To live after revenge
When I was little, I wanted to kill my sister.
She lived an interesting and unclear, went to school, read aloud in the evenings beautiful poetry, whispering on the phone with friends and did not allow me to even get into the corner of the elbow on her desk.
Mom Strictly speaking: "Dasha, do not bother Mary learn" - and pulls me toys.
The difference in the 7 years was irresistible abyss. Her life seemed gleaming in the sunlight mountaintop - snow and elusive, because particularly attractive.
Masha stared coldly at me from the height of the age, occasionally chopping off my curious attempt to climb into her records or books categorical "scat".
I was terrible, wirings, beckoned me bans magnet. I keep falling: the knees on broken glass, just a fence. Caulk my face could not see pensioners motorists - I smeared shit feline glass machines, and one particularly nasty old men who call Masha ragged goat, scratched on car svezheotlakirovannoy beautiful word condom, without even knowing what it means.
The school was not as magnificent as pictured in my dreams: I find it difficult to listen to the teacher for several hours, observing total immobility. Moreover, the neighbor on the desk was the same restless, irrepressible boy, which had to share spheres of influence, as well as to urgently resolve the issue - "xy xy."
After I broke his arm, pinched hand door locker in gambling, "the hunter-prey", the question about the "hu" has been resolved positively in my direction, and Ivan I became my best friend and helper in my antics. Head teacher quietly hated both of us, and called strictly twice a month at the school my mother sighed and promised to "influence".
Once we are in the fourth grade Vanka disrupted the annual control (as well as lessons for the week ahead), spilling mercury in consumer class - the school was invited to his father.
He returned to the gloomy, leaving me firmly: "You go to live and study in a boarding school, just do not want to be like everyone else." Behind closed doors the kitchen mom something quickly and passionately told him, then he heard the crackling and ringing like a shell crashed into a pile of spoons, my mother cried. Then another and another.
I trembled at every sound, and then the father jumped out of the kitchen, slamming the door. Mom sat on the floor, knees tucked under him, and pressed to face a tea towel, colored with red spots.
- Mom, I'm sorry - I said softly.
- Nothing, baby ... come to him - she turned away and said to the floor.
I went into the master bedroom, the father changed his clothes, pulling the strap suit trousers.
- I hate you - I said softly father back.
Father hit me in the face with a turn so that my light body imprinted back in the closet. He had never hit me, and this blow blew my universe.
Lying on the floor, I stubbornly repeated: "I hate, hate ..." - and then jumped up and ran to her room, I was shaking and shaking with anger. Masha understood everything without words, she sat down on my bed and hugged me and hugged her. She was my soulmate, an island in an ocean of resentment. I do not feel resentment and alienation, but rather confused ... what I have no desire to get rid of my sister. Children remelting hatred into love.
Three years later, his father's car lost control in the fog crashed into a billboard support, twisted around an iron pillar, and turned into a pile of metal junk from the warped remains inside.
In the car, in addition to his father, I drove my mother, who had that day to fly ailing grandmother, but the flight was canceled due to weather conditions.
My grandmother survived his daughter exactly three minutes, I then said Masha. And we were alone. Masha replaced my mother. And earlier thought about her murder, sometimes helpfully throws memory made me nervous to go scarlet stains of shame.
I pulled out of sleep when the phone rings.
"Stay with ashes on his lips, in my eyes, a breath of wind ..." - the tune was set to Mashkin Beeline.
I glanced at the luminous dial of the watch, which is not removed from the hand, even at night - four in the morning. This is serious, thorough person sister was not gaining my number sleepy in the morning, in a fit of a hangover or desire certainly talk about cellulite.
- Yes - I said hoarsely.
- Dasha - the voice of the sisters was a dim and distant - I need you. Then click disconnection and operator message "subscriber out of service».
11 digits, breaking fingernails. My sister did not answer. Once again, more ... rotten. I jerk jumped out of bed, shaking off the remnants of sleep. Jeans, T-shirt, jacket, leather soft backpack, which I habitually threw necessities: clothes, device, water, a favorite book (on the plane would have to sleep and then count them). Oh yeah, I need money.
Ticket Service said cheerfully: the next flight in two hours. Fine.
The airport was filled with human hum and bustle. In the air, it seemed tangible hope for a happy future. Justified? Hardly.
