaged.

"Ghost". Sam and Molly
Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore - what a beautiful screen couple! Their feelings believe 100 percent, even though you know that all this anreal. Love the girl and the ghost is not a new trend in the film, but this film became the most favorite audience. The actors played their roles incredibly believable and the plot correspond to their magnificent transformation in a loving couple. By the way, the late Patrick Swayze, at the site could replace Bruce Willis, but he turned down the role, as the thought that film flopped at the box office. How did Bruce wrong ... masterpiece that story that will forever immortalize the name of Patrick Swayze, as a talented dramatic actor.

"Blue Lagoon". Richard and Emmeline; "Return to the Blue Lagoon." Richard and Lilly
Two of these movies can be watched a decent amount of time, with neither one nor the other will not bother. I have often wondered why this happens, but was never able to understand. Most likely, the fact that girls tend to look at on-screen romances, which are generated directly in front of them. This is what happens in the "Blue Lagoon" with Christopher Atkins and Brooke Shields in the lead roles, as well as in the "Return to the Blue Lagoon" with Brian Krause and Milla Jovovich. Movies almost twins, but watch and he and the other very nice.

"Avatar". Jake and Neytiri
The main movie of 2009 and the creation of the most cash to date - "Avatar" - a story from which I am delighted. Let many say that this is done on a computer and there are no human emotion, but the actors that play and play well. They are not to blame, that James Cameron came up with this smart idea of the film, based mainly on computer graphics. Somehow, I'm sure they give 100 percent. Watching "movie of the movie" I finally realized who was Neytiri. It was Zoe Saldana, who in life is not so beautiful, but in the movie she just feast for the eyes. Sam Worthington as always on top. Their romantic story captivated me, because not only are the feelings between people, but between being a distant planet and quite a reasonable person. Definitely wait for the sequels.

A few pairs, from which the majority of the spectators thrilled:
"Love Me If You Dare." Julien and Sophie

"500 Days of Summer." Tom and Summer

"Sweet November". Nelson and Sarah

"Requiem for a Dream." Harold and Marion

"Fight Club". Tyler Durden and Marla Singer

"Pretty Woman". Edward and Vivian

"A Walk to Remember." Landon and Jamie

"Cruel Intentions." Sebastian and Annette
"Dirty Dancing". Johnny and Baby

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Benjamin and Daisy
"Brokeback Mountain". Ennis and Jack

Forrest Gump. Forrest and Jenny

"Gia". Gia and Linda

"Twilight". Edward and Bella

"The Lord of the Rings." Aragorn and Arwen

"10 Things I Hate". Patrick and Kat

"Temptation". Luis and Julia
"Irreversible". Marcus and Alex