110 twisters for training Diction
Testing of sounds:
b, f, c, f, g, k, q, r, x
1. The extracted beans bachelor.
2. Vakula Babu shod, and shod Vakula woman.
3. From the stamping of the hoofs on the field, the dust flying.
4. Bull tupogub, tupogubenky bull, bull lip was dumb broad.
5. The cap on the cap, the cap under the hood.
b. Bigman Vavila fun turned his pitchfork.
7. Approximately Cola bell at the gate brace.
8. Jackal walked, rode a jackal.
9. Buy a pile peak, peak pile buy. Buy a pile of fluff, fluff pile buy.
10. Peter Cook, chef Paul. Peter sailed, Paul sailed.
11. Weaves weaver tissue handkerchiefs Thani.
12. Water Carrier was carrying water from the aqueduct.
13. Our head is your head head peregolovil, perevygolovil.
14. Your Sexton our sacristan not pereponomarit not perevyponomarit; our sexton sacristan your pereponomarit, perevyponomarit.
15. In one Klim, the wedge batters.
16. It is necessary to mop podprikopёnochkom.
17. In the field of flight Frosya millet, weeds shall Frosya.
18. crab crab did rake. Filed crab crab rakes hay rake, crab steal!
19. In splitting tree needles.
20. The cuckoo cuckoo bought hood. Nadel cuckoo hood. As in the hood it is ridiculous!
21. All the beavers for beavers its kind. Beaver Beavers take beans. Beavers, happens excite Beavers, giving them beans.
22. Lost Pancrate Kondrashov jack and jack Pankrat no not pick up on the tractor path. And waiting in the path of the tractor jack.
23. honey honey cake, and I was not up to the honey cake.
24. Came Prokop, boiled fennel, Prokop left, boiled dill; both at Procope boiled fennel and dill boiled without Prokop.
25. There were three pop, pop three Procopius three Prokopyevich, spoke about the priest, about Procopius pop, about Prokopyevich.
26. Once the pop scaring crows in the bushes saw the parrot and the parrot says: you scare crows, pop, frighten, but jackdaws, pop in the bushes frightening, do not you dare to scare you parrot.
27. Volhoval magician in the barn with the wise men.
28. Bombardier bonbonniere bombarded ladies.
29. At the Feofan Mitrofancha Feofanychi three sons.
30. We have a guest carried a cane.
31. Pharaohs favorite on sapphire replaced nephritis.
32. Rhododendrons of arboretum given by parents.
33. Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
34. Sitting on wood grouse and hen with teterevyatami on a branch.
35. Brit Klim brother Gleb Brit brother, brother Ignat beard.
36. I commend halva.
37. Crested flirtatious laughter laughing.
Testing of sounds:
p, l, m, n
38. All of twisters is not pereskorogovorish not perevyskorogovorish.
39. We have in the yard, farmstead weather razmokropogodilas.
40. Two woodcutter, two cutters, and the two talked about drovoruba stalls, about Varka, about his wife, Marina.
41. Clara Kral crept to Larue.
42. He spoke about the colonel and the commander about the colonel, lieutenant colonel and about podpolkovnitsu pro, pro and pro poruchitsu lieutenant, lieutenant and about podporuchitsu pro, pro and pro praporschitsu ensign, about the ensign, and about podpraporschitsu silent.
43. In the courtyard grass, on the grass firewood - just wood, two wood, three wood. Do not cut the firewood on the grass court.
44. Outside the wood yard for wood, wood yard in breadth, not accommodate the yard of firewood, firewood should be expelled on a wood yard.
45. Outside the widow Barbara thieves stole firewood, angry widow, took her to the barn wood.
46. Elector compromised lancers.
47. The report did not doraportoval yes, yes zaraportovalsya doraportovyval.
48. pig snout Belarus, tuporyla; poldvora snout izryla, dug, Div.
49. Ate fellow thirty-three of the pie with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.
50. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked but not vylavirovali.
51. On the rocks we lazily burbot caught. On the rocks we lazily caught tench. About me not love you cute and prayed in the mists of the estuary attracted me?
52. Carl Clara stole corals and Clara Karl stole the clarinet.
53. Queen Clara severely punished for stealing Charles coral.
54. Karl put the onions on the chest. Clara Bow to steal a chest.
55. Fraction of quail yes on grouse.
56. Mother Romashov gave whey from the curd.
57. Tell us about the purchase. About what about buying? About buying, pro buy, about their pokupochki.
58. stitched hood, but not in Kolpakovsky; the bell was cast, but not in kolokolovski. It is necessary to cap perekolpakovat, perevykolpakovat, it is necessary bell perekolokolovat, perevykolokolovat.
59. Protocol about PROTOCOL recorded.
60. Was at Frol Frolov lied on his laurels. Approaching the Lavra on Frol Laura navreno.
61. King Eagle.
62. Messenger beats the bat.
BZ. Malanya Eggs milk chatted, blurts out, but not blurted.
