"The strength in unity» © motto SWAT
I dedicated to my good friend.
Splashing muddy puddles stained "Barguzin" made his way among the parked cars in the narrow backyards. Neutral gray minivan, what road the country hundreds. Common room, behind the wheel of a young man in a baseball cap with the peak shifted back and a smoldering cigarette in his mouth. However, inside the car, exchanging short sentences, there were people in camouflage squeezing arms.
- Pavlovich - the big man with a deep voice called COP-23
- What do you want - asked wearily grizzled soldier with stars on the shoulder straps colonel
- Pavlovich, do Sema this done? - The big man shook his head
- Yes - said shortly Pavlovich
- Willingness to two minutes - the driver said loudly and threw in a barely open window cigarette
Efficiently, without any fuss, the soldiers began to check the equipment and pull the helmet. Dry shutters clicked weapons dosylaya cartridge.
"Barguzin" speeding up the running, he ran between the cars almost touching them, and the abrupt halt at the entrance to a nine. Colonel Pavlovich flung open the door:
- Fuck!
One by one, the men jumped out of the car, like peas poured and spread out at the entrance, using everything you can as a cover. Flies trunks, like a magnet, drew the ninth floor. Froze.
- Homa, the door! - Commanded Pavlovich
And the big man, throwing behind COP pulled from the holster P96S and approached the door entrance. On both sides of the door froze men with guns at the ready.
Short, strong jerk and the men one by one plunged into the dark inside the house.
- Goose, Bald in the elevator! - Coordinated actions of fighters Pavlovich - Baton Caesar here! The rest of me!
Virtually silent soldiers marched up the stairs.
Minutes after landing, "Barguzin" jumped up and taxied for a house. Two soldiers wearing masks and helmets died on the access door.
Having bought drive on the market with the game "KontrStrayk" twelve Petya raced home in anticipation of a bloody carnage between SWAT and terrorists. Jumping over puddles, Peter got to the entrance of his home, and not noticing or anything around, tried to get inside.
- Stop! - Someone rudely shouted Petya - Where prёsh? SWAT runs. Go for a walk lad.
Peter looked up at the speaker. The great warrior in full battle gear with a gun in the hands of the unknown.
- Who works? - Asked Peter
The men grinned.
- SWAT - said one
- Special Rapid Response Squad - decoded second - Go for a walk while the guy.
- But I live here - I began to justify Peter
Sounds automaton shooting interrupted. At the head stand down, broken glass and poured a couple of shoots sleeves, rings, rolled up to the boy's feet. Seizing in his arms, he panicked Petya sprint soldier ran to the garage, standing opposite the entrance.
- Well, then, boy - soldier squatted down and looked into the eyes of Pete - You stand here. As the shooting subsided, along the house sneak out and go to the grandmother. Got it?
- We ... we ... I ... N ... N ... no ... women ears - said Peter stammered
- Mom where?
- At work - Peter, soothing look good eyes through the slits in the mask fighter and his even voice, stopped stuttering - She works in a bank.
- The number of mobile mom know?
- Of course - it is important to Peter nodded
- Call my mother, man - a fighter, judging by his eyes, smiled - and go to her work.
Sounds of gunfire subsided. A soldier lifted the collar of Peter and to his feet.
- Along the house, remember! - He pushed the boy in the back - Run.
- Lenka why the soup is cold? - Yelled from the kitchen Sema
- I'm in the store Tanya Trehovu met - heard his wife's voice from the audience - imagine, she again paunchy!
Simon smiled and put a bowl of soup in the microwave.
- Where only gives birth? - He said his wife, entered the kitchen - the Third! Simply stunned.
- There would be at least one - said Semyon
- From your trip? - Lena went to the kitchen and put her hands on her hips, after a pause, she added - Month.
- What month - not understanding, I asked Simon
- Fool - Lena sat down on her knees to her husband - Already a month - she put his big hand on her stomach
Simon dropped his spoon and smiled. My throat got tight ball, and his eyes stung, he is often, often blinked:
- Doctor Lied - Simon squeezed in the arms of his wife
- Your fertility is affected due to a varicocele - the doctor looked over his glasses Seeds - You, my dear, have varicose veins in the scrotum Vienna. Because of this. Yes - Doctor paused - By the way, this is the most common cause of infertility in men.
