500+ Soviet films online. Our gold fund

This is exactly enough for a lifetime. See - not reconsider! A real treat for all fans of the Soviet cinema, "Mosfilm" posted to the network all the films that were released during the Soviet Union.
Editorial Website know what will do on the weekends. We wish you a pleasant viewing.
AAvariya - the daughter element (1989 | Drama)
Car, Violin and Blot the Dog (1974 | Musical)
Agony (1974 | Historical)
Admiral Nakhimov (1946 | Biography)
Admiral Ushakov (1953 | Biography)
The adjutant of his excellency (1969 | Historical)
Aibolit-66 (1966 | Adventure)
Action (1987 | Adventure)
Alexander Nevsky (1938 | Historical)
Diamonds for Mary (1975 | Melodrama)
Scarlet Sails (1961 | Adventure)
Andrei Rublev (1966 | Biography)
Anna Karenina (1967 | Drama)
Anna Pavlova (1983 | Biography)
Arsenal (1928 | Drama)
Assa (1987 | Melodrama)
Abitur (1954 | Melodrama)
Athos (1975 | Comedy)
Oh, vaudeville, vaudeville ... (1979 | Musical)
Aelita, do not bother to men (1988 | Comedy)
BBagration (1985 | Biography)
Ballad of a Soldier (1959 | Drama)
The battalions are asked to fire (1985 | Military)
Running pacer (1968 | Drama)
Running (1970 | Drama)
Guilty Without Guilt (1945 | Drama)
Without Witness (1983 | Drama)
Sunless (1987 | Drama)
No statute of limitations (1986 | Detective)
Without fear and reproach (1962 | Comedy)
Fatherless (1976 | Melodrama)
Crazy Day (1956 | Comedy)
White Sun of the Desert (1969 | Adventure)
Belorussky Railway Station (1970 | Military)
White Nights (1959 | Drama)
White explosion (1969 | Military)
Beach (1983 | Melodrama)
Beware of the Car (1966 | Comedy)
Take care of men! (1982 | Comedy)
Immortal Garrison (1956 | Drama)
Savage Gold (1976 | Adventure)
Mad Money (1981 | Comedy)
Battle for Moscow (1985 | Military)
Battle after the victory (1972 | Drama)
Big Change (1973 | Comedy)
Most of the ore (1964 | Drama)
Wrestler and a clown (1957 | Drama)
Boris Godunov (1986 | Historical)
The Brothers Karamazov (1968 | Drama)
The Diamond Arm (1968 | Comedy)
Battleship "Potemkin" ("1905") (1925 | Historical)
Be My Husband (1981 | Comedy)
It was his father's three sons (1981 | Melodrama)
BB area of special attention (1977 | Action)
In the square 45 (1955 | Adventure)
In the last (1982 | Action)
On Thursday and Never Again (1977 | Melodrama)
At six o'clock in the evening after the war (1944 | Military)
Valentine and Valentine (1985 | Melodrama)
You is Taimyr (1970 | Comedy)
I look forward to a citizen Nikanorova (1978 | Melodrama)
Vassa 1 Series (1982 | Drama)
Vassa Episode 2 (1982 | Drama)
True Friends (1954 | Comedy)
Version Colonel Zorin (1978 | Detective)
Jolly Fellows (1934 | Comedy)
Spring (1947 | Comedy)
Spring on the Oder (1967 | Military)
Evening maze (1980 | Comedy)
Eternal Call, the film first (1973 | Drama)
Eternal Call, Film 2nd (1982 | Drama)
Rise (1979 | Biography)
Adult children (1961 | Comedy)
Visit Lady (1989 | Tragicomedy)
Vij (1967 | Horror)
Leap Year (1961 | Drama)
Attention, Turtle! (1969 | Comedy)
No Return (1973 | Melodrama)
Return of Vasili Bortnikov (1953 | Drama)
The return of "St. Luke" (1970 | Detective)
War and Peace (1965 | Historical)
Railway Station for Two (1982 | Melodrama)
Volga-Volga (1938 | Comedy)
Resurrection (1960 | Drama)
Ascent (1976 | Drama)
Time of Desires (1984 | Melodrama)
Time - forward! (1965 | Drama)
Rider on horseback in gold (1980 | Film-tale)