I was still half an hour before departure. The call to work is perfect, got permission for absence, followed by the return of the explanatory. In a head spinning options, what could happen?
Masha was married. It seems quite happily, now 7 years old. Her husband was a successful businessman, we crossed with him only at the wedding, which I came immediately after the date of the first session.
At that time I was already a first-year student of MAI, and my life was shaken by the first impressions of the city and a huge zapoloshnyh love. Now I did not even remember what he looked like - Mashkin husband, brown or black hair, she knew only that little that could extract from terse telephone conversation with his sister.
Calls for birthdays and Christmas, the standard greetings and hackneyed phrases. After her marriage, our relationship is not broken, but it became a thin string on which a few times a year were sent kisses and pressed a coin words: "How are you, kitty," "If I could come, miss." And - while unexplained early morning call.
Hometown met drizzle and fog common in early autumn.
I do not feel nostalgic, and all this other shit blue, called sadness of his childhood. There was only a sister. And Ivan, I dropped silently and brutally, after prom.
The operator gently, almost erotically, and asked to call back later, hoping for my understanding. Cell Masha was disabled, home phone was silent. The door of her apartment not pleased - burning red eye alarm. The apartment we sold our parents, when my sister got married - I needed housing in Moscow; Now they lived in a luxurious brick building with lifters, guards etc ...
The hotel did not want to go, I do not like all these manipulations with registration and presentation documents.
I remember the home phone of Ivan. He was firmly embedded in my memory, though I tried to forget. And his, and this city, and this phone, his lips on my body at the prom ...
If he moved, then - Khan. Shining hotel, featureless room, miserable table with burns from cigarette butts, and stains on the lovemaking faded bedspreads.
Vanya's sister took the phone. Dean immediately recognized my voice. Without another "oh, what brings" she busily dictated to me his cell and told him to call at any time.
In my unspoken question (whether it is convenient) presciently giggled - unmarried.
Ivan replied at once, sharply and abruptly - Zheglov.
Yes, that's such a fun and talking surname was my school friend. He slept and saw himself as an employee ugolovki. For some reason I was numb again, but silence me could only my boss, for employees of the eye called the APC.
- Sofa - I said timidly Vankina school nickname. He looked like a sofa - a healthy and angular.
- Dasha. - The voice no emotion, which (to be honest) I expected.
- I have nowhere to stay.
- Where are you? Wait, I will.
His nine - I immediately realized that it was Vanka - flew 22 minutes. The door opened and I plopped down on the front seat, in a warm room.
I always bossed our nasty, and Ivan always covered me, my knight and shield. And now, in his car, I felt the same way as 20 years ago, in the director's office, which required an explanation of how the teacher's door to the toilet there was an inscription DRAINAGE.
Overshadowing me back Roly buhtel sadly that was not to blame, we would like to erase, but the paint caught resistant, and solvent is not found ... Well, it was Mashkin nail polish.
- What are the winds? - His question was dry and businesslike. The wolf's eyes, in pupillary constriction, twisting and turning sleepy cop. I am constantly confronted with the Interior Ministry by the nature of the professional activity, I find this view out of a thousand.
- Called the night Masha. I asked to come. And now answered the phone, the door to the alarm.
- Maybe it had gone on vacation - suggested Ivan.
- She likes to spring Cyprus and prefers to only one specific hotel. Masha conservative - not what I tumbleweeds.
- Gone away for the night?
- Do not make me laugh, my sister does not drink anything but mineral water, and can not stand empty pyanok.
- Got it. Okay, let's go.
He took me to a nondescript cottage on the outskirts of the city, with dusty furniture and windows with curtains drawn tight.
- And in your good office to pay ... or nest of love was part of the dowry? - I could not resist from the studs.
- I'm not married - Ivan replied calmly - and not my house, man on a mission left the keys unattended. You come from the rest of the road, and I'll call some people.
Backpack flew to a heavy chair, fell on top of my shirt and jeans. In the buff, I paraded past Vanka to the bathroom, he even did not lead eyebrow, looking through me.
Douches chased leans sleepy, his head cleared. Ivan, hike, telephoned the police station and the hospital.
The room was already not there, but the kitchen was drawn smell of freshly brewed coffee, which I was obediently like a rat at the sound of the flute.
