This product is a powerful protection against cancer and other dangerous diseases
Eating vegetables in large quantities can help you reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer. So, in 2010, one study showed that just one extra serving of leafy greens a day reduced the risk of developing diabetes of the 2nd type at 14 percent.
Fresh vegetables are the fundamental nutritional element, because they are mainly very low in calories and net carbs, but a lot of useful fiber, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also contain large variety of antioxidants and other compounds that fight disease.
Phytochemicals in plants have powerful anti-inflammatory action, and some even help excrete carcinogens. Other plant chemicals regulate the speed at which cells reproduce, and support remove the old DNA.
In addition, due to the high content of fiber, leafy greens activates a gene called T-bet, which is necessary for the formation of vital immune cells in the mucosa of the digestive tract.
These immune cells, called innate lymphoid cells (VLK), that help maintain the balance between immunity and inflammation in the body and to produce interleukin-22 (IL-22), a hormone that helps protect the body from pathogenic bacteria.
VLK even help to resolve cancerous lesions and prevent the development of colon cancer and other inflammatory diseases.
To be healthier, eat more greens
Studies have repeatedly shown that people who consume more vegetables:
Reduced risk of high blood pressure and stroke
Reduced risk of certain types of cancer
Reduced risk of formation of kidney stones and bone loss
Better results cognitive tests
Higher levels of antioxidants
Less biomarkers of oxidative stress
Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Reduced risk of eye diseases
Less problems with digestion
However, some types of greenery more useful than others. Kale, for example, is a VIP among vegetables, due largely to a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Because of this extremely high plant-protein curly Kale called "vegetarian beef."
As with meat, crispy Kale contains all nine essential amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins in the human body, plus nine interchangeable, a total of 18 amino acids.
But, unlike meat, the concentration of these amino acids is low. So it is much harder to overeat protein, which, as we know, can activate mTOR and accelerate aging and chronic degenerative diseases. It also contains more omega-3 than omega-6, which is almost never found in nature.
Mustard is the new "Queen of greens"?
Recently, the popularity began to gain leaf mustard (and a few popular varieties). Mustard is a relative of cabbage, broccoli and radish.
As curly Kale, braised Collard mustard effectively lowers cholesteroldue to its ability to bind bile acids. Bile acids are composed of cholesterol, so this binding action helps to lower cholesterol levels by increasing excretion.
Business card leaf mustard: protection from cancer
Leaf mustard is rich in glucosinolates – plant chemical that in the body into isothiocyanates that possess anti-cancer properties. In fact, studies show that protection from cancer is a basic useful property of the leaf mustard. According to the site "the Most useful products in the world" (The World's Healthiest Foods):
"Long known that all cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, but recent studies have made us realize how valuable this is leaf mustard.
Protection against cancer, it provides, can be largely related to two particular glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: sinigrin and gluconasturtiin.
Sinigrin is converted into allyl-isothiocyanate (AITTS) and gluconasturtiin – phenethyl-isothiocyanate (FAITZ). Anti-inflammatory properties and ability to prevent the development of cancer as AITTS and FEITZ well-documented".
In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, leaf mustard also helps to protect against cancer by supporting the detoxification systems of the body. A number of nutrients of mustard helps to boost phase 1 detoxification, and sulfur-containing compounds contribute to phase 2 of detoxification.
Information about nutritional value
Braised Collard mustard has an impressive nutritional profile. 140 g green – a whopping 922 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, 96% of vitamin A and 47% of vitamin C. Mustard also contains a number of valuable antioxidant compounds such as:
Mustard seeds also have medicinal properties
In leaf mustard, you can use all parts, includingroots, seeds and leaves. Seeds, in particular, it has long been used in Chinese medicine.
Abscesses, bronchitis, asthma, colds, rheumatism, tooth decay, pain, bladder inflammation, ulcers and various gastrointestinal diseases – in all these cases has long been applied mustard seed, often local, in the form of mustard plasters or poultices.
Also, mustard has long been added to the water bath to ease the inflammation, because mustard increases blood flow.
Mustard seeds, which are usually prepared condiment, known to you as "mustard" — are a good source of phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and manganese.
How to cook mustard
We present the basic recipe of mustard. This recipe can be changed according to your taste preferences by adding other seasonings and herbs.
The basic recipe mustard
There is another recipe mustard from whole grains – instead of mustard powder use yellow and brown whole mustard seeds. It's a little more complicated, because the beans must soak overnight before using. In addition, you will need a food processor to turn them into a paste.
Fermentation increases nutritional value
Inflammation from bacterial endotoxins may be a factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. Sugar and processed foods quickly turn "friendly" microbial community in the gut of unfriendly and even hostile.
When dysbiosis, bacteria release harmful by-products – endotoxins. They increase the permeability of the gut wall (leaky gut syndrome) and are released into the bloodstream, causing system-wide inflammation.
To combat this chain of events or to prevent it, avoid sugary foods and regularly populate the intestine with beneficial bacteria, and this best suited the consumption of fermented vegetables. In addition, they help to break down and excrete heavy metals and other toxins from the body, beneficial gut bacteria perform a number of other important functions, including:
Leaf mustard, and sprouted mustard seeds can be eaten in different ways. Just tear them with your hands and add to salad or serve steamed as a side dish, for example. In most cases green use brown mustard varieties – it is more spicy and savory than others. Braising or steaming partially removes the leaves from bitterness. Sprouts can be added to smoothies.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/11/21/%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B8-%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%86%D1%8B.aspx