- I understood it. What doctor?
- We will be treated - Dr. leafed map - indicators are encouraging. Chance, I think it is.
Seeds thoughts were far away from the doctor's office.
His wife, the money, the apartment - all faded in the light of the doctor said. My brother was killed in Chechnya during the first companies. Father in Afghanistan. And he is not able to continue the race and dynasty military personnel. I would like her son and daughter better. Little such with bows ....
- Well, then - the doctor finished writing and handed a business card Semen - Here the phone.
Semen automatically reached out and took the piece of cardboard.
- Viktor. He urologist and sexologist - Doctor cleared his throat - Innovative technologies, plus all kinds of drugs that are not available to us, the doctors of the ordinary clinics. Of course, the cost of ... hmm ... I think that high, but I think it's worth a try.
- Thank you - Simon said shortly and left the office.
As the months passed the grueling treatment ordeal by clinics and eaten kilograms of drugs - a result of zero.
- Sema, stop all Mui Ne eat - Petrovich was sitting on a bench outside the stadium - began to puff like a locomotive.
- I - out of breath after running, Simon barely took a breath - now current grass drink
- I do not care - cut Commander - You no calculations on the fifth kilometer has barely dragging his feet. Look at me! SOCA Najera of the order!
- There aside eat Mui Ne! - Stretched Simon jokingly
- I'm serious, Sema - The Colonel shook his head - Look at you, Simon. Thin and weak. Soon you will stay behind the wall while walking ....
- And I will pour pockets cartridges that would not wind drifting - Simon grinned
- Set aside smehuёchki! - Barked Pavlovich - What would today, I never heard that you swallow the poison again! Got it?
- That's right - said Semen
- Running - Colonel turned away from seeds
- Wait - called Semyon Pavlovich, when he was about to leave - I'll Sema an old man say, do not be offended current.
The colonel looked at his feet and sighed bitterly:
- Bodlivoy cow horns, God does not give Sema. Humble yourself.
- Who are you?
- Why do you care? - Defiantly replied tattooed subject, throwing back the covers and swung his legs off the bed.
- My apartment, my wife - Simon barely restrained anger in yourself - Go in peace, man, with a woman and her I'll take care of himself.
- Hey - a nasty lisp thieves began to subject - you do not market, we will not be traded. I'm in this town in the authority. And the answer hold. Wali otsedova in a good while I kind. A woman's your move me tomorrow. Do you understand me?
- Get out - repeated Semyon, looking over the authority of subtle Lena, with the fear of looking out from under the blanket
- Yes I am, right now, you - the authoritative companion threw his left arm forward and rejecting the body to the right, his right hand hit a seed in the jaw. Sema made just three movements and credibility with a broken arm with a crash of broken glass flew out of the window of the ninth floor
Simon sat down on a chair.
- Why, Lena?
- Because! - She sat on the bed, clutching the blanket to his bare chest, and gazed with awe at her husband - You're not a man! You rag!
Turning to the hateful Slang, shrilly continued:
- No tachily, Hata removable, and the child can not conceive.
- A child whose? Him? - Simon nodded toward the window.
- I lied to you, you fool! - She laughed hysterically
Simon looked at the face of his beloved, hand reaching for his holster.
In a small room he slammed deafeningly shot.
Simon was sitting in the kitchen, the call in the squad he has already done, and now expected his brothers. Thoughtfully rolling his fingers on the tabletop pistol sleeve. The doorbell roused him from his reverie. Reluctantly rising, Simon went to the door and looked through the peephole.
Under door neighbor Bob stood. In the past, the bandit, and now washed-up junkie.
Simon snapped the lock and opened the door, he asked:
- What should?
- Sam, what I hear shots behind? - Bob silly smile.
Judging by the extremely dilated pupils and nervousness Bob was "vmazat».
