Advertising Chinese
The traditions of thousands of years of culture and current situation formed the advertising industry with a variety of osobennostey.Aleksey Moskalenko, who lives in China and worked in advertising, special material for the site told about the most important distinguishing features of advertising's most populous country.
The article is written based on my own observations, and one of the most famous books on advertising in China - Tom Doctoroff «Billions». Alex does not pretend to be the expert, but simply talks about his observations.
China has many unique sides. That there is only love for all brand-name! If the cost of branded things equal salary for six months, it will not stop residents of the Middle Kingdom. Foreigners in China joke: "Chinese woman without a handbag from L & V or the iPhone - a myth." If the grandmother in a conversation on the street would call her poodle named French brand, this is no surprise.
Over the past 20 years, most Chinese companies have noted the multiplication of sales volumes is mainly due to the growth of the market. But more and more owners of enterprises see the need to invest in design and advertising. Network Agency already has a large experience in China, while the Chinese advertising companies in major cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou) is already able to provide a competitive product. In addition, their provincial counterparts are also actively studying the market and try to keep abreast of all developments. On the streets of all the cities near the grocery stores you can find a small "advertising agency", where young people with sufficient knowledge of the necessary software for 300 yuan ($ 45) to make a "turnkey" banner.
NeymingAnalogichno with Arab countries, China doubles titles since the population is much easier to pronounce the names of family members set of sounds. During Expo 2010 Shanghai grandparents taught basic English to Chinese. For example, the sound of the word «Hello» found an analogy in the Chinese language - ha-lou.
Also interesting is the process of translation into Chinese of foreign brands. To touch the soul of the Chinese consumer BMW decided to call 宝马 (bao ma) - «a precious horse." In ancient times the horse signified high status of its owner.
Mercedes 奔驰 (ben chi) simply means "speed».
Porsche 保时捷 (bao shi jie) means "to protect + time + Speed».
Sprite 雪碧 (xue bi) - «emerald ice»
7-up 七喜 (qi xi) - «seven happiness»
Nokia 诺基亚 (nuo jia ya) - «promise basis, Asia»
There is no semantic significance = lost market opportunities.
Patriotic sostavlyayuschayaDazhe if Chinese youth wearing T-shirts from Japanese manufacturers and listens to Korean music, it remains extremely patriotic.
Toyota, one showing the worship of Chinese lions Japanese car, harmed not only the brand, but also the relations of the countries. The internet information war broke out. As a result, advertising removed immediately, and sales dropped significantly.
Japanese mini-mart chain FamilyMart using Taiwanese partner went on the market a few Chinese cities with image of Chinese companies. The roots are not hidden, but not disclosed. Recently, a taxi driver threw the circle for free just for the sake of me to buy a drink in the Chinese FamilyMart, which he is very proud.
For the same reason, more than 60% use a search engine Baidu.com (while complaining of his venality and poor search among pages in English), because Google came out with criticism against the Chinese, no matter what.
In connection with long-term stay in the network, people often like to view the short stories from the life of compatriots. The network has a lot of short films for the money of the sponsor. In general, most advertisements carry a teaching role. Everywhere you can hear the deep reasoning. Examples: Audi, Lenovo
The perception of colors Black - a negative value.
Red - good luck and joy.
Blue-green - the strength and vigor.
Green - health, wealth and harmony. But sometimes it can be associated with infidelity and regression (falling shares on the stock exchange does not show red, and green).
Blue - eternity.
White - the bitterness, mourning.
Yellow - the most beautiful color. The center of everything. Freedom from worldly cares.
Prohibited temyKrome officially forbidden themes and images have a list of things that advertisers avoided. They can draw attention to that part of the population who can complain. Although, for example, in the largest cities of creatives and their clients are trying to take risks. Metro in Shanghai, it seems, is one such screening sites. It is interesting that at first appears one such banner and only then - a few days or weeks - there is a massive "attack" on the passengers.
It is also desirable to skip the bad treatment of male to female (on the contrary - even welcomed), and other aggressive adolescent antisocial images. No bacteria or viruses in their real form of the disease should be represented in the form of small pink / green monsters who wins the animated hero medicine with a triumphant and lovely voice.
