Kazakh in the French legion
Not so long ago we told about maroon berets and inhuman load, which accounts for them to withstand. But there is in the world even more ruthless army service, which thus remains a cherished dream for many men. This French Foreign Legion - a special military units, part of the land forces of France. By signing the contract, the legionary actually refuses his past and limits his contact with the outside world. However, after the first three years of service is entitled to request French citizenship or to obtain a residence permit at the end of the first contract (5 years). Despite the seriousness of the privacy and offer you the experience of Kazakhstani service in the legion, but without his portraits. Guess why?
Will be 73 photos
1. I would like to share with you the impressions of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (until 1986 the name officially translated into Russian as the Republic of Ivory Coast) within the French Foreign Legion. Operation called LICORNE («Unicorn"). The Legion, I went to check myself, know your limits, to learn discipline. When I plan to finish the master's degree in Paris and return home to Kazakhstan. The mandate of the stay lasts 4-6 months. I'll be here until the end of October 2013.
Departure from the military airport Istres in southern France. Fly around 6 hours. In the photo are flying over the Sahara. I would not want to be there now ...
2. After landing and exit into the open air it seemed that someone follow you around with the heater running. In addition, humidity is very high, the skin to instantly covered with small drops of sweat. Quickly get on the bus with air conditioning.
3. Part of the Port-Bouet is located near the airport. Building, waiting for the arrival of Colonel, Commander in Chief of our operation. In the picture my friend Mongol, to service in the legion worked as a bodyguard Minister of Mongolia. A dangerous type, which many avoided, but as well that we have a single ancestor, it is us, and united.
4. Raising the flag of France and the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. It's hot and terribly stuffy.
5. Place the rooms already, to dinner a couple of hours. We found coconuts in the garden and went to work.
6. All around the green, equatorial climate. Coconuts grow in the garden. Stop at all with his head. This is followed by a week of adaptation to climate, sport is strictly forbidden not to get sunstroke.
7. The adaptation was successful. Getting sporting activities. Generally, about sports in the Legion can talk endlessly - from running (the favorite sport of the French) for short distances and ending triathlon Iron Man, where you have to run, ride a bike and swim in the distance is not small. The photo swimming competition with an obstacle course.
8. In the pool you can walk every day during the siesta (nap time). Siesta from 12.00 to 15.00, because it's too hot to work. The rooms have air conditioning and all the amenities.
9. For those who want to improve their French, there is a language course. On admission to the Legion 90 percent of people do not know the language, but as they say Lad Camp "does not come through the ears, comes through the hands." The quicker you learn the language more quickly sent to the corporal experience - a living hell, which lasts 8 weeks, where I lost 8 kg and analgesic passed the final tests with racing crack in the lower leg. Never in my life I would like to go there again!
10. Before lunch or dinner with us, "aperitif" - pull-ups, push-ups and abdominal exercises.
11. In the photo a soldier, my buddy Juan, Colombian. On his return to France he will go to the length of Corporal.
12. Soldiers of love. The Legion of bullying does not exist, but there ustavschina. If a soldier does not comply with an order or makes a mistake, it usually pushed. How many times - now depends on the good nature of Corporal. We were taught in the experience of the corporal that "the corporal to be stronger and faster than a soldier in all cases, then there will be respect for him."
13. Compilation and analysis of weapons for a while. Ground the French army uses automatic FAMAS 5, 56 mm and 9 mm gun PAMAS. There are several types of sniper rifles, anti-tank units. FAMAS shoot accurately, but unreliable. After firing a weapon are always cleaned to a shine. On uchebke weapon clean up all night, and do not forget how many were falling from exhaustion, like dominoes.
14. Began patrol in Abidjan. France shows its presence in its former colony.
15. Culture shock after the Western world. For Africans relieve themselves in plain sight, and in a public place - in the order of things.
16. Local traffic police does not sleep. I remembered once I was in the al-Farabi stopped repeatedly. In France, traffic police rarely stopped cars. I would say, almost never.
17. We stopped for a smoke. In the photo-Ecuadorian Corporal Zambrano. Not a bad guy, but he says a lot and often in vain.
18. We look through the route with the captain of the patrol. Officers in the legion is 99 percent of the French from very wealthy families, besides the Legion get the best officers of the Paris Military School. Because of this, they are considered among the elite of the officers of other French military. The Chinese left - this is not me.
19. We pass the area of Cocody. It is home to the richest people in Abidjan. Villa even look like something on Kazakhstan. Again a wave of nostalgia swept over the house.
20. African SWAT. We are ready at any moment to establish order in the streets of Abidjan. Fun waved as we passed.
21. Cocody. The big contrast in comparison with other areas of Abidjan.
22. State Plateau. Skyscrapers, billboards and central (perhaps the only) stadium.
23. All passengers cars fun waving to us.
24. Leave the African Manhattan and go to other areas of Abidjan.
25. The central mosque in the city.
26. Juan can not hide his impressions of Abidjan.
27. The head of the UN body. Protected as Fort Knox.
28. This happens drying things in poor neighborhoods of Abidjan.
29. Some tower. Return to the part. Week routine, sports, clothes ...
30. Preparing to go to the north of the country to the city Niele, right on the border with Mali. We accompany a logistics convoy for colleagues who are fighting in the north of Mali Tuareg rebels.
31. We are three in the jeep, the armored car: pilot - fearless Mongol soldiers Algerian - amateur doner and the commander of the armored car - Kazakh, miss Kazi.
32. This Victor, we went with him Lads Camp, but then got into different parts. He Pavlodar, but he lived in Buenos Aires and then in Luxembourg. Kazakh knows "zhaksy" and "cal Kalay?". A very positive guy and a good friend.
33. We are waiting for dispatch. Check the convoy. Ipod charged. You can go.
34. convoy length of 3 km needs help local gendarmerie to freely leave the city. Unforgettable feeling when you sit on top of the jeep armored car, drive to the police on the streets of Africa.
35. The motion was successfully stopped.
36. And this is how football stars are born global.
37. The course keep to the north.
38. All traffic is. The column, after all, is very long. Accompany the order of 40 units.
39. We stopped because one of the trucks is too high to pass under the bridge. We seize this factor. He will have to make a detour.
40. Even African mannequins with wide hips.
Will be 73 photos

