History of positive disabled from the provinces, which offers a stop complaining
"Someone I regret, but everyone has an opinion. I've not been doing demagoguery. And nothing anyone not try to explain. Smart will understand everything. I'm no strangulated "- sure dyada Sasha. It is not possible to walk without crutches, but there is a fishing rod, a museum "Zaporozhets" at full speed, a chess board and a supply of a commercial scale optimism. He sits on the shore of an unnamed lake and fish straight from the interior of his "armored car". Behind the new church of the village mikalay signevich native Marevil and 47 years of life, which he remembers only the good.
The heart of the Brest region. In Marevile is gray-white morning. Uncle Sasha woke up, played chess on the network and is waiting for the guests. He seems to be general for any
«dvizhuhu". - Oh, great, guys! Look, this is my brother's truck. He kept his repairs. About three years already. Maybe when and doremontiruet - cheerfully starts the host and comes with laughter. - And let me take you now a "Zaporozhets" show
. Alexander Snezhko born with arthrogryposis. Underdevelopment of muscular and nervous tissue does not allow him to walk independently. Alexander whole life moves with the help of crutches. However, it never spoils his mood. Immediately after reading it seems that in front of you is a champion of the Brest region for optimism.
- In general, boys, "Zaporozhets" I have two. Vaughn green there on. He was younger. However, it does not go at all. I do not live up to expectations. So I bought the guy in Bereza other. All pension given. Then 100-150 dollars can. The car, of course! Years in the seventies it was made. Older still Stalinist iron, but better quality.
Creaking, opening the door, the morning light dispels the gloom of the garage and in front of us there is a textbook "Zaporozhets" beige color. From one of its kind Uncle Sasha cheers and begins to move faster crutches.
- I in 1988, trained as a law. And from 1990 the wheel almost every day. Then my dad bought the first "Zaporozhets." I 1968. So, when I was 22. Well, go, show. I'm on it everywhere. And in the woods, and in the city. Garage - my second residence. As women kitchen, so the guys garage. It's all there.
And indeed in the creative mess garage full of extra parts for the "plows" fishing rods, nets. In the corner quietly perched reserve crutches. In another room on the hook hanging folded stroller. Alexander says that close and not feel like an invalid. And even as a child is not "was driven" about their disease.
- In the city, heard, people with disabilities complain about the conditions. So while we've got them all there. Not even close - said Uncle Sasha, opening the door "Zaporozhets." - Yes, some problems I have. But they are ordinary. If the store is necessary, because two steps I'm able to manage somehow. Slowly, as far as possible - I cope. Funny, but the hardest thing to me in the hospital. There are steps a little bit more. But I do not drive, was used. I think the way it should be. I live in peace among people and rejoice.
Until sixth grade, Alexander attended a regular school. The building was a short, one-story. But then in the village built a new three-storey school and entered the class system. I had to move to another place. Uncle Sasha was finishing a special school in Osipovichi.
- Then there was a technical book in Staraya Russa. It Novgorod region. After his return he worked on our MVP. Ten years was the manager. I subscribed to waybills. Considered machines, diesel fuel, gasoline, wages. Now here in retirement.
- To drive us
? - Free! You can even put the seat back.
Past cats running around and throwing suspicious "schools." Roosters who used hacking bawled as if in silent respect, when incorporated "Zaporozhets" starts "alpha samtsovski" growl. Males and at all scared and run away.
Uncle Sasha happy. The car shakes a bit. But "Zaporozhets" - a song. Song young Edita Piekha. The driver turns the handle and the window creaked open with peace.
- Climate control - Alexander laughs. - Fine! There is a stove. It takes 750 grams of fuel per hour! But the heat. Without the engine running. Listen as buzzing.
When the oven starts, there is a feeling that we are going to take off. We head into the forest, where a child's uncle Sasha was getting on crutches.
- Other children ran faster than me. But I later came quietly, - the machine abruptly turns off the track on a wild road, the driver rules to the grove. - We are three brothers. Elder and younger, and I average. Brothers healthy. Old Man died last year. With her mother live. She worked in the office, too. My father drove the car. Parents worried about me. But do not do anything, put up somehow. Moreover, I myself never upset. What problems? None. Entertainment I had almost the same as in healthy children. And here I went quietly. And now, not a boy already. 47 years old, after all. Half of life count.
