Unusual sound of foreign speech is often the cause of culture shock. In China, Vietnam or the sound of the local language, like "Xiao Miao Liao," may well make us crazy. German speech in the style of "rozenklyayts rotenbertshmaher shtaynblyumenrihtenshtadt" timbre and intensity at times reminiscent of Hitler's election speech. But the sound of our, Russian, so dear and understandable language for foreigners?
Russian sounds very brutal, masculine. It is the language of this macho.
(Will, Financial Analyst, Australia)
Czech Republic:
To me, it sounds exactly like Russian Polish. The same tone, the same "feminine" pronunciation, especially in comparison with the Czech.
(Jakub, a financial analyst, Czech Republic)
For me, the Russian language - is a cross between a growl and a walrus melody of Brahms.
(Abe, accountant, United Kingdom)
Before I started to learn the Russian language, and for some time after the beginning of the lessons of Slavic Studies, the more it seemed to me like a record of any other world language, which was started backwards.
(Gethin, scout, Ireland)
The most amazing thing that the Russian language may sound quite differently: it all depends on the speaker, and the fact that it was said. In principle, from the Russian language, if desired, can be achieved angelic sound. True, true! Russian - it's clay, from which place can sculpt anything you want.
(Batyr, photographer, Mongolia)
New Zealand:
As if someone did not really otharkalsya, a mouthful of saliva and thus tries to talk.
(Dean, retired, New Zealand)
Russian language - it Sounds of the cat would, put it in a box full of marbles: squeak, squeal and a complete mess.
(William Yang, designer, Netherlands)
I always thought that the Russian - a mixture of Spanish with a rounded "p", the French, which added "g" and German sounds rough.
(Jeremy, teacher, USA)
It's like an invitation to a desperate flirtation. And especially when the Russian girl is incredibly sweet voice uttered this is their "pachimu?". Publish me, please.
(Alessio, journalist, Italy)
In highly emotional language - intonation in Russian put a lot of feeling and passion. Example: "Wow!»
(Chris, consultant, Corsica)
Russian language - a pair of familiar words lost in the chaos of a full linguistic sounds unpleasant to the ear.
(Albertina, infectious disease physician, Germany)
As the sound of sandpaper, scrubbing on a rough surface covered with a thin layer of varnish. And speaking of the provincials, their Russian - it skrёb sandpaper to rough surface without any painting in general.
(Mark, Teacher, United Kingdom)
He, like the roar of a bus stuck in traffic. "Yes, yes, daaaaaaaaa." And so - on the rise.
Russian language - it is like a very badly adjusted radio: full of extra rustling, crackling and creaking
(Maria, translator, France)