Multiple sclerosis attack disease. Part 1
When the ship of your spirit hits a reef of matter, the pieces will break up the reef...
Richard Bach.
First aid for your body is definitely — the preservation and accumulation of vital energy. The energy you'll need for further work and healing. And the first step in the right direction is patching holes, through which it takes its loss on all levels — components of the human being.
Immediately say, that does not happen in the human primary and secondary aspects, and will listthe main directions of the work:
Let's start with the physical body.
To gain the necessary body energy recovery have to start with diet, because in the beginning it is always easier for something to do and to favor, than to do something and benefit. So I think diet is the most simple and quite effective change, with which you can easily begin the journey of self-healing.
People has lost, by virtue of education parents and society, the ability to choose foods according to the principle of necessity. The natural feeling of hunger, the ability to listen to your own body and intuition, they have replaced other people's mental constructions of all those "who knows better" that you need to eat.
Sated man is ready for any experiments, just to satisfy their cravings for novelty-seekers. Hence the desire to live, to eat. From the point of view of spirituality is an obvious imbalance, i.e., the shift of focus targets in the area of substantive values, and the development of their higher spiritual. Giving food is the only happiness in life, is especially important for those who have already lost everything else.
Satiety robs us of the natural flavor of natural foods.
Remember when the last time you felt real hunger? Or thirst? To re-learn to listen to your body you need to be sure to remember these two feelings.
Do not eat for 1 day (if you are a diabetic and have no other contraindications). Try not to eat and to drink for only 24 hours. Start in the morning.
And then the next morning eat watermelon or Apple.
And I guarantee you, you will feel that is comparable in brightness taste sensations you have not experienced for a long time. One-day fasting once in a week is not a bad way to start a return to the simple physical sensation of the joys that each day gives us life.
During coexistence with multiple sclerosis I studied a lot of literature which have been given different views on the usefulness of certain products in this disease. Several theories were disproved and confirmed in the last 10 years.
On my experience, I checked the effectiveness of the diet Ashton Embry and the technique of separation of power. Got lots of nice and interesting experiences. Is their something I can recommend. However, at the end of all the gastronomic experiments personally, I can only give one recommendation: be fosteriana in food and BELIEVE MY EXPERIENCE.
Now, let's look at the success story of two people Mcdougal and Ashton Embry.
Excerpt from the book, Roger McDougall, "My fight against multiple sclerosis".
"Here are the facts: I was diagnosed 30 years ago at the National Hospital of Nervous Diseases in the Royal Square, in London, in February 1953. At that time the doctor I watched as one of the world leaders in the field of neurological diseases, Queen Square and the most famous neurological centre. After a few years I was unable to move the legs, look at the fingers...
I was unable to stand on his feet, even a few seconds. Many years later, when I lived in Hollywood, I took a careful neurological examination-encephalography, x-ray, brain scan, and lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid. Traces of focal lesions of the nervous tissue was discovered in the brain, and samples of my spinal fluid sent to the new York laboratory. The lab was next – a typical case of multiple sclerosis.
Today, my vision restored, I can run the stairs up and down, and lead such an active life, like most men my age. I would be absolutely dishonest if I said that the system that I described in the previous booklet have helped all who have followed her. But she helped me and many others. But the same truth is the fact that some people, following my system, have not experienced any improvements. I used to think that they are not severe or not long enough followed my system.
The truth is that different people have different metabolism and different allergens, and different degrees of reactions to different allergens. Thus, a diet that helped me, not necessarily suitable for all people and all occasions. I took an Allergy test recently and the result confirmed my point.
According to the test results the strongest allergic reaction was on the products that I have eliminated from my diet. Recent years show that I kept my condition under control because I have removed gluten, dairy fat and other animal fats and sugar from your diet.
So, why I did it at a time when we didn't know anything about allergies? The answer to this question, as it seems to me, is the most important because it can be the answer to another question – what was the cause of my multiple sclerosis?
It was important to understand – what is the allergen. Food to which we are allergic, (the allergen), this food that is not good for our autoimmune system. Instead to harmonize our metabolism, the allergen attacks and even destroys the white blood cells, whose function is to be a barrier to the unwanted invasion of the body such as viruses and microbes. It is therefore important to remove these allergens from the diet.