1. I would like to share with you the impressions of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (until 1986 the name officially translated into Russian as the Republic of Ivory Coast) within the French Foreign Legion. Operation called LICORNE («Unicorn"). The Legion, I went to check myself, know your limits, to learn discipline. When I plan to finish the master's degree in Paris and return home to Kazakhstan. The mandate of the stay lasts 4-6 months. I'll be here until the end of October 2013.
Departure from the military airport Istres in southern France. Fly around 6 hours. In the photo are flying over the Sahara. I would not want to be there now ...

2. After landing and exit into the open air it seemed that someone follow you around with the heater running. In addition, humidity is very high, the skin to instantly covered with small drops of sweat. Quickly get on the bus with air conditioning.

3. Part of the Port-Bouet is located near the airport. Building, waiting for the arrival of Colonel, Commander in Chief of our operation. In the picture my friend Mongol, to service in the legion worked as a bodyguard Minister of Mongolia. A dangerous type, which many avoided, but as well that we have a single ancestor, it is us, and united.

4. Raising the flag of France and the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. It's hot and terribly stuffy.

5. Place the rooms already, to dinner a couple of hours. We found coconuts in the garden and went to work.

6. All around the green, equatorial climate. Coconuts grow in the garden. Stop at all with his head. This is followed by a week of adaptation to climate, sport is strictly forbidden not to get sunstroke.

7. The adaptation was successful. Getting sporting activities. Generally, about sports in the Legion can talk endlessly - from running (the favorite sport of the French) for short distances and ending triathlon Iron Man, where you have to run, ride a bike and swim in the distance is not small. The photo swimming competition with an obstacle course.

