Growing Chinese cabbage: the secrets of good harvest
Growing Chinese cabbage is considered to be available to every gardener, whether a green beginner or a seasoned gardener with experience. Growing this hardy vegetable and easy to get two crops per season, stored great, tasty and extremely useful, there is only three problems: strelkovanie, cruciferous flea and slugs.
Why cabbage is blooming, and does not form a head? How to get rid of cruciferous tiddlywinks? That will help to defeat the slug? Now, let's look at the specifics of growing Chinese cabbage to always be with the harvest of this "Asian beauties".
The timing of planting Chinese cabbage: how to avoid strelkovanie
The first and most important secret to a good harvest of Chinese cabbage: to put her needs on time! Cabbage, flowering and seed yields only long photoperiod (as well as radish or daikon). Hence the obvious conclusion: to avoid tsvetochnoe, planted cabbage need either early spring or mid-summer, when daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, cabbage is planted twice: Early spring planting — April 15-20. Summer-autumn planting — from 20 July to 10 August.
Also, don't forget that there are special varieties of Chinese cabbage, resistant to tsvetushnosti. A very well established Dutch hybrids. While all cabbage is ripening culture, it has varieties of different ripening. Early varieties are ready for harvest in about 40-55 days, medium – through 55-60 and later – through 60-80.
Growing Chinese cabbage: the main agricultural
Cabbage grown seedlings and nonseedlings way. The advantage of seedlings is certain — the growth acceleration and reduction of the maturation period. Growing Chinese cabbage seedlings For early crop seed of Chinese cabbage seedlings are planted in late March, and for winter use — at the end of June.
The best method of growing seedlings in individual pots or peat tablets, because cabbage does not tolerate the picks and for a long time rooted in a fixed place.
Cabbage likes a loose soil, so the quality of the soil for seedlings best suited mixture of compost and coconut substrate, 1:2. It is also possible to use a mixture of loam and peat in equal proportions. Seeds are buried to a depth of 0.5-1 cm and leave the pots in a dark warm place until germination, which usually are not forced to wait and appear after 2-3 days.
Now the seedlings of Chinese cabbage need to bring to light. Water the seedlings it is advisable not too often, as the drying of the upper soil layer. In 3-4 days to drop, stop watering. When seedlings have 4-5 true leaves formed (about 25-30 days), it is ready for planting in a flower bed.
How to grow cabbage without seedlings
For heading Chinese cabbage it is recommended to choose a well-lit area, where it grew garlic, onions, cucumbers, potatoes or carrots — the best predecessors of this crop. You must first prepare holes at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other (the same distance should be between rows in the garden).
To each well add a half-quart of compost or compost + 2 tablespoons of ash and abundantly shed. Now you can plant seedlings or seeds. Seeds are buried to a depth of 1-2 cm, sprinkle with ash and close the covering material or film. After 4-7 days you should see the first seedlings.
How to care, watering and feeding Chinese cabbage
Cabbage loves the light, moisture and coolness. The optimum temperature for its cultivation is 15 to 20°C. At temperatures below 13°C and above 25°C on a good harvest can not count. One of the indispensable agricultural practices in the cultivation of Chinese cabbage is its cover of non-woven cloth.
First, the cover protects young seedlings from frost and extremes of temperature (in contrast to adult plants, seedlings of pecinci not tolerate cold weather).
Second,the covering material prichinyaet a cabbage from direct sunlight on hot days without overheating.
Thirdly, it protects the plants from excessive moisture in the rainy summer (when excess water cabbage can rot).
Finally, cruciferous flea beetles — a voracious pest of Chinese cabbage — much less likely to find the plant under cover than without it. Two weeks after planting in the soil over mulch a flower bed with Chinese cabbage. Mulch will help keep soil more moisture and keep the weeds. Once a week cabbage abundantly watered with warm water.
Culture responds well to feeding. Two weeks after planting in a permanent place it can feed: infusion of mullein (1:10); infusion of chicken manure (1:20); the infusion of herbs (1:9). For each plant pour 1 liter of dressing. The spring planting such feeding is carried out three times, and in summer twice. To heads are better started you can spray the cabbage with a solution of boric acid — 2 grams dissolved in 1 liter of hot water and add 9 litres of cold.
How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetles and slugs at the Beijing cabbage
Disease in Chinese cabbage are rare, it grows so fast simply do not have time to "infected". But pests love the pekinku. The most avid fans of cabbage is a cruciferous flea beetles and slugs. Cruciferous flea is very difficult to win, and even though she is small, but will harrass you in a jiffy. Therefore, the best remedy is prevention. You should try to make that little brat around your garden party.
Measures to control the cruciferous flea beetle:
As harnet cabbage
Mature plants of Chinese cabbage is notable for its resistance to frost. Culture can withstand cooling to -4°C. So do not rush to cut unripe small Kocheshkov, cabbage can be left in the garden until mid-October.
When the head Chinese cabbage becomes crisp, it's ready for harvest. Vegetables for early-spring planting for long-term storage are not suitable, they are put especially for summer consumption. But the Chinese cabbage planted in July, can be stored until the new year and longer.
Keep cabbage at a temperature of 5-7°C by wrapping each head in plastic wrap or wrapped in newspaper and then in a plastic bag. Only Newspapers from time to time need to change, to avoid rotting. We wish you success and bigger yields! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dachnye-sovety.ru/vyrashhivanie-pekinskoj-kapusty-osnovy-i-sekrety-urozhaya/
Why cabbage is blooming, and does not form a head? How to get rid of cruciferous tiddlywinks? That will help to defeat the slug? Now, let's look at the specifics of growing Chinese cabbage to always be with the harvest of this "Asian beauties".