- Does not concern you, Bob. Go sleep - Simon looked disdainfully at the addict
- Hey, Sam, and yet you have a party right now Pasha Water should be at the time - Bob chuckled meanly
- GOST, yes. Yes, but immediately came out - Sam grinned ruefully - Everything Happens.
- What up? - Vasya's eyes widened
- Through the window - said Semen and started to close the door, but the toe neighbor promptly flew and stuck between the door and the jamb.
- Wait - Bob was visibly shocked by the information received - either through the window?
- Usually - Semen neighbor pushed and slammed the door, which hit the frail body Vasey not shut until the end.
Semen, paying little attention to such detail, stomped to the kitchen, got a knife and Vasya, pushed open the door and rushed into the apartment.
- I'm not finished with you, asshole Cop - Bob yelled stabbed in broad back seeds.
The knife slipped back neighbor thrust only camouflage. Simon grabbed his wrist with his left hand with a knife, and his elbow with his right hand slapped back bounce.
Crunch, moan. Turn. Foot in the temple. Step forward. Blow open the foot to the head. Yet. Yet.
Vasya, sweating and spitting blood on the ground, no longer trying to get up.
- You half-wit, VA - Simon squatted in front of defeated neighbor - On change of concealable body armor necessarily me. 6th grade protection, among other things.
On the stairs fractional knocking boots and, at the same time with the sound of the steps I went down the elevator.
- START - Simon said aloud and rose to his full height
- You are your same Kent lift forks, fucking bastard - Bob croaked from the floor
- Do not raise, do not be afraid - said quietly Semen
Steps rising, approaching the ninth floor. For rustling and muffled voices in eighth. Simon quickly looked span down and saw a gray jacket police.
- Guys - said loudly Simon - I Major of Sleptsov SWAT. I will speak and cooperate only with the colonel Zuev. For the rest of shoot to kill.
From below came the sounds of a working radio.
- Hey - with the thieves came a lisp below - In thee there is Che? Hostage?
Seeds winced peace officer spoke as thieves.
- Yes - I screamed hysterically Bob
- Shut up - Simon kicked Vasya and he shut up obediently - The hostages were not, I'm here alone.
- And who is there in thee screaming like a pig? - I asked the same voice
- Neighbor. If you need one, give easily.
- Go ahead - allow the voice of the bottom
Simon picked up by the scruff of resisting Vasya and pushed down. Bottom rumbled AKM. Scared fighter alarmed, responded to Vasya and dumped his turn. Several bullets pierce the wall at the head of Seeds. Instinct Old Soldier load and a moment later, in response to machine, from top to evil zatyavkal P96S, cutting one police.
Simeon, holding the gun at the ready recharged, down below. Without haste gathered arms and unfastened valve he pulled out his blood-stained jacket police radio.
- Your dokumentiki - sluggish saluted and addressed the sergeant Damirov the guy standing at the bus stop at the station.
- Did you, in fact, anyone? - Man calmly looked at Damirova
- Did you see that Che did not you? - Leapt forward sergeant Mammadov
- Wait, Valera - Damirov hand stopped running mate - Do not boil.
- Police Sergeant Damirov - clearly saluting he introduced himself - your documents.
- Please - man reached into the inner pocket of his jacket
Having looked through the passport guy without much interest, Damirov said:
- Prepare to personal search. Hands on the hood "UAZ»
- What personal examination, Sergeant? - The guy looked puzzled Damirova - and do not have the right!
- We have - quietly said Damirov - Hands on the hood!
The guy shook his head, surrendered. Damirov long he rummaged through his pockets Man, getting a mobile phone, keys and wallet. But on the hood of the inside jacket pocket vyuzhen to light bag with grass.
- What is it? You can explain to me? - Damirov squinted at Man
- That's not my - the guy started to get nervous - I'm an athlete. Begun. I do not smoke!
- Fact face - Damirov smiled - Mammadov let handcuffs, right now, go to the department.
- That's not mine! - Not a little frightened, the boy said
- I know - calmly confirmed Damirov - Let a couple of pieces, and you're free.
- Oh, you bastard - man spat at his feet Damirova
Damirov turning to Mammadov winked and sharply, with a turn hit a guy in the face with his fist.