- It is the first city - said Ivan, sipping black liquid, which he cooked instead of coffee, and looking no apparent interest in the towel tightly wrapped around my hips and barely covers her crotch.
- Concussion, fractured ribs, ruptured spleen. Apparently, he fell from a height ... Going?
- By the way, you work where and wanted? - In the car I asked a classmate.
- Yes.
I can not stand hospitals. The smell of death and pain, sterile or not walls, nurse, darted to the business view of the corridors. Brrr.
The doctor on duty caught us ordinatorskoj dryly said:
- The patient was operated. You, in fact, anyone?
- Sister, actually. This is reason enough to visit?
- Five minutes - rounded out by the doctor.
Masha was in an expensive private room with rugs and a TV. This is only a TV watching it was nothing. Paul faces merged into a huge blue swelling, throat hidden in bandages, anything below - in a plaster corset. Wisps of medical devices on an iron stand next to the bed a comforting wink - all will be well.
- Masha, - I said softly, - Masha ... How did it happen?
This sultry Chamber oppressed, there could only think about old age and death, night boats, Alzheimer's disease and abortions as a result of a fall from a ladder.
These thoughts usually cause treacherous tears, but my eyes were dry. I hate crying.
- Krysko - the voice was disembodied and sisters dying - I was scared. I thought I would die without saying goodbye to you.
- Dura. Masha, you're stuffed with old fool - my voice trembled treacherously. - You dare leave me.
- Do not call Oleg nothing it turns out - rustled Masha. - You have a place to stay? Probably called Zheglova?
My sister knew me. Even after fifteen years of living apart, she knew me to the bone.
- Do not worry - I answered quietly. - I have a place to live and sleep. I did not understand - that Oleg? What happened? You are trapped in a car accident?
- He's crazy.
I frantically looked at the swollen lips sister, trying to find another meaning in her words.
- Session rodstvennnyh embrace is over - I closely to the output of a nurse, an elderly aunt with dry eyes and shark teeth horse.
In the lobby, Ivan looked at me questioningly.
- It is terribly beaten. It was beaten.
- Strange - said Zheglov - duty doctor says with her own words, she fell from the ladder. Jacobs got on the mezzanine of the old things, I wanted to throw unnecessary.
- Masha is afraid of heights. She did not wash the windows, it always made me. And now perhaps a special service. She is the second rung of the ladder - Qomolangma.
I suddenly felt the taste of blood on his teeth: her tongue?
Beat the father and the closet door, welcoming me to caress the spine.
- Bitch - I hissed. - He is hitting Masha.
- The husband?
- No, damn it, a neighbor.
I was carried in a stream and twisted scarlet mad rage from which burned the skin on the back of his head and his teeth ached.
- Easy - ordered Zheglov. - Without hysterics. Can not be wrong?
- No.
- Clarify not pulled. Now we go back to the cottage. I'll go to work, come back in the evening. The husband will find all ask the right questions.
The cottage has not changed: the same dusty curtains, dish, covered with moss in a stainless sink, the silence in the corners.
In order not to run from corner to corner like a tiger, I set about cleaning. Draila, vacuum cleaner, thrown in the wash linens. Sometimes, he is looking with hope to the phone - he was silent.
Ivan came almost nine. Silently threw the keys on the kitchen table and said:
- Tuhlyak.
- It is in Cyprus. Flew five days ago, was registered at the airport, I got on a plane. The hotel said that the customer is in the room, but at the moment no. Mobile phones are disconnected. His secretary said that ordered tickets for two, but a ticket to Kotelnikov Anatolievna Mary appeared unclaimed.
- It can not be!
- The fact remains that, kid.
He called me once infernal baby guillotine parshivkoy, zasranka - and never kid.
- Stay - I asked plaintively. And saw that it fluctuates.
- No.
The lock clicked the door, and I was left alone in the city of his childhood. Alone with his memories.
In the morning I drove to the first municipal one. The doctor on duty was already another elderly fussy puzanchik.
- The crisis is over, child. Your sister still will dance at your wedding.
However, the ward he gave me everything with the same courtesy is not empty: "Come tomorrow».
I went to the Mashkina home, I do not know why.
Strangely, the eye does not light alarms. After some hesitation, I dropped her hand, already stretched to the bell.