Relations inostrantsamiPriglashenie foreigners in the Chinese shooting campaigns - a common phenomenon, which is often used to living here laovaev (foreigners). Typically, this is done for several reasons:
- Advertising and make one for the domestic market and foreign trade;
- To show international companies (laovaev actor portrays a professional wine, taste the wine and pretty nods);
- Show an advantage over the foreign national.
Factor jealousy
Therefore, the Chinese men especially jealous of advertising with the image of "our" and "foreign". However, GAP took the risk in the last campaign.
And advertising for men often contains a European women's images.
Protection and its demonstratsiyaNa famous people for thousands of years China constructed for himself "pods," where they would feel safe. The first emperor Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors surrounded himself who defended him on the road to the other world. The walls of the Forbidden City are similar to the shafts with separate small windows under the roof. The Great Wall stretches almost 9000 kilometers. School uniforms sewn so that no one stuck out into the street, and kills germs Safeguard soap takes 30% of the market. Forecasters future, amulets, lucky numbers, dates favorable for marriage, fireworks to scare away evil forces, martial arts only for protection and Feng Shui, which will close by "dysfunctional winds." The instinct of self-defense implies a passive form of behavior.
Example - Advertising Mercedes Lions - riding a Mercedes will be 100% safe accompanied by traditional lion.
Most security features are derived from Buddhism and Taoism. But China also Confucian: the focus on the status abmitsiozny, assertive and socially mobile. If the Japanese advertising of hygiene sounds like "Shhh! Do not worry. No one will notice, "that it is in China," No fear! Nothing will be between you and success! »
StatusnostKitayskie consumers are very noticeable. Status - a weapon that you need to actively use and not put in a box contentment wealth. Victory should be projected. Loud and bright colors. The reason for this - a serious competition. In order to keep others at a distance, you need to show who you are and what you have achieved, which is a characteristic phenomenon of developing countries.
At the country level, China Majesty projects. The streets blinded by the bright neon lights. Huge airports and other facilities need to impress. Cuddly holding the 2008 Olympics and Expo 2010 - confirmation of this.
At the micro level the children are vaccinated status since birth, calling them great names: Dragon, Wisdom, Victory, Power, morning sun. In Chinese, there is a concept 面子 (mian zi), which means "person" or "honor". And respectively associated with this notion: 丢面子 (diu mian zi) - lose face, 给 我 点 面子 (gei wo dian mian zi) - show me their respect, 挽回 面子 (wan hui mian zi) - to save face. In a recently filmed «奋斗» («Fighting"), which shows how to fight to the end of his dream, one of the heroes learn that his friend was promoted to the post, he said: "I feel now I have 面子». That is, even indirect contact to success elevates your status, your "business card».
All the hairdresser - a podium behind glass where your improvement hairstyles presented in a blaze of mirrors to passersby on the street. Popular karaoke clubs lined with mirrors that singing could really feel like stars. Ubiquitous greatness client before a waiter, etc.
When exchanging business cards with Chinese partners to take it with both hands, look closely at the office and show your admiration and respect. Often on the business cards one person can see a list of several posts. The more, the better.
All email services offer VIP services box. For a surcharge of 30 yuan per month, you can get some privileges in service (used by one), but the most important thing - to get to the additive drawer. For example: zhangli@vip.mail.com. The Chinese equivalent of Facebook - renren.com everyone can pay 10 yuan per month for the console next to the name VIP (+ some advantages in use). On every third clip or print an appeal to have the potential to VIP clients.
Status + state support provoked booming car sales. The manager is unlikely to be respected, if not come to work for Buick and Volkswagen. Even if the car will cost him a year's salary, he should buy. And yet - it should be a foreign brand. For the management of Chinese brands are allowed only in small towns.
China Advertising Buick
Placing a semi-inversion to different segments of the population in some regions of China are different, but there are uniting basis for communication with them.
What you need to Chinese women?
Chinese woman clamped the three roles that it must comply with: aggressively "bearing half the sky" (communism), taking care of the family (Confucianism) and individualistic (market economy).
She covered the three objectives.
We need to help her balance the needs, enabling:
- Feel the ability to manage, passing through "stages of life»;
- To achieve a stable and passionate marriage;
- To be successful, not losing elegant femininity;
- Be supported by a third party;
- To avoid the requirements / expectations of society.
What should be the Chinese men?
