6 bitter truths that certainly will make you better

Below - a translation of an article by David Wong, editor of the blog Cracked.
2014 minutes, guys. Yes! Let's do it.
"We will do what?" - You ask.
I DO NOT KNOW. Come on, we shall understand THIS.
Do not hesitate to quit reading it if your career goes uphill, if you love your life and be happy in a relationship with others. Enjoy the remainder of the day, my friend, this article is not for you. You're doing a great job and we are all proud of you.

As for the rest, I want you to do something: Name five most impressive things about yourself. Write them down, or just shout out loud, the whole room. An important point: in your list should be your personal qualities (no "I'm a good guy," "I'm honest," and so on. D.), There should be things that you have done (for example, "I just won the chess tournament "or" I have prepared the best chili around Massachusetts'). If you suddenly discovered that it's hard, well, then this is for you, and you are about to hear something that just enrage you. In his defense, I would say that would really like someone to tell me something like that, the way in 1995 or so.
Note: The first time I wrote it in December of 2012, and today the paper has collected 12 million views, and a Facebook article shared nearly half a million times. We decided to upgrade it and to place again, and I mean by updating the change of the year for 2014 minutes.
David Wong.
1. The world is interesting is that it can get from vas

Let's assume that the person you love most in the world, has just been shot. It lies in the middle of the street, screaming and bleeding. Here comes the guy and tells you: "Go away." He examines the wound of your loved one, and then pulls out of his pocket folding knife. And obviously it is going to do the operation in the middle of the street.
You ask him, "Are you a doctor»?
He says: "There is no».
You ask, "But do you know what you're doing, right»?
And then he gets mad. He begins to tell me that he is an honest, good, and that will not ever late. He says that he is a good son, he has a lot of exciting hobby. Plus, he never foul language and very proud of it.
You are confused, "Yes, what the hell is all this value when my love is here now and bleeding ?! Who needs someone who knows how to handle gunshot wounds! Can you do it or not »?!
Then the guy starts yelling: Why are you so selfish and superficial, huh? Are you not concerned about my good qualities? Did not you hear, as I said, always remember the birthday of his girlfriend? And in view of all these wonderful things, really so important, I am able to operate or not?
You are at this point jumped up, grabbed him by the shoulders with their bloody hands, strongly shake and scream, "Yes, anything that your drivel does not matter, because now - a special situation, and I urgently need someone who is able to stop bleeding, you bastard crazy »!!!
And here it is, the terrible truth about the adult world: you are in the same situation. Everyday. You like the guy with the penknife, and society - a shooting victim, bleeding. If you want to know why the company avoids or does not respect you, so it's only because it consists of people who need something. They need a home, need food, need entertainment, you need a pleasant sexual relations. And you said at the place of the emergency with a penknife. This was simply because you were born.

As soon as you come into this world, you will immediately become a cog in the system, developed only to listen to the human needs. Whether you focus on the task of "listening to people's needs" and will gain a unique set of skills, or the world will reject you. It does not matter how much you are kind, generous and polite. You throw and you will be poor and alone.
It seems cruel, materialistic and too primitive? Surely there must be love and kindness - do they really do not mean anything? Of course, meaningless. As long as the result from the fact that you are doing for the people some things that these people can only get you.
2. The hippies were nepravy