In the evening I again went to Maschke. I had nothing to do in this town, but to sit next to the bed and listening to the sisters as cheeps some fun tool that draws on the monitor curves.
Masha wakes rarely looked blankly at me and fell asleep again.
Two days later, I almost collided in the doorway with her husband. Oddly - I recognized him immediately. From Oleg suffocating wore expensive perfume, and through the "Hugo Boss" stale. As if he was trying to stifle the smell of cologne liquor, pour in the body in large quantities.
Oleg went straight to the first office of the chief physician, I quietly walked behind. Then he went to the House of Mary.
Hesitantly, I froze in the glass door. Then he turned and left, so as not to face, nose to nose. Not the fact that he knows me, but still ...
Around the corner of the building had to stand for forty-five minutes before I saw the tall figure of Oleg. He went out onto the porch, looked vaguely at the windows on the second floor of the chamber, where lay Masha, pulled out his car keys. Black Jeep beeped softly, responding to the call of the host. Interesnenko. Where did he painted, a loving husband? Kotelnikov abruptly pulled up and disappeared behind the gates.
Ivan did not call, I mayalas idleness and trips to the hospital. Two days later, Maschke was much better, and I wanted to hear the answers to some questions. For example, she lived all these seven years since my departure?
She was silent and looked away, but my silence her doge.
- Is it too late for the truth?
- Better late than after life.
Oleg ran into trouble with business partners four years ago. And it flew to hell. He became often give away, coming home in the morning, raising his voice. And then - and not just the voice. For the first time my husband hit Masha when she was pregnant. The child was welcome, but it was impossible to get pregnant sister was very upset, it was treated, was spending a fortune on doctors and medicines.
Oleg came home in the morning, without warning that will not sleep at home. When Masha asked where he was, Oleg took his wife's hand rough face and back of his head hit the wall. She lost consciousness - and when I came to realize that lying in a pool of blood. It is one.
After returning from the hospital, Oleg's wife come to his senses. Long begged forgiveness on his knees, stopped drinking. But it was enough not so long - in some year and a half and the girls showed up, insolently calling your home phone and calling Oleg became the norm smell strange perfume on the pillow, lipstick on shirts.
She lived an interesting and unclear, went to school, read aloud in the evenings beautiful poetry, whispering on the phone with friends and did not allow me to even get into the corner of the elbow on her desk.
Mom Strictly speaking: "Dasha, do not bother Mary learn" - and pulls me toys.
The difference in the 7 years was irresistible abyss. Her life seemed gleaming in the sunlight mountaintop - snow and elusive, because particularly attractive.
Masha stared coldly at me from the height of the age, occasionally chopping off my curious attempt to climb into her records or books categorical "scat".
I was terrible, wirings, beckoned me bans magnet. I keep falling: the knees on broken glass, just a fence. Caulk my face could not see pensioners motorists - I smeared shit feline glass machines, and one particularly nasty old men who call Masha ragged goat, scratched on car svezheotlakirovannoy beautiful word condom, without even knowing what it means.
The school was not as magnificent as pictured in my dreams: I find it difficult to listen to the teacher for several hours, observing total immobility. Moreover, the neighbor on the desk was the same restless, irrepressible boy, which had to share spheres of influence, as well as to urgently resolve the issue - "xy xy."
After I broke his arm, pinched hand door locker in gambling, "the hunter-prey", the question about the "hu" has been resolved positively in my direction, and Ivan I became my best friend and helper in my antics. Head teacher quietly hated both of us, and called strictly twice a month at the school my mother sighed and promised to "influence".
Once we are in the fourth grade Vanka disrupted the annual control (as well as lessons for the week ahead), spilling mercury in consumer class - the school was invited to his father.
He returned to the gloomy, leaving me firmly: "You go to live and study in a boarding school, just do not want to be like everyone else." Behind closed doors the kitchen mom something quickly and passionately told him, then he heard the crackling and ringing like a shell crashed into a pile of spoons, my mother cried. Then another and another.
I trembled at every sound, and then the father jumped out of the kitchen, slamming the door. Mom sat on the floor, knees tucked under him, and pressed to face a tea towel, colored with red spots.
- Mom, I'm sorry - I said softly.
- Nothing, baby ... come to him - she turned away and said to the floor.