- Assault on a police officer! - I screamed the whole street Mammadov and pulling the bolt machine, scary (as it seemed) the voice yelled
- Whoa, you bitch! I'll shoot!
Damirov meanwhile, twice hit the guy in the face and knocking him to the ground, wrung his hands.
- Handcuffs, Mammadov! - He ordered, sitting astride a guy.
At the steps police station was crowded as usual from smoking employees PPP, from those who wrote the statement, and those to whom written statement. Police station was buzzing like a disturbed beehive. "UAZ" pulled up to the back porch.
- Unloads athlete Mammadov, and I will write soprovodilovka.
He stomping heavily, got up to the department and went into the guardroom.
- Hey, Semenovich, where I brought a passenger - Damirov sat down - Right now soprovodilovka write, but with the concept decides.
- Rich Pinocchio? - The duty rather rubbed his hands
- Not that Rich would be absolutely, but your wallet will be ten thousand - Damirov smiled
- Go Damirov - allow the duty - to work - and, turning back, yelled - Tails accept a detainee from Damirova.
Half an hour later Damirov wrote soprovodilovka and went into the guardroom, which create an unusual bustle.
- What happened? - He asked the attendant major
- Weird major from SWAT, outfit PPP put at home.
- Why?
- Fuck knows, neighbors called. They say the shooting as in war - on duty and took a deep drag, releasing a cloud of smoke, said - Silant'ev three Zubkin and death.
- Address you give?
- Where do you want to climb, fuck? - Standby put out a cigarette and began writing in the journal of an incoming call.
Damirov walked to the wall and sat down on a chair.
"Silant'ev - a former intern, not a bad guy, just an honest too - thought Damirov - three and Zubkin - sidekick. All three of them to death »
- And who is this, I can know - have asked Damirov duty
- Sleptsov - grunted in response to major
- Sleptsov - Colonel quietly beckoned to seeds
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel - Simon straightened belt machine on his shoulder
- Hello, Simon - Colonel held out his hand to shake broad
- What brings Alexander Vasilich? - Simon shook hands and smiled
- Oh, an evil wind has brought me here, Sam - Colonel cleared his throat - generally, Sam ... Remember to arrest one dude money and gold of the detainees wanted to rest?
- I remember - Simon nodded - I'm on it still wrote the report. Damirov his name.
- Yeah, it was. He has a relative in the council sits and begs that you copied to the report - the colonel looked away guiltily
- Rewrote? - I asked Semyon
- Yes. In the style of a stir, risked his life, and so on - the evil Colonel spat at his feet - Salary and rank higher wants nit!
- Wait, Vasilich, it's like? - Simon was taken aback
- That's right, Sam. Like this. Otherwise, and you and I will be a problem at work. So, saying that will be pressed to complete.
- Yes, fuck them! Overwrite neither of which I will not! So give it to a relative! All. Allow me to go?
The colonel smiled:
- I am of you, and the other did not expect Simon. We will fight, as they say. Go.
Mamedov first bullet caught and stumbled in mid-stride and fell face down. Damirov pressed himself against the wall, feeling the fray whitewash him by the collar.
- Moron! - I yelled Damirov - You have a tower shines! Do not complicate, surrender yourself!
- Fuck you - calmly replied Semyon
Damirov beside himself with fear and anger, pulled the trigger and Aksu spat poloboymy. Bullets ricocheted off concrete walls, kicking up clouds of dust and nasty squealing.
- Idiot! Stop shooting! - Simon ordered from above - I repeat for the second time. I just give up SWAT!
- Fuck you! - Damirov trembling hands replaced the store and walked quietly along the wall.
- Stand - quietly ordered a voice from below
Damirov turned his head toward the sound and saw two men climbing the stairs SWAT.
- A-ah - triumphantly handed Damirov - scribe to you, freak!
In response, the top slammed a shot. The bullet pierced his throat Damirova. Gurgling and choking on his own blood, Damirov slid along the wall, not caring more about whitewashing, rattling off the collar.
- Sema! - Loudly shouted Pavlovich - We are here Sema!
- Pavlovich!