Meeting on the Elbe (1949 | Drama)
Introduction (1962 | Drama)
Target selection (1974 | Biography)
Call the fire itself (1963 | Detective)
Departure delayed (1974 | Drama)
Height (1957 | Drama)
Shot (1966 | Drama)
T Garage (1979 | Comedy)
Midshipmen, forward! (1987 | Adventure)
Where is nofelet? (1987 | Comedy)
Shine, shine, my star (1969 | Tragicomedy)
City Zero (1988 | Fiction)
City took (1979 | Detective)
Hot Snow (1972 | Drama)
Leszek Citizen (1980 | Comedy)
Garnet Bracelet (1964 | Melodrama)
Hussar Ballad (1962 | Comedy)
Gutta-percha boy (1957 | Drama)
DDA Viva Mexico! (1978 | Documentary)
Ladies Invite Gentlemen (1980 | Comedy)
Cottage (1973 | Comedy)
Two Captains (1976 | Adventure)
Twenty-six days in the life of Dostoevsky (1980 | Biography)
Born Twice (1983 | Military)
Two arrows (1989 | Adventure)
The Twelve Chairs (1971 | Comedy)
Nest of Gentry (1969 | Melodrama)
Girl with no address (1957 | Comedy)
Girl with guitar (1958 | Musical)
Girls (1961 | Comedy)
Nine Days in One Year (1961 | Drama)
Doing cardio (1973 | Drama)
Case "Motley" (1958 | Detective)
Artamonov Business (1941 | Drama)
Business people (1962 | Comedy)
Name Day (1968 | Drama)
Dersu Uzala (1975 | Adventure)
Children Vanyushina (1973 | Drama)
Children of Captain Grant (1936)
Jamila (1968 | Drama)
Gentlemen of Fortune (1971 | Comedy)
Daily Star (1966 | Drama)
Days Turbin (1976 | Drama)
Welcome, or No Trespassing (1964 | Comedy)
Good Morning (1955 | Comedy)
Kind Men (1979 | Comedy)
The Road (1955 | Adventure)
The road to the sea (1965 | Adventure)
Dear Elena (1988 | Drama)
Friend (1987 | Drama)
My Friend, Kolka! .. (1961 | Comedy)
Dulcinea del Toboso (1980 | Drama)
Soul (1981 | Musical)
Uncle's Dream (1966 | Tragicomedy)
Uncle Vanya (1970 | Drama)
EEvreyskoe happiness ("Menachem Mendel") (1925 | Comedy)
We rode the tram Ilf and Petrov (1971 | Comedy)
Once Again About Love (1968 | Melodrama)
ZhZharkoe summer in Kabul (1983 | Action)
Wait for Me (1943 | Melodrama)
Iron Stream (1967 | Historical)
Wife Kerosene (1988 | Drama)
Marriage Bal'zaminova (1964 | Comedy)
The bride from the world (1958 | Comedy)
The woman who sings (1978 | Musical)
Cruel Romance (1984 | Drama)
Cruelty (1959 | Drama)
Live in joy (1978 | Comedy)
Living and the Dead (1963 | Drama)
Life at the limit (1989 | Drama)
Life is Beautiful (1979 | Drama)
We lived three bachelor (1973 | Comedy)
There Was an Old Couple (1964 | Drama)
Zhukovsky (1950 | Biography)
Zza showcase of department store (1955 | Comedy)
For the matches (1980 | Comedy)
Forgotten Tune for the Flute (1987 | Comedy)
Riddle Endhauza (1989 | Detective)
Act (1989 | Drama)
The legal marriage (1985 | Melodrama)
Star Boy (1957 | Film-tale)
Starfall (1981 | Melodrama)
Ringing, Open the Door (1965 | Adventure)
Sannikov Land (1973 | Adventure)
Mirror (1974 | Drama)
Zigzag of Success (1968 | Comedy)
Winter Evening in Gagra (1985 | Musical)
Zmeelov (1985 | Melodrama)
Gold (1969 | Drama)
Golden Key (1939 | Film-tale)
The Golden Calf (1968 | Comedy)
AI still I believe (1972 | Documentary)
And life, and tears, and love (1984 | Drama)
Ivan Vasilievich (1973 | Comedy)
Ivan the Terrible (1944 | Historical)
Ivan's Childhood (1962 | Drama)
Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov (1978 | Drama)
An Ideal Husband (1980 | Melodrama)
Come and See (1985 | Drama)
Idiot ("Nastasia") (1958 | Drama)
Selected (1982 | Drama)