Chinese man, in turn, is between the specification of the concept of success (financially and professionally) and wide entrepreneurial path to it (in contrast to the more recent approach to the notion of dynastic success). Therefore it is necessary to appease "testosterone-charged anxiety»:
- Projecting his status;
- Releasing his aggression;
- Giving advice on how to become successful with the girl;
- Strengthening the sense of professionalism in anything other than work (golf, music).
InternetObsuzhdaya modern China, it is impossible not to draw attention to its most thriving industry - the Internet.
This is a vast field of marketing. One has only to look at the pace of development.
Experts say that about 10% of the budget of all campaigns in China is spent on the Internet. Over 50% of Chinese Internet pages - have been created by users. On the radio, you can hear the dialogue:
- The theme of today's program so and so. Questions write on my blog page.
- And what about those who are not a blog?
- Show me the man! (laughter in the studio)
Almost every major manufacturer is a blog where you can learn about all of its updates. When that real brand manufacturer in China - is an individual director, the blog is often the director.
The design of the majority of web pages created on the principle of "empty space - a waste of money." Each pixel packed information. Besides, most of the information should be on the main page. For a simple comparison can visit www.yahoo.com and www.cn.yahoo.com or just www.sina.com.cn .
Given that the Internet is a space for people's expressions of opinion, how fast the network can promote your product, and it quickly "push." As in real space the Chinese do not tend to show their protest, the World Wide Web is a platform for such a dialogue. Information odds instantly among the many millions of community users. Most of the publications are also commenting on the event, be sure to indicate the number of views, which brought together the news network.
10 rules of successful textbook of Chinese advertisement (Tom Doctoroff: «Billions», 2005)
1. Not to anger Beijing. B>
Chinese security forces, especially its Beijing hub, still very suspicious of advertising - anxiety mental resource pollution
But the leadership of the country - is only one side of the Beijing ultrasensitive. Residents of this city, too touchy. They consider themselves the intellectual elite and extremely proud of the Chinese culture and traditions.
2. Keep it simple in smaller towns and rural areas. B>
The villagers have little or no understanding of the experience of "creativity". 800-900 million Chinese citizens living outside the borders of the big cities is not taken "goods" as "brands" - that is, products with specific benefits, dividends and emotional associations.
3. Teach older. B>
It is obvious that people are "older" in China than in the West. Those who are over 40 have experienced (perhaps as children) shocks of liberalization and the Cultural Revolution. These people are tired of the struggle often perceive advertising not only as a necessity, but also a slightly diabolical source of information. On the other hand, people under the age of 35, are prone to the west of creativity, which they enjoy.
4. Occupy youth with "China cool». B>
China Youth ultraconservative. Hero advertising looks good, demonstrates resourcefulness and understated personality. He has to wear what "in the subject", but to avoid even a hint of defiance. Do your images epitome of "China cool," but keep the public and conservative.
5. Show the promise, but not the process. B>
Continued rules № 3. Distinguishing brands - acquired skill, and new Chinese customers in need of assistance. Therefore, we must make his message focused on getting good. Answer the question "Why should I buy it?" The answer may be emotional ("People will think I am successful"), functional ("My teeth are white") or something in the middle ("People think I'm successful if My teeth are white "). But it should be clear, simple, direct and result-oriented.
6. Tell my mother that they need it. B>
In the West, working mothers spend efforts on the balance between career and family life with joy. In China, the battle is not so terrible - the child wins, without reservations. Maternal aggression is understandable. Until recently all over China accommodation standards were very low. They protect children from malnutrition and social injustice. Today, "the fear of attacks" still exists. So tell me that she is very, very necessary. Without her family to "lose face." Without it, the bacteria will be on the soap!
7. Do not show real life. B>
We call it "accessible (understandable) desire." Personal wishes for the future should be glossed over in the film. Call it sanitized. Call it simplistic. It works.
8. Be assertive, but never show off
In Confucian hierarchical society is considered to boast ignorance. In addition, it is offensive and illegal. You can understand, but do not say "my brand is bigger and better than that.»
9. Great - beautiful. B>
I admit that the agencies take up 17.65% of the cost, high-quality advertising indicates the corporate reliability. It differs. She convinces. Frankly, in the air there are many gruesome work. If your advertising does not shine, from her no one will turn away in disgust. But on the other hand, if it has a top-end cost of manufacturing, not just do not remain unnoticed.
