You'd be surprised how foreigners perceive our speech!

In the popular service questions and answers The Question I was asked a simple, laconic question: "How to perceive Russian language for foreigners?" The question was very popular and attracted dozens of responses and hundreds of comments. The website is pleased to publish for your readers, these interesting details.
Russian language is really very difficult to understand

Photo source: Fishki.net, and then it's not even the complexity of the language itself, its grammar and construction of words. The thing is what it sounds like. Many foreigners admit that Russian for them sounds like an incredible medley of sounds in which it is impossible to take anything apart. For example, to understand where begin and end sentences, to isolate from the total picture of any individual word or phrase.
People from different countries in completely different ways hear Russian speech
Some foreigners really like how Russian language sounds, they think it is melodic and pleasant. Others, on the contrary, it seems that she is too rude and direct. Surprisingly, for the majority of Russian Germans sounds very rude, though, we think the same thing about German. The majority of the rough Russian language seems like people in European countries (though not all), and melodic he is considered the people of South America and some countries of South-East Asia.
People from different countries in completely different ways hear Russian speech

Some foreigners really like how Russian language sounds, they think it is melodic and pleasant. Others, on the contrary, it seems that she is too rude and direct. Surprisingly, for the majority of Russian Germans sounds very rude, though, we think the same thing about German. The majority of the rough Russian language seems like people in European countries (though not all), and melodic he is considered the people of South America and some countries of South-East Asia.
Russian sounds harsh

Quite many foreigners Russian language seems not only rude, but also incredibly hard. As they themselves admit that when they hear two Russians speak to each other, they think that they fight all the time and are about to start fighting. And even some foreigners feel uncomfortable hearing the Russian communication due to the fact that they think if they laugh at them. This is mainly due to the fact that foreigners also quite difficult to understand intonation of Russian speech.
But at the same time, it sounds softly

However, there are those who say that Russian sounds like a song and love to listen to Russian speech, absolutely bewildered. They just like how it sounds. For others the sound of the Russian language sounds like the chirping birds.
Russian is an incredibly difficult language to learn

If we talk about pronunciation, it is a stumbling block for most foreigners is getting the letter "S". Not everyone has to learn to say her anything like how she should sound. The big surprise are the letters that do not have their own sounds "Ü" and "y". Some are puzzled by the presence of two "W" because the difference between "sh" and "Sch" are they in an emphasis do not see.
For English-speaking Russian sounds like speech backwards

Basically what the Americans think. For them the Russian language is as their usual English words, spoken backwards, like a tape running backward playback. They often seem to speak Russian very quickly.
Different sound sets

It is very interesting to observe how the aliens are trying to mimic the Russian speech. For the Argentines, for example, is simply a collection of consonants. For the Germans — something similar to machine-gun drumming with the constant repetition of "Dr", "br", "Tr", "CR". Vietnamese in Russian only hear a jumble of hissing and ticking noises. The Scandinavians also show in Russian mostly sounds "sh", "x" and "R".
via fishki.net/2132973-vy-udivites'-uznav-kak-na-samom-dele-inostrancy-vosprinimajut-russkij-jazyk.html
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