I dedicated to my good friend.
Splashing muddy puddles stained "Barguzin" made his way among the parked cars in the narrow backyards. Neutral gray minivan, what road the country hundreds. Common room, behind the wheel of a young man in a baseball cap with the peak shifted back and a smoldering cigarette in his mouth. However, inside the car, exchanging short sentences, there were people in camouflage squeezing arms.
- Pavlovich - the big man with a deep voice called COP-23
- What do you want - asked wearily grizzled soldier with stars on the shoulder straps colonel
- Pavlovich, do Sema this done? - The big man shook his head
- Yes - said shortly Pavlovich
- Willingness to two minutes - the driver said loudly and threw in a barely open window cigarette
Efficiently, without any fuss, the soldiers began to check the equipment and pull the helmet. Dry shutters clicked weapons dosylaya cartridge.
"Barguzin" speeding up the running, he ran between the cars almost touching them, and the abrupt halt at the entrance to a nine. Colonel Pavlovich flung open the door:
- Fuck!
One by one, the men jumped out of the car, like peas poured and spread out at the entrance, using everything you can as a cover. Flies trunks, like a magnet, drew the ninth floor. Froze.
- Homa, the door! - Commanded Pavlovich
And the big man, throwing behind COP pulled from the holster P96S and approached the door entrance. On both sides of the door froze men with guns at the ready.
Short, strong jerk and the men one by one plunged into the dark inside the house.
- Goose, Bald in the elevator! - Coordinated actions of fighters Pavlovich - Baton Caesar here! The rest of me!
Virtually silent soldiers marched up the stairs.
Minutes after landing, "Barguzin" jumped up and taxied for a house. Two soldiers wearing masks and helmets died on the access door.
Having bought drive on the market with the game "KontrStrayk" twelve Petya raced home in anticipation of a bloody carnage between SWAT and terrorists. Jumping over puddles, Peter got to the entrance of his home, and not noticing or anything around, tried to get inside.
- Stop! - Someone rudely shouted Petya - Where prёsh? SWAT runs. Go for a walk lad.
Peter looked up at the speaker. The great warrior in full battle gear with a gun in the hands of the unknown.
- Who works? - Asked Peter
The men grinned.
- SWAT - said one
- Special Rapid Response Squad - decoded second - Go for a walk while the guy.
- But I live here - I began to justify Peter
Sounds automaton shooting interrupted. At the head stand down, broken glass and poured a couple of shoots sleeves, rings, rolled up to the boy's feet. Seizing in his arms, he panicked Petya sprint soldier ran to the garage, standing opposite the entrance.
- Well, then, boy - soldier squatted down and looked into the eyes of Pete - You stand here. As the shooting subsided, along the house sneak out and go to the grandmother. Got it?
- We ... we ... I ... N ... N ... no ... women ears - said Peter stammered
- Mom where?
- At work - Peter, soothing look good eyes through the slits in the mask fighter and his even voice, stopped stuttering - She works in a bank.
- The number of mobile mom know?
- Of course - it is important to Peter nodded
- Call my mother, man - a fighter, judging by his eyes, smiled - and go to her work.
Sounds of gunfire subsided. A soldier lifted the collar of Peter and to his feet.
- Along the house, remember! - He pushed the boy in the back - Run.
- Lenka why the soup is cold? - Yelled from the kitchen Sema
- I'm in the store Tanya Trehovu met - heard his wife's voice from the audience - imagine, she again paunchy!
Simon smiled and put a bowl of soup in the microwave.
- Where only gives birth? - He said his wife, entered the kitchen - the Third! Simply stunned.
- There would be at least one - said Semyon
- From your trip? - Lena went to the kitchen and put her hands on her hips, after a pause, she added - Month.
- What month - not understanding, I asked Simon
- Fool - Lena sat down on her knees to her husband - Already a month - she put his big hand on her stomach
Simon dropped his spoon and smiled. My throat got tight ball, and his eyes stung, he is often, often blinked:
- Doctor Lied - Simon squeezed in the arms of his wife
- Your fertility is affected due to a varicocele - the doctor looked over his glasses Seeds - You, my dear, have varicose veins in the scrotum Vienna. Because of this. Yes - Doctor paused - By the way, this is the most common cause of infertility in men.