The article is written based on my own observations, and one of the most famous books on advertising in China - Tom Doctoroff «Billions». Alex does not pretend to be the expert, but simply talks about his observations.
China has many unique sides. That there is only love for all brand-name! If the cost of branded things equal salary for six months, it will not stop residents of the Middle Kingdom. Foreigners in China joke: "Chinese woman without a handbag from L & V or the iPhone - a myth." If the grandmother in a conversation on the street would call her poodle named French brand, this is no surprise.
Over the past 20 years, most Chinese companies have noted the multiplication of sales volumes is mainly due to the growth of the market. But more and more owners of enterprises see the need to invest in design and advertising. Network Agency already has a large experience in China, while the Chinese advertising companies in major cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou) is already able to provide a competitive product. In addition, their provincial counterparts are also actively studying the market and try to keep abreast of all developments. On the streets of all the cities near the grocery stores you can find a small "advertising agency", where young people with sufficient knowledge of the necessary software for 300 yuan ($ 45) to make a "turnkey" banner.
NeymingAnalogichno with Arab countries, China doubles titles since the population is much easier to pronounce the names of family members set of sounds. During Expo 2010 Shanghai grandparents taught basic English to Chinese. For example, the sound of the word «Hello» found an analogy in the Chinese language - ha-lou.



Also interesting is the process of translation into Chinese of foreign brands. To touch the soul of the Chinese consumer BMW decided to call 宝马 (bao ma) - «a precious horse." In ancient times the horse signified high status of its owner.
Mercedes 奔驰 (ben chi) simply means "speed».
Porsche 保时捷 (bao shi jie) means "to protect + time + Speed».
Sprite 雪碧 (xue bi) - «emerald ice»
7-up 七喜 (qi xi) - «seven happiness»
Nokia 诺基亚 (nuo jia ya) - «promise basis, Asia»
There is no semantic significance = lost market opportunities.
Patriotic sostavlyayuschayaDazhe if Chinese youth wearing T-shirts from Japanese manufacturers and listens to Korean music, it remains extremely patriotic.
Toyota, one showing the worship of Chinese lions Japanese car, harmed not only the brand, but also the relations of the countries. The internet information war broke out. As a result, advertising removed immediately, and sales dropped significantly.
Japanese mini-mart chain FamilyMart using Taiwanese partner went on the market a few Chinese cities with image of Chinese companies. The roots are not hidden, but not disclosed. Recently, a taxi driver threw the circle for free just for the sake of me to buy a drink in the Chinese FamilyMart, which he is very proud.
For the same reason, more than 60% use a search engine Baidu.com (while complaining of his venality and poor search among pages in English), because Google came out with criticism against the Chinese, no matter what.
In connection with long-term stay in the network, people often like to view the short stories from the life of compatriots. The network has a lot of short films for the money of the sponsor. In general, most advertisements carry a teaching role. Everywhere you can hear the deep reasoning. Examples: Audi, Lenovo
The perception of colors Black - a negative value.
Red - good luck and joy.
Blue-green - the strength and vigor.
Green - health, wealth and harmony. But sometimes it can be associated with infidelity and regression (falling shares on the stock exchange does not show red, and green).
Blue - eternity.
White - the bitterness, mourning.
Yellow - the most beautiful color. The center of everything. Freedom from worldly cares.
Prohibited temyKrome officially forbidden themes and images have a list of things that advertisers avoided. They can draw attention to that part of the population who can complain. Although, for example, in the largest cities of creatives and their clients are trying to take risks. Metro in Shanghai, it seems, is one such screening sites. It is interesting that at first appears one such banner and only then - a few days or weeks - there is a massive "attack" on the passengers.

It is also desirable to skip the bad treatment of male to female (on the contrary - even welcomed), and other aggressive adolescent antisocial images. No bacteria or viruses in their real form of the disease should be represented in the form of small pink / green monsters who wins the animated hero medicine with a triumphant and lovely voice.
Relations inostrantsamiPriglashenie foreigners in the Chinese shooting campaigns - a common phenomenon, which is often used to living here laovaev (foreigners). Typically, this is done for several reasons:
- Advertising and make one for the domestic market and foreign trade;
- To show international companies (laovaev actor portrays a professional wine, taste the wine and pretty nods);
- Show an advantage over the foreign national.
