This man is the high IQ of all time
Intelligence can also be izmerit
Everyone in the room begin to feel foolish when there enters Kim Ung-Yong. Why is that? Because his IQ is 210, which is a world record.
Kim was born in 1963 in Seoul, South Korea, and was a child prodigy totally epic proportions. Talk began at the age of 6 months, and to read in Japanese, Korean, German, English, and other languages - when celebrated the third birthday. A year later, Kim has recalled about 2,000 words in English and German and began to write poems and short essays in these languages. At the age of four in the test for IQ roll, he scored 200 points, with this test is usually given to children seven years. Since 2007 he has worked in Korea, a civil engineer.
In 1990, the Guinness Book of removed the category of "Highest IQ», as the thought that IQ tests are too imperfect to identify a single, a record holder.
via factroom.ru

Everyone in the room begin to feel foolish when there enters Kim Ung-Yong. Why is that? Because his IQ is 210, which is a world record.

Kim was born in 1963 in Seoul, South Korea, and was a child prodigy totally epic proportions. Talk began at the age of 6 months, and to read in Japanese, Korean, German, English, and other languages - when celebrated the third birthday. A year later, Kim has recalled about 2,000 words in English and German and began to write poems and short essays in these languages. At the age of four in the test for IQ roll, he scored 200 points, with this test is usually given to children seven years. Since 2007 he has worked in Korea, a civil engineer.
In 1990, the Guinness Book of removed the category of "Highest IQ», as the thought that IQ tests are too imperfect to identify a single, a record holder.
via factroom.ru