Fresh vegetables are the fundamental nutritional element, because they are mainly very low in calories and net carbs, but a lot of useful fiber, vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also contain large variety of antioxidants and other compounds that fight disease.
Phytochemicals in plants have powerful anti-inflammatory action, and some even help excrete carcinogens. Other plant chemicals regulate the speed at which cells reproduce, and support remove the old DNA.
In addition, due to the high content of fiber, leafy greens activates a gene called T-bet, which is necessary for the formation of vital immune cells in the mucosa of the digestive tract.
These immune cells, called innate lymphoid cells (VLK), that help maintain the balance between immunity and inflammation in the body and to produce interleukin-22 (IL-22), a hormone that helps protect the body from pathogenic bacteria.
VLK even help to resolve cancerous lesions and prevent the development of colon cancer and other inflammatory diseases.
To be healthier, eat more greens
Studies have repeatedly shown that people who consume more vegetables:
Reduced risk of high blood pressure and stroke
Reduced risk of certain types of cancer
Reduced risk of formation of kidney stones and bone loss
Better results cognitive tests
Higher levels of antioxidants
Less biomarkers of oxidative stress
Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Reduced risk of eye diseases
Less problems with digestion
However, some types of greenery more useful than others. Kale, for example, is a VIP among vegetables, due largely to a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Because of this extremely high plant-protein curly Kale called "vegetarian beef."
As with meat, crispy Kale contains all nine essential amino acids necessary for the formation of proteins in the human body, plus nine interchangeable, a total of 18 amino acids.

But, unlike meat, the concentration of these amino acids is low. So it is much harder to overeat protein, which, as we know, can activate mTOR and accelerate aging and chronic degenerative diseases. It also contains more omega-3 than omega-6, which is almost never found in nature.
Mustard is the new "Queen of greens"?
Recently, the popularity began to gain leaf mustard (and a few popular varieties). Mustard is a relative of cabbage, broccoli and radish.
As curly Kale, braised Collard mustard effectively lowers cholesteroldue to its ability to bind bile acids. Bile acids are composed of cholesterol, so this binding action helps to lower cholesterol levels by increasing excretion.
Business card leaf mustard: protection from cancer
Leaf mustard is rich in glucosinolates – plant chemical that in the body into isothiocyanates that possess anti-cancer properties. In fact, studies show that protection from cancer is a basic useful property of the leaf mustard. According to the site "the Most useful products in the world" (The World's Healthiest Foods):
"Long known that all cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, but recent studies have made us realize how valuable this is leaf mustard.
Protection against cancer, it provides, can be largely related to two particular glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: sinigrin and gluconasturtiin.
Sinigrin is converted into allyl-isothiocyanate (AITTS) and gluconasturtiin – phenethyl-isothiocyanate (FAITZ). Anti-inflammatory properties and ability to prevent the development of cancer as AITTS and FEITZ well-documented".

