Human Design as the Art of Being Yourself

Ra Uru Hu, founder of the Human Design System
Human Design is the science of differentiation. It shows everyone that we have a unique design and a specific purpose. The infinite possibilities of individual uniqueness lie within our genetic matrix. There are millions of variations of human beings, but each of us has a specific and unique Human Design with a clear Strategy that easily aligns us to our uniqueness.
Human design is a human device. The science of how you are energetically arranged and how your energy is inscribed in the matrix of the world and the universe.
This is a new, unique system of knowledge that provides not only the basis for understanding human life, but also specific information about health, psychology, character, talents, shows the strengths and weaknesses of the human being – a journey into the mechanics of our nature.

The design of Man is the matrix of the Absolute, the organic synthesis of the teachings of chakras and biology, the meeting of I Ching and genetics, Kabbalah and the principles of quantum physics, astronomy and astrology. This modern science has been developing since the late 80s and has attracted the attention of both esotericists and rationalists – those who are interested in an accurate and practical tool for self-knowledge, giving insight into its uniqueness. This is all reflected in a graphic drawing called a bodygraph.
Human design has nothing to do with generalizations, nothing, absolutely nothing. Human Design is about difference. It's the science of differentiation. It is here to bring you to your unique nature. Not general, postulated, conditioned nature, but to the unique.
Human design really allows you to see exactly everything that is being explored. It doesn’t matter what level of knowledge you learn, whether you’re on the surface or you’re going deep, deep, deep inside the system, you get incredible accuracy simply because the system is here for you.
Ability to make correct decisions
If someone asks you what Human Design is, say it’s the science of making good decisions. That's all. That is what knowledge is about. How to make the right decisions. And as you know, the technology is very simple. Whatever type you are, the question is a few words; a few words here and there describing this method for you. Yeah, that's the way.
Human Design says that through neutrino streams, we get TWO basic programs into our DNA that will build the cells of our body’s organs throughout life. About 88 days before birth, our bodies receive their first program. It's called the Design Program. At the moment of birth, we receive a second program. It's called the Personality Program. From this moment, we present an unprecedented unique program, created by the universe and embodied in our body and the potential development of our consciousness, with a predestination.
A person begins at the moment of his birth, at the moment of transition from the state of the fetus to the state of a breathing, hearing, feeling being with self-reflecting consciousness.

First step – Review your rave card
You can get your individual card on the website:
You can find out how to analyze your card from the Analyst.
Your map shows your unique genetic makeup. It shows you who you really are, how to be yourself, and how to navigate through an ever-changing world.
Your strategy will help you avoid resistance (frustration, anger, frustration, and bitterness) and fears in order to be relaxed, unique and creative. Your card shows the dynamics of your relationship, helping you understand how events, agreement and contradiction play out between you. This gives you advice on how to behave with people, how to feel your vitality and support life goals. Understanding other people’s maps illustrates the truly unique individual nature of your loved ones, family, friends and how to interact with them respectfully.
Most importantly, the map shows us how to create the best possible environment for children by empowering them to be unique, learn and develop as individuals.
Want to know who you are?
The Human Design System has 4 types. Each type is unique due to its aura.
Your card gives you your type, your strategy and your inner authority/your way of making decisions that allows you to see your path and your way of moving through life, your way of interacting with the world. Despite the fact that there are millions of design options, there are only 4 types of human beings. Each of us is that type. And you've been that type all your life.

Explanation 4 Types:
They represent 68% of the population. Their strategy is to wait to respond to what life itself brings. When they do not wait for a response and initiate their actions, they usually become frustrated. Generators are the life force on the planet. They are created to know themselves by watching what they respond to. Responding, they get their satisfaction in life and in work. Their work is a gift to the world.
They represent 9% of the population. Their strategy to avoid resistance is to inform others of their decisions before they act. When Manifestors cannot initiate from a state of rest, they come to anger. Manifestors are designed to powerfully influence and be the initiating mechanism for other Types. Initiation is their gift to the world.
Approximately 22% of the population. Their strategy is to live a life waiting to be recognized for their unique qualities and invited to specific things. Only as a result of the invitation can they gain recognition and success in their lives. If Projectors do not wait for an invitation and initiate their actions, they receive resistance and rejection. It makes them bitter. The gift of Projectors in the world is to understand and be guides to others.