- I understood it. What doctor?
- We will be treated - Dr. leafed map - indicators are encouraging. Chance, I think it is.
Seeds thoughts were far away from the doctor's office.
His wife, the money, the apartment - all faded in the light of the doctor said. My brother was killed in Chechnya during the first companies. Father in Afghanistan. And he is not able to continue the race and dynasty military personnel. I would like her son and daughter better. Little such with bows ....
- Well, then - the doctor finished writing and handed a business card Semen - Here the phone.
Semen automatically reached out and took the piece of cardboard.
- Viktor. He urologist and sexologist - Doctor cleared his throat - Innovative technologies, plus all kinds of drugs that are not available to us, the doctors of the ordinary clinics. Of course, the cost of ... hmm ... I think that high, but I think it's worth a try.
- Thank you - Simon said shortly and left the office.
As the months passed the grueling treatment ordeal by clinics and eaten kilograms of drugs - a result of zero.
- Sema, stop all Mui Ne eat - Petrovich was sitting on a bench outside the stadium - began to puff like a locomotive.
- I - out of breath after running, Simon barely took a breath - now current grass drink
- I do not care - cut Commander - You no calculations on the fifth kilometer has barely dragging his feet. Look at me! SOCA Najera of the order!
- There aside eat Mui Ne! - Stretched Simon jokingly
- I'm serious, Sema - The Colonel shook his head - Look at you, Simon. Thin and weak. Soon you will stay behind the wall while walking ....
- And I will pour pockets cartridges that would not wind drifting - Simon grinned
- Set aside smehuёchki! - Barked Pavlovich - What would today, I never heard that you swallow the poison again! Got it?
- That's right - said Semen
- Running - Colonel turned away from seeds
- Wait - called Semyon Pavlovich, when he was about to leave - I'll Sema an old man say, do not be offended current.
The colonel looked at his feet and sighed bitterly:
- Bodlivoy cow horns, God does not give Sema. Humble yourself.
- Who are you?
- Why do you care? - Defiantly replied tattooed subject, throwing back the covers and swung his legs off the bed.
- My apartment, my wife - Simon barely restrained anger in yourself - Go in peace, man, with a woman and her I'll take care of himself.
- Hey - a nasty lisp thieves began to subject - you do not market, we will not be traded. I'm in this town in the authority. And the answer hold. Wali otsedova in a good while I kind. A woman's your move me tomorrow. Do you understand me?
- Get out - repeated Semyon, looking over the authority of subtle Lena, with the fear of looking out from under the blanket
- Yes I am, right now, you - the authoritative companion threw his left arm forward and rejecting the body to the right, his right hand hit a seed in the jaw. Sema made just three movements and credibility with a broken arm with a crash of broken glass flew out of the window of the ninth floor
Simon sat down on a chair.
- Why, Lena?
- Because! - She sat on the bed, clutching the blanket to his bare chest, and gazed with awe at her husband - You're not a man! You rag!
Turning to the hateful Slang, shrilly continued:
- No tachily, Hata removable, and the child can not conceive.
- A child whose? Him? - Simon nodded toward the window.
- I lied to you, you fool! - She laughed hysterically
Simon looked at the face of his beloved, hand reaching for his holster.
In a small room he slammed deafeningly shot.
Simon was sitting in the kitchen, the call in the squad he has already done, and now expected his brothers. Thoughtfully rolling his fingers on the tabletop pistol sleeve. The doorbell roused him from his reverie. Reluctantly rising, Simon went to the door and looked through the peephole.
Under door neighbor Bob stood. In the past, the bandit, and now washed-up junkie.
Simon snapped the lock and opened the door, he asked:
- What should?
- Sam, what I hear shots behind? - Bob silly smile.
Judging by the extremely dilated pupils and nervousness Bob was "vmazat».