Factor jealousy
Therefore, the Chinese men especially jealous of advertising with the image of "our" and "foreign". However, GAP took the risk in the last campaign.

And advertising for men often contains a European women's images.
Protection and its demonstratsiyaNa famous people for thousands of years China constructed for himself "pods," where they would feel safe. The first emperor Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors surrounded himself who defended him on the road to the other world. The walls of the Forbidden City are similar to the shafts with separate small windows under the roof. The Great Wall stretches almost 9000 kilometers. School uniforms sewn so that no one stuck out into the street, and kills germs Safeguard soap takes 30% of the market. Forecasters future, amulets, lucky numbers, dates favorable for marriage, fireworks to scare away evil forces, martial arts only for protection and Feng Shui, which will close by "dysfunctional winds." The instinct of self-defense implies a passive form of behavior.
Example - Advertising Mercedes Lions - riding a Mercedes will be 100% safe accompanied by traditional lion.
Most security features are derived from Buddhism and Taoism. But China also Confucian: the focus on the status abmitsiozny, assertive and socially mobile. If the Japanese advertising of hygiene sounds like "Shhh! Do not worry. No one will notice, "that it is in China," No fear! Nothing will be between you and success! »
StatusnostKitayskie consumers are very noticeable. Status - a weapon that you need to actively use and not put in a box contentment wealth. Victory should be projected. Loud and bright colors. The reason for this - a serious competition. In order to keep others at a distance, you need to show who you are and what you have achieved, which is a characteristic phenomenon of developing countries.
At the country level, China Majesty projects. The streets blinded by the bright neon lights. Huge airports and other facilities need to impress. Cuddly holding the 2008 Olympics and Expo 2010 - confirmation of this.

At the micro level the children are vaccinated status since birth, calling them great names: Dragon, Wisdom, Victory, Power, morning sun. In Chinese, there is a concept 面子 (mian zi), which means "person" or "honor". And respectively associated with this notion: 丢面子 (diu mian zi) - lose face, 给 我 点 面子 (gei wo dian mian zi) - show me their respect, 挽回 面子 (wan hui mian zi) - to save face. In a recently filmed «奋斗» («Fighting"), which shows how to fight to the end of his dream, one of the heroes learn that his friend was promoted to the post, he said: "I feel now I have 面子». That is, even indirect contact to success elevates your status, your "business card».
All the hairdresser - a podium behind glass where your improvement hairstyles presented in a blaze of mirrors to passersby on the street. Popular karaoke clubs lined with mirrors that singing could really feel like stars. Ubiquitous greatness client before a waiter, etc.
When exchanging business cards with Chinese partners to take it with both hands, look closely at the office and show your admiration and respect. Often on the business cards one person can see a list of several posts. The more, the better.
All email services offer VIP services box. For a surcharge of 30 yuan per month, you can get some privileges in service (used by one), but the most important thing - to get to the additive drawer. For example: zhangli@vip.mail.com. The Chinese equivalent of Facebook - renren.com everyone can pay 10 yuan per month for the console next to the name VIP (+ some advantages in use). On every third clip or print an appeal to have the potential to VIP clients.
Status + state support provoked booming car sales. The manager is unlikely to be respected, if not come to work for Buick and Volkswagen. Even if the car will cost him a year's salary, he should buy. And yet - it should be a foreign brand. For the management of Chinese brands are allowed only in small towns.
China Advertising Buick
Placing a semi-inversion to different segments of the population in some regions of China are different, but there are uniting basis for communication with them.
What you need to Chinese women?
Chinese woman clamped the three roles that it must comply with: aggressively "bearing half the sky" (communism), taking care of the family (Confucianism) and individualistic (market economy).
She covered the three objectives.
We need to help her balance the needs, enabling:
- Feel the ability to manage, passing through "stages of life»;
- To achieve a stable and passionate marriage;
- To be successful, not losing elegant femininity;
- Be supported by a third party;
- To avoid the requirements / expectations of society.
What should be the Chinese men?
