6 recipes hot sauces for Your table

How simple and quick way to decorate the simplest dish? Or add spice and interesting notes complicated culinary masterpiece? You should pay attention to pungent sauces. They will be a great addition to the most different food: meat, fish, snacks, vegetables. In addition, spicy sauces, usually very healthy. And the thing in burning ingredients that warm the body from the inside and are an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral infections. In addition, some of these effectively strengthen the immune system and even help to get rid of extra inches at the waist and fight cancer cells. We have selected for you 6 interesting recipes spicy sauces, which can be a wonderful addition to a variety of dishes on your table.

1. Red Tabasco Red Tabasco is considered a leader among hot sauces. The iconic sauce is originally from America pleases all lovers of something sweet for a good century and a half. And does not lose its relevance. The sauce goes well with meat dishes, fish, vegetable stew, pizza, seafood, omelets and marinades. The main thing — do not overdo it. Red Tabasco is really very hot. Prepare red Tabasco at home. Take 6 dry chili peppers, cut them in half, remove the seeds, membranes and stalk. Better be wearing gloves. Cut the Chile into small pieces, put in saucepan and Gulf of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, prepare remaining ingredients: 4 ripe tomatoes peel, slice and together with 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic, which must be clean, mince or chop in a blender, adding the softened peppers with a small amount of water. In a saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add the resulting puree and chopped parsley. Cook the sauce until it thickens. At the end add the sugar, 1 tablespoon vinegar, pepper and salt.

2. Green Tabasco hot Tabasco is not only red but also green. This variant, unlike its classical counterpart, is prepared with green peppers jalapeno. By the way, green Tabasco to taste much softer red. This sauce goes well with dishes of avocado, guacamole, burgers, omelets and vegetables. Take some green hot peppers with jalapeno. Cut them into plates and place in warm water for some time to purify themselves of excess seed. Then send the jalapenos in the blender. Add wine vinegar to the peppers was closed for 3/4. Add salt to taste. You can add some garlic that will make the sauce even more pungent and vigorous. Lightly whisk in a blender. Then, the resulting mixture bring to a boil and reduce heat. On a slow fire of green Tabasco to simmer for about an hour, stirring constantly. Refrigerate the sauce once more and whisk in a blender to desired consistency. Store, tab should be in a cool place.

3. Searing adjika sauce gave the peoples of the Caucasus many interesting flavor combinations. So, the sauce is perfect for meat. You can use this sauce and soups, and with vegetables like beans. Ajika has healing properties. It is a great antimicrobial agent. Ajika also dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. To prepare the sauce at home it is best to wear rubber gloves because the ingredients, both literally and figuratively burn. Take 500 grams of hot pepper, wash it and cut off the stems. The seeds can not be cleaned. Clean 100 grams of garlic, removing the peel and cutting off the base. Dry 100 grams of walnuts in the pan, pre-clearing of excess skin. Pepper mince with a fine grid. Garlic, nuts and coriander also should be crushed. Combining 2 of the mixture, mince a couple more times to achieve a uniform consistency. Greens wash, dry and finely chop with a sharp knife. Combine all ingredients, add salt and mix thoroughly. Cover the sauce, and ideally leave on for 3 days alone. Then pour in the banks and place it into the cold.

4. Salsa Mexican salsa sauce is an integral ingredient of the national dishes. No burritos or tortillas, and fried meat and other Latin American dishes can not do without a burning salsa. To make the salsa at home and need only to arm themselves with all the ingredients. Take 3 large ripe tomatoes, 1 red chili, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 small chopped onion, bunch of cilantro and salt. In a frying pan with a thick bottom pre-heat the oil and then fry the garlic, chilli and tomatoes for 10 minutes. After put the mixture in a blender, add the cilantro, salt and lightly whisk. It is important to note that to beat the salsa is just slightly, as the consistency of the sauce should not be too homogeneous.

5. Wasabi a pungent Japanese condiment made from the wasabi. This sauce is traditionally served with sushi, rolls and sashimi. Wasabi has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system. In addition, wasabi disinfects food helps to detoxify the body, suppress the growth of bacteria and increases vitality. Japanese cooking seasoning house. Unfortunately, buy scientisty the root of the wasabi — a task almost impossible. Therefore, in Europe prefer special powder wasabi that is sold in large or specialty stores. To get wasabi thick consistency, mix 1 teaspoon powder with 1 teaspoon of warm water. Mix well.

6. Mustard mustard is not inferior to their brethren and along with other spicy sauces has medicinal and healing properties. So, it starts the metabolic processes in the body, improves the gastrointestinal tract, fighting off bacteria and viruses. Try using mustard as a marinade for meat. It will be extremely tender. And the salad is better to fill with a mixture of mustard and olive oil. Very tasty and juicy. Dilute with boiling water 3 tablespoons of mustard powder and stir well until it forms a rather dense mass. Pour over cold water so that the layer exceeded mustard mass is 3 cm. Not stirring, put the container in the refrigerator or other cool place for about 12 hours. After this time, drain the top layer and add the seasoning. Seasoning is prepared simply: take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix well and only then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Again mix thoroughly. Then put mustard in the fridge for another day, to she had left all the bitterness. published
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/shest-retseptov-obzhigayushchikh-sousov-dlya-vashego-stola