I went into the master bedroom, the father changed his clothes, pulling the strap suit trousers.
- I hate you - I said softly father back.
Father hit me in the face with a turn so that my light body imprinted back in the closet. He had never hit me, and this blow blew my universe.
Lying on the floor, I stubbornly repeated: "I hate, hate ..." - and then jumped up and ran to her room, I was shaking and shaking with anger. Masha understood everything without words, she sat down on my bed and hugged me and hugged her. She was my soulmate, an island in an ocean of resentment. I do not feel resentment and alienation, but rather confused ... what I have no desire to get rid of my sister. Children remelting hatred into love.
Three years later, his father's car lost control in the fog crashed into a billboard support, twisted around an iron pillar, and turned into a pile of metal junk from the warped remains inside.
In the car, in addition to his father, I drove my mother, who had that day to fly ailing grandmother, but the flight was canceled due to weather conditions.
My grandmother survived his daughter exactly three minutes, I then said Masha. And we were alone. Masha replaced my mother. And earlier thought about her murder, sometimes helpfully throws memory made me nervous to go scarlet stains of shame.
I pulled out of sleep when the phone rings.
"Stay with ashes on his lips, in my eyes, a breath of wind ..." - the tune was set to Mashkin Beeline.
I glanced at the luminous dial of the watch, which is not removed from the hand, even at night - four in the morning. This is serious, thorough person sister was not gaining my number sleepy in the morning, in a fit of a hangover or desire certainly talk about cellulite.
- Yes - I said hoarsely.
- Dasha - the voice of the sisters was a dim and distant - I need you. Then click disconnection and operator message "subscriber out of service».
11 digits, breaking fingernails. My sister did not answer. Once again, more ... rotten. I jerk jumped out of bed, shaking off the remnants of sleep. Jeans, T-shirt, jacket, leather soft backpack, which I habitually threw necessities: clothes, device, water, a favorite book (on the plane would have to sleep and then count them). Oh yeah, I need money.
Ticket Service said cheerfully: the next flight in two hours. Fine.
The airport was filled with human hum and bustle. In the air, it seemed tangible hope for a happy future. Justified? Hardly.
I was still half an hour before departure. The call to work is perfect, got permission for absence, followed by the return of the explanatory. In a head spinning options, what could happen?
Masha was married. It seems quite happily, now 7 years old. Her husband was a successful businessman, we crossed with him only at the wedding, which I came immediately after the date of the first session.
At that time I was already a first-year student of MAI, and my life was shaken by the first impressions of the city and a huge zapoloshnyh love. Now I did not even remember what he looked like - Mashkin husband, brown or black hair, she knew only that little that could extract from terse telephone conversation with his sister.
Calls for birthdays and Christmas, the standard greetings and hackneyed phrases. After her marriage, our relationship is not broken, but it became a thin string on which a few times a year were sent kisses and pressed a coin words: "How are you, kitty," "If I could come, miss." And - while unexplained early morning call.
Hometown met drizzle and fog common in early autumn.
I do not feel nostalgic, and all this other shit blue, called sadness of his childhood. There was only a sister. And Ivan, I dropped silently and brutally, after prom.
The operator gently, almost erotically, and asked to call back later, hoping for my understanding. Cell Masha was disabled, home phone was silent. The door of her apartment not pleased - burning red eye alarm. The apartment we sold our parents, when my sister got married - I needed housing in Moscow; Now they lived in a luxurious brick building with lifters, guards etc ...
The hotel did not want to go, I do not like all these manipulations with registration and presentation documents.
I remember the home phone of Ivan. He was firmly embedded in my memory, though I tried to forget. And his, and this city, and this phone, his lips on my body at the prom ...
If he moved, then - Khan. Shining hotel, featureless room, miserable table with burns from cigarette butts, and stains on the lovemaking faded bedspreads.
Vanya's sister took the phone. Dean immediately recognized my voice. Without another "oh, what brings" she busily dictated to me his cell and told him to call at any time.
In my unspoken question (whether it is convenient) presciently giggled - unmarried.
Ivan replied at once, sharply and abruptly - Zheglov.
Yes, that's such a fun and talking surname was my school friend. He slept and saw himself as an employee ugolovki. For some reason I was numb again, but silence me could only my boss, for employees of the eye called the APC.
