Flowers, seed of which can start right now
Though it is still snowy January, the cottagers will soon start hot time. Flower lovers can now take up sowing some flower crops, which start flowering in 5-6 months after sowing.
1. BIG ANTIRRHINUM OR SNAPDRAGON Antirrhinum large — annual, it has a huge number of varieties. By sowing snapdragons now, by may you will have blooming seedlings.
Verbena hybrid annual that looks good on a normal the country, and in the design of museums, palaces. The advantages of this plant is drought-resistance and cold resistance. By putting vervain now, since the beginning of July you will be able to enjoy its blooms.
3. GAYLARDIYA SPINOUS Gaylardiya — perennial, with bright blossoms. It is also referred to landlord by Daisy. Color long, from mid-July until the first frosts.
Dianthus caryophyllus is a perennial plant, having a large number of different varieties. It's sown very early, in January. Likes full sun and dry soil.
5. Gelenium autumn
Gelenium — perennial, also has many hybrid varieties, blooms in the first summer. Drought resistant.
6. Delphinium hybrid
Called delphinium hybrid combined years of cultural forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin. Perennial with a short life 2-3 years. Light-requiring, does not like excess moisture.
7. The Carpathian bell
Perennial, often grown as an annual because its hybrids, flower in the year of sowing. And tolerates Sunny and shady places.
8. Calceolaria wrinkled
Calceolaria — perennial grown as annual. Blooms very long — from may to September.
9. Lobelia erinus
Lobelia is an annual plant with diverse varieties. Cold-resistant, photophilous. Blooms in 5 months after sowing and until frost.
10. Meconopsis Sheldon
Meconopsis Sheldon is a perennial plant with blue flowers. Blooms in the second year. Loves moisture.
Source: nashadacha.info/topics/tsvety-posev-kotoryh-uzhe-mozhno-nachinat/

1. BIG ANTIRRHINUM OR SNAPDRAGON Antirrhinum large — annual, it has a huge number of varieties. By sowing snapdragons now, by may you will have blooming seedlings.

Verbena hybrid annual that looks good on a normal the country, and in the design of museums, palaces. The advantages of this plant is drought-resistance and cold resistance. By putting vervain now, since the beginning of July you will be able to enjoy its blooms.

3. GAYLARDIYA SPINOUS Gaylardiya — perennial, with bright blossoms. It is also referred to landlord by Daisy. Color long, from mid-July until the first frosts.

Dianthus caryophyllus is a perennial plant, having a large number of different varieties. It's sown very early, in January. Likes full sun and dry soil.

5. Gelenium autumn
Gelenium — perennial, also has many hybrid varieties, blooms in the first summer. Drought resistant.

6. Delphinium hybrid
Called delphinium hybrid combined years of cultural forms and varieties of complex hybrid origin. Perennial with a short life 2-3 years. Light-requiring, does not like excess moisture.

7. The Carpathian bell
Perennial, often grown as an annual because its hybrids, flower in the year of sowing. And tolerates Sunny and shady places.

8. Calceolaria wrinkled
Calceolaria — perennial grown as annual. Blooms very long — from may to September.

9. Lobelia erinus
Lobelia is an annual plant with diverse varieties. Cold-resistant, photophilous. Blooms in 5 months after sowing and until frost.

10. Meconopsis Sheldon
Meconopsis Sheldon is a perennial plant with blue flowers. Blooms in the second year. Loves moisture.

Source: nashadacha.info/topics/tsvety-posev-kotoryh-uzhe-mozhno-nachinat/
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