They make up about 1% of the population. Their strategy is to wait for the full cycle of the moon before making important decisions. Reflectors are here to enjoy the surprises of life. When they initiate and don’t use their strategy, they end up getting frustrated. The reflectors are the judges of humanity. Their task is to reflect the injustice that humanity carries within itself. Their ability to clearly distinguish between this and that of this world as a gift.
The experiment of living Strategy and Authority
The heart and soul of the Human Design System lies in the potential of awareness, which is possible for you through the true living of your uniqueness. Your Strategy and Authority are the keys to the door that opens the door to the wonderful world of Being Yourself. When you live Yourself and your unique role, you affirm who You truly are by understanding and letting go of who You are not.
In the past, our minds were the only decision-makers in our lives. Our minds can no longer do this for us. The mind is a true genius for collecting and processing information, measuring both, and contemplating unique perceptions and reflections that it can share with others. And he does that well when he doesn't make decisions for us. The mind is beautiful as a passenger – it is here to watch movies and see the scene of life as an engaged observer.
What really moves us through life in our unique way is the higher consciousness or intelligence of our body, the form in which we live. The Human Design System is a revelation of how form works and how it becomes the leading source of our personal authority. Each of us is created to make decisions in a unique way through our body consciousness, and each decision is meaningful because it takes us along a certain trajectory in our lives.
One wrong move can turn our lives so that we have serious consequences. A mental decision rarely works more than 50/50. The mind is not a reliable navigation system. To survive on this planet, each of us needs to know how to access our own authority. These decisions, which come from the depths of our inner authority, do not allow us to pull back, but set the right path of our lives, strengthening us on the path of life.
“If you live your own strategy and authority, there’s nothing to do – doing happens and you don’t interfere.” © Ra Uru Hu.
The true self
In the Human Design System, we always compare the true and false self. When we speak of the true self, we mean the pure and natural nature of behavior, created to manifest itself in a world without resistance. In other words, our purpose and purpose is to be ourselves here. This is the art of being who we were born to be. The false self is the programmable conditioned mask of our true self. As we become aware of the relative False Self, through Strategy and Authority, we slowly become aware of the relative Self that is always present but hidden behind the False Self. Self-hatred also comes from a false self. We just hate our mistakes and the many expectations we create and put on ourselves. When we know and accept and live from the comfort of the Self, we naturally begin to love ourselves.
When you begin to go into your personal experiment to know yourself, you become a witness to all the possible variations of your conditioned false self and how resistance emerges. The more clearly you see it, the more clearly you will see your true self.
Knowing yourself is the way of loving yourself.
Human Design focuses on health, stability and the direction of our lives that are enclosed in our bodies. Once our body is functioning optimally, the light of our Personality or the radiance of our soul is shed on everything we think, say and do, increasing our clarity and lightness. You have the privilege of being who you were born to be.
The deconditioning process
Deconditioning, as we call it in the Human Design System, is the process of letting go of what we are not. It's a slow process because it's a very deep process. When we follow our own authority, changing the way we make decisions and follow through life, we really reconfigure the functioning of the cells inside our body. Life moves on a seven-year cycle, so it takes about 7 years for all the cells in our body to be replaced.
Seven years to transform a vehicle
Transformation is where your strategy and authority lead you. In this case, your internal mechanism becomes clean. That doesn't sound like a mind. There's no distortion. No confusion. No problem. The pure consciousness you have access to is the miracle of the experiment. And you can see that it takes time; everything takes time. At the cellular level, it takes seven years to transform a vehicle. And it takes about three and a half years before you really see the change. Everything takes time. But if you don’t start it now, it will never happen. Just never.
We were given the opportunity to improve. That's what it is. Obviously, this is not improvement based on other people’s standards. It is not based on anyone’s authority. It is about understanding something about ourselves and our potential, about the fact that in our correctness we show our perfection. This is our true beauty.
As soon as we begin to conform to our true nature, as soon as we allow our body to live life without resistance, we begin this profound process of de-conditioning. 7 years later, we are getting closer to the person we were born to be. It’s not so easy to start as an adult, but we say over and over again – it’s never too late to start.
In the distant history of ancient China, thinkers and philosophers supported the idea of not-doing as a way of doing. This pleasant ease that comes from living your life surrendering to your inner navigation. Being awakened and self-aware, living your design truly and harmoniously, there is so much that is interesting about a world that looks dormant and lost in the expectations of a conditioned homogenized world. By learning to make decisions from your depth, you gain the invaluable experience that you and others can benefit from who you are instead of being a copy of someone else. It’s worth the effort, time and patience to get there. To know yourself is to love yourself.