64. Electronic liguriets-regulated in Liguria.
65. Do poured lily? Did Lydia? Lily poured saw Lydia.
66. A messenger from the galleys burned.
67. Thaler plate stands.
68. Go to the army, so Berdysh taking.
69. Interviewer interventionist interviewed.
70. Libretto Rigoletto.
71. Our Polkan of the lake lapped. Polkan varnish, but shoaling Baikal.
72. We ate ate ate at ruffs, they barely have eaten eaten.
73. Do not regretted mother of soap. Mom Mila soap soap. Mila did not like soap, soap Mila dropped.
74. In the darkness of crabs rustle in the fight.
75. On the road in the morning rumble of the tractor.
76. Eat in the Rye, but not rye in the Rye.
77. The eagle on the mountain, on the eagle feather, a mountain eagle, the eagle from the pen.
78. City on the Nerl Nerl River.
79. At Mount Ararat tore Barbara grapes.
80. From under Kostroma, from the Kostromschiny were four men. They spoke about the trades, but about purchases, about groats yes about podkrupki.
81. sergeant with vahmistrshey, with captain rotmistrshey.
82. Turk smokes a pipe, cock pecks grits. Do not smoke, Turk up without Cluj, hammer, grits.
83. And I do not to illness.
Testing of sounds:
s, s, w, w, h, u, u
84. Cenis and Sani networks catfish mustache.
85. Do not wasp whiskers, no mustache and mustache.
86. Carries Senka Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sledge Skok, Senka down, Sanka's side, Sonya forehead, all in a snowdrift.
87. Osip hoarse and Arkhip hoarse.
88. Does not want to mow the oblique oblique, said Kos.
89. Fishnet caught in the knot.
90. In seven of the sleigh sat ourselves.
91. Because the body was in a body overloaded watermelons. The storm in the mud of the cargo of watermelons sprawled body.
92. Waxwing sviristit flute.
93. Two Rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
94. constitutionalist get into a fuss was discovered in Constantinople assimilated.
95. Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.
96. Heron languished, sohla Heron, Heron died.
97. There were forty mice, found forty pennies, two mice poploshe found two a penny.
98. Sixteen mice were found and six pennies, and mice that poploshe, noisily sharyat pennies.
99. The scales have pike, bristles from pigs.
100. A quarter of the quadrangle peas without chervotochinkoy.
101. The incident with the quartermaster.
102. The precedent with the applicant.
103. Constantine stated.
104. In hedgehog ezhata have pressed down the snake.
105. Terribly live beetle on a branch.
106. Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch brush in the corner.
107. vain endeavor to infringe pike bream.
108. beetle buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
109. Jasper in mossy suede.
110. In Chita flows Chitinka.
b, f, c, f, g, k, q, r, x
1. The extracted beans bachelor.
2. Vakula Babu shod, and shod Vakula woman.
3. From the stamping of the hoofs on the field, the dust flying.
4. Bull tupogub, tupogubenky bull, bull lip was dumb broad.
5. The cap on the cap, the cap under the hood.
b. Bigman Vavila fun turned his pitchfork.
7. Approximately Cola bell at the gate brace.
8. Jackal walked, rode a jackal.
9. Buy a pile peak, peak pile buy. Buy a pile of fluff, fluff pile buy.
10. Peter Cook, chef Paul. Peter sailed, Paul sailed.
11. Weaves weaver tissue handkerchiefs Thani.
12. Water Carrier was carrying water from the aqueduct.
13. Our head is your head head peregolovil, perevygolovil.
14. Your Sexton our sacristan not pereponomarit not perevyponomarit; our sexton sacristan your pereponomarit, perevyponomarit.
15. In one Klim, the wedge batters.
16. It is necessary to mop podprikopёnochkom.
17. In the field of flight Frosya millet, weeds shall Frosya.
18. crab crab did rake. Filed crab crab rakes hay rake, crab steal!
19. In splitting tree needles.
20. The cuckoo cuckoo bought hood. Nadel cuckoo hood. As in the hood it is ridiculous!
21. All the beavers for beavers its kind. Beaver Beavers take beans. Beavers, happens excite Beavers, giving them beans.
22. Lost Pancrate Kondrashov jack and jack Pankrat no not pick up on the tractor path. And waiting in the path of the tractor jack.
23. honey honey cake, and I was not up to the honey cake.
24. Came Prokop, boiled fennel, Prokop left, boiled dill; both at Procope boiled fennel and dill boiled without Prokop.
25. There were three pop, pop three Procopius three Prokopyevich, spoke about the priest, about Procopius pop, about Prokopyevich.
26. Once the pop scaring crows in the bushes saw the parrot and the parrot says: you scare crows, pop, frighten, but jackdaws, pop in the bushes frightening, do not you dare to scare you parrot.
