As I bought Zaporozhets
I'll start my story.
It began November 20, 2009 when one of the thematic sites saw an ad.
The car was sold in Ulyanovsk, and I live in the suburbs. With the seller, I immediately contacted and within a couple of days, we exchanged letters with photos of the car. During these days, I really fell in love with this specimen plows and color does not leave me indifferent, "Primrose" my opinion is the best color. Other days I consulted with friends and friends talking about their adventure in Ulyanovsk Zaporozhets buy and sell it in the suburbs. Many twisted at a temple, but one man even agreed to get involved in this adventure.
The last time the owner phoned and responded positively and went to buy tickets on the train.
Friday sound of the wheels of the train carrying me to Ulyanovsk from Moscow.
Continued under the cut ...
The train arrived at 7 am in Ulyanovsk, the first time was in this town, so leaving the train, we immediately went to the place previously agreed with the owner. A ride on the tram (ask how to get from the locals).
And so we come to the place of inspection of the car, the owner is already waiting for the machine is on pairs. At first sight all my fears were gone, but the car looked just like in the photo. Strong stocks we found (there was not their) rolled and realized that the car is worth the money.
Let's go to the traffic police in Ulyanovsk removed from the register. The 9.00 is removed from the account running the savings bank on the next street who -That scratched Zaporozhets (we'll find out when they came to the transit). Before reconciling numbers car was intact. I was shocked this much (in spite of all lines). But the owner said that because of this lower the price and the price just to dump a ridiculous amount. And it's all happening on the site traffic police of Ulyanovsk. And at 12.00 we went from Ulyanovsk to Moscow. When leaving the city we Navigator something completely junk left on the roundabout and do not see a pointer to Moscow (Kazan, Ufa) drove traffic police inspector who is on a stationary post my question is how to get to Moscow, he gave up that right do not hesitate to ask him that guys with Zaporozhets and transits (maybe he did not understand our venture?).
Just struck me that over 100 km not meet not a single machine, and the road was very strong Exclusionary, tossed the car from the track in a rut. The speed was kept about 100 km. h. And the border of the Ulyanovsk region and the republic of Mordovia. (Recall from our route Penza Kopeeysk) empty highway police post on the border GIBDDeshnik lonely walks with a rod, and then transits to the Cossack on an empty track, but he did not stop, and I forgot to throttle at speeds of about 90 km. I fly past the post GIBDDeshnik smiles and salutes. The road has changed dramatically in the protracted rise and with good asphalt. It was dark, we were driving in the dark, occasionally including the stove (a strong wind blowing from the fields into the cabin through the seals). The stove worked very well, and even burned his right foot, had it turned on and off. But 30 km before turning to track the car became Samara sneeze and do not pull. We stopped at the curb. Open the hood, on the road no one. Zaporozhets mope.
Enjoying candles, 4 cylinder spark breaks. And the machine is dead, gone idle. Because not Khitrova tool opened the lid of a gasoline pump looked mesh. Brought traveled 500 meters, and again the same situation. The gas pedal and the car 2/3 sneezes. Some how we got the gas pedal gently playing. And darling artery Samara route many trucks were already for the night at the gas station. They stopped, twisted candle conjured with the carburetor. All wound up and worked perfectly, and got to be able for the first time in 1.5 days ate normal food. 19.00 Time continued to move to Moscow, began Ryazan region, the road narrowed again disgusting coating line. And in spite of the rain, and a fine drizzle. dirt from under the wheels of trucks opposite direction we find ourselves on the windshield. As the saying went instrument. We got to Ryazan (count at home). On the highway reached Bronits, then we went to betonku in Podolsk. Journey time 12 hours 45 minutes. Travel on 940 km.
ZAZ 968M 1987 mileage 74500 km. Sam came from Ulyanovsk to Podolsk.
The registration
Next week, after buying the car, I decided to put on record the traffic police in his written statement of payment of state duty, arrived at a reconciliation room. Inspector meticulously looked at numbers and TCP, and said that in the PTS says that the chassis number is not available, and it is present on the nameplate in the engine compartment. All rooms are integers not broken, but the TCP is written that the chassis number is missing, but it found the inspector during the inspection. And sent for examination.