Resistance as Pointers
As soon as we begin to live our lives with confidence in our Type, Strategy, and Authority, we begin to pay attention to whether our path is easy or we encounter resistance. When we make decisions based on thinking, instead of using Strategy and Authority, we encounter resistance. When we make decisions out of our minds for long periods of time, we feel that this is not our life and that the accumulated stress of such actions puts our physical, mental and emotional well-being at risk.
False Me Topics:
Anger (Manifestor), Disorder (Generator), Bitterness (Projector), Disappointment (Reflector) are the signatures of resistance that show us that we have lost our course because we have not followed our Strategy and ignored our Authority. In other words, our actions and decisions from the False Self, not our True Self, lead to resistance!
If we take it personally, we experience others resisting or suppressing our true nature. We experience resistance as the rejection or suppression by others of our true nature. On the other hand, when we become conscious and aware of resistance, it tells us through these pointers, giving us the opportunity to step back and reconsider our approach, actions or words.
When we get sick or get into unpleasant situations, we know that it is caused by prolonged external resistance that has accumulated and manifested in this way. When we truly live ourselves, our purpose in life becomes easier to accomplish and brings the full cup of satisfaction, success, peace, or surprise.
Awakening – The practical result of your experiment
Human design is a new way of awakening. It is the process of coming to realize what aligns our mind and body with the recognition of their roles. It requires making our mind an ally through understanding the mechanics of our form, while living our lives according to Strategy and Authority. Once we understand the nature of the True and False Self and begin to make life decisions out of our inner Authority, we can let go of our mind and its control over our lives and discover its incredible gift of service to others. We become conscious and awakened passengers, and our minds become objective observers of our lives.
Each individual path to awakening begins with growing awareness of our body and deep trust in that process to become the compass of our lives. We cannot, really cannot, let go of our minds until we know we can trust ourselves. With full confidence in our own ability to lead us through life, we become more receptive to ourselves and able to truly love ourselves and others. In Human Design, it is a point of personal transformation, a look through illusion and a conscious and awakened movement through life.
We are binary consciousness.
We are objects and we move through space. And the most important thing in our lives is navigation, or what we call decision-making.
The mind is powerless here. The only way to start the transformation process is to surrender. We should surrender to who we are. To the fact that we are binary consciousness; to the binary consciousness, be aware of it. This is the only way to just start understanding yourself. We're not just the mind. The mind cannot control life; it is not designed to govern life.
It's the science of differentiation. It’s about uniqueness and how to give anyone the tools and map to discover their uniqueness. Think about what that means. You are almost completely buried in your own life. Not in your life, but in the false self life that you have immersed yourself in—the world as you know it; oh, that’s something. It is one thing to be different and to be a prisoner, and another thing to be different and free. But that means you have to invest in yourself. It amazes me how often parasites hide beneath spirituality—to be friends with everyone, let’s be a tribe, let’s be one commune, let’s be all together. . .
If you don’t have the courage to live your own life, tune in to another station. This is not about saving humanity. It's about saving you. No one else can save you except yourself. Nobody. And you hold on to your life and are afraid to give up, afraid to be alone with yourself.
This is called selfishness, and this word should not be considered bad. If you’re not going to take care of yourself now, if you’re not going to do the best you can to realize your potential in life, if you’re not going to do it now, when are you going to do it? When do you think you will be able to do this? You think someone else will put this on your barrel? This knowledge is revolutionary. It's radical. It's not for the faint-hearted. It is not for those who need crutches in this life.
This does not mean that there are no values in all relationships. This knowledge has not come into this world for you. I know that. It has come into the world for children who have not yet been born; for those who no longer have to be conditioned. You have to be here for yourself. Your mind can never be your authority. It's a hodgepodge on the wish list.
The body is life.
We are binary consciousness. We have vehicle consciousness. And the vehicle is the body. It's a bioform. She's on the material plane. That's life. The passenger's identity is not life. It's a witness to life, an observer. But not life. Human design takes extremely deep spiritual concepts and simply draws out their mechanism because it is all mechanical.
You must give up your mind as your authority. There is no other way. And start trusting that power that belongs to your design. Without Strategy and Authority, you cannot be attuned to life. If you don’t make the right decisions, you don’t have access to the knowledge you need. The sensory potential that you have is deaf and dumb. You're asleep. I know you find transformation tempting. But please be careful, these steps are only for those who are willing to go forward alone, regardless of the consequences, as this is the only thing that will ever mean to you.
Author: Gaidai Vladimir
Source: Vladimir Gaidai
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