- Sofa - I said timidly Vankina school nickname. He looked like a sofa - a healthy and angular.
- Dasha. - The voice no emotion, which (to be honest) I expected.
- I have nowhere to stay.
- Where are you? Wait, I will.
His nine - I immediately realized that it was Vanka - flew 22 minutes. The door opened and I plopped down on the front seat, in a warm room.
I always bossed our nasty, and Ivan always covered me, my knight and shield. And now, in his car, I felt the same way as 20 years ago, in the director's office, which required an explanation of how the teacher's door to the toilet there was an inscription DRAINAGE.
Overshadowing me back Roly buhtel sadly that was not to blame, we would like to erase, but the paint caught resistant, and solvent is not found ... Well, it was Mashkin nail polish.
- What are the winds? - His question was dry and businesslike. The wolf's eyes, in pupillary constriction, twisting and turning sleepy cop. I am constantly confronted with the Interior Ministry by the nature of the professional activity, I find this view out of a thousand.
- Called the night Masha. I asked to come. And now answered the phone, the door to the alarm.
- Maybe it had gone on vacation - suggested Ivan.
- She likes to spring Cyprus and prefers to only one specific hotel. Masha conservative - not what I tumbleweeds.
- Gone away for the night?
- Do not make me laugh, my sister does not drink anything but mineral water, and can not stand empty pyanok.
- Got it. Okay, let's go.
He took me to a nondescript cottage on the outskirts of the city, with dusty furniture and windows with curtains drawn tight.
- And in your good office to pay ... or nest of love was part of the dowry? - I could not resist from the studs.
- I'm not married - Ivan replied calmly - and not my house, man on a mission left the keys unattended. You come from the rest of the road, and I'll call some people.
Backpack flew to a heavy chair, fell on top of my shirt and jeans. In the buff, I paraded past Vanka to the bathroom, he even did not lead eyebrow, looking through me.
Douches chased leans sleepy, his head cleared. Ivan, hike, telephoned the police station and the hospital.
The room was already not there, but the kitchen was drawn smell of freshly brewed coffee, which I was obediently like a rat at the sound of the flute.
- It is the first city - said Ivan, sipping black liquid, which he cooked instead of coffee, and looking no apparent interest in the towel tightly wrapped around my hips and barely covers her crotch.
- Concussion, fractured ribs, ruptured spleen. Apparently, he fell from a height ... Going?
- By the way, you work where and wanted? - In the car I asked a classmate.
- Yes.
I can not stand hospitals. The smell of death and pain, sterile or not walls, nurse, darted to the business view of the corridors. Brrr.
The doctor on duty caught us ordinatorskoj dryly said:
- The patient was operated. You, in fact, anyone?
- Sister, actually. This is reason enough to visit?
- Five minutes - rounded out by the doctor.
Masha was in an expensive private room with rugs and a TV. This is only a TV watching it was nothing. Paul faces merged into a huge blue swelling, throat hidden in bandages, anything below - in a plaster corset. Wisps of medical devices on an iron stand next to the bed a comforting wink - all will be well.
- Masha, - I said softly, - Masha ... How did it happen?
This sultry Chamber oppressed, there could only think about old age and death, night boats, Alzheimer's disease and abortions as a result of a fall from a ladder.
These thoughts usually cause treacherous tears, but my eyes were dry. I hate crying.
- Krysko - the voice was disembodied and sisters dying - I was scared. I thought I would die without saying goodbye to you.
- Dura. Masha, you're stuffed with old fool - my voice trembled treacherously. - You dare leave me.
- Do not call Oleg nothing it turns out - rustled Masha. - You have a place to stay? Probably called Zheglova?
My sister knew me. Even after fifteen years of living apart, she knew me to the bone.
- Do not worry - I answered quietly. - I have a place to live and sleep. I did not understand - that Oleg? What happened? You are trapped in a car accident?
- He's crazy.
I frantically looked at the swollen lips sister, trying to find another meaning in her words.
- Session rodstvennnyh embrace is over - I closely to the output of a nurse, an elderly aunt with dry eyes and shark teeth horse.
In the lobby, Ivan looked at me questioningly.
- It is terribly beaten. It was beaten.
- Strange - said Zheglov - duty doctor says with her own words, she fell from the ladder. Jacobs got on the mezzanine of the old things, I wanted to throw unnecessary.
