The cultivation of cabbage seedlings

The proper cultivation of the seedlings of cabbage – the key to an abundant and tasty harvest. And although at first glance this process seems pretty simple, it has its own nuances that must be considered.
Planting cabbage seedlings is best done in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, but the seeds can be planted at home in pots. Seedlings to grow high quality and healthy, to fulfill its sowing should be in stages, following a number of recommendations.
Grade selection and preparation of soil as varieties of cabbage there are many, before planting you need to decide how and when you want to eat this vegetable, there are varieties of will drive for fresh consumption, storage, processing. Depending on the timing of maturation will vary and the timing of planting cabbage.
Nutrient mixture prepared in the fall, but this is perfect acceptable and training at a later time. To cultivate a good seedling, put it preferably in a mixture of loam and humus with addition of ash, which will be an excellent source of trace elements to seedlings.
Soil for growing seedlings of cabbage can be prepared and on the basis of peat. Importantly, the land should be drained and fertile.

Observance of terms of sowing of cabbage Optimum time of sowing of cabbage is determined, mainly, of its sort:
• early can be sown in early March to 25-28 days of the month;
• average — 25-28 March-April 25-28;
• late in the month of April.
Important:As a rule, from the time of seed sowing to the first emergence of cabbage is not less than ten days, and transplanting into the soil produced an average of 55 days after emergence. Based on this algorithm, it is possible to calculate the optimum time of sowing of seeds of cabbage seedlings.
Preparation of seeds for sowing Before sowing cabbage seeds must be properly processed. When buying treated seed is necessary to warm them in 50-degree water for 20 minutes. After warming up, keep seeds for a few minutes in cool water – this will help to improve resistance to diseases of a fungal nature. However, it is worth considering that not all seeds can be soaking.
If you use their seeds, have not had any treatment, they must be decontaminated by chemical treatment, heat, wrapped in gauze near the heating device, to enrich the useful minerals, soak in a special solution.

Sowing cabbage seedlings Cultivation of healthy seedlings of cabbage, preferably with swordplay to develop a strong root system. The seeds are planted in a container, pour one time and not wet until the first shoots. Then the seedlings thinned out, about two weeks diving, and after a few weeks the newly transplanted pots in the hotel.
If there is no desire to swordplay, sowing is carried out in a separate container immediately. There's a plus – the root system of cabbage is not injured to transplant into the ground.
Proper care of seedlings Planted cabbage seedlings, it should provide:
1. Optimal light, if necessary using a conventional fluorescent lamp;
2. Timely watering emerging seedlings;
3. Loosening the soil to avoid excess moisture.
4. You can't forget about feeding seedlings with special solutions on the basis of the potash and ammonium nitrate, the first of which runs approximately in a week after the pick. The second time to feed you after two weeks of feeding.
In addition, it is necessary to conduct disease prevention, which may be subjected seedlings of cabbage. If all manipulations are performed correctly, soon you will receive a bountiful harvest, which will be the envy of any gardener. published
Source: www.mil-sad.ru