Ilya Muromets (1956 | Film-tale)
Incognito from St. Petersburg (1977 | Comedy)
Intergirl (1989 | Melodrama)
Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath! (1975 | Comedy)
The Story of Asya Klyachina (1966 | Drama)
Exodus (1967 | Drama)
Look for a Woman (1982 | Comedy)
The July rain (1966 | Drama)
QC Black Sea (1957 | Comedy)
Cavalier Golden Star (1950 | Drama)
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1966 | Comedy)
Every evening at eleven (1969 | Melodrama)
Every day doctors Kalinnikova (1973 | Drama)
The Cossacks (1961 | Drama)
Executed at dawn ... (1964 | Drama)
What's your name now? .. (1965 | Adventure)
How to be happy (1985 | Comedy)
Kalina Krasnaya (1973 | Drama)
The Stone Guest (1966 | Drama)
Stone Flower (1946 | Film-tale)
Reed Paradise (1989 | Drama)
The Captain's Daughter (1958 | Historical)
Carnival Night (1956 | Comedy)
Painting (1985 | Drama)
Carousel (1970 | Comedy)
Katan (1989 | Melodrama)
Steamroller and the Violin (1960 | Drama)
Kin-Dza-Dza! (1986 | Comedy)
Cage for canaries (1983 | Drama)
To me, Mukhtar! (1964 | Drama)
The commander happy "Pike" (1972 | Military)
Comedy of bygone days (1980 | Comedy)
Committee 19 (1971 | Fiction)
Communist (1957 | Historical)
Composer Glinka (1952 | Biography)
End of Eternity (1987 | Fiction)
Ships Storming the Bastions (sequel "Admiral Ushakov") (1953 | Biography)
Crown of the Russian Empire, or Again elusive (1971 | Action)
The case of General Shubnikov (1980 | Drama)
The Red Tent (1969 | Action)
Red Square (1970 | Historical)
Red, blue, green (1966 | Musical)
Red Bells (1982 | Historical)
The Kreutzer Sonata (1987 | Drama)
Die Hard (1967 | Adventure)
Wings (1966 | Drama)
Who will pay for luck (1980 | Adventure)
Kuban Cossacks (1949 | Comedy)
Dolly (1988 | Drama)
Courier (1986 | Comedy)
LLedi Macbeth of Mtsensk (1989 | Drama)
Lenin in 1918 (1939 | Historical)
Lenin in October (1937 | Historical)
Lermontov (1986 | Biography)
The Cranes Are Flying (1957 | Drama)
Moon Rainbow (1983 | Fiction)
Mechanic Gavrilov's Beloved Woman (1981 | Comedy)
Love the Earth (1974 | Melodrama)
Love and Pigeons (1984 | Comedy)
MMalenkie tragedy (1979 | Drama)
Mama (1976 | Film-tale)
The sailor with the "Comets" (1958 | Musical)
Mother (1989 | Drama)
Stepmom (1973 | Drama)
Dead Souls (1984 | Comedy)
Snowstorm (1964 | Drama)
Mimino (1977 | Comedy)
Minin and Pozharsky (1939 | Biography)
World incoming (1961 | Military)
Mikhail Lomonosov (1984 | Biography)
Midshipman Panin (1960 | Adventure)
Michurin (1948 | Biography)
Much Ado About Nothing (1973 | Musical)
A hunting accident (1978 | Drama)
Young (1971 | Melodrama)
Dr. Evans Silence (1973 | Fiction)
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1979 | Melodrama)
Moscow - My Love (1974 | Melodrama)
Guys! .. (1981 | Melodrama)
We are from jazz (1983 | Musical)
We from Kronstadt (1936 | Historical)
We all met somewhere (1954 | Comedy)
Mary Poppins, Goodbye (1983 | Musical)
NPA busiest place (1955 | Drama)
On the roads of the war (1958 | Military)
In bright light (1975 | Historical)
Above the Tisza (1958 | Adventure)
Assignment (1980 | Tragicomedy)
The day before (1959 | Drama)
Heir to a straight line (1982 | Comedy)
Nahalenok (1961 | Drama)
Beginning of the unknown century (1987)
Invasion (1944 | Military)
Do not worry! (1969 | Drama)
Can not be! (1975 | Comedy)
Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1973 | Comedy)