On the border of the forest and fields approximately humming power lines, superimposed on top of the voices of birds, which are not very happy with the arrival of humans. In the winter wind still remained the focus. But Uncle Sasha is not cold. He enthusiastically continues the story of his means of transportation.
- 90 on the highway food. This is his cruising speed. Gasoline he takes six liters. Traffic cops sometimes stop, not without it. My "armored car" that can do a lot. I was even in Poland fined for speeding. I went to visit relatives. Ten years ago it was at Bialystok.
- We've got a small town. There PMK, but something there is no work, housing, hospital, kindergarten, school, shops, three. Full set. We do not complain. Only cops, - he laughs the owner "Zaporozhets" drowning machine
. Alexander has long retired. Morning it starts with a game of chess. Enthusiastically chopped Mongols born in 2002 and the Russians, in 1938. Then breakfast. Then, going to the lake to fish. It can help neighbors who need a ride to or Birch Kobrin.
- If anyone calls, I do not deny - stops cheerful chess and shows his mobile phone. - This Nokia. Once they get there, so I took myself. It works like a tractor. I'm more and is not necessary. Come into the house.
The rich smell of cooking hut. Mom Uncle Sasha friendly waving in our direction clip for frying and asked not to take pictures of her. After that attack hospitality.
- Try the potato pancakes. Pancakes lean. I apologize, but I have a great post. Potatoes and Tsybulya on vegetable oil fried. And the eggs home.
Pension Alexander - 2 million 900 thousand pension mother -. About the same. Uncle Sasha says that money is never enough, no matter how much they may be. But do not bother.
- Chickens we have two cats - in between the pancakes according to Alexander
. - Yes Well what the economy! - Outraged mother. - Was the owner - we had all been maladyya yak! And cows missing, and pig and Dikov, and geese. Pigs were five pieces, geese - 50, and now nothing
. Nothing - it hyperactive brood of chickens, which are on the way to the barn crutch accelerates Uncle Sasha. Clucking excitedly interrupted by a hoarse cough aggressor.
- Oh, boys, you have to quit smoking. You do not smoke?
-. Do not
- Oh, the fellows. And everything I smoke. Monte Carlo, «Fort" - and yet it is tobacco, gives
. The barn is stroller, which, however, is rarely used. She took out a legacy from his father. Behind is his wife and wails.
- Boys, gauna zavezet in Minsk! - Teach us life, Mom gives instruction to Alexander. - Aby you did not crashed. Look neat ... hour he rides on it. But actually, the guy my stroller. He had atherosclerosis. Deprived of one leg, the other six months. So we put on a wheelchair. Old Man all asked to carry it somewhere. Somehow we went to the lake. There is a pedestrian bridge. And I'm not aware that I had his back. So I drove peasant face, and how he flew ... and fell. Lies and ragocha. The boys drank some on the old lake, so I pobegla: "Oh, I dumped my grandfather!" They came and put it back. Then he told the man: "I wanted the lake, I do has delivered»
. Uncle Sasha, meanwhile, continues to anger the chickens, which eventually burst noisily through the gate and grab the yard, as an experienced squad of riot police.
We say goodbye to cat Princess, and get acquainted with the dog Pate, who lazily guards order near the water. He was on duty on the lake.
The marking of the gander and Lady Gaga in a few instances. The background is a church nearby village mikalay signevich that attends every Sunday Uncle Sasha's mom.
- We must live as nabezhit - again blooming Alexander: fishing - his third major passion. -The Most big fish that I caught here weighed 2, 8 kg. Ten minutes caught. While fished it in a circle all the reeds posted.
Previously, there was quite inconspicuous swamp. Toward the end of the USSR territory deepened and filled with water. Later, there was a man that her zarybil. It is called the lake ... lake. Something more trivial for its designation decided not to invent. The lake Uncle Sasha can fish directly from
«Zaporozhets." - Sometimes that bite waited for five hours. But nothing. It's a fight between man and fish! The thoughts in my head are different, but I can talk on the phone. One brought a chess, threw the bait and put out the figures and called a friend to Mogilev. I tell him: "Pawn! ! B2-b4 »He said:" A horse! b2-c4 ». Fine. NL is connected to the phone and calm myself playing until the fish will not get out. The main thing, then the NL did not forget to turn off.