The greatest scene in movie history: the famous speech Alec Baldwin from the movie "The Americans." Baldwin's character (it appears to us the villain) goes to the guys in the room and literally tearing them apart, saying that fire all if they do not fulfill the plan of sales:
«A nice guy? I do not care! A great father? Fok you! Go home and play with their children. And if you want to work here - to implement the plan »!
blockquote> This is rude and very similar to sociopathy, but at the same time it is also an accurate and honest expression of what the world expects from you. The difference is only in the fact that people in the real world people think that because you can not talk to you, and believe that it is much better to just let you continue to fail.
That scene from the movie changed my life. During the film, Baldwin was nominated for "Oscar", and this despite the fact that the film is a single scene with his participation. As they say smart people, that his speech was brilliant because half the audience at the time of pronouncing it thinks: "Wow, that's interesting, but what it's like when your boss - this bastard»?
The other half thinks, "Hell, yes! Bring down to work »!
If you were in the room, some of you have accepted everything that happens as part of the workflow, and in any case you would charge the energy of the speech. "This guy - just something»!
And some of you have embraced it all at his own expense. "This man - a bastard, he has no right to talk to me." Or I would have taken place a normal maneuver when narcissism is facing a superior force, and then you would have resented quietly and reflect on where to dig up some information, exhibitor chief in a bad light.
The difference in these positions where resentment against the motivation largely determines manage to you in the world to succeed or not. A lot of people want to conform to the words of Tyler Durden in "Fight Club", "Your work - it's not you yourself».
But in general, your work - it's just the same yourself. Well, your "work" can be different. But be that as it may, you are merely a handful of useful skills, and nothing more. For example, to be a mother - a job that requires very specific skills. This is what a person is able to do, thereby bringing benefit to other members of society. So make no mistake: your "work", that is good, that you bring to others - is what you have.
That is why surgeons are respected more than the writers. Therefore, engineers are respected more than the unemployed hipsters. Therefore, your job becomes your label, if the fact of your death ever gets into the news: "Defender of the National Football League svёl own lives." Tyler said: "Your work - it's not you yourself." But even Tyler organized the business of manufacturing of soap and became the leader of the social-political movement. In fact, he was completely his work.
Or think of it this way: remember when the company «Chick-fil-A» opposed same-sex marriage? There were protests, but despite this the company continued to sell millions of daily sandwiches. This was not because the United States agree with us, but because the company makes very tasty sandwiches. And that's all that matters. You do not have to like it. I, for instance, do not like when my birthday comes rain. But he goes anyway. That cloud formed and poured. People have needs. And through these demands they estimate others. This simple mechanism of the universe, and they do not always correspond to your wishes. And if you are outraged, saying that you are not a small huckster and not a materialist, that you do not agree with that money - that's all I ask only one question: who's said a word about money? No, you're missing out on something much more important.
3. What you are doing is not obliged to bring you money, it is bound to bring people polzuDavayte I give you an example not about the money. An example, which you can not argue. In the year I read a few dozen stories from different lonely and desperate people. These guys are angry because of the fact that women do not want to be with them, despite the fact that they are very cool in the world. I could explain what is wrong with them a set of attitudes, but Alec Baldwin will do it much better than me.
In this case, Baldwin will serve as a beautiful woman. They certainly do not speak so sharply and directly (because society teaches us to never tell the truth to others), but the essence is the same. "Good guy? And who cares? If you want to work here - to implement the plan »!
"What? You say that I do not have a girl as long until I will be a good salary and a lot of money »?
No. Your brain is jumping to this conclusion for you to have an opportunity not to take into account anyone who does not agree with you. Because your brain is selfish and thinks only superficially.
I ask: what can you offer? You're smart? Interesting? Funny? Talented? Creative? Ambitious? What do you do in order to demonstrate to the world its quality? Do not say that you're a good guy. It's not enough. Do pretty girls have guys that are nice to them 36 times a day. Shooting victim bleeding in the street. You know how to operate it or not?
"Well, I'm not sexist, not racist, I'm not greedy and cruel! I do not like all those bastards »!
Sorry, I realize that it will be difficult to hear, but if all you can give it a list of flaws that you have not, then you back off a minute from a wounded patient. That one clever dude with a promising career perfectly hold operation instead of you.
It broke your heart? Okay, and then what? You're going to be depressed forever because of this or is it you will go to study in a surgeon? It depends on you, by the way, and do not complain afterwards that the girl sink just scum. He sink to the dregs because scum has something to offer to girls.