27. Volhoval magician in the barn with the wise men.
28. Bombardier bonbonniere bombarded ladies.
29. At the Feofan Mitrofancha Feofanychi three sons.
30. We have a guest carried a cane.
31. Pharaohs favorite on sapphire replaced nephritis.
32. Rhododendrons of arboretum given by parents.
33. Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
34. Sitting on wood grouse and hen with teterevyatami on a branch.
35. Brit Klim brother Gleb Brit brother, brother Ignat beard.
36. I commend halva.
37. Crested flirtatious laughter laughing.
Testing of sounds:
p, l, m, n
38. All of twisters is not pereskorogovorish not perevyskorogovorish.
39. We have in the yard, farmstead weather razmokropogodilas.
40. Two woodcutter, two cutters, and the two talked about drovoruba stalls, about Varka, about his wife, Marina.
41. Clara Kral crept to Larue.
42. He spoke about the colonel and the commander about the colonel, lieutenant colonel and about podpolkovnitsu pro, pro and pro poruchitsu lieutenant, lieutenant and about podporuchitsu pro, pro and pro praporschitsu ensign, about the ensign, and about podpraporschitsu silent.
43. In the courtyard grass, on the grass firewood - just wood, two wood, three wood. Do not cut the firewood on the grass court.
44. Outside the wood yard for wood, wood yard in breadth, not accommodate the yard of firewood, firewood should be expelled on a wood yard.
45. Outside the widow Barbara thieves stole firewood, angry widow, took her to the barn wood.
46. Elector compromised lancers.
47. The report did not doraportoval yes, yes zaraportovalsya doraportovyval.
48. pig snout Belarus, tuporyla; poldvora snout izryla, dug, Div.
49. Ate fellow thirty-three of the pie with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.
50. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked but not vylavirovali.
51. On the rocks we lazily burbot caught. On the rocks we lazily caught tench. About me not love you cute and prayed in the mists of the estuary attracted me?
52. Carl Clara stole corals and Clara Karl stole the clarinet.
53. Queen Clara severely punished for stealing Charles coral.
54. Karl put the onions on the chest. Clara Bow to steal a chest.
55. Fraction of quail yes on grouse.
56. Mother Romashov gave whey from the curd.
57. Tell us about the purchase. About what about buying? About buying, pro buy, about their pokupochki.
58. stitched hood, but not in Kolpakovsky; the bell was cast, but not in kolokolovski. It is necessary to cap perekolpakovat, perevykolpakovat, it is necessary bell perekolokolovat, perevykolokolovat.
59. Protocol about PROTOCOL recorded.
60. Was at Frol Frolov lied on his laurels. Approaching the Lavra on Frol Laura navreno.
61. King Eagle.
62. Messenger beats the bat.
BZ. Malanya Eggs milk chatted, blurts out, but not blurted.
64. Electronic liguriets-regulated in Liguria.
65. Do poured lily? Did Lydia? Lily poured saw Lydia.
66. A messenger from the galleys burned.
67. Thaler plate stands.
68. Go to the army, so Berdysh taking.
69. Interviewer interventionist interviewed.
70. Libretto Rigoletto.
71. Our Polkan of the lake lapped. Polkan varnish, but shoaling Baikal.
72. We ate ate ate at ruffs, they barely have eaten eaten.
73. Do not regretted mother of soap. Mom Mila soap soap. Mila did not like soap, soap Mila dropped.
74. In the darkness of crabs rustle in the fight.
75. On the road in the morning rumble of the tractor.
76. Eat in the Rye, but not rye in the Rye.
77. The eagle on the mountain, on the eagle feather, a mountain eagle, the eagle from the pen.
78. City on the Nerl Nerl River.
79. At Mount Ararat tore Barbara grapes.
80. From under Kostroma, from the Kostromschiny were four men. They spoke about the trades, but about purchases, about groats yes about podkrupki.
81. sergeant with vahmistrshey, with captain rotmistrshey.
82. Turk smokes a pipe, cock pecks grits. Do not smoke, Turk up without Cluj, hammer, grits.
83. And I do not to illness.
Testing of sounds:
s, s, w, w, h, u, u
84. Cenis and Sani networks catfish mustache.
85. Do not wasp whiskers, no mustache and mustache.
86. Carries Senka Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sledge Skok, Senka down, Sanka's side, Sonya forehead, all in a snowdrift.
87. Osip hoarse and Arkhip hoarse.
88. Does not want to mow the oblique oblique, said Kos.
89. Fishnet caught in the knot.
90. In seven of the sleigh sat ourselves.
91. Because the body was in a body overloaded watermelons. The storm in the mud of the cargo of watermelons sprawled body.
92. Waxwing sviristit flute.
93. Two Rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
94. constitutionalist get into a fuss was discovered in Constantinople assimilated.
95. Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.
96. Heron languished, sohla Heron, Heron died.
97. There were forty mice, found forty pennies, two mice poploshe found two a penny.
98. Sixteen mice were found and six pennies, and mice that poploshe, noisily sharyat pennies.
99. The scales have pike, bristles from pigs.
100. A quarter of the quadrangle peas without chervotochinkoy.
101. The incident with the quartermaster.
102. The precedent with the applicant.
103. Constantine stated.
104. In hedgehog ezhata have pressed down the snake.
105. Terribly live beetle on a branch.
106. Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch brush in the corner.
107. vain endeavor to infringe pike bream.
108. beetle buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
109. Jasper in mossy suede.
110. In Chita flows Chitinka.