Soviet advertising vehicles
Now, when talking about a good Volga car is considered bad manners, it's hard to believe it. But the Lada was a global brand at the time when the Koreans have not thought about entering the export rynki.V the early '70s, when the agenda was access to foreign markets, and the question arose about the export title - Russian "Zhiguli" was like not too very beautiful "Gigolo" in many languages, and in some altogether was a dirty word. Because of this, and there was a "split personality": for domestic use were the usual "Lada", and the West more harmonious - Lada.
The first batch of cars was exported in 1971 in Yugoslavia, Belgium, Holland and Finland. Then the "penny" was presented to the public at exhibitions in Leipzig, Brno and Zagrebe.Vsego in the 70s and 80s more than 7 million vehicles under the brand Lada found their new owners in 100 countries.
A distinctive feature of the brand Lada for Western consumers has always been a competitive price-performance ratio. Price advantage has always been a major asset in the fight for Lada preferences of motorists. "Brushes in the headlamps, seat belts in the back seat, adjustable mirrors from interior. Do you expect a luxury car with these options. But the price of this car - only £ 2895, "was written in an advertising poster Lada Riva (VAZ-2105).
In addition, foreign markets have tried to leave the Volga and even Zaporozhets, which was positioned as a women's small machine.
Zaporozhets - the best car for the two girls. em>
And three! But no longer can hardly fit. Em>
And even in winter. em>
You can take a gentleman. em>
Grandpa in national costume. em>
or go to the nature of one. em>
Advertising car Moskvich-427. 1971st year. I>
VAZ - machines for romantics. em>
Estonian ads VAZ-2101 for advanced youth. i>
"With the Lada can live!»
The most successful export model of "AvtoVAZ" in 1978 was the Lada Niva - rodonochalnitsa crossover i>.
Even in those days it became clear that this "biznesvagen" must be all-wheel drive minivan.
See also:
Brand Lada, which we lost
Soviet exports - advertisement from the USSR
via www.adme.ru/staraya-reklama/reklama-iz-sssr-eksportnyj-variant-24469/
The first batch of cars was exported in 1971 in Yugoslavia, Belgium, Holland and Finland. Then the "penny" was presented to the public at exhibitions in Leipzig, Brno and Zagrebe.Vsego in the 70s and 80s more than 7 million vehicles under the brand Lada found their new owners in 100 countries.
A distinctive feature of the brand Lada for Western consumers has always been a competitive price-performance ratio. Price advantage has always been a major asset in the fight for Lada preferences of motorists. "Brushes in the headlamps, seat belts in the back seat, adjustable mirrors from interior. Do you expect a luxury car with these options. But the price of this car - only £ 2895, "was written in an advertising poster Lada Riva (VAZ-2105).
In addition, foreign markets have tried to leave the Volga and even Zaporozhets, which was positioned as a women's small machine.

Zaporozhets - the best car for the two girls. em>

And three! But no longer can hardly fit. Em>

And even in winter. em>

You can take a gentleman. em>

Grandpa in national costume. em>

or go to the nature of one. em>


Advertising car Moskvich-427. 1971st year. I>

VAZ - machines for romantics. em>

Estonian ads VAZ-2101 for advanced youth. i>

"With the Lada can live!»

The most successful export model of "AvtoVAZ" in 1978 was the Lada Niva - rodonochalnitsa crossover i>.

Even in those days it became clear that this "biznesvagen" must be all-wheel drive minivan.
See also:
Brand Lada, which we lost
Soviet exports - advertisement from the USSR
via www.adme.ru/staraya-reklama/reklama-iz-sssr-eksportnyj-variant-24469/