To say that you're a good guy, it's like being a restaurant, which serves no different dishes, but only "food that will not kill you." I think because of that, you can continue to be a "good guy", but it is still going to be disgusted, thinking about himself.
4. Do you hate yourself because you do nothing, "So what? You say that I should read a book on how to find a girl »?
Yes, but only if the first step in this book is called "Become the person next to which the girls want to be».
This step is always omitted.
It is always "how do I find a job" rather than "how do I become a man, dreamed of employers." It is always "how to do it so I like beautiful girls" rather than "How can I become who like beautiful girls." See? That's because the second question is likely to require you to engage with many of your favorite hobby, require pay more attention to appearance, and God knows what else. You may even have to change your personality.
"But why can not I find someone who will love me this way I am?" The answer is because people need more. Wounded bleeding to death, and all you can do is look at it and regret the fact that the world is no gunshot wounds, are treated themselves.
Here's another video. What stops you from being able to wear shorts and cape, and then jump on stage and start swinging the penis to the public? This guy knows the secret of victory in human life: to do anything ... is better than to do nothing!
"But I can not in all good!" Well, I have good news: Spend more time on repetition, and you will be good at everything. I was the worst writer, when he was a teenager. I was a bit better in the 25. And while I frantically destroyed my career, I was writing in his spare time for eight consecutive years, according to an article in the week before began to get paid for it. It took me 13 years to become a good enough writer and get the list of best-selling New York Times. It took 20,000 hours of practice to polish my disgusting texts.
I do not like the prospect of spending all their time getting skills? Well, I have good news and bad.
Good news: such a selfless practice will help you come out of his shell. I lived through the years of boring office job, because I knew that getting unique skills. People throw business midway, because the results are not immediately visible, because they fail to realize that the process - this is the result.
Bad news: you have no choice. If you want to work here - follow the plan!
In my amateurish opinion, you do not hate yourself because of low self-esteem, not because people are cruel to you. You hate yourself because you are not doing anything. You can not even "love yourself for who you are." That's why you are unhappy and shlёte me private messages asking what you should do with your life.
Think how much time you spend on all sorts of consumer pieces by other people (TV, music, video games, websites), rather than to create something of their own? After all, it only adds value to your existence.
And if you do not like to hear this, if you meet the phrase "the important thing is what's inside you," I can tell you that ...
5. What is inside you, it is only important if it makes you something delat![]()
Since I'm in this business for a long time, I know a lot of aspiring authors. They think of themselves that they are writers, they are exactly as presented in the parties, they are aware of it deep down inside, they literary heart. The only thing they are missing - which is actually their work. But is it really matter? Written - that's all it is important to determine who is a writer and who is not?
Of course, yes!
This is a common technique to protect from everything, as I said above, and from any criticism in your address. This is the thing that tells us our ego to protect us from the hard work is over, "I know that inside I am a good person." It can also be formulated as, "I know who I am," or "I just have to be yourself».
Do not get me wrong: you are inside - everything. The guy who built a house for his family from scratch out of scrap materials, did it because he is inside. Every bad thing you did, began with a bad impulse, some thought revolved inside your skull until, until you finally forced to do so. And every good deed done by the same principle. "Who are you inside" - is a metaphorical compost on which to grow your fruit.
And that's what everyone should know.
This is something that many of you will be able to:
"You - just fruit and nothing more».
Nobody cares about your compost. "Who are you inside" has no meaning in isolation from the fact that you do for other people.
Inside, you will always sympathize with the poor. Excellent. A result of this sympathy began some action? Did you hear about some terrible tragedy and say at the same time, "Oh, poor kids. Tell them what I think of them? " Go-ka you to hell. When the tragedy occurred, find out what they need and help. One hundred million people watched the video Kony, virtually everything they thought about those poor African kids. But what made the company of all of these thoughts? It made shit. Children are dying every day due to the fact that millions of us tell themselves that experience - it's as good as done. This is an internal mechanism that controlled the lazy part of our brain, and defend us from the real action.
How many of you are walking in circles and repeats, "She / he will certainly love to me, if only she knew / know what I am interesting person!" Really? And all these your interesting thoughts and ideas will be able to convey to the world? Or should they be the cause of your actions? If a girl or guy of your dreams you filmed with a hidden camera for a month, they would have been impressed by what he saw? Remember, they do not read your thoughts, they can only watch. They would want to be a part of your life?
All I ask of you is to apply to themselves the same standards that you apply to others. You probably have an annoying friend Christian, all the aid is reduced to the phrase "I will pray for them." It's not driving you crazy?
via factroom.ru