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Dangerous food — do not lose vigilance!

We live in very interesting times. At a time when the quality of the products and services out on the second (and even tenth) plan, and in the forefront is the commercial benefit. Now the pharmaceutical industry is not beneficial to healthy people, doctors need more patients, light industry is more profitable to produce what quickly fails, and the food industry — something that is not spoiled.

Can you imagine a normal, natural milk, which is stored six months? A sausage made of meat lying on the counter forever without any signs of decay? And the apples, which for some reason don't eat worms? And salted fish is an amazing way to keep fresh for several months? If you are already accustomed to and consider something for granted, I want to disappoint you: you dropped your guard and expose their own health and the health of your children very serious danger. But let's order...

As I said, the food industry, it is necessary first of all to feed, and secondly, to produce more "long-lived" products. Because it is not profitable to produce sour cream that go sour after three days, the sausage, which a week later will begin to deteriorate, yogurt or juice which quickly fermented, right? But many of us know how much time you can actually "hold" fresh, real, whole foods! So really, we've learned to deceive themselves? And okay, if only to deceive...

Let's start with soy is that we in Russia somehow not really caught on, but nevertheless, the benefits of soy ever written, its nutritional value is equivalent to meat and is considered a very useful substitute. But the fact that the soybeans in our country and if growing, it is very bad — it is constantly almost completely eats locusts and, therefore, to grow it just simply unprofitable. All the soy products we see on store shelves, made up of "foreign" soybean grown in Canada, USA or Europe.

But why did the locusts do not have a foreign soy? It's very simple: this soy gennadiivna. Part of its genome integrated gene is very poisonous plants, which is deadly to locusts. A swarm of locusts flying over the landscape with such a soy, sends his scouts who reported to relatives that the food is unfit to eat. And the flock flies on... We are with you, of course, not locusts and changed at the genetic level of the soybeans will not die, but who knows how it will affect our health and our offspring. By the way, recently, scientists have studied the composition of soy and its effect on living organisms, found that even among normal soy includes genistein — fotoanal estrogen. Even before it was proven that this substance negatively affects the menstrual cycle and negatively affects the maturation process of the eggs. That is, even perfectly natural and harmless soy can cause infertility.

Genetically modified nuts are included in all of sneakers, tuikov and Mars. Never use these "wonder chocolate" for snacking, as it advises advertising and under any pretext do not buy it for their children. Do not get fooled by the bright advertising, beautiful packaging, and other marketing traps that at every step we put for those who care about our health. Include intellect, friends, listen to the voice of reason, not the stomach!

You ever made homemade yogurt? If you don't have a yogurt maker, to make it very simple: add the kefir or Bifidok fresh berries and fruit and stir it all in a blender. It's a very healthy and tasty dessert. And how much do you think this dish will last in your fridge if it is not immediately eaten? That's right — no more than two days. Lactic acid bacteria do their job and begin the fermentation process. Even if this yogurt will be at least one dead bacterium, it will not sit "idly by" natural processes cannot be stopped! And why store-bought yogurt that you like to buy for their kids, stored for so long, guess you can? Or are you naive to believe in "live bacteria Danone"? Even if the yogurt says that it is "preservative-free", don't be fooled: there are special industrial installations, which kill all life in the products with... of radiation. Yes! Radiation, of course, in the products after such treatment no, but there are products exposure — free radicals. Thus processed meat products, fruit, dairy and other products intended for long storage and long transportation to countries of the "third world". That is, for us...

Do you like pickled herring with potatoes? For example, I love very much. And you never wondered why such a perishable product as salted fish, so long can be stored in sealed plastic packaging? It's just a fantastic little salted fish months is not spoiled! I'll let you in on a little secret of our brilliant chemists in the service in our food industry. The fact that a herring add a permitted preservative E-239 (hexamethylenetetramine). By the way, allowed this addition is not everywhere — in some countries it is forbidden to use, but as you probably guessed, Russia this number is not included. So this preservative to herring stored for very long enough. And our chemists came up with a brilliant thing — they put together two allowed in the Russian food industry preservative — E-239 and vinegar and as a result of mere chemical reactions has received a powerful preservative E-240. Formaldehyde is strictly prohibited E-Supplement that is 100% regular use will lead us to cancer. So, friends, if you love herring as I brine it yourself — sure that you will get no worse and safer.

About monosodium glutamate written already so much that only the lazy do nothing about it do not know. Run away from it and carefully read the products you buy. And remember that clean, not where clean and where don't litter. "After" will talk about what criteria choose the products itself:

— look at shelf life (if kept long, so it's mine!)