In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, leaf mustard also helps to protect against cancer by supporting the detoxification systems of the body. A number of nutrients of mustard helps to boost phase 1 detoxification, and sulfur-containing compounds contribute to phase 2 of detoxification.
Information about nutritional value
Braised Collard mustard has an impressive nutritional profile. 140 g green – a whopping 922 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, 96% of vitamin A and 47% of vitamin C. Mustard also contains a number of valuable antioxidant compounds such as:
- Hydroxycinnamic acid – it is proven that it inhibits cell adenocarcinoma, of the lung and is effective against multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It also possesses antimalarial properties and many other
- Quercetin is an important fighter of free radicals
- Izoramnetin – induces apoptosis (cell death) of certain cancer cells. It also has certain advantages in inflammatory skin diseases
- Kaempferol has hypoglycemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and many other properties.

Mustard seeds also have medicinal properties
In leaf mustard, you can use all parts, includingroots, seeds and leaves. Seeds, in particular, it has long been used in Chinese medicine.
Abscesses, bronchitis, asthma, colds, rheumatism, tooth decay, pain, bladder inflammation, ulcers and various gastrointestinal diseases – in all these cases has long been applied mustard seed, often local, in the form of mustard plasters or poultices.
Also, mustard has long been added to the water bath to ease the inflammation, because mustard increases blood flow.
Mustard seeds, which are usually prepared condiment, known to you as "mustard" — are a good source of phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and manganese.

How to cook mustard
We present the basic recipe of mustard. This recipe can be changed according to your taste preferences by adding other seasonings and herbs.
The basic recipe mustard
- 1/2 Cup mustard powder
- 1/2 Cup water
- Sea salt to taste
- Optional: chopped fresh herbs fresh parsley
- Optional: chopped fresh herbs, fresh Basil
- Optional: zest of a lemon or lime
- Optional: 1-2 tablespoons vinegar of your choice
There is another recipe mustard from whole grains – instead of mustard powder use yellow and brown whole mustard seeds. It's a little more complicated, because the beans must soak overnight before using. In addition, you will need a food processor to turn them into a paste.
Fermentation increases nutritional value
Inflammation from bacterial endotoxins may be a factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. Sugar and processed foods quickly turn "friendly" microbial community in the gut of unfriendly and even hostile.
When dysbiosis, bacteria release harmful by-products – endotoxins. They increase the permeability of the gut wall (leaky gut syndrome) and are released into the bloodstream, causing system-wide inflammation.
To combat this chain of events or to prevent it, avoid sugary foods and regularly populate the intestine with beneficial bacteria, and this best suited the consumption of fermented vegetables. In addition, they help to break down and excrete heavy metals and other toxins from the body, beneficial gut bacteria perform a number of other important functions, including:
- The assimilation of minerals and incorporation of nutrientssuch as b vitamins and vitamin K2 (vitamin K2 and vitamin D are needed to enable calcium to bones and prevent it from falling into the arteries, which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke)
- Prevention of obesity and diabetes, as well as the regulation of the absorption of consumed fat
- Reducing the risk of developing cancer
- Improved mood and mental health
Leaf mustard, and sprouted mustard seeds can be eaten in different ways. Just tear them with your hands and add to salad or serve steamed as a side dish, for example. In most cases green use brown mustard varieties – it is more spicy and savory than others. Braising or steaming partially removes the leaves from bitterness. Sprouts can be added to smoothies.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/11/21/%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B8-%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%86%D1%8B.aspx
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