I now consider my body as a biochemical process, or, more accurately, as a biochemical process going wrong. If I have not heard about allergic tests, I had to find other ways. To determine the error in your diet. It is logical to start with the foods that were consumed by people since the beginning of human existence.
The basis of my diet I laid the food consumed by man, being a hunter / gatherer, to agriculture, the cultivation of cereals and cattle. This approach was the cause that led me to limit gluten (the protein surrounding the nucleus in the grain), cow's milk and sugar.
It's not just the food, consuming which formed mankind, and I believe that is why the body rejects them. This area is understudied so far, but the close relationship between health and diet is all the more obvious. When I removed my three major allergens, I stopped deteriorating and eventually began a slow but stable improvement in their condition.
The conclusion which I have deduced from this is that food that is not suitable to our body or to which we're allergic, attack the autoimmune system (our natural protective barrier) somehow prevents the normal replacement of cells and tissues, and is the cause of all degenerative diseases, including senile changes.
As a result of these reflections, I left my neurologist almost completely destroyed by disease, to explore a new opportunity with the invaluable help of your wife and your friends. But from any point of view after I left Queen Square, I started the treatment process using logic. I did that history, my own observations, and common sense dictated to me. This is what I personally did and the result of my efforts was to fully recover from the adverse forecast of development of the disease.
Instead of a stationary head of cabbage in a wheelchair, I became a normal person. No two are exactly like each other person. Your life in your own hands. If you want to control and improve your condition you should do what I did and decide what diet is suitable for you.
I can tell you that a significant number of people cannot tolerate wheat and other grains, and sugar, milk and dairy products, but you have to determine – you enter into their number. For you these products can be useful. Although, along with a huge number of specialists in dietetics, I doubt it. If you think you are not competent in this area, or feel that you need help, I highly recommend to apply with sober, an expert in understanding the diets, systemic (holistic) doctors who can read this essay, not throwing it and delving into the meaning of written.
I owe a lot – everything actually – work of various doctors, biochemistry, scientists, researchers and experts. I just matched into a single unit opening recommendations that came from many others. Such a positive approach to the problem is the only one that has proved useful to large numbers of people. In accordance with their true nature, an extremely slow but noticeable improvement, as I said earlier, it is much more preferable than a slow hopeless deterioration.
I strictly followed the rate determined in my theory, many years and, as a result, I am happy to inform you that in September 1975 I attended the same neurologist, who in 1953 spent most of my tests at Queen Square. I asked him to conduct a full and thorough examination. He spent all the examinations at the end of the treatment from told me "I can not to find fault".
Every reflex, every muscle, every movement was normal. Finally, he reached my eyes and exploring the sight, determined that when looking to the right he found the nystagmus ("jitter" of the optic nerve). In its worst as I was suffering from complete vertical blind. Now I'm capable in the sunlight to read newspaper text, which I couldn't do the last 30 years.
Finally, a neurologist told me that the traces of the vertical nystagmus is the only thing that remained in my body from the effects of multiple sclerosis. Talking about the past, we remember that that I have have severe symptoms, after our first meeting in Queen Square. I asked him to show me the history with such an amazing remission. And he couldn't.
I believe that nutritional attack on degenerative diseases should go in five directions:
1. The exclusion of gluten and dairy products;
2. The exception of food, which you are allergic;
3. Reducing the intake of sugar;
4. Reducing animal fats (active use of unsaturated fats);
5. Use reasonable restriction of consumption of vitamins and minerals.
I am sure that by consuming the suitable foods, you can greatly improve your condition. Like much in life, success will depend on your determination. Once you develop the right diet, you will find that to follow it is no more difficult than your current. It is a matter of habit. Good or bad eating habits – it's your choice" (end of quote).
Together, let us analyze the key factors of this success story:
Its main provision is to drastically reduce animal fats in the diet (not more than 15 g per day), fast food, unhealthy products and allergens, and the use of certain foods that help the body to adapt to the incurred costs, antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
In addition to this principle, Ashton Embry gives the following list of recommended vitamins and supplements:
In the formation of individual set of vitamins it makes sense to follow the recommendations of your doctor. Usually in the period of exacerbation is Magnesium, B Vitamins, Calcium, vitamins a, D, C, Se (selenium).
In view of the foregoing, during exacerbation and after it in the course of the year, I would stronglyNOT recommend are the following products:
Products containing
Vitamins a and b-carotene
Fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, blueberries, liver, fish.