The most interesting thing that my grandfather received booklets instead of TCP, then sold the guy, and now me and no one paid attention, or did not want to pay. The car is removed and placed 2 times on account of the traffic police in Ulyanovsk
The next day spent in the traffic police, traffic police I arrived in 20 minutes spent on the location of the examination AMTS. He came to the guys (experts), they said that all but I have time to take, and sent me to the office where the pass in order to obtain a receipt that the pay review. I found a booth at the post passing MOT. Approached guys explained the problem, they are puzzled how much to write, to pass the examination. One shouts write in 2500, their other corner shouts write in 1500 that enough looking guy wrote me 1,000 rubles. Took pity on me, or machine. I did not expect such a sum, the examination and had to go home for the money. I came paid receipt for passing the examination. Came stood in line, I was told that the machine is dirty and needs to be washed, another 200 rubles in my savings bank or ezzhaj. Dirty car for inspection are not accepted. I had to pay. I drove to the experts, gathered a council. Yes indeed, the number in the TCP error. On hand were given nothing, and sent to the inspector who yesterday turned me. Whatever he phoned to experts. So I did. He went to the inspector who yesterday I missed in the reconciliation room. He called and said that would write a statement and make the copier passports, TCP, and the contract of sale.
I have come to write a statement on the form shown in the appended a declaration to the wall of registration. and copies of documents. I took in the investigation all the documents, but copies of the TCP stamped and a copy of that copy is correct. And went to the investigators. Now, after December 14 come at ukaznoy address and women in the police department investigation department, all the documents they peredatut. I'm just in shock.
But when he came to the window to hand over documents and explanatory Chief Investigation immediately said "you are a Zaporozhets?" I said yes. responsibility in & quot; All traffic police already knew that Zaporozhets came with crooked documents & quot ;.
A week later came to the department of investigation of the city, he said of the investigators who handed my papers. Met with the inquirer, my arms were given a copy of the certificate from an expert, and returned to the TCP. But doznovatel not had time to do a piece of paper with the refusal to institute criminal proceedings.
Run out of holidays, today I came back to the investigator that she did finally issued a report on the refusal to institute criminal proceedings. She went out and began to talk that was sent by mail, and you yourself come. In short delayed. It is necessary to take a statement from the prosecutor's office that would enter the room. And just a month.
The machine is in the house.
Surprisingly quickly after 2 days she called investigator and said that I took the refusal to sign the prosecutor.
On the morning of the next day I came and went in the traffic police department with papers tracing the vehicle. Only now the inspector noticed that not enough stamps in 2 PTS when a contract for purchase and sale, and forgot to put said that would put the press in TCP.
Doing nothing is not to turn from the path of so many more have passed. Only one way to go to Ulyanovsk.
Ulnovsk 2
Again I went to the ticket office to buy a train ticket to Ulyanovsk.
Familiar Station, lively taxi drivers still forced me to go to the traffic police on the street - 15 no desire to walk. STSI is open and running next firm a contract for the DCT. I told the problem (and they remembered me). And they said that the traffic police in Ulyanovsk swear that many seals in the TCP. But I insisted. And they put them to me. Because of these two stamps I had to go to another city in Russia. It's just, we have such a mess.
Registration of 2
And so with the papers in his arms refusing to initiate HS, expertise, application, TCP with the stamp, receipt, I decided to go to the traffic police. In the morning, Zaporozhets not started -20 to him was critical, dancing with a tambourine did not help. I decided to go to the traffic police in their everyday car. Prieshel the traffic police with my hand already there greeted the inspectors showed all the papers they said let's chase the car on the reconciliation room, I said that the car in such a cold start can not do. And then the elder (the title is not important) called for reconciliation item numbers and asked what there was signed the statement. On examination, gritting his teeth (that for free) was signed. And an hour later I was already holding rooms and a corrected title. Then he changed pass MOT. It's okay to drayv2 it is, there are a lot of photos and we for 5 years with him through together. He got me a gold. Starred in the film, rolled svady generally fighting machine.