Uncle Sasha atrophied muscles have to wear special boots. They are made in Minsk on the orthopedic factory.
- Of course, I tried to treat - continues Alexander, throwing bait. -Many Where he lay. In Minsk as well. They took me to the famous healers. About 25 years ago. I dislocations of the hip joints, they are not in place, hence all the problems. I have not been doing their own thing. So ... I do stretch sometimes, but not more.
The lake is good. Meditative silence. Uncle Sasha lights.
- I'm in the city I do not like all the fuss, fumes and noise. Winter still okay, but really bad summer. Once in Minsk went to the competition. We lived in a hotel ... Damn her ... "Saturn»?
- "Orbit»
. - In! To the "Orbit" we lived a week. The first two days it was fun. But then I became ill. Drew home. To somehow be interrupted, just sit on the lawn. I wanted to settle down. I sit on a grass, and people around: "What, you feel bad?" - "Yes, I feel bad! I want home! In the village! "It's like a joke. They brought the urban to the countryside, and he poplohelo. So a person put it to the exhaust pipe - and he revived
. Bites is not. Uncle Sasha continued to tell jokes, and then the conversation turns to the topic of privacy.
- Wife and I have no children. But in general, everything is fine. That New Year went to Baranovichi. Normally I met. A friend I have there lives. With health all right. It comes sometimes. I'll go an hour and a half to get "Zaporozhets».
Water breaks Uncle Sasha philosophy.
- Do not cry, do not complain, do not lose heart, always keep the tail gun. I lived all my life. My principle is not bad to remember. I live like God willing. I throw it out of my head anyhow sho - and are moving forward. We have to live positively. One man wrote himself on the ceiling: "Tomorrow begins a new life." She wakes up, reads and thinks, "Well, it's tomorrow." But it is necessary to live today. And not otherwise.
Uncle Sasha collapses and sends your favorite "armored car" in the village. It is necessary to bring a neighbor to the city. And it is all the same for any "dvizhuhu".

The heart of the Brest region. In Marevile is gray-white morning. Uncle Sasha woke up, played chess on the network and is waiting for the guests. He seems to be general for any
«dvizhuhu". - Oh, great, guys! Look, this is my brother's truck. He kept his repairs. About three years already. Maybe when and doremontiruet - cheerfully starts the host and comes with laughter. - And let me take you now a "Zaporozhets" show
. Alexander Snezhko born with arthrogryposis. Underdevelopment of muscular and nervous tissue does not allow him to walk independently. Alexander whole life moves with the help of crutches. However, it never spoils his mood. Immediately after reading it seems that in front of you is a champion of the Brest region for optimism.
- In general, boys, "Zaporozhets" I have two. Vaughn green there on. He was younger. However, it does not go at all. I do not live up to expectations. So I bought the guy in Bereza other. All pension given. Then 100-150 dollars can. The car, of course! Years in the seventies it was made. Older still Stalinist iron, but better quality.
Creaking, opening the door, the morning light dispels the gloom of the garage and in front of us there is a textbook "Zaporozhets" beige color. From one of its kind Uncle Sasha cheers and begins to move faster crutches.
- I in 1988, trained as a law. And from 1990 the wheel almost every day. Then my dad bought the first "Zaporozhets." I 1968. So, when I was 22. Well, go, show. I'm on it everywhere. And in the woods, and in the city. Garage - my second residence. As women kitchen, so the guys garage. It's all there.
And indeed in the creative mess garage full of extra parts for the "plows" fishing rods, nets. In the corner quietly perched reserve crutches. In another room on the hook hanging folded stroller. Alexander says that close and not feel like an invalid. And even as a child is not "was driven" about their disease.