Unexpectedly (1983 | Comedy)
Uninvited each (1980 | Drama)
Unknown Pages of Life Scout (1990 | Adventure)
Incorrigible liar (1973 | Comedy)
Nylon 100% (1973 | Comedy)
Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano (1976 | Drama)
Unsent Letter (1959 | Melodrama)
Intractable (1959 | Comedy)
Few Days in the Life (1979 | Comedy)
Elusive Avengers (1966 | Action)
The New Adventures of the Elusive (1968 | Action)
New Gulliver (1935 | Fantasy)
Normandie-Niemen (1960 | Drama)
Night passenger (1961 | Detective)
Night Crew (1987 | Drama)
GS Poor Hussar Say a Word (1980 | Comedy)
About friends and comrades (1970 | Adventure)
On sports, you - the world! (1980 | Documentary)
Ordinary Miracle (1978 | Comedy)
Ordinary Fascism (1965 | Documentary)
Miles of Fire (1957 | Military)
Offered for Singles (1983 | Comedy)
Solo Voyage (1985 | Adventure)
October (1927 | Historical)
They Fought for Their Country (1975 | Military)
They walked to the east (1964 | Military)
Life threatening! (1985 | Comedy)
Dangerous Friend (1979 | Adventure)
Guardian (1970 | Comedy)
Operation "Y" and other adventures Shurik (1965 | Comedy)
Optimistic Tragedy (1963 | Historical)
Liberation (1968 | Military)
Autumn Marathon (1979 | Tragicomedy)
Particularly important task (1980 | Drama)
No special signs (1978 | Historical)
Stopped Train (1982 | Drama)
Othello (1955 | Melodrama)
Father Sergius (1978 | Drama)
Retired goats drummer (1981 | Comedy)
Fox Hunting (1980 | Drama)
PPadenie Berlin (1949 | Military)
Package (1965 | Adventure)
Parade of the Planets (1984 | Tragicomedy)
The guy from our city (1942 | Drama)
Pena (1979 | Comedy)
Pippi Longstocking (1984 | Comedy)
The first glove (1946 | Musical)
First Date (1960 | Melodrama)
First Teacher (1965 | Drama)
The first tier (1955 | Melodrama)
Interception (1986 | Adventure)
Dog Mongrel and unusual cross (1961 | Comedy)
Songs of the Sea (1970 | Musical)
Petersburg Night (1934 | Drama)
Pilots (1988 | Military)
Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game (1986 | Drama)
Along the main street with an orchestra (1986 | Melodrama)
Nicknamed "The Beast" (1991 | Action)
For family reasons (1977 | Comedy)
Victory (1984 | Military)
The Story of a Real Man (1948 | Military)
The Story of an Unknown Actor (1976 | Drama)
Turn (1978 | Drama)
Wounded animal (1977 | Drama)
The train goes to the east (1947 | Comedy)
Late berry (1978 | Melodrama)
Call me in the distance light (1977 | Melodrama)
Sing a song, the poet ... (1971 | Biography)
Pokrovsky Gates (1982 | Comedy)
Obstacle (1984 | Drama)
Stop (1963 | Comedy)
Wormwood - a bitter herb (1982 | Melodrama)
Remember my name (1974 | Drama)
The Grasshopper (1955 | Melodrama)
Portrait of the Artist's Wife (1981 | Melodrama)
Last Victim (1975 | Drama)
Abduction (1984 | Comedy)
The Adventures of Count Nevzorov (1982 | Drama)
Adventures of the dentist (1965 | Comedy)
Poem of Wings (1979 | Biography)
Poem of the Sea (1958 | Drama)
Poet (1956 | Drama)
Preliminary investigation (1978 | Detective)
Chairman (1964 | Melodrama)
Anticipation of Love (1982 | Comedy)
Before parting (1984 | Melodrama)
Premature man (1971 | Drama)
Disappearance of a witness (1971 | Adventure)
Farewell tour "Artist" (1979 | Detective)
Farewell (1981 | Drama)
Travel Perrishona M. (1986 | Adventure)
Doughnut (1934 | Drama)
Five Evenings (1978 | Drama)
Five Days, Five Nights (1960 | Military)