Vitamins C and E
Fruits and vegetables, especially blackcurrants, wild rose.
Vitamin D
Fish oil, liver,
Vitamin B1
Bread, cereals
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Rice, potatoes
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B12
Red meat, liver, fatty fish
Folic acid
Greens, lettuce, spinach, grains, nuts, meat, liver,
Nuts, cabbage, liver
And diet Ashton Embry and the principles of food combining will greatly help you establish contact with your body, with its the digestive system, physically to reduce the energy cost of digestion and struggle with complex foodsand in addition will boost your awareness and ability to make decisions.
Over time, observe yourself, you will be able to identify those foods which are bad for your health, and what opposite fill you with energy and ease. But above all ALWAYS trust your own experience.
Because diet diet, but we should not forget that any firmly established principle power has its BUT, and stresses, including nutrition the body needs to train their adaptive functions. So in my opinion these diets are USEFUL DURING a flare, but bigotry in their adherence to a healthy life is not required.published
To be continued...
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.free-apple.ru/index.php/myworks/multiple-sclerosis-2/41-dieta1
Richard Bach.
First aid for your body is definitely — the preservation and accumulation of vital energy. The energy you'll need for further work and healing. And the first step in the right direction is patching holes, through which it takes its loss on all levels — components of the human being.
Immediately say, that does not happen in the human primary and secondary aspects, and will listthe main directions of the work:
- Bodily level (medicines, food, daily routine, relaxation, working with the symptom, work with pain, physical tension, visualization).
- Emotional level (taking my emotions (fear, anger, sadness, joy), the ability to observe them, to Express and to choose consciously, resentment, and forgiveness).
- Mental level (responsibility, acceptance of illness, setting, the concept of "sin" and "assessment," stop mental dialogue, awareness, conscious choice of a way of thinking, goal-setting, working with a dream)
- Spiritual level (intuition, the meaning of life, purpose, self-expression, etc.).

Let's start with the physical body.
To gain the necessary body energy recovery have to start with diet, because in the beginning it is always easier for something to do and to favor, than to do something and benefit. So I think diet is the most simple and quite effective change, with which you can easily begin the journey of self-healing.
People has lost, by virtue of education parents and society, the ability to choose foods according to the principle of necessity. The natural feeling of hunger, the ability to listen to your own body and intuition, they have replaced other people's mental constructions of all those "who knows better" that you need to eat.
Sated man is ready for any experiments, just to satisfy their cravings for novelty-seekers. Hence the desire to live, to eat. From the point of view of spirituality is an obvious imbalance, i.e., the shift of focus targets in the area of substantive values, and the development of their higher spiritual. Giving food is the only happiness in life, is especially important for those who have already lost everything else.
Satiety robs us of the natural flavor of natural foods.
Remember when the last time you felt real hunger? Or thirst? To re-learn to listen to your body you need to be sure to remember these two feelings.
Do not eat for 1 day (if you are a diabetic and have no other contraindications). Try not to eat and to drink for only 24 hours. Start in the morning.
And then the next morning eat watermelon or Apple.
And I guarantee you, you will feel that is comparable in brightness taste sensations you have not experienced for a long time. One-day fasting once in a week is not a bad way to start a return to the simple physical sensation of the joys that each day gives us life.
During coexistence with multiple sclerosis I studied a lot of literature which have been given different views on the usefulness of certain products in this disease. Several theories were disproved and confirmed in the last 10 years.
On my experience, I checked the effectiveness of the diet Ashton Embry and the technique of separation of power. Got lots of nice and interesting experiences. Is their something I can recommend. However, at the end of all the gastronomic experiments personally, I can only give one recommendation: be fosteriana in food and BELIEVE MY EXPERIENCE.
Now, let's look at the success story of two people Mcdougal and Ashton Embry.
Excerpt from the book, Roger McDougall, "My fight against multiple sclerosis".
"Here are the facts: I was diagnosed 30 years ago at the National Hospital of Nervous Diseases in the Royal Square, in London, in February 1953. At that time the doctor I watched as one of the world leaders in the field of neurological diseases, Queen Square and the most famous neurological centre. After a few years I was unable to move the legs, look at the fingers...