- In the city, heard, people with disabilities complain about the conditions. So while we've got them all there. Not even close - said Uncle Sasha, opening the door "Zaporozhets." - Yes, some problems I have. But they are ordinary. If the store is necessary, because two steps I'm able to manage somehow. Slowly, as far as possible - I cope. Funny, but the hardest thing to me in the hospital. There are steps a little bit more. But I do not drive, was used. I think the way it should be. I live in peace among people and rejoice.
Until sixth grade, Alexander attended a regular school. The building was a short, one-story. But then in the village built a new three-storey school and entered the class system. I had to move to another place. Uncle Sasha was finishing a special school in Osipovichi.
- Then there was a technical book in Staraya Russa. It Novgorod region. After his return he worked on our MVP. Ten years was the manager. I subscribed to waybills. Considered machines, diesel fuel, gasoline, wages. Now here in retirement.
- To drive us
? - Free! You can even put the seat back.
Past cats running around and throwing suspicious "schools." Roosters who used hacking bawled as if in silent respect, when incorporated "Zaporozhets" starts "alpha samtsovski" growl. Males and at all scared and run away.
Uncle Sasha happy. The car shakes a bit. But "Zaporozhets" - a song. Song young Edita Piekha. The driver turns the handle and the window creaked open with peace.
- Climate control - Alexander laughs. - Fine! There is a stove. It takes 750 grams of fuel per hour! But the heat. Without the engine running. Listen as buzzing.
When the oven starts, there is a feeling that we are going to take off. We head into the forest, where a child's uncle Sasha was getting on crutches.
- Other children ran faster than me. But I later came quietly, - the machine abruptly turns off the track on a wild road, the driver rules to the grove. - We are three brothers. Elder and younger, and I average. Brothers healthy. Old Man died last year. With her mother live. She worked in the office, too. My father drove the car. Parents worried about me. But do not do anything, put up somehow. Moreover, I myself never upset. What problems? None. Entertainment I had almost the same as in healthy children. And here I went quietly. And now, not a boy already. 47 years old, after all. Half of life count.
On the border of the forest and fields approximately humming power lines, superimposed on top of the voices of birds, which are not very happy with the arrival of humans. In the winter wind still remained the focus. But Uncle Sasha is not cold. He enthusiastically continues the story of his means of transportation.
- 90 on the highway food. This is his cruising speed. Gasoline he takes six liters. Traffic cops sometimes stop, not without it. My "armored car" that can do a lot. I was even in Poland fined for speeding. I went to visit relatives. Ten years ago it was at Bialystok.
- We've got a small town. There PMK, but something there is no work, housing, hospital, kindergarten, school, shops, three. Full set. We do not complain. Only cops, - he laughs the owner "Zaporozhets" drowning machine
. Alexander has long retired. Morning it starts with a game of chess. Enthusiastically chopped Mongols born in 2002 and the Russians, in 1938. Then breakfast. Then, going to the lake to fish. It can help neighbors who need a ride to or Birch Kobrin.
- If anyone calls, I do not deny - stops cheerful chess and shows his mobile phone. - This Nokia. Once they get there, so I took myself. It works like a tractor. I'm more and is not necessary. Come into the house.
The rich smell of cooking hut. Mom Uncle Sasha friendly waving in our direction clip for frying and asked not to take pictures of her. After that attack hospitality.
- Try the potato pancakes. Pancakes lean. I apologize, but I have a great post. Potatoes and Tsybulya on vegetable oil fried. And the eggs home.
Pension Alexander - 2 million 900 thousand pension mother -. About the same. Uncle Sasha says that money is never enough, no matter how much they may be. But do not bother.
- Chickens we have two cats - in between the pancakes according to Alexander
. - Yes Well what the economy! - Outraged mother. - Was the owner - we had all been maladyya yak! And cows missing, and pig and Dikov, and geese. Pigs were five pieces, geese - 50, and now nothing
. Nothing - it hyperactive brood of chickens, which are on the way to the barn crutch accelerates Uncle Sasha. Clucking excitedly interrupted by a hoarse cough aggressor.
- Oh, boys, you have to quit smoking. You do not smoke?
-. Do not
- Oh, the fellows. And everything I smoke. Monte Carlo, «Fort" - and yet it is tobacco, gives
. The barn is stroller, which, however, is rarely used. She took out a legacy from his father. Behind is his wife and wails.