8. In the pool you can walk every day during the siesta (nap time). Siesta from 12.00 to 15.00, because it's too hot to work. The rooms have air conditioning and all the amenities.

9. For those who want to improve their French, there is a language course. On admission to the Legion 90 percent of people do not know the language, but as they say Lad Camp "does not come through the ears, comes through the hands." The quicker you learn the language more quickly sent to the corporal experience - a living hell, which lasts 8 weeks, where I lost 8 kg and analgesic passed the final tests with racing crack in the lower leg. Never in my life I would like to go there again!

10. Before lunch or dinner with us, "aperitif" - pull-ups, push-ups and abdominal exercises.

11. In the photo a soldier, my buddy Juan, Colombian. On his return to France he will go to the length of Corporal.

12. Soldiers of love. The Legion of bullying does not exist, but there ustavschina. If a soldier does not comply with an order or makes a mistake, it usually pushed. How many times - now depends on the good nature of Corporal. We were taught in the experience of the corporal that "the corporal to be stronger and faster than a soldier in all cases, then there will be respect for him."

13. Compilation and analysis of weapons for a while. Ground the French army uses automatic FAMAS 5, 56 mm and 9 mm gun PAMAS. There are several types of sniper rifles, anti-tank units. FAMAS shoot accurately, but unreliable. After firing a weapon are always cleaned to a shine. On uchebke weapon clean up all night, and do not forget how many were falling from exhaustion, like dominoes.

14. Began patrol in Abidjan. France shows its presence in its former colony.

15. Culture shock after the Western world. For Africans relieve themselves in plain sight, and in a public place - in the order of things.

16. Local traffic police does not sleep. I remembered once I was in the al-Farabi stopped repeatedly. In France, traffic police rarely stopped cars. I would say, almost never.

17. We stopped for a smoke. In the photo-Ecuadorian Corporal Zambrano. Not a bad guy, but he says a lot and often in vain.

18. We look through the route with the captain of the patrol. Officers in the legion is 99 percent of the French from very wealthy families, besides the Legion get the best officers of the Paris Military School. Because of this, they are considered among the elite of the officers of other French military. The Chinese left - this is not me.

19. We pass the area of Cocody. It is home to the richest people in Abidjan. Villa even look like something on Kazakhstan. Again a wave of nostalgia swept over the house.

20. African SWAT. We are ready at any moment to establish order in the streets of Abidjan. Fun waved as we passed.

21. Cocody. The big contrast in comparison with other areas of Abidjan.

22. State Plateau. Skyscrapers, billboards and central (perhaps the only) stadium.

23. All passengers cars fun waving to us.

24. Leave the African Manhattan and go to other areas of Abidjan.

25. The central mosque in the city.

26. Juan can not hide his impressions of Abidjan.

27. The head of the UN body. Protected as Fort Knox.

28. This happens drying things in poor neighborhoods of Abidjan.

29. Some tower. Return to the part. Week routine, sports, clothes ...

30. Preparing to go to the north of the country to the city Niele, right on the border with Mali. We accompany a logistics convoy for colleagues who are fighting in the north of Mali Tuareg rebels.

31. We are three in the jeep, the armored car: pilot - fearless Mongol soldiers Algerian - amateur doner and the commander of the armored car - Kazakh, miss Kazi.

32. This Victor, we went with him Lads Camp, but then got into different parts. He Pavlodar, but he lived in Buenos Aires and then in Luxembourg. Kazakh knows "zhaksy" and "cal Kalay?". A very positive guy and a good friend.

33. We are waiting for dispatch. Check the convoy. Ipod charged. You can go.

34. convoy length of 3 km needs help local gendarmerie to freely leave the city. Unforgettable feeling when you sit on top of the jeep armored car, drive to the police on the streets of Africa.

35. The motion was successfully stopped.

36. And this is how football stars are born global.

37. The course keep to the north.

38. All traffic is. The column, after all, is very long. Accompany the order of 40 units.

39. We stopped because one of the trucks is too high to pass under the bridge. We seize this factor. He will have to make a detour.

40. Even African mannequins with wide hips.