— look at the composition of the product (if there is a dangerous e supplements, do not buy!)

— choose something that is made according to GOST (if released on the other — expect "surprises")

— buy what you need (for a pre-established list), but not something that caught the eye

You know, my good, very often I face the fact that people who learned of such information say something like: "Well, now what are we supposed to eat? Out now in stores to buy anything — all poisoned, all the preservatives, dyes and genetic engineering!". This is especially for people I at the end of this article I want to tell you about one amazing product... I Think that learning more about it, you remember, is still very much cool and affordable products, humbly awaiting his turn at the rows of Snickers, yogurt, artificial sausages, chips, chausow and other food debris, which can shorten the lives of our children...

So, it will be about... cabbage.

Cabbage is a wonderful vegetable, rich in a wide variety of "utility" for kids.

Immediately say, we will focus mainly on fresh cabbage or cabbage that may be competently prepared. You should not have any illusions about saving the vitamins and enzymes after we carefully and long stewed, boiled or roasted on an open fire. After active thermal treatment all that remains "live" product is fibre and micronutrients. Enzymes and vitamins are destroyed already at 60 degrees, so try to use more raw vegetables or cook them in a sparing mode, a couple or in a special dish.

Cabbage is one of the Champions among vegetables of calcium and vitamin C, which are so necessary to children for growth and development. For example, 100 grams of cabbage contains 48 mg of calcium. More calcium is made up of only carrots, lettuce, garlic and green onions.

Cabbage. The content of vitamin C, this is the most common and familiar kind of cabbage did concede that the lemon. A lot of this cabbage, and vitamins b and PP.

Cauliflower. The content of vitamin C, this variety of cabbage is superior to white in almost 2 times. Moreover, due to the fact that the cauliflower is much less fiber, it is much better digested and assimilated. Therefore, for children it is more useful.

In baby food routine use, mainly cabbage and cauliflower. If you enter it in baby foods, it is better to start with colour. In addition to its beneficial properties, it is prepared faster and has a more delicate structure.

But I recommend not to be limited to these two types, and use all the "cabbage" variety that is available. Therefore, in the third place utility I would put broccoli. Opinions of scientists and nutritionists in relation to broccoli differ, in some countries, this kind of cabbage is recognized as the most useful, but in the "adult" diet.

Broccoli is similar to cauliflower, but the bright green color. It is rich in easily digestible vegetable protein and has a very high fiber content.

Red cabbage. It contains 1.5 times more carotene than cabbage. It is also proved that the juice of red cabbage detrimental effect on the tubercle Bacillus.

Brussels sprouts. Have anticarcinogenic properties rich in vitamin C. in addition, Brussels sprouts are very a lot of microelements: it contains calcium, and sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, and even iodine.

Savoy cabbage. Contains little fiber, but it — cabbage champion on the content of vegetable protein.

Beijing. The most succulent variety of cabbage. Another advantage is the ability to retain flavor during the winter. It is believed that Chinese cabbage is an indispensable tool for the prevention of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Kohlrabi. Because of the very high content of vitamin C kohlrabi is called the Northern lemon.

How does one begin to acquaint the child with new food for him?

First, let us agree with you about what you are struggling to 5-6 months to give the baby only breast milk. This is very important and is the key to your child's health.

To introduce solid foods on 6-7 month of life and it should start with vegetable (in our case, cabbage) broth or fresh cabbage juice is the so – called "power training", which prepares the baby to solid food.

The first portion is 0.5 to 1 teaspoon, and that amount can be increased to 0.5 teaspoon per day, bringing it to 100 ml.

This algorithm is applied when you go to the broth for vegetable soup, i.e., already on solid food.

As with all new products, vegetable puree is introduced into baby's diet gradually, starting with 5 grams per day.

The size of the first portion should be equal to 5-10 grams per day, with gradual increase to 6 months up to 50-60 grams and 100 grams at the age of one year. I want to add that sauerkraut is also very useful because it keeps the vitamin C, but to introduce it in the diet not earlier than 1-1,5 years.

In respect of any kind of cabbage, it is important not to overdo it as it contains lots of dietary fiber, which accelerate the passage of food through the intestines. As a result of excessive amounts of these fibers the child may upset digestion and diarrhoea begin.

No specific contraindications such valuable product, as cabbage, no. But if your toddler temporarily suffer from gas from eating cabbage for this period should be abandoned – it can contribute to flatulence.

Cabbage is a perfect side dish to a protein dish. If you want to prepare baby meat dish on the blender, or just put it out on an open fire, with cabbage, the meat will be much juicier and, most importantly, useful.published

Source: rybkovskaya.ru/konservanty_edobavki/