The guy mocks the stars, complete with sarcastic phrases pictures and in person
Thirty million six hundred forty seven thousand seven hundred ten
The editors of the Site believe that every person would like to have in their album real photo with a celebrity. One guy, nicknamed the "Average Rob," do not bother and so organically photoshops himself in pictures with celebrities that you can really think that he was present at the moment of photographing!
What the hell I signed up for that?
Photo source: Boredpanda.some fell asleep in the bus, and Eminem gently hugged me...
When Brangelina split up, I cried along with them
When Taylor plays, I keep running into her toys
Selena ate too much Mexican food and we ran out of toilet paper
Mila took advantage of the fact that I passed out on the couch
I met Kanye and he hugged me from behind. It was weird!
A second dismissal
When you have the most dirty job in the White house
Beyonce! Can you hear me? Okay. Could you bring my armbands with Hello Kitty when you're done? My mom allows me to swim without them...
This is Katie shot in the barn, and the animals attacked me...
When I watched the presidential race, then felt himself lying
In a moment after I said Eleven, she looked like a boy, I was lying on the ground
When friends have got friends, I felt more alone
Spidey trailer, and I decided to have some fun!
via www.boredpanda.com/guy-brilliantly-makes-celebrity-pictures-look-more-average-and-relatable
The editors of the Site believe that every person would like to have in their album real photo with a celebrity. One guy, nicknamed the "Average Rob," do not bother and so organically photoshops himself in pictures with celebrities that you can really think that he was present at the moment of photographing!
What the hell I signed up for that?

Photo source: Boredpanda.some fell asleep in the bus, and Eminem gently hugged me...

When Brangelina split up, I cried along with them

When Taylor plays, I keep running into her toys

Selena ate too much Mexican food and we ran out of toilet paper

Mila took advantage of the fact that I passed out on the couch

I met Kanye and he hugged me from behind. It was weird!

A second dismissal

When you have the most dirty job in the White house

Beyonce! Can you hear me? Okay. Could you bring my armbands with Hello Kitty when you're done? My mom allows me to swim without them...

This is Katie shot in the barn, and the animals attacked me...

When I watched the presidential race, then felt himself lying

In a moment after I said Eleven, she looked like a boy, I was lying on the ground

When friends have got friends, I felt more alone

Spidey trailer, and I decided to have some fun!

via www.boredpanda.com/guy-brilliantly-makes-celebrity-pictures-look-more-average-and-relatable
That's the kind of crazy advice was given by the doctors for pregnant women half a century ago
You'd be surprised how foreigners perceive our speech!