It began November 20, 2009 when one of the thematic sites saw an ad.
The car was sold in Ulyanovsk, and I live in the suburbs. With the seller, I immediately contacted and within a couple of days, we exchanged letters with photos of the car. During these days, I really fell in love with this specimen plows and color does not leave me indifferent, "Primrose" my opinion is the best color. Other days I consulted with friends and friends talking about their adventure in Ulyanovsk Zaporozhets buy and sell it in the suburbs. Many twisted at a temple, but one man even agreed to get involved in this adventure.
The last time the owner phoned and responded positively and went to buy tickets on the train.
Friday sound of the wheels of the train carrying me to Ulyanovsk from Moscow.
Continued under the cut ...

The train arrived at 7 am in Ulyanovsk, the first time was in this town, so leaving the train, we immediately went to the place previously agreed with the owner. A ride on the tram (ask how to get from the locals).
And so we come to the place of inspection of the car, the owner is already waiting for the machine is on pairs. At first sight all my fears were gone, but the car looked just like in the photo. Strong stocks we found (there was not their) rolled and realized that the car is worth the money.
Let's go to the traffic police in Ulyanovsk removed from the register. The 9.00 is removed from the account running the savings bank on the next street who -That scratched Zaporozhets (we'll find out when they came to the transit). Before reconciling numbers car was intact. I was shocked this much (in spite of all lines). But the owner said that because of this lower the price and the price just to dump a ridiculous amount. And it's all happening on the site traffic police of Ulyanovsk. And at 12.00 we went from Ulyanovsk to Moscow. When leaving the city we Navigator something completely junk left on the roundabout and do not see a pointer to Moscow (Kazan, Ufa) drove traffic police inspector who is on a stationary post my question is how to get to Moscow, he gave up that right do not hesitate to ask him that guys with Zaporozhets and transits (maybe he did not understand our venture?).
Just struck me that over 100 km not meet not a single machine, and the road was very strong Exclusionary, tossed the car from the track in a rut. The speed was kept about 100 km. h. And the border of the Ulyanovsk region and the republic of Mordovia. (Recall from our route Penza Kopeeysk) empty highway police post on the border GIBDDeshnik lonely walks with a rod, and then transits to the Cossack on an empty track, but he did not stop, and I forgot to throttle at speeds of about 90 km. I fly past the post GIBDDeshnik smiles and salutes. The road has changed dramatically in the protracted rise and with good asphalt. It was dark, we were driving in the dark, occasionally including the stove (a strong wind blowing from the fields into the cabin through the seals). The stove worked very well, and even burned his right foot, had it turned on and off. But 30 km before turning to track the car became Samara sneeze and do not pull. We stopped at the curb. Open the hood, on the road no one. Zaporozhets mope.
Enjoying candles, 4 cylinder spark breaks. And the machine is dead, gone idle. Because not Khitrova tool opened the lid of a gasoline pump looked mesh. Brought traveled 500 meters, and again the same situation. The gas pedal and the car 2/3 sneezes. Some how we got the gas pedal gently playing. And darling artery Samara route many trucks were already for the night at the gas station. They stopped, twisted candle conjured with the carburetor. All wound up and worked perfectly, and got to be able for the first time in 1.5 days ate normal food. 19.00 Time continued to move to Moscow, began Ryazan region, the road narrowed again disgusting coating line. And in spite of the rain, and a fine drizzle. dirt from under the wheels of trucks opposite direction we find ourselves on the windshield. As the saying went instrument. We got to Ryazan (count at home). On the highway reached Bronits, then we went to betonku in Podolsk. Journey time 12 hours 45 minutes. Travel on 940 km.
ZAZ 968M 1987 mileage 74500 km. Sam came from Ulyanovsk to Podolsk.
The registration
Next week, after buying the car, I decided to put on record the traffic police in his written statement of payment of state duty, arrived at a reconciliation room. Inspector meticulously looked at numbers and TCP, and said that in the PTS says that the chassis number is not available, and it is present on the nameplate in the engine compartment. All rooms are integers not broken, but the TCP is written that the chassis number is missing, but it found the inspector during the inspection. And sent for examination.