Rwork Love (1975 | Melodrama)
Once upon a time it is not necessary (1987 | Comedy)
Story of an Unknown Man (1980 | Drama)
Stories about Lenin (1957 | Biography)
Investigation (1980 | Detective)
Report from the Line of Fire (1984 | Military)
Kin (1981 | Drama)
Drawing (1976 | Melodrama)
Rock and Fortune (1989 | Musical)
Romance for Lovers (1974 | Musical)
Romeo and Juliet (1954 | Film-ballet)
Ruslan and Lyudmila (1971 | Film-tale)
The Russian Question (1947 | Melodrama)
Russian Souvenir (1960 | Musical)
Lynx returns (1986 | Adventure)
Sadko (1952 | Film-tale)
SSalon Beauty (1985 | Comedy)
The most charming and attractive (1985 | Comedy)
Bootleggers (1961 | Comedy)
The very last day (1972 | Detective)
Sasha (1981 | Drama)
Wedding (1944 | Comedy)
Suomenlinna (1972 | Historical)
Contemporary (1959 | Melodrama)
Shining Path (1940 | Musical)
Rendezvous with youth (1982 | Melodrama)
Pig and Shepherd (1941 | Musical)
At Home Among Strangers (1974 | Drama)
Rent apartment with the child (1978)
North novella (1960 | Melodrama)
Family Happiness (1969 | Comedy)
Seven Days of Hope (1988 | Drama)
Seven nurses (1962 | Comedy)
Seraphim Polubes and other inhabitants of the Earth (1983 | Drama)
Four Hearts (1941 | Comedy)
My heart beats again (1956 | Drama)
Serge (1960 | Melodrama)
Sibiriada (1977 | Historical)
The Tale of How Czar Peter Moor married (1976 | Musical)
Tale of Lost Time (1964 | Film-tale)
Tale of Tsar Saltan (1966 | Film-tale)
Tale of wandering (1982 | Film-tale)
Fast Train (1988 | Melodrama)
Word to protect the (1976 | Drama)
Office Romance (1977 | Comedy)
There were two comrades (1968 | Drama)
The case of the square 36-80 (1982 | Action)
The case of the mine eight (1957 | Drama)
Brave people (1950 | Drama)
Death on the rise (1982 | Detective)
Funny People (1977 | Comedy)
Snow Fairy Tale (1959 | Film-tale)
Hopelessly Lost (1973 | Comedy)
Soldier's Heart (1958 | Melodrama)
Solaris (1972 | Fiction)
Forty-First (1956 | Historical)
The Thieving Magpie (1958 | Drama)
A member of the Cheka (1963 | Adventure)
Complicity in the murder (1986 | Detective)
Spartacus (1975 | Film-ballet)
A quiet day at the end of the war (1970 | Military)
Sports, sports, sports (1970 | Documentary)
Sports Lottery-82 (1982 | Comedy)
The limitation period (1983 | Drama)
Urgent ... Secret ... Gubcheka (1982 | Historical)
Stalingrad (1989 | Military)
Stalker (1979 | Fiction)
Stationmaster (1972 | Drama)
Old Acquaintance (1969 | Comedy)
Old New Year (1980 | Comedy)
The strike ("Devil's Nest," "History of the strike") (1924 | Historical)
Steppe (1977 | Drama)
One hundred grams "for courage" (1976 | Comedy)
The Strange Woman (1977 | Melodrama)
Insurance Agent (1985 | Comedy)
Cook (1965 | Comedy)
Suvorov (1940 | Biography)
Destiny (1977 | Melodrama)
The Fate of Man (1959 | Military)
Vanity of vanities (1979 | Comedy)
Quest in the blizzard (1977 | Drama)
Happiness ("accumulators") (1934 | Drama)
TTabor of the Gypsies (1976 | Drama)
Mystery "Blackbirds" (1983 | Detective)
The mystery of the villa "Greta" (1983 | Detective)
The mystery of the notebook (1981 | Detective)
Tactics sprinting (1978 | Drama)
Tehran-43 (1980 | Detective)
Subject (1979 | Melodrama)
Shadows at Noon (1971 | Drama)
Silence (1963 | Drama)
Only three of the night (1969 | Melodrama)
That Munchhausen (1979 | Adventure)
Dot, dot, comma ... (1972 | Comedy)
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