- Masha is afraid of heights. She did not wash the windows, it always made me. And now perhaps a special service. She is the second rung of the ladder - Qomolangma.
I suddenly felt the taste of blood on his teeth: her tongue?
Beat the father and the closet door, welcoming me to caress the spine.
- Bitch - I hissed. - He is hitting Masha.
- The husband?
- No, damn it, a neighbor.
I was carried in a stream and twisted scarlet mad rage from which burned the skin on the back of his head and his teeth ached.
- Easy - ordered Zheglov. - Without hysterics. Can not be wrong?
- No.
- Clarify not pulled. Now we go back to the cottage. I'll go to work, come back in the evening. The husband will find all ask the right questions.
The cottage has not changed: the same dusty curtains, dish, covered with moss in a stainless sink, the silence in the corners.
In order not to run from corner to corner like a tiger, I set about cleaning. Draila, vacuum cleaner, thrown in the wash linens. Sometimes, he is looking with hope to the phone - he was silent.
Ivan came almost nine. Silently threw the keys on the kitchen table and said:
- Tuhlyak.
- It is in Cyprus. Flew five days ago, was registered at the airport, I got on a plane. The hotel said that the customer is in the room, but at the moment no. Mobile phones are disconnected. His secretary said that ordered tickets for two, but a ticket to Kotelnikov Anatolievna Mary appeared unclaimed.
- It can not be!
- The fact remains that, kid.
He called me once infernal baby guillotine parshivkoy, zasranka - and never kid.
- Stay - I asked plaintively. And saw that it fluctuates.
- No.
The lock clicked the door, and I was left alone in the city of his childhood. Alone with his memories.
In the morning I drove to the first municipal one. The doctor on duty was already another elderly fussy puzanchik.
- The crisis is over, child. Your sister still will dance at your wedding.
However, the ward he gave me everything with the same courtesy is not empty: "Come tomorrow».
I went to the Mashkina home, I do not know why.
Strangely, the eye does not light alarms. After some hesitation, I dropped her hand, already stretched to the bell.
In the evening I again went to Maschke. I had nothing to do in this town, but to sit next to the bed and listening to the sisters as cheeps some fun tool that draws on the monitor curves.
Masha wakes rarely looked blankly at me and fell asleep again.
Two days later, I almost collided in the doorway with her husband. Oddly - I recognized him immediately. From Oleg suffocating wore expensive perfume, and through the "Hugo Boss" stale. As if he was trying to stifle the smell of cologne liquor, pour in the body in large quantities.
Oleg went straight to the first office of the chief physician, I quietly walked behind. Then he went to the House of Mary.
Hesitantly, I froze in the glass door. Then he turned and left, so as not to face, nose to nose. Not the fact that he knows me, but still ...
Around the corner of the building had to stand for forty-five minutes before I saw the tall figure of Oleg. He went out onto the porch, looked vaguely at the windows on the second floor of the chamber, where lay Masha, pulled out his car keys. Black Jeep beeped softly, responding to the call of the host. Interesnenko. Where did he painted, a loving husband? Kotelnikov abruptly pulled up and disappeared behind the gates.
Ivan did not call, I mayalas idleness and trips to the hospital. Two days later, Maschke was much better, and I wanted to hear the answers to some questions. For example, she lived all these seven years since my departure?
She was silent and looked away, but my silence her doge.
- Is it too late for the truth?
- Better late than after life.
Oleg ran into trouble with business partners four years ago. And it flew to hell. He became often give away, coming home in the morning, raising his voice. And then - and not just the voice. For the first time my husband hit Masha when she was pregnant. The child was welcome, but it was impossible to get pregnant sister was very upset, it was treated, was spending a fortune on doctors and medicines.
Oleg came home in the morning, without warning that will not sleep at home. When Masha asked where he was, Oleg took his wife's hand rough face and back of his head hit the wall. She lost consciousness - and when I came to realize that lying in a pool of blood. It is one.
After returning from the hospital, Oleg's wife come to his senses. Long begged forgiveness on his knees, stopped drinking. But it was enough not so long - in some year and a half and the girls showed up, insolently calling your home phone and calling Oleg became the norm smell strange perfume on the pillow, lipstick on shirts.