- Does not concern you, Bob. Go sleep - Simon looked disdainfully at the addict
- Hey, Sam, and yet you have a party right now Pasha Water should be at the time - Bob chuckled meanly
- GOST, yes. Yes, but immediately came out - Sam grinned ruefully - Everything Happens.
- What up? - Vasya's eyes widened
- Through the window - said Semen and started to close the door, but the toe neighbor promptly flew and stuck between the door and the jamb.
- Wait - Bob was visibly shocked by the information received - either through the window?
- Usually - Semen neighbor pushed and slammed the door, which hit the frail body Vasey not shut until the end.
Semen, paying little attention to such detail, stomped to the kitchen, got a knife and Vasya, pushed open the door and rushed into the apartment.
- I'm not finished with you, asshole Cop - Bob yelled stabbed in broad back seeds.
The knife slipped back neighbor thrust only camouflage. Simon grabbed his wrist with his left hand with a knife, and his elbow with his right hand slapped back bounce.
Crunch, moan. Turn. Foot in the temple. Step forward. Blow open the foot to the head. Yet. Yet.
Vasya, sweating and spitting blood on the ground, no longer trying to get up.
- You half-wit, VA - Simon squatted in front of defeated neighbor - On change of concealable body armor necessarily me. 6th grade protection, among other things.
On the stairs fractional knocking boots and, at the same time with the sound of the steps I went down the elevator.
- START - Simon said aloud and rose to his full height
- You are your same Kent lift forks, fucking bastard - Bob croaked from the floor
- Do not raise, do not be afraid - said quietly Semen
Steps rising, approaching the ninth floor. For rustling and muffled voices in eighth. Simon quickly looked span down and saw a gray jacket police.
- Guys - said loudly Simon - I Major of Sleptsov SWAT. I will speak and cooperate only with the colonel Zuev. For the rest of shoot to kill.
From below came the sounds of a working radio.
- Hey - with the thieves came a lisp below - In thee there is Che? Hostage?
Seeds winced peace officer spoke as thieves.
- Yes - I screamed hysterically Bob
- Shut up - Simon kicked Vasya and he shut up obediently - The hostages were not, I'm here alone.
- And who is there in thee screaming like a pig? - I asked the same voice
- Neighbor. If you need one, give easily.
- Go ahead - allow the voice of the bottom
Simon picked up by the scruff of resisting Vasya and pushed down. Bottom rumbled AKM. Scared fighter alarmed, responded to Vasya and dumped his turn. Several bullets pierce the wall at the head of Seeds. Instinct Old Soldier load and a moment later, in response to machine, from top to evil zatyavkal P96S, cutting one police.
Simeon, holding the gun at the ready recharged, down below. Without haste gathered arms and unfastened valve he pulled out his blood-stained jacket police radio.
- Your dokumentiki - sluggish saluted and addressed the sergeant Damirov the guy standing at the bus stop at the station.
- Did you, in fact, anyone? - Man calmly looked at Damirova
- Did you see that Che did not you? - Leapt forward sergeant Mammadov
- Wait, Valera - Damirov hand stopped running mate - Do not boil.
- Police Sergeant Damirov - clearly saluting he introduced himself - your documents.
- Please - man reached into the inner pocket of his jacket
Having looked through the passport guy without much interest, Damirov said:
- Prepare to personal search. Hands on the hood "UAZ»
- What personal examination, Sergeant? - The guy looked puzzled Damirova - and do not have the right!
- We have - quietly said Damirov - Hands on the hood!
The guy shook his head, surrendered. Damirov long he rummaged through his pockets Man, getting a mobile phone, keys and wallet. But on the hood of the inside jacket pocket vyuzhen to light bag with grass.
- What is it? You can explain to me? - Damirov squinted at Man
- That's not my - the guy started to get nervous - I'm an athlete. Begun. I do not smoke!
- Fact face - Damirov smiled - Mammadov let handcuffs, right now, go to the department.
- That's not mine! - Not a little frightened, the boy said
- I know - calmly confirmed Damirov - Let a couple of pieces, and you're free.
- Oh, you bastard - man spat at his feet Damirova
Damirov turning to Mammadov winked and sharply, with a turn hit a guy in the face with his fist.