Chinese man, in turn, is between the specification of the concept of success (financially and professionally) and wide entrepreneurial path to it (in contrast to the more recent approach to the notion of dynastic success). Therefore it is necessary to appease "testosterone-charged anxiety»:
- Projecting his status;
- Releasing his aggression;
- Giving advice on how to become successful with the girl;
- Strengthening the sense of professionalism in anything other than work (golf, music).
InternetObsuzhdaya modern China, it is impossible not to draw attention to its most thriving industry - the Internet.
This is a vast field of marketing. One has only to look at the pace of development.
Experts say that about 10% of the budget of all campaigns in China is spent on the Internet. Over 50% of Chinese Internet pages - have been created by users. On the radio, you can hear the dialogue:
- The theme of today's program so and so. Questions write on my blog page.
- And what about those who are not a blog?
- Show me the man! (laughter in the studio)
Almost every major manufacturer is a blog where you can learn about all of its updates. When that real brand manufacturer in China - is an individual director, the blog is often the director.
The design of the majority of web pages created on the principle of "empty space - a waste of money." Each pixel packed information. Besides, most of the information should be on the main page. For a simple comparison can visit www.yahoo.com and www.cn.yahoo.com or just www.sina.com.cn .
Given that the Internet is a space for people's expressions of opinion, how fast the network can promote your product, and it quickly "push." As in real space the Chinese do not tend to show their protest, the World Wide Web is a platform for such a dialogue. Information odds instantly among the many millions of community users. Most of the publications are also commenting on the event, be sure to indicate the number of views, which brought together the news network.
10 rules of successful textbook of Chinese advertisement (Tom Doctoroff: «Billions», 2005)
1. Not to anger Beijing. B>
Chinese security forces, especially its Beijing hub, still very suspicious of advertising - anxiety mental resource pollution
But the leadership of the country - is only one side of the Beijing ultrasensitive. Residents of this city, too touchy. They consider themselves the intellectual elite and extremely proud of the Chinese culture and traditions.
2. Keep it simple in smaller towns and rural areas. B>
The villagers have little or no understanding of the experience of "creativity". 800-900 million Chinese citizens living outside the borders of the big cities is not taken "goods" as "brands" - that is, products with specific benefits, dividends and emotional associations.
3. Teach older. B>
It is obvious that people are "older" in China than in the West. Those who are over 40 have experienced (perhaps as children) shocks of liberalization and the Cultural Revolution. These people are tired of the struggle often perceive advertising not only as a necessity, but also a slightly diabolical source of information. On the other hand, people under the age of 35, are prone to the west of creativity, which they enjoy.
4. Occupy youth with "China cool». B>
China Youth ultraconservative. Hero advertising looks good, demonstrates resourcefulness and understated personality. He has to wear what "in the subject", but to avoid even a hint of defiance. Do your images epitome of "China cool," but keep the public and conservative.
5. Show the promise, but not the process. B>
Continued rules № 3. Distinguishing brands - acquired skill, and new Chinese customers in need of assistance. Therefore, we must make his message focused on getting good. Answer the question "Why should I buy it?" The answer may be emotional ("People will think I am successful"), functional ("My teeth are white") or something in the middle ("People think I'm successful if My teeth are white "). But it should be clear, simple, direct and result-oriented.
6. Tell my mother that they need it. B>
In the West, working mothers spend efforts on the balance between career and family life with joy. In China, the battle is not so terrible - the child wins, without reservations. Maternal aggression is understandable. Until recently all over China accommodation standards were very low. They protect children from malnutrition and social injustice. Today, "the fear of attacks" still exists. So tell me that she is very, very necessary. Without her family to "lose face." Without it, the bacteria will be on the soap!
7. Do not show real life. B>
We call it "accessible (understandable) desire." Personal wishes for the future should be glossed over in the film. Call it sanitized. Call it simplistic. It works.
8. Be assertive, but never show off
In Confucian hierarchical society is considered to boast ignorance. In addition, it is offensive and illegal. You can understand, but do not say "my brand is bigger and better than that.»
9. Great - beautiful. B>
I admit that the agencies take up 17.65% of the cost, high-quality advertising indicates the corporate reliability. It differs. She convinces. Frankly, in the air there are many gruesome work. If your advertising does not shine, from her no one will turn away in disgust. But on the other hand, if it has a top-end cost of manufacturing, not just do not remain unnoticed.