The timing of planting Chinese cabbage: how to avoid strelkovanie
The first and most important secret to a good harvest of Chinese cabbage: to put her needs on time! Cabbage, flowering and seed yields only long photoperiod (as well as radish or daikon). Hence the obvious conclusion: to avoid tsvetochnoe, planted cabbage need either early spring or mid-summer, when daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, cabbage is planted twice: Early spring planting — April 15-20. Summer-autumn planting — from 20 July to 10 August.
Also, don't forget that there are special varieties of Chinese cabbage, resistant to tsvetushnosti. A very well established Dutch hybrids. While all cabbage is ripening culture, it has varieties of different ripening. Early varieties are ready for harvest in about 40-55 days, medium – through 55-60 and later – through 60-80.
Growing Chinese cabbage: the main agricultural
Cabbage grown seedlings and nonseedlings way. The advantage of seedlings is certain — the growth acceleration and reduction of the maturation period. Growing Chinese cabbage seedlings For early crop seed of Chinese cabbage seedlings are planted in late March, and for winter use — at the end of June.
The best method of growing seedlings in individual pots or peat tablets, because cabbage does not tolerate the picks and for a long time rooted in a fixed place.
Cabbage likes a loose soil, so the quality of the soil for seedlings best suited mixture of compost and coconut substrate, 1:2. It is also possible to use a mixture of loam and peat in equal proportions. Seeds are buried to a depth of 0.5-1 cm and leave the pots in a dark warm place until germination, which usually are not forced to wait and appear after 2-3 days.
Now the seedlings of Chinese cabbage need to bring to light. Water the seedlings it is advisable not too often, as the drying of the upper soil layer. In 3-4 days to drop, stop watering. When seedlings have 4-5 true leaves formed (about 25-30 days), it is ready for planting in a flower bed.

How to grow cabbage without seedlings
For heading Chinese cabbage it is recommended to choose a well-lit area, where it grew garlic, onions, cucumbers, potatoes or carrots — the best predecessors of this crop. You must first prepare holes at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other (the same distance should be between rows in the garden).
To each well add a half-quart of compost or compost + 2 tablespoons of ash and abundantly shed. Now you can plant seedlings or seeds. Seeds are buried to a depth of 1-2 cm, sprinkle with ash and close the covering material or film. After 4-7 days you should see the first seedlings.
How to care, watering and feeding Chinese cabbage
Cabbage loves the light, moisture and coolness. The optimum temperature for its cultivation is 15 to 20°C. At temperatures below 13°C and above 25°C on a good harvest can not count. One of the indispensable agricultural practices in the cultivation of Chinese cabbage is its cover of non-woven cloth.
First, the cover protects young seedlings from frost and extremes of temperature (in contrast to adult plants, seedlings of pecinci not tolerate cold weather).
Second,the covering material prichinyaet a cabbage from direct sunlight on hot days without overheating.
Thirdly, it protects the plants from excessive moisture in the rainy summer (when excess water cabbage can rot).
Finally, cruciferous flea beetles — a voracious pest of Chinese cabbage — much less likely to find the plant under cover than without it. Two weeks after planting in the soil over mulch a flower bed with Chinese cabbage. Mulch will help keep soil more moisture and keep the weeds. Once a week cabbage abundantly watered with warm water.
Culture responds well to feeding. Two weeks after planting in a permanent place it can feed: infusion of mullein (1:10); infusion of chicken manure (1:20); the infusion of herbs (1:9). For each plant pour 1 liter of dressing. The spring planting such feeding is carried out three times, and in summer twice. To heads are better started you can spray the cabbage with a solution of boric acid — 2 grams dissolved in 1 liter of hot water and add 9 litres of cold.
How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetles and slugs at the Beijing cabbage
Disease in Chinese cabbage are rare, it grows so fast simply do not have time to "infected". But pests love the pekinku. The most avid fans of cabbage is a cruciferous flea beetles and slugs. Cruciferous flea is very difficult to win, and even though she is small, but will harrass you in a jiffy. Therefore, the best remedy is prevention. You should try to make that little brat around your garden party.
Measures to control the cruciferous flea beetle:
- Timeliness of planting. Early spring and late summer cruciferous flea beetles still/already exist in nature. Shelter plantings of non-woven cloth. As mentioned above, under the shelter of tiddlywinks to get harder.
- Dusting ash on the beds before germination. Ash, this pest does not favor.
- Proper crop rotation. It is not necessary to plant cabbage in the garden, where there were other cruciferous crops (radish, daikon, mustard or any cabbage). Cruciferous flea beetle larvae overwinter in the soil, and pests will show up.
- Mixed planting. The best way to fight flea is to deceive her. To knock a bitch up, put a cabbage together with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, onions or ass petunias.

As harnet cabbage
Mature plants of Chinese cabbage is notable for its resistance to frost. Culture can withstand cooling to -4°C. So do not rush to cut unripe small Kocheshkov, cabbage can be left in the garden until mid-October.
When the head Chinese cabbage becomes crisp, it's ready for harvest. Vegetables for early-spring planting for long-term storage are not suitable, they are put especially for summer consumption. But the Chinese cabbage planted in July, can be stored until the new year and longer.
Keep cabbage at a temperature of 5-7°C by wrapping each head in plastic wrap or wrapped in newspaper and then in a plastic bag. Only Newspapers from time to time need to change, to avoid rotting. We wish you success and bigger yields! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dachnye-sovety.ru/vyrashhivanie-pekinskoj-kapusty-osnovy-i-sekrety-urozhaya/