The most interesting thing that my grandfather received booklets instead of TCP, then sold the guy, and now me and no one paid attention, or did not want to pay. The car is removed and placed 2 times on account of the traffic police in Ulyanovsk
The next day spent in the traffic police, traffic police I arrived in 20 minutes spent on the location of the examination AMTS. He came to the guys (experts), they said that all but I have time to take, and sent me to the office where the pass in order to obtain a receipt that the pay review. I found a booth at the post passing MOT. Approached guys explained the problem, they are puzzled how much to write, to pass the examination. One shouts write in 2500, their other corner shouts write in 1500 that enough looking guy wrote me 1,000 rubles. Took pity on me, or machine. I did not expect such a sum, the examination and had to go home for the money. I came paid receipt for passing the examination. Came stood in line, I was told that the machine is dirty and needs to be washed, another 200 rubles in my savings bank or ezzhaj. Dirty car for inspection are not accepted. I had to pay. I drove to the experts, gathered a council. Yes indeed, the number in the TCP error. On hand were given nothing, and sent to the inspector who yesterday turned me. Whatever he phoned to experts. So I did. He went to the inspector who yesterday I missed in the reconciliation room. He called and said that would write a statement and make the copier passports, TCP, and the contract of sale.
I have come to write a statement on the form shown in the appended a declaration to the wall of registration. and copies of documents. I took in the investigation all the documents, but copies of the TCP stamped and a copy of that copy is correct. And went to the investigators. Now, after December 14 come at ukaznoy address and women in the police department investigation department, all the documents they peredatut. I'm just in shock.
But when he came to the window to hand over documents and explanatory Chief Investigation immediately said "you are a Zaporozhets?" I said yes. responsibility in & quot; All traffic police already knew that Zaporozhets came with crooked documents & quot ;.
A week later came to the department of investigation of the city, he said of the investigators who handed my papers. Met with the inquirer, my arms were given a copy of the certificate from an expert, and returned to the TCP. But doznovatel not had time to do a piece of paper with the refusal to institute criminal proceedings.
Run out of holidays, today I came back to the investigator that she did finally issued a report on the refusal to institute criminal proceedings. She went out and began to talk that was sent by mail, and you yourself come. In short delayed. It is necessary to take a statement from the prosecutor's office that would enter the room. And just a month.
The machine is in the house.
Surprisingly quickly after 2 days she called investigator and said that I took the refusal to sign the prosecutor.
On the morning of the next day I came and went in the traffic police department with papers tracing the vehicle. Only now the inspector noticed that not enough stamps in 2 PTS when a contract for purchase and sale, and forgot to put said that would put the press in TCP.
Doing nothing is not to turn from the path of so many more have passed. Only one way to go to Ulyanovsk.
Ulnovsk 2
Again I went to the ticket office to buy a train ticket to Ulyanovsk.
Familiar Station, lively taxi drivers still forced me to go to the traffic police on the street - 15 no desire to walk. STSI is open and running next firm a contract for the DCT. I told the problem (and they remembered me). And they said that the traffic police in Ulyanovsk swear that many seals in the TCP. But I insisted. And they put them to me. Because of these two stamps I had to go to another city in Russia. It's just, we have such a mess.
Registration of 2
And so with the papers in his arms refusing to initiate HS, expertise, application, TCP with the stamp, receipt, I decided to go to the traffic police. In the morning, Zaporozhets not started -20 to him was critical, dancing with a tambourine did not help. I decided to go to the traffic police in their everyday car. Prieshel the traffic police with my hand already there greeted the inspectors showed all the papers they said let's chase the car on the reconciliation room, I said that the car in such a cold start can not do. And then the elder (the title is not important) called for reconciliation item numbers and asked what there was signed the statement. On examination, gritting his teeth (that for free) was signed. And an hour later I was already holding rooms and a corrected title. Then he changed pass MOT. It's okay to drayv2 it is, there are a lot of photos and we for 5 years with him through together. He got me a gold. Starred in the film, rolled svady generally fighting machine.