- Boys, gauna zavezet in Minsk! - Teach us life, Mom gives instruction to Alexander. - Aby you did not crashed. Look neat ... hour he rides on it. But actually, the guy my stroller. He had atherosclerosis. Deprived of one leg, the other six months. So we put on a wheelchair. Old Man all asked to carry it somewhere. Somehow we went to the lake. There is a pedestrian bridge. And I'm not aware that I had his back. So I drove peasant face, and how he flew ... and fell. Lies and ragocha. The boys drank some on the old lake, so I pobegla: "Oh, I dumped my grandfather!" They came and put it back. Then he told the man: "I wanted the lake, I do has delivered»
. Uncle Sasha, meanwhile, continues to anger the chickens, which eventually burst noisily through the gate and grab the yard, as an experienced squad of riot police.
We say goodbye to cat Princess, and get acquainted with the dog Pate, who lazily guards order near the water. He was on duty on the lake.
The marking of the gander and Lady Gaga in a few instances. The background is a church nearby village mikalay signevich that attends every Sunday Uncle Sasha's mom.
- We must live as nabezhit - again blooming Alexander: fishing - his third major passion. -The Most big fish that I caught here weighed 2, 8 kg. Ten minutes caught. While fished it in a circle all the reeds posted.
Previously, there was quite inconspicuous swamp. Toward the end of the USSR territory deepened and filled with water. Later, there was a man that her zarybil. It is called the lake ... lake. Something more trivial for its designation decided not to invent. The lake Uncle Sasha can fish directly from
«Zaporozhets." - Sometimes that bite waited for five hours. But nothing. It's a fight between man and fish! The thoughts in my head are different, but I can talk on the phone. One brought a chess, threw the bait and put out the figures and called a friend to Mogilev. I tell him: "Pawn! ! B2-b4 »He said:" A horse! b2-c4 ». Fine. NL is connected to the phone and calm myself playing until the fish will not get out. The main thing, then the NL did not forget to turn off.
Uncle Sasha atrophied muscles have to wear special boots. They are made in Minsk on the orthopedic factory.
- Of course, I tried to treat - continues Alexander, throwing bait. -Many Where he lay. In Minsk as well. They took me to the famous healers. About 25 years ago. I dislocations of the hip joints, they are not in place, hence all the problems. I have not been doing their own thing. So ... I do stretch sometimes, but not more.
The lake is good. Meditative silence. Uncle Sasha lights.
- I'm in the city I do not like all the fuss, fumes and noise. Winter still okay, but really bad summer. Once in Minsk went to the competition. We lived in a hotel ... Damn her ... "Saturn»?
- "Orbit»
. - In! To the "Orbit" we lived a week. The first two days it was fun. But then I became ill. Drew home. To somehow be interrupted, just sit on the lawn. I wanted to settle down. I sit on a grass, and people around: "What, you feel bad?" - "Yes, I feel bad! I want home! In the village! "It's like a joke. They brought the urban to the countryside, and he poplohelo. So a person put it to the exhaust pipe - and he revived
. Bites is not. Uncle Sasha continued to tell jokes, and then the conversation turns to the topic of privacy.
- Wife and I have no children. But in general, everything is fine. That New Year went to Baranovichi. Normally I met. A friend I have there lives. With health all right. It comes sometimes. I'll go an hour and a half to get "Zaporozhets».
Water breaks Uncle Sasha philosophy.
- Do not cry, do not complain, do not lose heart, always keep the tail gun. I lived all my life. My principle is not bad to remember. I live like God willing. I throw it out of my head anyhow sho - and are moving forward. We have to live positively. One man wrote himself on the ceiling: "Tomorrow begins a new life." She wakes up, reads and thinks, "Well, it's tomorrow." But it is necessary to live today. And not otherwise.
Uncle Sasha collapses and sends your favorite "armored car" in the village. It is necessary to bring a neighbor to the city. And it is all the same for any "dvizhuhu".
Three simple rules of Ninel Blokhina: How to look 68 to 35
11.05. Constantinople. Mitosis of the Roman Empire