- Assault on a police officer! - I screamed the whole street Mammadov and pulling the bolt machine, scary (as it seemed) the voice yelled
- Whoa, you bitch! I'll shoot!
Damirov meanwhile, twice hit the guy in the face and knocking him to the ground, wrung his hands.
- Handcuffs, Mammadov! - He ordered, sitting astride a guy.
At the steps police station was crowded as usual from smoking employees PPP, from those who wrote the statement, and those to whom written statement. Police station was buzzing like a disturbed beehive. "UAZ" pulled up to the back porch.
- Unloads athlete Mammadov, and I will write soprovodilovka.
He stomping heavily, got up to the department and went into the guardroom.
- Hey, Semenovich, where I brought a passenger - Damirov sat down - Right now soprovodilovka write, but with the concept decides.
- Rich Pinocchio? - The duty rather rubbed his hands
- Not that Rich would be absolutely, but your wallet will be ten thousand - Damirov smiled
- Go Damirov - allow the duty - to work - and, turning back, yelled - Tails accept a detainee from Damirova.
Half an hour later Damirov wrote soprovodilovka and went into the guardroom, which create an unusual bustle.
- What happened? - He asked the attendant major
- Weird major from SWAT, outfit PPP put at home.
- Why?
- Fuck knows, neighbors called. They say the shooting as in war - on duty and took a deep drag, releasing a cloud of smoke, said - Silant'ev three Zubkin and death.
- Address you give?
- Where do you want to climb, fuck? - Standby put out a cigarette and began writing in the journal of an incoming call.
Damirov walked to the wall and sat down on a chair.
"Silant'ev - a former intern, not a bad guy, just an honest too - thought Damirov - three and Zubkin - sidekick. All three of them to death »
- And who is this, I can know - have asked Damirov duty
- Sleptsov - grunted in response to major
- Sleptsov - Colonel quietly beckoned to seeds
- Good morning, Comrade Colonel - Simon straightened belt machine on his shoulder
- Hello, Simon - Colonel held out his hand to shake broad
- What brings Alexander Vasilich? - Simon shook hands and smiled
- Oh, an evil wind has brought me here, Sam - Colonel cleared his throat - generally, Sam ... Remember to arrest one dude money and gold of the detainees wanted to rest?
- I remember - Simon nodded - I'm on it still wrote the report. Damirov his name.
- Yeah, it was. He has a relative in the council sits and begs that you copied to the report - the colonel looked away guiltily
- Rewrote? - I asked Semyon
- Yes. In the style of a stir, risked his life, and so on - the evil Colonel spat at his feet - Salary and rank higher wants nit!
- Wait, Vasilich, it's like? - Simon was taken aback
- That's right, Sam. Like this. Otherwise, and you and I will be a problem at work. So, saying that will be pressed to complete.
- Yes, fuck them! Overwrite neither of which I will not! So give it to a relative! All. Allow me to go?
The colonel smiled:
- I am of you, and the other did not expect Simon. We will fight, as they say. Go.
Mamedov first bullet caught and stumbled in mid-stride and fell face down. Damirov pressed himself against the wall, feeling the fray whitewash him by the collar.
- Moron! - I yelled Damirov - You have a tower shines! Do not complicate, surrender yourself!
- Fuck you - calmly replied Semyon
Damirov beside himself with fear and anger, pulled the trigger and Aksu spat poloboymy. Bullets ricocheted off concrete walls, kicking up clouds of dust and nasty squealing.
- Idiot! Stop shooting! - Simon ordered from above - I repeat for the second time. I just give up SWAT!
- Fuck you! - Damirov trembling hands replaced the store and walked quietly along the wall.
- Stand - quietly ordered a voice from below
Damirov turned his head toward the sound and saw two men climbing the stairs SWAT.
- A-ah - triumphantly handed Damirov - scribe to you, freak!
In response, the top slammed a shot. The bullet pierced his throat Damirova. Gurgling and choking on his own blood, Damirov slid along the wall, not caring more about whitewashing, rattling off the collar.
- Sema! - Loudly shouted Pavlovich - We are here Sema!
- Pavlovich!