I was unable to stand on his feet, even a few seconds. Many years later, when I lived in Hollywood, I took a careful neurological examination-encephalography, x-ray, brain scan, and lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid. Traces of focal lesions of the nervous tissue was discovered in the brain, and samples of my spinal fluid sent to the new York laboratory. The lab was next – a typical case of multiple sclerosis.
Today, my vision restored, I can run the stairs up and down, and lead such an active life, like most men my age. I would be absolutely dishonest if I said that the system that I described in the previous booklet have helped all who have followed her. But she helped me and many others. But the same truth is the fact that some people, following my system, have not experienced any improvements. I used to think that they are not severe or not long enough followed my system.
The truth is that different people have different metabolism and different allergens, and different degrees of reactions to different allergens. Thus, a diet that helped me, not necessarily suitable for all people and all occasions. I took an Allergy test recently and the result confirmed my point.
According to the test results the strongest allergic reaction was on the products that I have eliminated from my diet. Recent years show that I kept my condition under control because I have removed gluten, dairy fat and other animal fats and sugar from your diet.
So, why I did it at a time when we didn't know anything about allergies? The answer to this question, as it seems to me, is the most important because it can be the answer to another question – what was the cause of my multiple sclerosis?
It was important to understand – what is the allergen. Food to which we are allergic, (the allergen), this food that is not good for our autoimmune system. Instead to harmonize our metabolism, the allergen attacks and even destroys the white blood cells, whose function is to be a barrier to the unwanted invasion of the body such as viruses and microbes. It is therefore important to remove these allergens from the diet.
I now consider my body as a biochemical process, or, more accurately, as a biochemical process going wrong. If I have not heard about allergic tests, I had to find other ways. To determine the error in your diet. It is logical to start with the foods that were consumed by people since the beginning of human existence.
The basis of my diet I laid the food consumed by man, being a hunter / gatherer, to agriculture, the cultivation of cereals and cattle. This approach was the cause that led me to limit gluten (the protein surrounding the nucleus in the grain), cow's milk and sugar.
It's not just the food, consuming which formed mankind, and I believe that is why the body rejects them. This area is understudied so far, but the close relationship between health and diet is all the more obvious. When I removed my three major allergens, I stopped deteriorating and eventually began a slow but stable improvement in their condition.
The conclusion which I have deduced from this is that food that is not suitable to our body or to which we're allergic, attack the autoimmune system (our natural protective barrier) somehow prevents the normal replacement of cells and tissues, and is the cause of all degenerative diseases, including senile changes.
As a result of these reflections, I left my neurologist almost completely destroyed by disease, to explore a new opportunity with the invaluable help of your wife and your friends. But from any point of view after I left Queen Square, I started the treatment process using logic. I did that history, my own observations, and common sense dictated to me. This is what I personally did and the result of my efforts was to fully recover from the adverse forecast of development of the disease.
Instead of a stationary head of cabbage in a wheelchair, I became a normal person. No two are exactly like each other person. Your life in your own hands. If you want to control and improve your condition you should do what I did and decide what diet is suitable for you.
I can tell you that a significant number of people cannot tolerate wheat and other grains, and sugar, milk and dairy products, but you have to determine – you enter into their number. For you these products can be useful. Although, along with a huge number of specialists in dietetics, I doubt it. If you think you are not competent in this area, or feel that you need help, I highly recommend to apply with sober, an expert in understanding the diets, systemic (holistic) doctors who can read this essay, not throwing it and delving into the meaning of written.
I owe a lot – everything actually – work of various doctors, biochemistry, scientists, researchers and experts. I just matched into a single unit opening recommendations that came from many others. Such a positive approach to the problem is the only one that has proved useful to large numbers of people. In accordance with their true nature, an extremely slow but noticeable improvement, as I said earlier, it is much more preferable than a slow hopeless deterioration.
I strictly followed the rate determined in my theory, many years and, as a result, I am happy to inform you that in September 1975 I attended the same neurologist, who in 1953 spent most of my tests at Queen Square. I asked him to conduct a full and thorough examination. He spent all the examinations at the end of the treatment from told me "I can not to find fault".
Every reflex, every muscle, every movement was normal. Finally, he reached my eyes and exploring the sight, determined that when looking to the right he found the nystagmus ("jitter" of the optic nerve). In its worst as I was suffering from complete vertical blind. Now I'm capable in the sunlight to read newspaper text, which I couldn't do the last 30 years.
Finally, a neurologist told me that the traces of the vertical nystagmus is the only thing that remained in my body from the effects of multiple sclerosis. Talking about the past, we remember that that I have have severe symptoms, after our first meeting in Queen Square. I asked him to show me the history with such an amazing remission. And he couldn't.
I believe that nutritional attack on degenerative diseases should go in five directions:
1. The exclusion of gluten and dairy products;
2. The exception of food, which you are allergic;
3. Reducing the intake of sugar;
4. Reducing animal fats (active use of unsaturated fats);
5. Use reasonable restriction of consumption of vitamins and minerals.
I am sure that by consuming the suitable foods, you can greatly improve your condition. Like much in life, success will depend on your determination. Once you develop the right diet, you will find that to follow it is no more difficult than your current. It is a matter of habit. Good or bad eating habits – it's your choice" (end of quote).
Together, let us analyze the key factors of this success story:
- Taking responsibility for their own lives.
- Lust for life and desire to change themselves.
- Conscious change of perspective (change of principles of nutrition).
- Trust your own intuition and logic.
- High search activity
- Consciously chosen and a suitable method of treatment based on the concentration (analysis, introspection and a clear conscious tracking of food consumed), the method aims to eliminate the destructive factors and belief in the body's ability to heal itself.
Its main provision is to drastically reduce animal fats in the diet (not more than 15 g per day), fast food, unhealthy products and allergens, and the use of certain foods that help the body to adapt to the incurred costs, antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
In addition to this principle, Ashton Embry gives the following list of recommended vitamins and supplements:
- to 300 mg of grape seed extract (use blueberries if you hard carry the grapes)
- 2 g of the oil from cod liver (contains 5,000 I. E. of vitamin A and 400 I. E. of vitamin D)
- 4 grams of salmon oil
- 100 mg of complex In 50
- 100 mcg of vitamin B12
- to 3 g of vitamin C
- to 800 I. E. vitamin E
- to 1500 mg of calcium depending on the daily consumption
- to 500 mg of magnesium (a good ratio of Sa/MD is 2:1)
- 25 mg of zinc
- 50 mcg of selenium
- to 5 g of evening primrose oil or borage
- to 10 g of flax oil (make sure you have hypersensitivity it!)
- 4 capsules of acidophile
In the formation of individual set of vitamins it makes sense to follow the recommendations of your doctor. Usually in the period of exacerbation is Magnesium, B Vitamins, Calcium, vitamins a, D, C, Se (selenium).
In view of the foregoing, during exacerbation and after it in the course of the year, I would stronglyNOT recommend are the following products:
- bacon, fatty meat, especially pork, any food containing large amounts of animal fats;
- starchy and sweet food (cakes, fatty cakes, etc.), it is possible to refrain from white bread, products made from oats;
- mayonnaise, margarine, and foods containing artificial preservatives;
- dairy products, fatty cheeses (in large volume);
- coffee;
- legumes (peas, beans);
- aspartame (and other artificial sweeteners)
- fresh vegetables and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
- fruits, berries (particularly useful blueberries, cherries, blueberries, grapes);
- lean meats (lamb, white chicken meat);
- fish and seafood;
- rice, buckwheat, millet;
- vegetable oils;
- honey (make sure no allergies).
Products containing
Vitamins a and b-carotene
Fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, blueberries, liver, fish.
Vitamins C and E
Fruits and vegetables, especially blackcurrants, wild rose.
Vitamin D
Fish oil, liver,
Vitamin B1
Bread, cereals
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Rice, potatoes
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B12
Red meat, liver, fatty fish
Folic acid
Greens, lettuce, spinach, grains, nuts, meat, liver,
Nuts, cabbage, liver
And diet Ashton Embry and the principles of food combining will greatly help you establish contact with your body, with its the digestive system, physically to reduce the energy cost of digestion and struggle with complex foodsand in addition will boost your awareness and ability to make decisions.
Over time, observe yourself, you will be able to identify those foods which are bad for your health, and what opposite fill you with energy and ease. But above all ALWAYS trust your own experience.
Because diet diet, but we should not forget that any firmly established principle power has its BUT, and stresses, including nutrition the body needs to train their adaptive functions. So in my opinion these diets are USEFUL DURING a flare, but bigotry in their adherence to a healthy life is not required.published
To be continued...
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.free-apple.ru/index.php/myworks/multiple-sclerosis-2/41-dieta1